Search in sources :

Example 16 with MediaSet

use of in project android_packages_apps_Gallery2 by LineageOS.

the class TimeLinePage method onSingleTapUp.

private void onSingleTapUp(int slotIndex, boolean isTitle) {
    if (!mIsActive)
    if (mSelectionManager.inSelectionMode()) {
        if (isTitle) {
            MediaSet targetSet = mAlbumDataAdapter.getMediaSet(slotIndex);
            if (targetSet == null)
            ArrayList<Path> paths = ((ClusterAlbum) targetSet).getMediaItems();
            if (paths == null || paths.size() <= 0)
        } else {
            MediaItem item = mAlbumDataAdapter.get(slotIndex);
            // Item not ready yet, ignore the click
            if (item == null)
            if (mSelectionManager.getSelectedCount() > 0) {
                if (!ActionModeHandler.isThreadComplete)
    } else if (!isTitle) {
        // Render transition in pressed state
        mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_PICK_PHOTO, slotIndex, 0), FadeTexture.DURATION);
Also used : Path( ClusterAlbum( MediaItem( MediaSet(

Example 17 with MediaSet

use of in project android_packages_apps_Gallery2 by LineageOS.

the class AlbumSetPage method onSingleTapUp.

public void onSingleTapUp(int slotIndex) {
    if (!mIsActive)
    if (mSelectionManager.inSelectionMode()) {
        MediaSet targetSet = mAlbumSetDataAdapter.getMediaSet(slotIndex);
        // Content is dirty, we shall reload soon
        if (targetSet == null)
    } else {
        // Show pressed-up animation for the single-tap.
        mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(mHandler.obtainMessage(MSG_PICK_ALBUM, slotIndex, 0), FadeTexture.DURATION);
Also used : MediaSet(

Example 18 with MediaSet

use of in project android_packages_apps_Gallery2 by LineageOS.

the class SelectionManager method getSelected.

public ArrayList<Path> getSelected(boolean expandSet, int maxSelection) {
    ArrayList<Path> selected = new ArrayList<Path>();
    if (mIsAlbumSet) {
        if (mInverseSelection) {
            int total = getTotalCount();
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
                MediaSet set = mSourceMediaSet.getSubMediaSet(i);
                Path id = set.getPath();
                if (!mClickedSet.contains(id)) {
                    if (expandSet) {
                        if (!expandMediaSet(selected, set, maxSelection)) {
                            return null;
                    } else {
                        addPathIfSelectable(selected, id);
                        if (selected.size() > maxSelection) {
                            return null;
        } else {
            for (Path id : mClickedSet) {
                if (expandSet) {
                    if (!expandMediaSet(selected, mDataManager.getMediaSet(id), maxSelection)) {
                        return null;
                } else {
                    addPathIfSelectable(selected, id);
                    if (selected.size() > maxSelection) {
                        return null;
    } else {
        if (mInverseSelection) {
            int total = getTotalCount();
            int index = 0;
            while (index < total) {
                int count = Math.min(total - index, MediaSet.MEDIAITEM_BATCH_FETCH_COUNT);
                ArrayList<MediaItem> list = mSourceMediaSet.getMediaItem(index, count);
                for (MediaItem item : list) {
                    Path id = item.getPath();
                    if (!mClickedSet.contains(id)) {
                        addPathIfSelectable(selected, id);
                        if (selected.size() > maxSelection) {
                            return null;
                index += count;
        } else {
            for (Path id : mClickedSet) {
                addPathIfSelectable(selected, id);
                if (selected.size() > maxSelection) {
                    return null;
    return selected;
Also used : Path( MediaItem( MediaSet( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)

Example 19 with MediaSet

use of in project android_packages_apps_Gallery2 by LineageOS.

the class AlbumSetSlidingWindow method updateAlbumSetEntry.

private void updateAlbumSetEntry(AlbumSetEntry entry, int slotIndex) {
    MediaSet album = mSource.getMediaSet(slotIndex);
    MediaItem cover = mSource.getCoverItem(slotIndex);
    int totalCount = mSource.getTotalCount(slotIndex);
    entry.album = album;
    entry.setDataVersion = getDataVersion(album);
    entry.cacheFlag = identifyCacheFlag(album);
    entry.cacheStatus = identifyCacheStatus(album);
    entry.setPath = (album == null) ? null : album.getPath();
    String title = (album == null) ? "" : Utils.ensureNotNull(album.getName());
    int sourceType = DataSourceType.identifySourceType(album);
    if (isLabelChanged(entry, title, totalCount, sourceType)) {
        entry.title = title;
        entry.totalCount = totalCount;
        entry.sourceType = sourceType;
        if (entry.labelLoader != null) {
            entry.labelLoader = null;
            entry.labelTexture = null;
        if (album != null) {
            entry.labelLoader = new AlbumLabelLoader(slotIndex, title, totalCount, sourceType);
    entry.coverItem = cover;
    if (getDataVersion(cover) != entry.coverDataVersion) {
        entry.coverDataVersion = getDataVersion(cover);
        entry.rotation = (cover == null) ? 0 : cover.getRotation();
        if (entry.coverLoader != null) {
            entry.coverLoader = null;
            entry.bitmapTexture = null;
            entry.content = null;
        if (cover != null) {
            entry.coverLoader = new AlbumCoverLoader(slotIndex, cover);
Also used : MediaItem( MediaSet(

Example 20 with MediaSet

use of in project android_packages_apps_Gallery2 by LineageOS.

the class GalleryWidgetMigrator method migrateGalleryWidgetsInternal.

private static void migrateGalleryWidgetsInternal(Context context) {
    GalleryApp galleryApp = (GalleryApp) context.getApplicationContext();
    DataManager manager = galleryApp.getDataManager();
    WidgetDatabaseHelper dbHelper = new WidgetDatabaseHelper(context);
    // only need to migrate local-album entries of type TYPE_ALBUM
    List<Entry> entries = dbHelper.getEntries(WidgetDatabaseHelper.TYPE_ALBUM);
    if (entries == null)
    // Check each entry's relativePath. If exists, update bucket id using relative
    // path combined with external storage path. Otherwise, iterate through old external
    // storage paths to find the relative path that matches the old bucket id, and then update
    // bucket id and relative path
    HashMap<Integer, Entry> localEntries = new HashMap<Integer, Entry>(entries.size());
    for (Entry entry : entries) {
        Path path = Path.fromString(entry.albumPath);
        MediaSet mediaSet = (MediaSet) manager.getMediaObject(path);
        if (mediaSet instanceof LocalAlbum) {
            if (entry.relativePath != null && entry.relativePath.length() > 0) {
                // update entry using relative path + external storage path
                updateEntryUsingRelativePath(entry, dbHelper);
            } else {
                int bucketId = Integer.parseInt(path.getSuffix());
                localEntries.put(bucketId, entry);
    if (!localEntries.isEmpty())
        migrateLocalEntries(context, localEntries, dbHelper);
Also used : Path( Entry( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) WidgetDatabaseHelper( MediaSet( LocalAlbum( DataManager( GalleryApp(


MediaSet ( MediaItem ( Path ( Uri ( DataManager ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Activity ( Intent (android.content.Intent)2 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)2 View (android.view.View)2 GalleryApp ( ClusterAlbum ( LocalAlbum ( MediaObject ( MatrixCursor (android.database.MatrixCursor)1 Message (android.os.Message)1 BottomNavigationView ( AdapterView (android.widget.AdapterView)1 ImageView (android.widget.ImageView)1 ListView (android.widget.ListView)1