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Example 51 with SessionParams

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class Main method testGetResourceNameVariants.

public void testGetResourceNameVariants() throws Exception {
    // Setup
    SessionParams params = createSessionParams("", ConfigGenerator.NEXUS_4);
    AssetManager assetManager = AssetManager.getSystem();
    DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
    Configuration configuration = RenderAction.getConfiguration(params);
    Resources resources = new Resources(assetManager, metrics, configuration);
    resources.mLayoutlibCallback = params.getLayoutlibCallback();
    resources.mContext = new BridgeContext(params.getProjectKey(), metrics, params.getResources(), params.getAssets(), params.getLayoutlibCallback(), configuration, params.getTargetSdkVersion(), params.isRtlSupported());
    // Test
    assertEquals("android:style/ButtonBar", resources.getResourceName(;
    assertEquals("android", resources.getResourcePackageName(;
    assertEquals("ButtonBar", resources.getResourceEntryName(;
    assertEquals("style", resources.getResourceTypeName(;
    int id = resources.mLayoutlibCallback.getResourceId(ResourceType.STRING, "app_name");
    assertEquals("", resources.getResourceName(id));
    assertEquals("", resources.getResourcePackageName(id));
    assertEquals("string", resources.getResourceTypeName(id));
    assertEquals("app_name", resources.getResourceEntryName(id));
Also used : SessionParams( AssetManager(android.content.res.AssetManager) FolderConfiguration( Configuration(android.content.res.Configuration) BridgeContext( FrameworkResources( Resources(android.content.res.Resources) DisplayMetrics(android.util.DisplayMetrics) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 52 with SessionParams

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class RenderSessionImpl method render.

     * Renders the scene.
     * <p>
     * {@link #acquire(long)} must have been called before this.
     * @param freshRender whether the render is a new one and should erase the existing bitmap (in
     *      the case where bitmaps are reused). This is typically needed when not playing
     *      animations.)
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the current context is different than the one owned by
     *      the scene, or if {@link #acquire(long)} was not called.
     * @see SessionParams#getRenderingMode()
     * @see RenderSession#render(long)
public Result render(boolean freshRender) {
    SessionParams params = getParams();
    try {
        if (mViewRoot == null) {
            return ERROR_NOT_INFLATED.createResult();
        HardwareConfig hardwareConfig = params.getHardwareConfig();
        Result renderResult = SUCCESS.createResult();
        if (params.isLayoutOnly()) {
            // delete the canvas and image to reset them on the next full rendering
            mImage = null;
            mCanvas = null;
        } else {
            // draw the views
            // create the BufferedImage into which the layout will be rendered.
            boolean newImage = false;
            // When disableBitmapCaching is true, we do not reuse mImage and
            // we create a new one in every render.
            // This is useful when mImage is just a wrapper of Graphics2D so
            // it doesn't get cached.
            boolean disableBitmapCaching = Boolean.TRUE.equals(params.getFlag(RenderParamsFlags.FLAG_KEY_DISABLE_BITMAP_CACHING));
            if (mNewRenderSize || mCanvas == null || disableBitmapCaching) {
                mNewRenderSize = false;
                if (params.getImageFactory() != null) {
                    mImage = params.getImageFactory().getImage(mMeasuredScreenWidth, mMeasuredScreenHeight);
                } else {
                    mImage = new BufferedImage(mMeasuredScreenWidth, mMeasuredScreenHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
                    newImage = true;
                if (params.isBgColorOverridden()) {
                    // since we override the content, it's the same as if it was a new image.
                    newImage = true;
                    Graphics2D gc = mImage.createGraphics();
                    gc.setColor(new Color(params.getOverrideBgColor(), true));
                    gc.fillRect(0, 0, mMeasuredScreenWidth, mMeasuredScreenHeight);
                // create an Android bitmap around the BufferedImage
                Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap_Delegate.createBitmap(mImage, true, /*isMutable*/
                if (mCanvas == null) {
                    // create a Canvas around the Android bitmap
                    mCanvas = new Canvas(bitmap);
                } else {
            if (freshRender && !newImage) {
                Graphics2D gc = mImage.createGraphics();
                gc.setColor(new Color(0x00000000, true));
                gc.fillRect(0, 0, mMeasuredScreenWidth, mMeasuredScreenHeight);
                // done
            if (mElapsedFrameTimeNanos >= 0) {
                long initialTime = System_Delegate.nanoTime();
                if (!mFirstFrameExecuted) {
                    // We need to run an initial draw call to initialize the animations
                    render(getContext(), mViewRoot, NOP_CANVAS, mMeasuredScreenWidth, mMeasuredScreenHeight);
                    // The first frame will initialize the animations
                    mFirstFrameExecuted = true;
                // Second frame will move the animations
                Choreographer_Delegate.doFrame(initialTime + mElapsedFrameTimeNanos);
            renderResult = render(getContext(), mViewRoot, mCanvas, mMeasuredScreenWidth, mMeasuredScreenHeight);
        mSystemViewInfoList = visitAllChildren(mViewRoot, 0, params.getExtendedViewInfoMode(), false);
        // success!
        return renderResult;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        // get the real cause of the exception.
        Throwable t = e;
        while (t.getCause() != null) {
            t = t.getCause();
        return ERROR_UNKNOWN.createResult(t.getMessage(), t);
Also used : SessionParams( Bitmap( HardwareConfig( Color(java.awt.Color) Canvas( NopCanvas( BufferedImage(java.awt.image.BufferedImage) Result( Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 53 with SessionParams

