use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class HTTPHandler method httpExchange.
private HTTPResponse httpExchange(URL url, String message, HTTPMessage.Method method, String contentType) throws IOException {
HTTPRequest request = new HTTPRequest(message, mCharset, method, url, contentType, false);
HTTPResponse response = new HTTPResponse(mIn);
Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "HTTP code " + response.getStatusCode() + ", user " + mUser + ", pw " + (mPassword != null ? '\'' + new String(mPassword) + '\'' : "-"));
if (response.getStatusCode() == 401) {
if (mUser == null) {
throw new IOException("Missing user name for HTTP authentication");
try {
request = new HTTPRequest(message, StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1, method, url, contentType, true);
request.doAuthenticate(response, mUser, mPassword, url, sSequence.incrementAndGet());
mHTTPAuthPerformed = true;
} catch (GeneralSecurityException gse) {
throw new IOException(gse);
response = new HTTPResponse(mIn);
return response;
use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.
the class ESTHandler method execute.
public void execute(boolean reenroll) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
URL caURL = new URL(mURL.getProtocol(), mURL.getHost(), mURL.getPort(), mURL.getFile() + CACERT_PATH);
HTTPResponse response;
try (HTTPHandler httpHandler = new HTTPHandler(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1, mSocketFactory, mUser, mPassword)) {
response = httpHandler.doGetHTTP(caURL);
if (!"application/pkcs7-mime".equals(response.getHeaders().get(HTTPMessage.ContentTypeHeader))) {
throw new IOException("Unexpected Content-Type: " + response.getHeaders().get(HTTPMessage.ContentTypeHeader));
ByteBuffer octetBuffer = response.getBinaryPayload();
Collection<Asn1Object> pkcs7Content1 = Asn1Decoder.decode(octetBuffer);
for (Asn1Object asn1Object : pkcs7Content1) {
Log.d(TAG, "---");
Log.d(TAG, asn1Object.toString());
for (X509Certificate certificate : mCACerts) {
Log.d(TAG, "CA-Cert: " + certificate.getSubjectX500Principal());
byte[] octets = new byte[octetBuffer.remaining()];
for (byte b : octets) {
System.out.printf("%02x ", b & 0xff);
Log.d(TAG, );
/* + BC
try {
byte[] octets = new byte[octetBuffer.remaining()];
ASN1InputStream asnin = new ASN1InputStream(octets);
for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
ASN1Primitive object = asnin.readObject();
if (object == null) {
parseObject(object, 0);
catch (Throwable t) {
Collection<Asn1Object> pkcs7Content = Asn1Decoder.decode(octetBuffer);
for (Asn1Object asn1Object : pkcs7Content) {
Log.d(TAG, asn1Object);
if (pkcs7Content.size() != 1) {
throw new IOException("Unexpected pkcs 7 container: " + pkcs7Content.size());
Asn1Constructed pkcs7Root = (Asn1Constructed) pkcs7Content.iterator().next();
Iterator<Asn1ID> certPath = Arrays.asList(Pkcs7CertPath).iterator();
Asn1Object certObject = pkcs7Root.findObject(certPath);
if (certObject == null || certPath.hasNext()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to find cert; returned object " + certObject +
", path " + (certPath.hasNext() ? "short" : "exhausted"));
ByteBuffer certOctets = certObject.getPayload();
if (certOctets == null) {
throw new IOException("No cert payload in: " + certObject);
byte[] certBytes = new byte[certOctets.remaining()];
CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
Certificate cert = certFactory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certBytes));
Log.d(TAG, "EST Cert: " + cert);
URL csrURL = new URL(mURL.getProtocol(), mURL.getHost(), mURL.getPort(), mURL.getFile() + CSR_PATH);
response = httpHandler.doGetHTTP(csrURL);
octetBuffer = response.getBinaryPayload();
byte[] csrData = buildCSR(octetBuffer, mOMADMAdapter, httpHandler);
Collection<Asn1Object> o = Asn1Decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(csrData));
Log.d(TAG, "CSR:");
Log.d(TAG, o.iterator().next().toString());
Log.d(TAG, "End CSR.");
URL enrollURL = new URL(mURL.getProtocol(), mURL.getHost(), mURL.getPort(), mURL.getFile() + (reenroll ? SIMPLE_REENROLL_PATH : SIMPLE_ENROLL_PATH));
String data = Base64.encodeToString(csrData, Base64.DEFAULT);
octetBuffer = httpHandler.exchangeBinary(enrollURL, data, "application/pkcs10");
Collection<Asn1Object> pkcs7Content2 = Asn1Decoder.decode(octetBuffer);
for (Asn1Object asn1Object : pkcs7Content2) {
Log.d(TAG, "---");
Log.d(TAG, asn1Object.toString());
for (X509Certificate cert : mClientCerts) {
Log.d(TAG, cert.toString());
use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.
the class HTTPHandler method exchangeWithRetry.
