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Example 11 with MOData

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class OSUManager method provisioningComplete.

public void provisioningComplete(OSUInfo osuInfo, MOData moData, Map<OSUCertType, List<X509Certificate>> certs, PrivateKey privateKey, Network osuNetwork) {
    synchronized (mWifiNetworkAdapter) {
        mProvisioningThread = null;
    try {
        Log.d("ZXZ", "MOTree.toXML: " + moData.getMOTree().toXml());
        HomeSP homeSP = mWifiNetworkAdapter.addSP(moData.getMOTree());
        Integer spNwk = mWifiNetworkAdapter.addNetwork(homeSP, certs, privateKey, osuNetwork);
        if (spNwk == null) {
            notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, "Failed to save network configuration", osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
        } else {
            Set<X509Certificate> rootCerts = OSUSocketFactory.getRootCerts(mKeyStore);
            X509Certificate remCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Remediation);
            X509Certificate polCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Policy);
            if (privateKey != null) {
                X509Certificate cltCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Client);
                mKeyStore.setKeyEntry(CERT_CLT_KEY_ALIAS + homeSP, privateKey.getEncoded(), new X509Certificate[] { cltCert });
                mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_CLT_CERT_ALIAS, cltCert);
            boolean usingShared = false;
            int newCerts = 0;
            if (remCert != null) {
                if (!rootCerts.contains(remCert)) {
                    if (remCert.equals(polCert)) {
                        mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_SHARED_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
                        usingShared = true;
                    } else {
                        mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_REM_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
            if (!usingShared && polCert != null) {
                if (!rootCerts.contains(polCert)) {
                    mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_POLICY_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
            if (newCerts > 0) {
                try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(KEYSTORE_FILE)) {
          , null);
            notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningSuccess, null, osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
            Log.d(TAG, "Provisioning complete.");
    } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException | SAXException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to provision: " + e, e);
        notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, e.toString(), osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
Also used : HomeSP( AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) FileOutputStream( GeneralSecurityException( IOException( X509Certificate( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException)

Example 12 with MOData

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class OSUClient method remediate.

