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Example 6 with RopMethod

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class Optimizer method optimize.

     * Runs optimization algorthims over this method, and returns a new
     * instance of RopMethod with the changes.
     * @param rmeth method to process
     * @param paramWidth the total width, in register-units, of this method's
     * parameters
     * @param isStatic true if this method has no 'this' pointer argument.
     * @param inPreserveLocals true if local variable info should be preserved,
     * at the cost of some registers and insns
     * @param inAdvice {@code non-null;} translation advice
     * @param steps set of optional optimization steps to run
     * @return optimized method
public static RopMethod optimize(RopMethod rmeth, int paramWidth, boolean isStatic, boolean inPreserveLocals, TranslationAdvice inAdvice, EnumSet<OptionalStep> steps) {
    SsaMethod ssaMeth = null;
    preserveLocals = inPreserveLocals;
    advice = inAdvice;
    ssaMeth = SsaConverter.convertToSsaMethod(rmeth, paramWidth, isStatic);
    runSsaFormSteps(ssaMeth, steps);
    RopMethod resultMeth = SsaToRop.convertToRopMethod(ssaMeth, false);
    if (resultMeth.getBlocks().getRegCount() > advice.getMaxOptimalRegisterCount()) {
        // Try to see if we can squeeze it under the register count bar
        resultMeth = optimizeMinimizeRegisters(rmeth, paramWidth, isStatic, steps);
    return resultMeth;
Also used : RopMethod(

Example 7 with RopMethod

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class Optimizer method optimizeMinimizeRegisters.

     * Runs the optimizer with a strategy to minimize the number of rop-form
     * registers used by the end result. Dex bytecode does not have instruction
     * forms that take register numbers larger than 15 for all instructions.
     * If we've produced a method that uses more than 16 registers, try again
     * with a different strategy to see if we can get under the bar. The end
     * result will be much more efficient.
     * @param rmeth method to process
     * @param paramWidth the total width, in register-units, of this method's
     * parameters
     * @param isStatic true if this method has no 'this' pointer argument.
     * @param steps set of optional optimization steps to run
     * @return optimized method
private static RopMethod optimizeMinimizeRegisters(RopMethod rmeth, int paramWidth, boolean isStatic, EnumSet<OptionalStep> steps) {
    SsaMethod ssaMeth;
    RopMethod resultMeth;
    ssaMeth = SsaConverter.convertToSsaMethod(rmeth, paramWidth, isStatic);
    EnumSet<OptionalStep> newSteps = steps.clone();
         * CONST_COLLECTOR trades insns for registers, which is not an
         * appropriate strategy here.
    runSsaFormSteps(ssaMeth, newSteps);
    resultMeth = SsaToRop.convertToRopMethod(ssaMeth, true);
    return resultMeth;
Also used : RopMethod(

Example 8 with RopMethod

use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.

the class IdenticalBlockCombiner method process.

 * Runs algorithm. TODO: This is n^2, and could be made linear-ish with
 * a hash. In particular, hash the contents of each block and only
 * compare blocks with the same hash.
 * @return {@code non-null;} new method that has been processed
public RopMethod process() {
    int szBlocks = blocks.size();
    // indexed by label
    BitSet toDelete = new BitSet(blocks.getMaxLabel());
    // For each non-deleted block...
    for (int bindex = 0; bindex < szBlocks; bindex++) {
        BasicBlock b = blocks.get(bindex);
        if (toDelete.get(b.getLabel())) {
            // doomed block
        IntList preds = ropMethod.labelToPredecessors(b.getLabel());
        // ...look at all of it's predecessors that have only one succ...
        int szPreds = preds.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < szPreds; i++) {
            int iLabel = preds.get(i);
            BasicBlock iBlock = blocks.labelToBlock(iLabel);
            if (toDelete.get(iLabel) || iBlock.getSuccessors().size() > 1 || iBlock.getFirstInsn().getOpcode().getOpcode() == RegOps.MOVE_RESULT) {
            IntList toCombine = new IntList();
            // ...and see if they can be combined with any other preds...
            for (int j = i + 1; j < szPreds; j++) {
                int jLabel = preds.get(j);
                BasicBlock jBlock = blocks.labelToBlock(jLabel);
                if (jBlock.getSuccessors().size() == 1 && compareInsns(iBlock, jBlock)) {
            combineBlocks(iLabel, toCombine);
    for (int i = szBlocks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (toDelete.get(newBlocks.get(i).getLabel())) {
            newBlocks.set(i, null);
    return new RopMethod(newBlocks, ropMethod.getFirstLabel());
Also used : RopMethod( BitSet(java.util.BitSet) BasicBlock( IntList(

