Search in sources :

Example 41 with RegisterSpec

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class PhiInsn method updateSourcesToDefinitions.

     * Updates the TypeBearers of all the sources (phi operands) to be
     * the current TypeBearer of the register-defining instruction's result.
     * This is used during phi-type resolution.<p>
     * Note that local association of operands are preserved in this step.
     * @param ssaMeth method that contains this insn
public void updateSourcesToDefinitions(SsaMethod ssaMeth) {
    for (Operand o : operands) {
        RegisterSpec def = ssaMeth.getDefinitionForRegister(o.regSpec.getReg()).getResult();
        o.regSpec = o.regSpec.withType(def.getType());
    sources = null;
Also used : RegisterSpec(

Example 42 with RegisterSpec

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class PhiTypeResolver method run.

     * Runs the phi-type resolver.
private void run() {
    int regCount = ssaMeth.getRegCount();
    for (int reg = 0; reg < regCount; reg++) {
        SsaInsn definsn = ssaMeth.getDefinitionForRegister(reg);
        if (definsn != null && (definsn.getResult().getBasicType() == Type.BT_VOID)) {
    int reg;
    while (0 <= (reg = worklist.nextSetBit(0))) {
             * definitions on the worklist have a type of BT_VOID, which
             * must have originated from a PhiInsn.
        PhiInsn definsn = (PhiInsn) ssaMeth.getDefinitionForRegister(reg);
        if (resolveResultType(definsn)) {
                 * If the result type has changed, re-resolve all phis
                 * that use this.
            List<SsaInsn> useList = ssaMeth.getUseListForRegister(reg);
            int sz = useList.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
                SsaInsn useInsn = useList.get(i);
                RegisterSpec resultReg = useInsn.getResult();
                if (resultReg != null && useInsn instanceof PhiInsn) {
Also used : RegisterSpec(

Example 43 with RegisterSpec

use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.

the class Ropper method addSynchExceptionHandlerBlock.

 * Constructs and adds, if necessary, the catch-all exception handler
 * block to deal with unwinding the lock taken on entry to a synchronized
 * method.
private void addSynchExceptionHandlerBlock() {
    if (!synchNeedsExceptionHandler) {
             * The method being converted either isn't synchronized or
             * can't possibly throw exceptions in its main body, so
             * there's no need for a synchronized method exception
             * handler.
    SourcePosition pos = method.makeSourcePosistion(0);
    RegisterSpec exReg = RegisterSpec.make(0, Type.THROWABLE);
    BasicBlock bb;
    Insn insn;
    InsnList insns = new InsnList(2);
    insn = new PlainInsn(Rops.opMoveException(Type.THROWABLE), pos, exReg, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY);
    insns.set(0, insn);
    insn = new ThrowingInsn(Rops.MONITOR_EXIT, pos, RegisterSpecList.make(getSynchReg()), StdTypeList.EMPTY);
    insns.set(1, insn);
    int label2 = getSpecialLabel(SYNCH_CATCH_2);
    bb = new BasicBlock(getSpecialLabel(SYNCH_CATCH_1), insns, IntList.makeImmutable(label2), label2);
    addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
    insns = new InsnList(1);
    insn = new ThrowingInsn(Rops.THROW, pos, RegisterSpecList.make(exReg), StdTypeList.EMPTY);
    insns.set(0, insn);
    bb = new BasicBlock(label2, insns, IntList.EMPTY, -1);
    addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
Also used : PlainInsn( ThrowingCstInsn( ThrowingInsn( PlainInsn( Insn( PlainCstInsn( SourcePosition( BasicBlock( InsnList( ThrowingInsn( RegisterSpec(

Example 44 with RegisterSpec

use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.

the class Ropper method addSetupBlocks.