public void remediate(OSUManager osuManager, Network network, KeyManager km, HomeSP homeSP, int flowType) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
    try (HTTPHandler httpHandler = createHandler(network, homeSP, km, flowType)) {
        URL redirectURL = osuManager.prepareUserInput(homeSP.getFriendlyName());
        OMADMAdapter omadmAdapter = osuManager.getOMADMAdapter();
        String regRequest = SOAPBuilder.buildPostDevDataResponse(RequestReason.SubRemediation, null, redirectURL.toString(), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN));
        OSUResponse serverResponse = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, regRequest);
        if (serverResponse.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.PostDevData) {
            throw new IOException("Expected a PostDevDataResponse");
        String sessionID = serverResponse.getSessionID();
        PostDevDataResponse pddResponse = (PostDevDataResponse) serverResponse;
        Log.d(TAG, "Remediation response: " + pddResponse);
        Map<OSUCertType, List<X509Certificate>> certs = null;
        PrivateKey clientKey = null;
        if (pddResponse.getStatus() != OSUStatus.RemediationComplete) {
            if (pddResponse.getExecCommand() == ExecCommand.UploadMO) {
                String ulMessage = SOAPBuilder.buildPostDevDataResponse(RequestReason.MOUpload, null, redirectURL.toString(), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN), osuManager.getMOTree(homeSP));
                Log.d(TAG, "Upload MO: " + ulMessage);
                OSUResponse ulResponse = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, ulMessage);
                if (ulResponse.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.PostDevData) {
                    throw new IOException("Expected a PostDevDataResponse to MOUpload");
                pddResponse = (PostDevDataResponse) ulResponse;
            if (pddResponse.getExecCommand() == ExecCommand.Browser) {
                if (flowType == OSUManager.FLOW_POLICY) {
                    throw new IOException("Browser launch requested in policy flow");
                String webURL = ((BrowserURI) pddResponse.getCommandData()).getURI();
                if (webURL == null) {
                    throw new IOException("No web-url");
                } else if (!webURL.contains(sessionID)) {
                    throw new IOException("Bad or missing session ID in webURL");
                if (!osuManager.startUserInput(new URL(webURL), network)) {
                    throw new IOException("User session failed");
                Log.d(TAG, " -- Sending user input complete:");
                String userComplete = SOAPBuilder.buildPostDevDataResponse(RequestReason.InputComplete, sessionID, null, omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN));
                OSUResponse udResponse = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, userComplete);
                if (udResponse.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.PostDevData) {
                    throw new IOException("Bad user input complete response: " + udResponse);
                pddResponse = (PostDevDataResponse) udResponse;
            } else if (pddResponse.getExecCommand() == ExecCommand.GetCert) {
                certs = new HashMap<>();
                try (ESTHandler estHandler = new ESTHandler((GetCertData) pddResponse.getCommandData(), network, osuManager.getOMADMAdapter(), km, mKeyStore, homeSP, flowType)) {
                    certs.put(OSUCertType.CA, estHandler.getCACerts());
                    certs.put(OSUCertType.Client, estHandler.getClientCerts());
                    clientKey = estHandler.getClientKey();
                if (httpHandler.isHTTPAuthPerformed()) {
                    httpHandler.renegotiate(certs, clientKey);
                Log.d(TAG, " -- Sending remediation cert enrollment complete:");
                // in the spec actually prescribes that an update URI is sent here,
                // but there is no remediation flow that defines user interaction after EST
                // so for now a null is passed.
                String certComplete = SOAPBuilder.buildPostDevDataResponse(RequestReason.CertEnrollmentComplete, sessionID, null, omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN));
                OSUResponse ceResponse = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, certComplete);
                if (ceResponse.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.PostDevData) {
                    throw new IOException("Bad cert enrollment complete response: " + ceResponse);
                pddResponse = (PostDevDataResponse) ceResponse;
            } else {
                throw new IOException("Unexpected command: " + pddResponse.getExecCommand());
        if (pddResponse.getStatus() != OSUStatus.RemediationComplete) {
            throw new IOException("Expected a PostDevDataResponse to MOUpload");
        Log.d(TAG, "Remediation response: " + pddResponse);
        List<MOData> mods = new ArrayList<>();
        for (OSUCommand command : pddResponse.getCommands()) {
            if (command.getOSUCommand() == OSUCommandID.UpdateNode) {
                mods.add((MOData) command.getCommandData());
            } else if (command.getOSUCommand() != OSUCommandID.NoMOUpdate) {
                throw new IOException("Unexpected OSU response: " + command);
        // 1. Machine remediation: Remediation complete + replace node
        // 2a. User remediation with upload: ExecCommand.UploadMO
        // 2b. User remediation without upload: ExecCommand.Browser
        // 3. User remediation only: -> sppPostDevData user input complete
        // 4. Update node
        // 5. -> Update response
        // 6. Exchange complete
        OSUError error = null;
        String updateResponse = SOAPBuilder.buildUpdateResponse(sessionID, error);
        Log.d(TAG, " -- Sending updateResponse:");
        OSUResponse exComplete = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, updateResponse);
        Log.d(TAG, "exComplete response: " + exComplete);
        if (exComplete.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.ExchangeComplete) {
            throw new IOException("Expected ExchangeComplete: " + exComplete);
        } else if (exComplete.getStatus() != OSUStatus.ExchangeComplete) {
            throw new IOException("Bad ExchangeComplete status: " + exComplete);
        // the network is lost and the remediation flow fails.
        try {
            osuManager.remediationComplete(homeSP, mods, certs, clientKey);
        } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) {
            osuManager.provisioningFailed(homeSP.getFriendlyName(), e.getMessage(), homeSP, OSUManager.FLOW_REMEDIATION);
            error = OSUError.CommandFailed;
Also used : PrivateKey( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ESTHandler( GeneralSecurityException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( OMADMAdapter( URL( MOData( BrowserURI( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) GetCertData(

Example 13 with MOData

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.

the class OSUManager method provisioningComplete.

public void provisioningComplete(OSUInfo osuInfo, MOData moData, Map<OSUCertType, List<X509Certificate>> certs, PrivateKey privateKey, Network osuNetwork) {
    synchronized (mWifiNetworkAdapter) {
        mProvisioningThread = null;
    try {
        Log.d("ZXZ", "MOTree.toXML: " + moData.getMOTree().toXml());
        HomeSP homeSP = mWifiNetworkAdapter.addSP(moData.getMOTree());
        Integer spNwk = mWifiNetworkAdapter.addNetwork(homeSP, certs, privateKey, osuNetwork);
        if (spNwk == null) {
            notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, "Failed to save network configuration", osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
        } else {
            Set<X509Certificate> rootCerts = OSUSocketFactory.getRootCerts(mKeyStore);
            X509Certificate remCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Remediation);
            X509Certificate polCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Policy);
            if (privateKey != null) {
                X509Certificate cltCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Client);
                mKeyStore.setKeyEntry(CERT_CLT_KEY_ALIAS + homeSP, privateKey.getEncoded(), new X509Certificate[] { cltCert });
                mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_CLT_CERT_ALIAS, cltCert);
            boolean usingShared = false;
            int newCerts = 0;
            if (remCert != null) {
                if (!rootCerts.contains(remCert)) {
                    if (remCert.equals(polCert)) {
                        mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_SHARED_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
                        usingShared = true;
                    } else {
                        mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_REM_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
            if (!usingShared && polCert != null) {
                if (!rootCerts.contains(polCert)) {
                    mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_POLICY_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
            if (newCerts > 0) {
                try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(KEYSTORE_FILE)) {
          , null);
            notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningSuccess, null, osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
            Log.d(TAG, "Provisioning complete.");
    } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException | SAXException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to provision: " + e, e);
        notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, e.toString(), osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
Also used : HomeSP( AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) FileOutputStream( GeneralSecurityException( IOException( X509Certificate( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException)

