use of in project Etar-Calendar by Etar-Group.
the class AsyncQueryServiceTest method testCancel_multipleCancels.
public void testCancel_multipleCancels() throws Exception {
int index = 0;
OperationInfo[] work = new OperationInfo[5];
work[index++] = generateWork(MIN_DELAY * 2);
work[index++] = generateWork(0);
work[index++] = generateWork(MIN_DELAY);
work[index++] = generateWork(0);
work[index] = generateWork(MIN_DELAY * 3);
// Not part of the expected as it will be canceled
OperationInfo[] expected = new OperationInfo[3];
// delay = 0
expected[0] = work[1];
// delay = 0
expected[1] = work[3];
// delay = MIN_DELAY
expected[2] = work[2];
TestAsyncQueryService aqs = new TestAsyncQueryService(buildTestContext(expected), expected);
startWork(aqs, work);
// delay = 3
Operation lastOne = aqs.getLastCancelableOperation();
assertTrue("3) delay=3 is not last", work[4].equivalent(lastOne));
assertEquals("Can't cancel delay 2", 1, aqs.cancelOperation(work[0].token));
assertEquals("Delay 2 should be gone", 0, aqs.cancelOperation(work[0].token));
assertEquals("Can't cancel delay 3", 1, aqs.cancelOperation(work[4].token));
assertEquals("Delay 3 should be gone", 0, aqs.cancelOperation(work[4].token));
Log.d(TAG, "testCancel_multipleCancels Waiting >>>>>>>>>>>");
assertEquals("Not all operations were executed.", expected.length, aqs.waitForCompletion(BASE_TEST_WAIT_TIME));
Log.d(TAG, "testCancel_multipleCancels Done <<<<<<<<<<<<<<");