Example 9 with RopMethod

use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.

the class SsaToRop method convert.

 * Performs the conversion.
 * @return {@code non-null;} rop-form output
private RopMethod convert() {
    if (DEBUG) {
    // These are other allocators for debugging or historical comparison:
    // allocator = new NullRegisterAllocator(ssaMeth, interference);
    // allocator = new FirstFitAllocator(ssaMeth, interference);
    RegisterAllocator allocator = new FirstFitLocalCombiningAllocator(ssaMeth, interference, minimizeRegisters);
    RegisterMapper mapper = allocator.allocateRegisters();
    if (DEBUG) {
        System.out.println("Printing reg map");
        System.out.println(((BasicRegisterMapper) mapper).toHuman());
    if (allocator.wantsParamsMovedHigh()) {
    RopMethod ropMethod = new RopMethod(convertBasicBlocks(), ssaMeth.blockIndexToRopLabel(ssaMeth.getEntryBlockIndex()));
    ropMethod = new IdenticalBlockCombiner(ropMethod).process();
    return ropMethod;
Also used : RegisterMapper( BasicRegisterMapper( RopMethod(

Example 10 with RopMethod

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class IdenticalBlockCombiner method process.

     * Runs algorithm. TODO: This is n^2, and could be made linear-ish with
     * a hash. In particular, hash the contents of each block and only
     * compare blocks with the same hash.
     * @return {@code non-null;} new method that has been processed
public RopMethod process() {
    int szBlocks = blocks.size();
    // indexed by label
    BitSet toDelete = new BitSet(blocks.getMaxLabel());
    // For each non-deleted block...
    for (int bindex = 0; bindex < szBlocks; bindex++) {
        BasicBlock b = blocks.get(bindex);
        if (toDelete.get(b.getLabel())) {
            // doomed block
        IntList preds = ropMethod.labelToPredecessors(b.getLabel());
        // ...look at all of it's predecessors that have only one succ...
        int szPreds = preds.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < szPreds; i++) {
            int iLabel = preds.get(i);
            BasicBlock iBlock = blocks.labelToBlock(iLabel);
            if (toDelete.get(iLabel) || iBlock.getSuccessors().size() > 1 || iBlock.getFirstInsn().getOpcode().getOpcode() == RegOps.MOVE_RESULT) {
            IntList toCombine = new IntList();
            // ...and see if they can be combined with any other preds...
            for (int j = i + 1; j < szPreds; j++) {
                int jLabel = preds.get(j);
                BasicBlock jBlock = blocks.labelToBlock(jLabel);
                if (jBlock.getSuccessors().size() == 1 && compareInsns(iBlock, jBlock)) {
            combineBlocks(iLabel, toCombine);
    for (int i = szBlocks - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (toDelete.get(newBlocks.get(i).getLabel())) {
            newBlocks.set(i, null);
    return new RopMethod(newBlocks, ropMethod.getFirstLabel());
Also used : RopMethod( BitSet(java.util.BitSet) BasicBlock( IntList(


RopMethod ( DexTranslationAdvice ( TranslationAdvice ( IntList ( ConcreteMethod ( Method ( BasicBlock ( BasicBlockList ( BitSet (java.util.BitSet)3 MethodList ( DalvCode ( EncodedMethod ( Annotations ( AnnotationsList ( LocalVariableInfo ( CstMethodRef ( CstString ( CstType ( TypeList ( BasicRegisterMapper (