use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.
the class CustomBar method setStyle.
protected void setStyle(String themeEntryName) {
BridgeContext bridgeContext = (BridgeContext) mContext;
RenderResources res = bridgeContext.getRenderResources();
ResourceValue value = res.findItemInTheme(themeEntryName, true);
value = res.resolveResValue(value);
if (value instanceof StyleResourceValue == false) {
StyleResourceValue style = (StyleResourceValue) value;
// get the background
ResourceValue backgroundValue = res.findItemInStyle(style, "background", true);
backgroundValue = res.resolveResValue(backgroundValue);
if (backgroundValue != null) {
Drawable d = ResourceHelper.getDrawable(backgroundValue, bridgeContext);
if (d != null) {
TextView textView = getStyleableTextView();
if (textView != null) {
// get the text style
ResourceValue textStyleValue = res.findItemInStyle(style, "titleTextStyle", true);
textStyleValue = res.resolveResValue(textStyleValue);
if (textStyleValue instanceof StyleResourceValue) {
StyleResourceValue textStyle = (StyleResourceValue) textStyleValue;
ResourceValue textSize = res.findItemInStyle(textStyle, "textSize", true);
textSize = res.resolveResValue(textSize);
if (textSize != null) {
TypedValue out = new TypedValue();
if (ResourceHelper.parseFloatAttribute("textSize", textSize.getValue(), out, true)) {
ResourceValue textColor = res.findItemInStyle(textStyle, "textColor", true);
textColor = res.resolveResValue(textColor);
if (textColor != null) {
ColorStateList stateList = ResourceHelper.getColorStateList(textColor, bridgeContext);
if (stateList != null) {
use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class BridgeContext method createStyleBasedTypedArray.
// ------------- private new methods
* Creates a {@link BridgeTypedArray} by filling the values defined by the int[] with the
* values found in the given style. If no style is specified, the default theme, along with the
* styles applied to it are used.
* @see #obtainStyledAttributes(int, int[])
private Pair<BridgeTypedArray, PropertiesMap> createStyleBasedTypedArray(@Nullable StyleResourceValue style, int[] attrs) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
List<Pair<String, Boolean>> attributes = searchAttrs(attrs);
BridgeTypedArray ta = Resources_Delegate.newTypeArray(mSystemResources, attrs.length, false);
PropertiesMap defaultPropMap = new PropertiesMap();
// for each attribute, get its name so that we can search it in the style
for (int i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) {
Pair<String, Boolean> attribute = attributes.get(i);
if (attribute != null) {
// look for the value in the given style
ResourceValue resValue;
String attrName = attribute.getFirst();
boolean frameworkAttr = attribute.getSecond();
if (style != null) {
resValue = mRenderResources.findItemInStyle(style, attrName, frameworkAttr);
} else {
resValue = mRenderResources.findItemInTheme(attrName, frameworkAttr);
if (resValue != null) {
// Add it to defaultPropMap before resolving
String preResolve = resValue.getValue();
// resolve it to make sure there are no references left.
resValue = mRenderResources.resolveResValue(resValue);
ta.bridgeSetValue(i, attrName, frameworkAttr, resValue);
defaultPropMap.put(frameworkAttr ? SdkConstants.ANDROID_PREFIX + attrName : attrName, new Property(preResolve, resValue.getValue()));
return Pair.of(ta, defaultPropMap);
use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class BridgeContext method obtainStyledAttributes.
public final BridgeTypedArray obtainStyledAttributes(int resId, int[] attrs) throws Resources.NotFoundException {
StyleResourceValue style = null;
// get the StyleResourceValue based on the resId;
if (resId != 0) {
style = getStyleByDynamicId(resId);
if (style == null) {
// In some cases, style may not be a dynamic id, so we do a full search.