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class Main method getSessionParams.

     * Uses Theme.Material and Target sdk version as 22.
private SessionParams getSessionParams(LayoutPullParser layoutParser, ConfigGenerator configGenerator, LayoutLibTestCallback layoutLibCallback, String themeName, boolean isProjectTheme, RenderingMode renderingMode, int targetSdk) {
    FolderConfiguration config = configGenerator.getFolderConfig();
    ResourceResolver resourceResolver = ResourceResolver.create(sProjectResources.getConfiguredResources(config), sFrameworkRepo.getConfiguredResources(config), themeName, isProjectTheme);
    SessionParams sessionParams = new SessionParams(layoutParser, renderingMode, null, /*used for caching*/
    configGenerator.getHardwareConfig(), resourceResolver, layoutLibCallback, 0, targetSdk, getLayoutLog());
    sessionParams.setFlag(RenderParamsFlags.FLAG_DO_NOT_RENDER_ON_CREATE, true);
    return sessionParams;
Also used : SessionParams( ResourceResolver( FolderConfiguration(

Example 54 with SessionParams

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class Main method testScrolling.

/** Test activity.xml */
public void testScrolling() throws ClassNotFoundException {
    // Create the layout pull parser.
    LayoutPullParser parser = createLayoutPullParser("scrolled.xml");
    // Create LayoutLibCallback.
    LayoutLibTestCallback layoutLibCallback = new LayoutLibTestCallback(getLogger());
    SessionParams params = getSessionParams(parser, ConfigGenerator.NEXUS_5, layoutLibCallback, "Theme.Material.NoActionBar.Fullscreen", false, RenderingMode.V_SCROLL, 22);
    RenderResult result = renderAndVerify(params, "scrolled.png");
    ViewInfo rootLayout = result.getRootViews().get(0);
    // Check the first box in the main LinearLayout
    assertEquals(-90, rootLayout.getChildren().get(0).getTop());
    assertEquals(-30, rootLayout.getChildren().get(0).getLeft());
    assertEquals(90, rootLayout.getChildren().get(0).getBottom());
    assertEquals(150, rootLayout.getChildren().get(0).getRight());
    // Check the first box within the nested LinearLayout
    assertEquals(-450, rootLayout.getChildren().get(5).getChildren().get(0).getTop());
    assertEquals(90, rootLayout.getChildren().get(5).getChildren().get(0).getLeft());
    assertEquals(-270, rootLayout.getChildren().get(5).getChildren().get(0).getBottom());
    assertEquals(690, rootLayout.getChildren().get(5).getChildren().get(0).getRight());
Also used : SessionParams( LayoutLibTestCallback( LayoutPullParser( ViewInfo( Test(org.junit.Test)


SessionParams ( Test (org.junit.Test)25 BridgeContext ( LayoutLibTestCallback ( LayoutPullParser ( View (android.view.View)12 AbsListView (android.widget.AbsListView)12 AdapterView (android.widget.AdapterView)12 ExpandableListView (android.widget.ExpandableListView)12 ListView (android.widget.ListView)12 Result ( ActionMenuView (android.widget.ActionMenuView)10 FrameLayout (android.widget.FrameLayout)10 LinearLayout (android.widget.LinearLayout)10 FolderConfiguration ( ActionMenuItemView ( IconMenuItemView ( ListMenuItemView ( MenuView ( ViewGroup (android.view.ViewGroup)7