Search in sources :

Example 16 with RenderResources

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class Resources_Delegate method getResourceValue.

private static Pair<String, ResourceValue> getResourceValue(Resources resources, int id, boolean[] platformResFlag_out) {
    Pair<ResourceType, String> resourceInfo = getResourceInfo(resources, id, platformResFlag_out);
    if (resourceInfo != null) {
        String attributeName = resourceInfo.getSecond();
        RenderResources renderResources = resources.mContext.getRenderResources();
        return Pair.of(attributeName, platformResFlag_out[0] ? renderResources.getFrameworkResource(resourceInfo.getFirst(), attributeName) : renderResources.getProjectResource(resourceInfo.getFirst(), attributeName));
    return null;
Also used : RenderResources( ResourceType(

Example 17 with RenderResources

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class CustomBar method getBarColor.

     * Find the background color for this bar from the theme attributes. Only relevant to StatusBar
     * and NavigationBar.
     * <p/>
     * Returns 0 if not found.
     * @param colorAttrName the attribute name for the background color
     * @param translucentAttrName the attribute name for the translucency property of the bar.
     * @throws NumberFormatException if color resolved to an invalid string.
protected int getBarColor(@NonNull String colorAttrName, @NonNull String translucentAttrName) {
    if (!Config.isGreaterOrEqual(mSimulatedPlatformVersion, LOLLIPOP)) {
        return 0;
    RenderResources renderResources = getContext().getRenderResources();
    // First check if the bar is translucent.
    boolean translucent = ResourceHelper.getBooleanThemeValue(renderResources, translucentAttrName, true, false);
    if (translucent) {
        // 40% black.
        return 0x66000000;
    boolean transparent = ResourceHelper.getBooleanThemeValue(renderResources, "windowDrawsSystemBarBackgrounds", true, false);
    if (transparent) {
        return getColor(renderResources, colorAttrName);
    return 0;
Also used : RenderResources(

Example 18 with RenderResources

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class FrameworkActionBar method getActionBarHeight.

// TODO: This is duplicated from RenderSessionImpl.
private int getActionBarHeight() {
    RenderResources resources = mBridgeContext.getRenderResources();
    DisplayMetrics metrics = mBridgeContext.getMetrics();
    ResourceValue value = resources.findItemInTheme("actionBarSize", true);
    // resolve it
    value = resources.resolveResValue(value);
    if (value != null) {
        // get the numerical value, if available
        TypedValue typedValue = ResourceHelper.getValue("actionBarSize", value.getValue(), true);
        if (typedValue != null) {
            // compute the pixel value based on the display metrics
            return (int) typedValue.getDimension(metrics);
    return 0;
Also used : RenderResources( ResourceValue( DisplayMetrics(android.util.DisplayMetrics) TypedValue(android.util.TypedValue)

Example 19 with RenderResources

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class Bitmap_Delegate method createBitmap.

     * Creates and returns a {@link Bitmap} initialized with the given file content.
     * @param input the file from which to read the bitmap content
     * @param density the density associated with the bitmap
     * @see Bitmap#isPremultiplied()
     * @see Bitmap#isMutable()
     * @see Bitmap#getDensity()
private static Bitmap createBitmap(File input, Set<BitmapCreateFlags> createFlags, Density density) throws IOException {
    // create a delegate with the content of the file.
    BufferedImage image =;
    if (image == null && input.exists()) {
        // There was a problem decoding the image, or the decoder isn't registered. Webp maybe.
        // Replace with a broken image icon.
        BridgeContext currentContext = RenderAction.getCurrentContext();
        if (currentContext != null) {
            RenderResources resources = currentContext.getRenderResources();
            ResourceValue broken = resources.getFrameworkResource(ResourceType.DRAWABLE, "ic_menu_report_image");
            File brokenFile = new File(broken.getValue());
            if (brokenFile.exists()) {
                image =;
    Bitmap_Delegate delegate = new Bitmap_Delegate(image, Config.ARGB_8888);
    return createBitmap(delegate, createFlags, density.getDpiValue());
Also used : RenderResources( ResourceValue( BridgeContext( File( BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage)

Example 20 with RenderResources

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class BridgeActionBar method setTitle.

private void setTitle() {
    RenderResources res = mBridgeContext.getRenderResources();
    String title = mParams.getAppLabel();
    ResourceValue titleValue = res.findResValue(title, false);
    if (titleValue != null && titleValue.getValue() != null) {
    } else {
Also used : RenderResources( ResourceValue(


RenderResources ( ResourceValue ( StyleResourceValue ( BridgeContext ( DisplayMetrics (android.util.DisplayMetrics)12 TypedValue (android.util.TypedValue)11 Result ( ColorStateList (android.content.res.ColorStateList)6 BitmapDrawable ( Drawable ( TextView (android.widget.TextView)6 HardwareConfig ( Nullable (android.annotation.Nullable)5 Context (android.content.Context)5 ContextThemeWrapper (android.view.ContextThemeWrapper)5 View (android.view.View)5 ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)5 AbsListView (android.widget.AbsListView)5 ActionMenuView (android.widget.ActionMenuView)5 AdapterView (android.widget.AdapterView)5