ResourceReference ref = resolveId(resId);
if (ref != null) {
style = mRenderResources.getStyle(ref.getName(), ref.isFramework());
if (style == null) {
throw new Resources.NotFoundException();
if (mTypedArrayCache == null) {
mTypedArrayCache = new TypedArrayCache();
List<StyleResourceValue> currentThemes = mRenderResources.getAllThemes();
Pair<BridgeTypedArray, PropertiesMap> typeArrayAndPropertiesPair = mTypedArrayCache.get(attrs, currentThemes, resId);
if (typeArrayAndPropertiesPair == null) {
typeArrayAndPropertiesPair = createStyleBasedTypedArray(style, attrs);
mTypedArrayCache.put(attrs, currentThemes, resId, typeArrayAndPropertiesPair);
// Add value to defaultPropsMap if needed
if (typeArrayAndPropertiesPair.getSecond() != null) {
BridgeXmlBlockParser parser = getCurrentParser();
Object key = parser != null ? parser.getViewCookie() : null;
if (key != null) {
PropertiesMap defaultPropMap = mDefaultPropMaps.get(key);
if (defaultPropMap == null) {
defaultPropMap = typeArrayAndPropertiesPair.getSecond();
mDefaultPropMaps.put(key, defaultPropMap);
} else {
return typeArrayAndPropertiesPair.getFirst();
use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.
the class BridgeContext method resolveThemeAttribute.
public boolean resolveThemeAttribute(int resId, TypedValue outValue, boolean resolveRefs) {
Pair<ResourceType, String> resourceInfo = Bridge.resolveResourceId(resId);
boolean isFrameworkRes = true;
if (resourceInfo == null) {
resourceInfo = mLayoutlibCallback.resolveResourceId(resId);
isFrameworkRes = false;
if (resourceInfo == null) {
return false;
ResourceValue value = mRenderResources.findItemInTheme(resourceInfo.getSecond(), isFrameworkRes);
if (resolveRefs) {
value = mRenderResources.resolveResValue(value);
if (value == null) {
// unable to find the attribute.
return false;
// check if this is a style resource
if (value instanceof StyleResourceValue) {
// get the id that will represent this style.
outValue.resourceId = getDynamicIdByStyle((StyleResourceValue) value);
return true;
int a;
// if this is a framework value.
if (value.isFramework()) {
// look for idName in the android R classes.
// use 0 a default res value as it's not a valid id value.
a = getFrameworkResourceValue(value.getResourceType(), value.getName(), 0);
} else {
// look for idName in the project R class.
// use 0 a default res value as it's not a valid id value.
a = getProjectResourceValue(value.getResourceType(), value.getName(), 0);
if (a != 0) {
outValue.resourceId = a;
return true;
return false;
use of in project kotlin by JetBrains.
the class LintUtils method getInheritedStyles.
public static List<StyleResourceValue> getInheritedStyles(@NonNull Project project, @NonNull LintClient client, @NonNull String styleUrl) {
if (!client.supportsProjectResources()) {
return null;
AbstractResourceRepository resources = client.getProjectResources(project, true);
if (resources == null) {
return null;
ResourceUrl style = ResourceUrl.parse(styleUrl);
if (style == null || style.framework) {
return null;
List<StyleResourceValue> result = null;
Queue<ResourceValue> queue = new ArrayDeque<ResourceValue>();
queue.add(new ResourceValue(style.type,, false));
Set<String> seen = Sets.newHashSet();
int count = 0;
while (count < 30 && !queue.isEmpty()) {
ResourceValue front = queue.remove();
String name = front.getName();
List<ResourceItem> items = resources.getResourceItem(front.getResourceType(), name);
if (items != null) {
for (ResourceItem item : items) {
ResourceValue rv = item.getResourceValue(false);
if (rv instanceof StyleResourceValue) {
StyleResourceValue srv = (StyleResourceValue) rv;
if (result == null) {
result = Lists.newArrayList();
String parent = srv.getParentStyle();
if (parent != null && !parent.startsWith(ANDROID_PREFIX)) {
ResourceUrl p = ResourceUrl.parse(parent);
if (p != null && !p.framework && !seen.contains( {
queue.add(new ResourceValue(ResourceType.STYLE,, false));
int index = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (index > 0) {
String parentName = name.substring(0, index);
if (!seen.contains(parentName)) {
queue.add(new ResourceValue(ResourceType.STYLE, parentName, false));
return result;