 * Constructs and adds the blocks that perform setup for the rest of
 * the method. This includes a first block which merely contains
 * assignments from parameters to the same-numbered registers and
 * a possible second block which deals with synchronization.
private void addSetupBlocks() {
    LocalVariableList localVariables = method.getLocalVariables();
    SourcePosition pos = method.makeSourcePosistion(0);
    Prototype desc = method.getEffectiveDescriptor();
    StdTypeList params = desc.getParameterTypes();
    int sz = params.size();
    InsnList insns = new InsnList(sz + 1);
    int at = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
        Type one = params.get(i);
        LocalVariableList.Item local = localVariables.pcAndIndexToLocal(0, at);
        RegisterSpec result = (local == null) ? RegisterSpec.make(at, one) : RegisterSpec.makeLocalOptional(at, one, local.getLocalItem());
        Insn insn = new PlainCstInsn(Rops.opMoveParam(one), pos, result, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, CstInteger.make(at));
        insns.set(i, insn);
        at += one.getCategory();
    insns.set(sz, new PlainInsn(Rops.GOTO, pos, null, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));
    boolean synch = isSynchronized();
    int label = synch ? getSpecialLabel(SYNCH_SETUP_1) : 0;
    BasicBlock bb = new BasicBlock(getSpecialLabel(PARAM_ASSIGNMENT), insns, IntList.makeImmutable(label), label);
    addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
    if (synch) {
        RegisterSpec synchReg = getSynchReg();
        Insn insn;
        if (isStatic()) {
            insn = new ThrowingCstInsn(Rops.CONST_OBJECT, pos, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, StdTypeList.EMPTY, method.getDefiningClass());
            insns = new InsnList(1);
            insns.set(0, insn);
        } else {
            insns = new InsnList(2);
            insn = new PlainCstInsn(Rops.MOVE_PARAM_OBJECT, pos, synchReg, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, CstInteger.VALUE_0);
            insns.set(0, insn);
            insns.set(1, new PlainInsn(Rops.GOTO, pos, null, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));
        int label2 = getSpecialLabel(SYNCH_SETUP_2);
        bb = new BasicBlock(label, insns, IntList.makeImmutable(label2), label2);
        addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
        insns = new InsnList(isStatic() ? 2 : 1);
        if (isStatic()) {
            insns.set(0, new PlainInsn(Rops.opMoveResultPseudo(synchReg), pos, synchReg, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY));
        insn = new ThrowingInsn(Rops.MONITOR_ENTER, pos, RegisterSpecList.make(synchReg), StdTypeList.EMPTY);
        insns.set(isStatic() ? 1 : 0, insn);
        bb = new BasicBlock(label2, insns, IntList.makeImmutable(0), 0);
        addBlock(bb, IntList.EMPTY);
Also used : ThrowingCstInsn( ThrowingInsn( PlainInsn( Insn( PlainCstInsn( Prototype( ThrowingCstInsn( BasicBlock( InsnList( ThrowingInsn( PlainCstInsn( PlainInsn( Type( CstType( StdTypeList( SourcePosition( RegisterSpec(

Example 45 with RegisterSpec

use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.

the class RopperMachine method getSources.

 * Helper for {@link #run}, which gets the list of sources for the.
 * instruction.
 * @param opcode the opcode being translated
 * @param stackPointer {@code >= 0;} the stack pointer after the
 * instruction's arguments have been popped
 * @return {@code non-null;} the sources
private RegisterSpecList getSources(int opcode, int stackPointer) {
    int count = argCount();
    if (count == 0) {
        // We get an easy out if there aren't any sources.
        return RegisterSpecList.EMPTY;
    int localIndex = getLocalIndex();
    RegisterSpecList sources;
    if (localIndex >= 0) {
        // The instruction is operating on a local variable.
        sources = new RegisterSpecList(1);
        sources.set(0, RegisterSpec.make(localIndex, arg(0)));
    } else {
        sources = new RegisterSpecList(count);
        int regAt = stackPointer;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            RegisterSpec spec = RegisterSpec.make(regAt, arg(i));
            sources.set(i, spec);
            regAt += spec.getCategory();
        switch(opcode) {
            case ByteOps.IASTORE:
                     * The Java argument order for array stores is
                     * (array, index, value), but the rop argument
                     * order is (value, array, index). The following
                     * code gets the right arguments in the right
                     * places.
                    if (count != 3) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen");
                    RegisterSpec array = sources.get(0);
                    RegisterSpec index = sources.get(1);
                    RegisterSpec value = sources.get(2);
                    sources.set(0, value);
                    sources.set(1, array);
                    sources.set(2, index);
            case ByteOps.PUTFIELD:
                     * Similar to above: The Java argument order for
                     * putfield is (object, value), but the rop
                     * argument order is (value, object).
                    if (count != 2) {
                        throw new RuntimeException("shouldn't happen");
                    RegisterSpec obj = sources.get(0);
                    RegisterSpec value = sources.get(1);
                    sources.set(0, value);
                    sources.set(1, obj);
    return sources;
Also used : RegisterSpecList( RegisterSpec(


RegisterSpec ( RegisterSpecList ( PlainInsn ( Constant ( TypedConstant ( TypeBearer ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)16 Insn ( PlainCstInsn ( Rop ( ThrowingCstInsn ( CstType ( BitSet (java.util.BitSet)11 LocalItem ( RegisterSpecSet ( ThrowingInsn ( CstString ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)10 SourcePosition ( CstFieldRef (