private HTTPResponse exchangeWithRetry(URL url, String message, HTTPMessage.Method method, String contentType) throws IOException {
HTTPResponse response = null;
int retry = 0;
for (; ; ) {
try {
response = httpExchange(url, message, method, contentType);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (retry > 3) {
Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "Failed HTTP exchange, retry " + retry);
mSocket = mSocketFactory.createSocket();
mOut = new BufferedOutputStream(mSocket.getOutputStream());
mIn = new BufferedInputStream(mSocket.getInputStream());
if (response == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to establish connection to peer");
return response;
use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class ESTHandler method execute.
public void execute(boolean reenroll) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException {
URL caURL = new URL(mURL.getProtocol(), mURL.getHost(), mURL.getPort(), mURL.getFile() + CACERT_PATH);
HTTPResponse response;
try (HTTPHandler httpHandler = new HTTPHandler(StandardCharsets.ISO_8859_1, mSocketFactory, mUser, mPassword)) {
response = httpHandler.doGetHTTP(caURL);
if (!"application/pkcs7-mime".equals(response.getHeaders().get(HTTPMessage.ContentTypeHeader))) {
throw new IOException("Unexpected Content-Type: " + response.getHeaders().get(HTTPMessage.ContentTypeHeader));
ByteBuffer octetBuffer = response.getBinaryPayload();
Collection<Asn1Object> pkcs7Content1 = Asn1Decoder.decode(octetBuffer);
for (Asn1Object asn1Object : pkcs7Content1) {
Log.d(TAG, "---");
Log.d(TAG, asn1Object.toString());
for (X509Certificate certificate : mCACerts) {
Log.d(TAG, "CA-Cert: " + certificate.getSubjectX500Principal());
byte[] octets = new byte[octetBuffer.remaining()];
for (byte b : octets) {
System.out.printf("%02x ", b & 0xff);
Log.d(TAG, );
/* + BC
try {
byte[] octets = new byte[octetBuffer.remaining()];
ASN1InputStream asnin = new ASN1InputStream(octets);
for (int n = 0; n < 100; n++) {
ASN1Primitive object = asnin.readObject();
if (object == null) {
parseObject(object, 0);
catch (Throwable t) {
Collection<Asn1Object> pkcs7Content = Asn1Decoder.decode(octetBuffer);
for (Asn1Object asn1Object : pkcs7Content) {
Log.d(TAG, asn1Object);
if (pkcs7Content.size() != 1) {
throw new IOException("Unexpected pkcs 7 container: " + pkcs7Content.size());
Asn1Constructed pkcs7Root = (Asn1Constructed) pkcs7Content.iterator().next();
Iterator<Asn1ID> certPath = Arrays.asList(Pkcs7CertPath).iterator();
Asn1Object certObject = pkcs7Root.findObject(certPath);
if (certObject == null || certPath.hasNext()) {
throw new IOException("Failed to find cert; returned object " + certObject +
", path " + (certPath.hasNext() ? "short" : "exhausted"));
ByteBuffer certOctets = certObject.getPayload();
if (certOctets == null) {
throw new IOException("No cert payload in: " + certObject);
byte[] certBytes = new byte[certOctets.remaining()];
CertificateFactory certFactory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
Certificate cert = certFactory.generateCertificate(new ByteArrayInputStream(certBytes));
Log.d(TAG, "EST Cert: " + cert);
URL csrURL = new URL(mURL.getProtocol(), mURL.getHost(), mURL.getPort(), mURL.getFile() + CSR_PATH);
response = httpHandler.doGetHTTP(csrURL);
octetBuffer = response.getBinaryPayload();
byte[] csrData = buildCSR(octetBuffer, mOMADMAdapter, httpHandler);
Collection<Asn1Object> o = Asn1Decoder.decode(ByteBuffer.wrap(csrData));
Log.d(TAG, "CSR:");
Log.d(TAG, o.iterator().next().toString());
Log.d(TAG, "End CSR.");
URL enrollURL = new URL(mURL.getProtocol(), mURL.getHost(), mURL.getPort(), mURL.getFile() + (reenroll ? SIMPLE_REENROLL_PATH : SIMPLE_ENROLL_PATH));
String data = Base64.encodeToString(csrData, Base64.DEFAULT);
octetBuffer = httpHandler.exchangeBinary(enrollURL, data, "application/pkcs10");
Collection<Asn1Object> pkcs7Content2 = Asn1Decoder.decode(octetBuffer);
for (Asn1Object asn1Object : pkcs7Content2) {
Log.d(TAG, "---");
Log.d(TAG, asn1Object.toString());
for (X509Certificate cert : mClientCerts) {
Log.d(TAG, cert.toString());
use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.
the class HTTPHandler method exchangeWithRetry.
private HTTPResponse exchangeWithRetry(URL url, String message, HTTPMessage.Method method, String contentType) throws IOException {
HTTPResponse response = null;
int retry = 0;
for (; ; ) {
try {
response = httpExchange(url, message, method, contentType);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
if (retry > 3) {
Log.d(OSUManager.TAG, "Failed HTTP exchange, retry " + retry);
mSocket = mSocketFactory.createSocket();
mOut = new BufferedOutputStream(mSocket.getOutputStream());
mIn = new BufferedInputStream(mSocket.getInputStream());
if (response == null) {
throw new IOException("Failed to establish connection to peer");
return response;