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Example 41 with Type

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class Rops method opNewArray.

     * Returns the appropriate {@code new-array} rop for the given
     * type. The result is a shared instance.
     * @param arrayType {@code non-null;} array type of array being created
     * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriate instance
public static Rop opNewArray(TypeBearer arrayType) {
    Type type = arrayType.getType();
    Type elementType = type.getComponentType();
    switch(elementType.getBasicType()) {
        case Type.BT_INT:
            return NEW_ARRAY_INT;
        case Type.BT_LONG:
            return NEW_ARRAY_LONG;
        case Type.BT_FLOAT:
            return NEW_ARRAY_FLOAT;
        case Type.BT_DOUBLE:
            return NEW_ARRAY_DOUBLE;
        case Type.BT_BOOLEAN:
            return NEW_ARRAY_BOOLEAN;
        case Type.BT_BYTE:
            return NEW_ARRAY_BYTE;
        case Type.BT_CHAR:
            return NEW_ARRAY_CHAR;
        case Type.BT_SHORT:
            return NEW_ARRAY_SHORT;
        case Type.BT_OBJECT:
                return new Rop(RegOps.NEW_ARRAY, type, StdTypeList.INT, Exceptions.LIST_Error_NegativeArraySizeException, "new-array-object");
    return throwBadType(type);
Also used : Type( CstType(

Example 42 with Type

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class Rops method opFilledNewArray.

     * Returns the appropriate {@code filled-new-array} rop for the given
     * type. The result may be a shared instance.
     * @param arrayType {@code non-null;} type of array being created
     * @param count {@code >= 0;} number of elements that the array should have
     * @return {@code non-null;} an appropriate instance
public static Rop opFilledNewArray(TypeBearer arrayType, int count) {
    Type type = arrayType.getType();
    Type elementType = type.getComponentType();
    if (elementType.isCategory2()) {
        return throwBadType(arrayType);
    if (count < 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("count < 0");
    StdTypeList sourceTypes = new StdTypeList(count);
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        sourceTypes.set(i, elementType);
    // Note: The resulting rop is considered call-like.
    return new Rop(RegOps.FILLED_NEW_ARRAY, sourceTypes, Exceptions.LIST_Error);
Also used : Type( CstType( StdTypeList(

Example 43 with Type

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class OneLocalsArray method makeInitialized.

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public void makeInitialized(Type type) {
    int len = locals.length;
    if (len == 0) {
        // We have to check for this before checking for immutability.
    Type initializedType = type.getInitializedType();
    for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
        if (locals[i] == type) {
            locals[i] = initializedType;
Also used : Type(

Example 44 with Type

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class OneLocalsArray method getCategory1.

/** {@inheritDoc} */
public TypeBearer getCategory1(int idx) {
    TypeBearer result = get(idx);
    Type type = result.getType();
    if (type.isUninitialized()) {
        return throwSimException(idx, "uninitialized instance");
    if (type.isCategory2()) {
        return throwSimException(idx, "category-2");
    return result;
Also used : Type( TypeBearer(

Example 45 with Type

use of in project buck by facebook.

the class Merger method isPossiblyAssignableFrom.

     * Returns whether the given supertype is possibly assignable from
     * the given subtype. This takes into account primitiveness,
     * int-likeness, known-nullness, and array dimensions, but does
     * not assume anything about class hierarchy other than that the
     * type {@code Object} is the supertype of all reference
     * types and all arrays are assignable to
     * {@code Serializable} and {@code Cloneable}.
     * @param supertypeBearer {@code non-null;} the supertype
     * @param subtypeBearer {@code non-null;} the subtype
public static boolean isPossiblyAssignableFrom(TypeBearer supertypeBearer, TypeBearer subtypeBearer) {
    Type supertype = supertypeBearer.getType();
    Type subtype = subtypeBearer.getType();
    if (supertype.equals(subtype)) {
        // Easy out.
        return true;
    int superBt = supertype.getBasicType();
    int subBt = subtype.getBasicType();
    if (superBt == Type.BT_ADDR) {
        supertype = Type.OBJECT;
        superBt = Type.BT_OBJECT;
    if (subBt == Type.BT_ADDR) {
        subtype = Type.OBJECT;
        subBt = Type.BT_OBJECT;
    if ((superBt != Type.BT_OBJECT) || (subBt != Type.BT_OBJECT)) {
             * No two distinct primitive types are assignable in this sense,
             * unless they are both int-like.
        return supertype.isIntlike() && subtype.isIntlike();
    if (supertype == Type.KNOWN_NULL) {
             * A known-null supertype is only assignable from another
             * known-null (handled in the easy out at the top of the
             * method).
        return false;
    } else if (subtype == Type.KNOWN_NULL) {
             * A known-null subtype is in fact assignable to any
             * reference type.
        return true;
    } else if (supertype == Type.OBJECT) {
             * Object is assignable from any reference type.
        return true;
    } else if (supertype.isArray()) {
        // The supertype is an array type.
        if (!subtype.isArray()) {
            // The subtype isn't an array, and so can't be assignable.
            return false;
             * Strip off as many matched component types from both
             * types as possible, and check the assignability of the
             * results.
        do {
            supertype = supertype.getComponentType();
            subtype = subtype.getComponentType();
        } while (supertype.isArray() && subtype.isArray());
        return isPossiblyAssignableFrom(supertype, subtype);
    } else if (subtype.isArray()) {
             * Other than Object (handled above), array types are
             * assignable only to Serializable and Cloneable.
        return (supertype == Type.SERIALIZABLE) || (supertype == Type.CLONEABLE);
    } else {
             * All other unequal reference types are considered at
             * least possibly assignable.
        return true;
Also used : Type(


Type ( CstType ( StdTypeList ( TypeBearer ( Constant ( CstString ( RegisterSpec ( TypeList ( BasicBlock ( Insn ( PlainCstInsn ( PlainInsn ( SourcePosition ( ThrowingCstInsn ( ThrowingInsn ( CstInteger ( IntList ( ByteArrayByteInput ( ByteInput ( AttInnerClasses (