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Example 11 with CstMethodRef

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class CfTranslator method translate0.

     * Performs the main act of translation. This method is separated
     * from {@link #translate} just to keep things a bit simpler in
     * terms of exception handling.
     * @param context
     * @param cf {@code non-null;} the class file
     * @param bytes {@code non-null;} contents of the file
     * @param cfOptions options for class translation
     * @param dexOptions options for dex output
     * @param dexFile {@code non-null;} dex output
     * @return {@code non-null;} the translated class
private static ClassDefItem translate0(DxContext context, DirectClassFile cf, byte[] bytes, CfOptions cfOptions, DexOptions dexOptions, DexFile dexFile) {
    context.optimizerOptions.loadOptimizeLists(cfOptions.optimizeListFile, cfOptions.dontOptimizeListFile);
    // Build up a class to output.
    CstType thisClass = cf.getThisClass();
    int classAccessFlags = cf.getAccessFlags() & ~AccessFlags.ACC_SUPER;
    CstString sourceFile = (cfOptions.positionInfo == PositionList.NONE) ? null : cf.getSourceFile();
    ClassDefItem out = new ClassDefItem(thisClass, classAccessFlags, cf.getSuperclass(), cf.getInterfaces(), sourceFile);
    Annotations classAnnotations = AttributeTranslator.getClassAnnotations(cf, cfOptions);
    if (classAnnotations.size() != 0) {
        out.setClassAnnotations(classAnnotations, dexFile);
    FieldIdsSection fieldIdsSection = dexFile.getFieldIds();
    MethodIdsSection methodIdsSection = dexFile.getMethodIds();
    processFields(cf, out, dexFile);
    processMethods(context, cf, cfOptions, dexOptions, out, dexFile);
    // intern constant pool method, field and type references
    ConstantPool constantPool = cf.getConstantPool();
    int constantPoolSize = constantPool.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < constantPoolSize; i++) {
        Constant constant = constantPool.getOrNull(i);
        if (constant instanceof CstMethodRef) {
            methodIdsSection.intern((CstBaseMethodRef) constant);
        } else if (constant instanceof CstInterfaceMethodRef) {
            methodIdsSection.intern(((CstInterfaceMethodRef) constant).toMethodRef());
        } else if (constant instanceof CstFieldRef) {
            fieldIdsSection.intern((CstFieldRef) constant);
        } else if (constant instanceof CstEnumRef) {
            fieldIdsSection.intern(((CstEnumRef) constant).getFieldRef());
    return out;
Also used : Constant( TypedConstant( CstString( CstFieldRef( CstEnumRef( FieldIdsSection( MethodIdsSection( CstMethodRef( Annotations( ClassDefItem( ConstantPool( CstType( CstInterfaceMethodRef(

Example 12 with CstMethodRef

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class AttributeTranslator method translateEnclosingMethod.

     * Gets the {@code EnclosingMethod} attribute out of a given
     * {@link AttributeList}, if any, translating it to an annotation.
     * If the class really has an enclosing method, this returns an
     * {@code EnclosingMethod} annotation; if not, this returns
     * an {@code EnclosingClass} annotation.
     * @param attribs {@code non-null;} the attributes list to search in
     * @return {@code null-ok;} the converted {@code EnclosingMethod} or
     * {@code EnclosingClass} annotation, if there was an
     * attribute to translate
private static Annotation translateEnclosingMethod(AttributeList attribs) {
    AttEnclosingMethod enclosingMethod = (AttEnclosingMethod) attribs.findFirst(AttEnclosingMethod.ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
    if (enclosingMethod == null) {
        return null;
    CstType enclosingClass = enclosingMethod.getEnclosingClass();
    CstNat nat = enclosingMethod.getMethod();
    if (nat == null) {
             * Dalvik doesn't use EnclosingMethod annotations unless
             * there really is an enclosing method. Anonymous classes
             * are unambiguously identified by having an InnerClass
             * annotation with an empty name along with an appropriate
             * EnclosingClass.
        return AnnotationUtils.makeEnclosingClass(enclosingClass);
    return AnnotationUtils.makeEnclosingMethod(new CstMethodRef(enclosingClass, nat));
Also used : CstNat( AttEnclosingMethod( CstType( CstMethodRef(

Example 13 with CstMethodRef

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class ConstantPoolParser method parse0.