Example 14 with MOData

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class OSUClient method remediate.

public void remediate(OSUManager osuManager, Network network, KeyManager km, HomeSP homeSP, int flowType) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
    try (HTTPHandler httpHandler = createHandler(network, homeSP, km, flowType)) {
        URL redirectURL = osuManager.prepareUserInput(homeSP.getFriendlyName());
        OMADMAdapter omadmAdapter = osuManager.getOMADMAdapter();
        String regRequest = SOAPBuilder.buildPostDevDataResponse(RequestReason.SubRemediation, null, redirectURL.toString(), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN));
        OSUResponse serverResponse = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, regRequest);
        if (serverResponse.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.PostDevData) {
            throw new IOException("Expected a PostDevDataResponse");
        String sessionID = serverResponse.getSessionID();
        PostDevDataResponse pddResponse = (PostDevDataResponse) serverResponse;
        Log.d(TAG, "Remediation response: " + pddResponse);
        Map<OSUCertType, List<X509Certificate>> certs = null;
        PrivateKey clientKey = null;
        if (pddResponse.getStatus() != OSUStatus.RemediationComplete) {
            if (pddResponse.getExecCommand() == ExecCommand.UploadMO) {
                String ulMessage = SOAPBuilder.buildPostDevDataResponse(RequestReason.MOUpload, null, redirectURL.toString(), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN), osuManager.getMOTree(homeSP));
                Log.d(TAG, "Upload MO: " + ulMessage);
                OSUResponse ulResponse = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, ulMessage);
                if (ulResponse.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.PostDevData) {
                    throw new IOException("Expected a PostDevDataResponse to MOUpload");
                pddResponse = (PostDevDataResponse) ulResponse;
            if (pddResponse.getExecCommand() == ExecCommand.Browser) {
                if (flowType == OSUManager.FLOW_POLICY) {
                    throw new IOException("Browser launch requested in policy flow");
                String webURL = ((BrowserURI) pddResponse.getCommandData()).getURI();
                if (webURL == null) {
                    throw new IOException("No web-url");
                } else if (!webURL.contains(sessionID)) {
                    throw new IOException("Bad or missing session ID in webURL");
                if (!osuManager.startUserInput(new URL(webURL), network)) {
                    throw new IOException("User session failed");
                Log.d(TAG, " -- Sending user input complete:");
                String userComplete = SOAPBuilder.buildPostDevDataResponse(RequestReason.InputComplete, sessionID, null, omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN));
                OSUResponse udResponse = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, userComplete);
                if (udResponse.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.PostDevData) {
                    throw new IOException("Bad user input complete response: " + udResponse);
                pddResponse = (PostDevDataResponse) udResponse;
            } else if (pddResponse.getExecCommand() == ExecCommand.GetCert) {
                certs = new HashMap<>();
                try (ESTHandler estHandler = new ESTHandler((GetCertData) pddResponse.getCommandData(), network, osuManager.getOMADMAdapter(), km, mKeyStore, homeSP, flowType)) {
                    certs.put(OSUCertType.CA, estHandler.getCACerts());
                    certs.put(OSUCertType.Client, estHandler.getClientCerts());
                    clientKey = estHandler.getClientKey();
                if (httpHandler.isHTTPAuthPerformed()) {
                    httpHandler.renegotiate(certs, clientKey);
                Log.d(TAG, " -- Sending remediation cert enrollment complete:");
                // in the spec actually prescribes that an update URI is sent here,
                // but there is no remediation flow that defines user interaction after EST
                // so for now a null is passed.
                String certComplete = SOAPBuilder.buildPostDevDataResponse(RequestReason.CertEnrollmentComplete, sessionID, null, omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevInfoURN), omadmAdapter.getMO(OMAConstants.DevDetailURN));
                OSUResponse ceResponse = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, certComplete);
                if (ceResponse.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.PostDevData) {
                    throw new IOException("Bad cert enrollment complete response: " + ceResponse);
                pddResponse = (PostDevDataResponse) ceResponse;
            } else {
                throw new IOException("Unexpected command: " + pddResponse.getExecCommand());
        if (pddResponse.getStatus() != OSUStatus.RemediationComplete) {
            throw new IOException("Expected a PostDevDataResponse to MOUpload");
        Log.d(TAG, "Remediation response: " + pddResponse);
        List<MOData> mods = new ArrayList<>();
        for (OSUCommand command : pddResponse.getCommands()) {
            if (command.getOSUCommand() == OSUCommandID.UpdateNode) {
                mods.add((MOData) command.getCommandData());
            } else if (command.getOSUCommand() != OSUCommandID.NoMOUpdate) {
                throw new IOException("Unexpected OSU response: " + command);
        // 1. Machine remediation: Remediation complete + replace node
        // 2a. User remediation with upload: ExecCommand.UploadMO
        // 2b. User remediation without upload: ExecCommand.Browser
        // 3. User remediation only: -> sppPostDevData user input complete
        // 4. Update node
        // 5. -> Update response
        // 6. Exchange complete
        OSUError error = null;
        String updateResponse = SOAPBuilder.buildUpdateResponse(sessionID, error);
        Log.d(TAG, " -- Sending updateResponse:");
        OSUResponse exComplete = httpHandler.exchangeSOAP(mURL, updateResponse);
        Log.d(TAG, "exComplete response: " + exComplete);
        if (exComplete.getMessageType() != OSUMessageType.ExchangeComplete) {
            throw new IOException("Expected ExchangeComplete: " + exComplete);
        } else if (exComplete.getStatus() != OSUStatus.ExchangeComplete) {
            throw new IOException("Bad ExchangeComplete status: " + exComplete);
        // the network is lost and the remediation flow fails.
        try {
            osuManager.remediationComplete(homeSP, mods, certs, clientKey);
        } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) {
            osuManager.provisioningFailed(homeSP.getFriendlyName(), e.getMessage(), homeSP, OSUManager.FLOW_REMEDIATION);
            error = OSUError.CommandFailed;
Also used : PrivateKey( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ESTHandler( GeneralSecurityException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( OMADMAdapter( URL( MOData( BrowserURI( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) GetCertData(

