use of in project buck by facebook.
the class DirectClassFile method getSourceFile.
/** {@inheritDoc} */
public CstString getSourceFile() {
AttributeList attribs = getAttributes();
Attribute attSf = attribs.findFirst(AttSourceFile.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
if (attSf instanceof AttSourceFile) {
return ((AttSourceFile) attSf).getSourceFile();
return null;
use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.
the class DirectClassFile method getSourceFile.
* {@inheritDoc}
public CstString getSourceFile() {
AttributeList attribs = getAttributes();
Attribute attSf = attribs.findFirst(AttSourceFile.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
if (attSf instanceof AttSourceFile) {
return ((AttSourceFile) attSf).getSourceFile();
return null;
use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.
the class AttributeTranslator method getExceptions.
* Gets the list of thrown exceptions for a given method.
* @param method {@code non-null;} the method in question
* @return {@code non-null;} the list of thrown exceptions
public static TypeList getExceptions(Method method) {
AttributeList attribs = method.getAttributes();
AttExceptions exceptions = (AttExceptions) attribs.findFirst(AttExceptions.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
if (exceptions == null) {
return StdTypeList.EMPTY;
return exceptions.getExceptions();
use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.
the class AttributeTranslator method translateAnnotationDefaults.
* Gets the {@code AnnotationDefault} attributes out of a
* given class, if any, reforming them as an
* {@code AnnotationDefault} annotation.
* @param cf {@code non-null;} the class in question
* @return {@code null-ok;} an appropriately-constructed
* {@code AnnotationDefault} annotation, if there were any
* annotation defaults in the class, or {@code null} if not
private static Annotation translateAnnotationDefaults(DirectClassFile cf) {
CstType thisClass = cf.getThisClass();
MethodList methods = cf.getMethods();
int sz = methods.size();
Annotation result = new Annotation(thisClass, AnnotationVisibility.EMBEDDED);
boolean any = false;
for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
Method one = methods.get(i);
AttributeList attribs = one.getAttributes();
AttAnnotationDefault oneDefault = (AttAnnotationDefault) attribs.findFirst(AttAnnotationDefault.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
if (oneDefault != null) {
NameValuePair pair = new NameValuePair(one.getNat().getName(), oneDefault.getValue());
any = true;
if (!any) {
return null;
return AnnotationUtils.makeAnnotationDefault(result);
use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.
the class AttributeTranslator method getClassAnnotations.
* Gets the annotations out of a given class, similar to {@link
* #getAnnotations}, also including annotations for translations
* of class-level attributes {@code EnclosingMethod} and
* {@code InnerClasses}, if present. Additionally, if the
* class is an annotation class, then this also includes a
* representation of all the {@code AnnotationDefault}
* values.
* @param cf {@code non-null;} the class in question
* @param args {@code non-null;} the high-level options
* @return {@code non-null;} the set of annotations, which may be empty
public static Annotations getClassAnnotations(DirectClassFile cf, CfOptions args) {
CstType thisClass = cf.getThisClass();
AttributeList attribs = cf.getAttributes();
Annotations result = getAnnotations(attribs);
Annotation enclosingMethod = translateEnclosingMethod(attribs);
try {
Annotations innerClassAnnotations = translateInnerClasses(thisClass, attribs, enclosingMethod == null);
if (innerClassAnnotations != null) {
result = Annotations.combine(result, innerClassAnnotations);
} catch (Warning warn) {
args.warn.println("warning: " + warn.getMessage());
if (enclosingMethod != null) {
result = Annotations.combine(result, enclosingMethod);
if (AccessFlags.isAnnotation(cf.getAccessFlags())) {
Annotation annotationDefault = translateAnnotationDefaults(cf);
if (annotationDefault != null) {
result = Annotations.combine(result, annotationDefault);
return result;