     * Parses the constant for the given index if it hasn't already been
     * parsed, also storing it in the constant pool. This will also
     * have the side effect of parsing any entries the indicated one
     * depends on.
     * @param idx which constant
     * @return {@code non-null;} the parsed constant
private Constant parse0(int idx, BitSet wasUtf8) {
    Constant cst = pool.getOrNull(idx);
    if (cst != null) {
        return cst;
    int at = offsets[idx];
    try {
        int tag = bytes.getUnsignedByte(at);
        switch(tag) {
            case CONSTANT_Utf8:
                    cst = parseUtf8(at);
            case CONSTANT_Integer:
                    int value = bytes.getInt(at + 1);
                    cst = CstInteger.make(value);
            case CONSTANT_Float:
                    int bits = bytes.getInt(at + 1);
                    cst = CstFloat.make(bits);
            case CONSTANT_Long:
                    long value = bytes.getLong(at + 1);
                    cst = CstLong.make(value);
            case CONSTANT_Double:
                    long bits = bytes.getLong(at + 1);
                    cst = CstDouble.make(bits);
            case CONSTANT_Class:
                    int nameIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 1);
                    CstString name = (CstString) parse0(nameIndex, wasUtf8);
                    cst = new CstType(Type.internClassName(name.getString()));
            case CONSTANT_String:
                    int stringIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 1);
                    cst = parse0(stringIndex, wasUtf8);
            case CONSTANT_Fieldref:
                    int classIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 1);
                    CstType type = (CstType) parse0(classIndex, wasUtf8);
                    int natIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 3);
                    CstNat nat = (CstNat) parse0(natIndex, wasUtf8);
                    cst = new CstFieldRef(type, nat);
            case CONSTANT_Methodref:
                    int classIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 1);
                    CstType type = (CstType) parse0(classIndex, wasUtf8);
                    int natIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 3);
                    CstNat nat = (CstNat) parse0(natIndex, wasUtf8);
                    cst = new CstMethodRef(type, nat);
            case CONSTANT_InterfaceMethodref:
                    int classIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 1);
                    CstType type = (CstType) parse0(classIndex, wasUtf8);
                    int natIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 3);
                    CstNat nat = (CstNat) parse0(natIndex, wasUtf8);
                    cst = new CstInterfaceMethodRef(type, nat);
            case CONSTANT_NameAndType:
                    int nameIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 1);
                    CstString name = (CstString) parse0(nameIndex, wasUtf8);
                    int descriptorIndex = bytes.getUnsignedShort(at + 3);
                    CstString descriptor = (CstString) parse0(descriptorIndex, wasUtf8);
                    cst = new CstNat(name, descriptor);
            case CONSTANT_MethodHandle:
                    throw new ParseException("MethodHandle not supported");
            case CONSTANT_MethodType:
                    throw new ParseException("MethodType not supported");
            case CONSTANT_InvokeDynamic:
                    throw new ParseException("InvokeDynamic not supported");
                    throw new ParseException("unknown tag byte: " + Hex.u1(tag));
    } catch (ParseException ex) {
        ex.addContext("...while parsing cst " + Hex.u2(idx) + " at offset " + Hex.u4(at));
        throw ex;
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        ParseException pe = new ParseException(ex);
        pe.addContext("...while parsing cst " + Hex.u2(idx) + " at offset " + Hex.u4(at));
        throw pe;
    pool.set(idx, cst);
    return cst;
Also used : CstNat( Constant( CstType( CstString( CstFieldRef( CstInterfaceMethodRef( ParseException( CstMethodRef(

Example 14 with CstMethodRef

use of in project AndroidLife by CaMnter.

the class ClassReferenceListBuilder method addDependencies.

private void addDependencies(ConstantPool pool) {
    for (Constant constant : pool.getEntries()) {
        if (constant instanceof CstType) {
            checkDescriptor(((CstType) constant).getClassType());
        } else if (constant instanceof CstFieldRef) {
            checkDescriptor(((CstFieldRef) constant).getType());
        } else if (constant instanceof CstMethodRef) {
            Prototype proto = ((CstMethodRef) constant).getPrototype();
            StdTypeList args = proto.getParameterTypes();
            for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
Also used : Prototype( StdTypeList( Constant( CstType( CstFieldRef( CstMethodRef(

Example 15 with CstMethodRef

use of in project J2ME-Loader by nikita36078.

the class EscapeAnalysis method insertExceptionThrow.

 * Replaces instructions that trigger an ArrayIndexOutofBounds exception
 * with an actual throw of the exception.
 * @param insn {@code non-null;} instruction causing the exception
 * @param index {@code non-null;} index value that is out of bounds
 * @param deletedInsns {@code non-null;} set of instructions marked for
 * deletion
private void insertExceptionThrow(SsaInsn insn, RegisterSpec index, HashSet<SsaInsn> deletedInsns) {
    // Create a new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
    CstType exception = new CstType(Exceptions.TYPE_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException);
    insertThrowingInsnBefore(insn, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, null, RegOps.NEW_INSTANCE, exception);
    // Add a successor block with a move result pseudo for the exception
    SsaBasicBlock currBlock = insn.getBlock();
    SsaBasicBlock newBlock = currBlock.insertNewSuccessor(currBlock.getPrimarySuccessor());
    SsaInsn newInsn = newBlock.getInsns().get(0);
    RegisterSpec newReg = RegisterSpec.make(ssaMeth.makeNewSsaReg(), exception);
    insertPlainInsnBefore(newInsn, RegisterSpecList.EMPTY, newReg, RegOps.MOVE_RESULT_PSEUDO, null);
    // Add another successor block to initialize the exception
    SsaBasicBlock newBlock2 = newBlock.insertNewSuccessor(newBlock.getPrimarySuccessor());
    SsaInsn newInsn2 = newBlock2.getInsns().get(0);
    CstNat newNat = new CstNat(new CstString("<init>"), new CstString("(I)V"));
    CstMethodRef newRef = new CstMethodRef(exception, newNat);
    insertThrowingInsnBefore(newInsn2, RegisterSpecList.make(newReg, index), null, RegOps.INVOKE_DIRECT, newRef);
    // Add another successor block to throw the new exception
    SsaBasicBlock newBlock3 = newBlock2.insertNewSuccessor(newBlock2.getPrimarySuccessor());
    SsaInsn newInsn3 = newBlock3.getInsns().get(0);
    insertThrowingInsnBefore(newInsn3, RegisterSpecList.make(newReg), null, RegOps.THROW, null);
    newBlock3.replaceSuccessor(newBlock3.getPrimarySuccessorIndex(), ssaMeth.getExitBlock().getIndex());
Also used : CstNat( CstType( CstString( CstMethodRef( RegisterSpec(


CstMethodRef ( CstType ( Constant ( CstFieldRef ( RegisterSpecList ( CstString ( CstNat ( CstInsn ( Annotations ( RegisterSpec ( CstInterfaceMethodRef ( AttEnclosingMethod ( ConcreteMethod ( Method ( MethodList ( ParseException ( DalvCode ( MultiCstInsn ( ClassDefItem ( EncodedMethod (