Example 15 with MOData

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class OSUManager method provisioningComplete.

public void provisioningComplete(OSUInfo osuInfo, MOData moData, Map<OSUCertType, List<X509Certificate>> certs, PrivateKey privateKey, Network osuNetwork) {
    synchronized (mWifiNetworkAdapter) {
        mProvisioningThread = null;
    try {
        Log.d("ZXZ", "MOTree.toXML: " + moData.getMOTree().toXml());
        HomeSP homeSP = mWifiNetworkAdapter.addSP(moData.getMOTree());
        Integer spNwk = mWifiNetworkAdapter.addNetwork(homeSP, certs, privateKey, osuNetwork);
        if (spNwk == null) {
            notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, "Failed to save network configuration", osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
        } else {
            Set<X509Certificate> rootCerts = OSUSocketFactory.getRootCerts(mKeyStore);
            X509Certificate remCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Remediation);
            X509Certificate polCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Policy);
            if (privateKey != null) {
                X509Certificate cltCert = getCert(certs, OSUCertType.Client);
                mKeyStore.setKeyEntry(CERT_CLT_KEY_ALIAS + homeSP, privateKey.getEncoded(), new X509Certificate[] { cltCert });
                mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_CLT_CERT_ALIAS, cltCert);
            boolean usingShared = false;
            int newCerts = 0;
            if (remCert != null) {
                if (!rootCerts.contains(remCert)) {
                    if (remCert.equals(polCert)) {
                        mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_SHARED_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
                        usingShared = true;
                    } else {
                        mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_REM_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
            if (!usingShared && polCert != null) {
                if (!rootCerts.contains(polCert)) {
                    mKeyStore.setCertificateEntry(CERT_POLICY_ALIAS + homeSP.getFQDN(), remCert);
            if (newCerts > 0) {
                try (FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(KEYSTORE_FILE)) {
          , null);
            notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningSuccess, null, osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
            Log.d(TAG, "Provisioning complete.");
    } catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException | SAXException e) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Failed to provision: " + e, e);
        notifyUser(OSUOperationStatus.ProvisioningFailure, e.toString(), osuInfo.getName(LOCALE));
Also used : HomeSP( AtomicInteger(java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger) FileOutputStream( GeneralSecurityException( IOException( X509Certificate( SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException)


IOException ( MOData ( HomeSP ( OMADMAdapter ( ESTHandler ( BrowserURI ( GetCertData ( URL ( GeneralSecurityException ( PrivateKey ( X509Certificate ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)10 List (java.util.List)10 ClientCertInfo ( BufferedInputStream ( FileInputStream ( FileOutputStream ( AtomicInteger (java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger)5 SAXException (org.xml.sax.SAXException)5