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Example 6 with UsedForTesting

use of in project android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME by CyanogenMod.

the class LatinIME method replaceDictionariesForTest.

// DO NOT USE THIS for any other purpose than testing. This can break the keyboard badly.
void replaceDictionariesForTest(final Locale locale) {
    final SettingsValues settingsValues = mSettings.getCurrent();
    mDictionaryFacilitator.resetDictionaries(this, locale, settingsValues.mUseContactsDict, settingsValues.mUsePersonalizedDicts, false, /* forceReloadMainDictionary */
    settingsValues.mAccount, "", /* dictionaryNamePrefix */
Also used : SettingsValues( UsedForTesting(

Example 7 with UsedForTesting

use of in project android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME by CyanogenMod.

the class LocaleSpanCompatUtils method updateLocaleSpan.

     * Ensures that the specified range is covered with only one {@link LocaleSpan} with the given
     * locale. If the region is already covered by one or more {@link LocaleSpan}, their ranges are
     * updated so that each character has only one locale.
     * @param spannable the spannable object to be updated.
     * @param start the start index from which {@link LocaleSpan} is attached (inclusive).
     * @param end the end index to which {@link LocaleSpan} is attached (exclusive).
     * @param locale the locale to be attached to the specified range.
public static void updateLocaleSpan(final Spannable spannable, final int start, final int end, final Locale locale) {
    if (end < start) {
        Log.e(TAG, "Invalid range: start=" + start + " end=" + end);
    if (!isLocaleSpanAvailable()) {
    // A brief summary of our strategy;
    //   1. Enumerate all LocaleSpans between [start - 1, end + 1].
    //   2. For each LocaleSpan S:
    //      - Update the range of S so as not to cover [start, end] if S doesn't have the
    //        expected locale.
    //      - Mark S as "to be merged" if S has the expected locale.
    //   3. Merge all the LocaleSpans that are marked as "to be merged" into one LocaleSpan.
    //      If no appropriate span is found, create a new one with newLocaleSpan method.
    final int searchStart = Math.max(start - 1, 0);
    final int searchEnd = Math.min(end + 1, spannable.length());
    // LocaleSpans found in the target range. See the step 1 in the above comment.
    final Object[] existingLocaleSpans = spannable.getSpans(searchStart, searchEnd, LOCALE_SPAN_TYPE);
    // LocaleSpans that are marked as "to be merged". See the step 2 in the above comment.
    final ArrayList<Object> existingLocaleSpansToBeMerged = new ArrayList<>();
    boolean isStartExclusive = true;
    boolean isEndExclusive = true;
    int newStart = start;
    int newEnd = end;
    for (final Object existingLocaleSpan : existingLocaleSpans) {
        final Locale attachedLocale = getLocaleFromLocaleSpan(existingLocaleSpan);
        if (!locale.equals(attachedLocale)) {
            // This LocaleSpan does not have the expected locale. Update its range if it has
            // an intersection with the range [start, end] (the first case of the step 2 in the
            // above comment).
            removeLocaleSpanFromRange(existingLocaleSpan, spannable, start, end);
        final int spanStart = spannable.getSpanStart(existingLocaleSpan);
        final int spanEnd = spannable.getSpanEnd(existingLocaleSpan);
        if (spanEnd < spanStart) {
            Log.e(TAG, "Invalid span: spanStart=" + spanStart + " spanEnd=" + spanEnd);
        if (spanEnd < start || end < spanStart) {
            // No intersection found.
        // Here existingLocaleSpan has the expected locale and an intersection with the
        // range [start, end] (the second case of the the step 2 in the above comment).
        final int spanFlag = spannable.getSpanFlags(existingLocaleSpan);
        if (spanStart < newStart) {
            newStart = spanStart;
            isStartExclusive = ((spanFlag & Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) == Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
        if (newEnd < spanEnd) {
            newEnd = spanEnd;
            isEndExclusive = ((spanFlag & Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE) == Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
    int originalLocaleSpanFlag = 0;
    Object localeSpan = null;
    if (existingLocaleSpansToBeMerged.isEmpty()) {
        // If there is no LocaleSpan that is marked as to be merged, create a new one.
        localeSpan = newLocaleSpan(locale);
    } else {
        // Reuse the first LocaleSpan to avoid unnecessary object instantiation.
        localeSpan = existingLocaleSpansToBeMerged.get(0);
        originalLocaleSpanFlag = spannable.getSpanFlags(localeSpan);
        // No need to keep other instances.
        for (int i = 1; i < existingLocaleSpansToBeMerged.size(); ++i) {
    final int localeSpanFlag = getSpanFlag(originalLocaleSpanFlag, isStartExclusive, isEndExclusive);
    spannable.setSpan(localeSpan, newStart, newEnd, localeSpanFlag);
Also used : Locale(java.util.Locale) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) UsedForTesting(

Example 8 with UsedForTesting

use of in project android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME by CyanogenMod.

the class SuggestionSpanUtils method getTextWithAutoCorrectionIndicatorUnderline.

public static CharSequence getTextWithAutoCorrectionIndicatorUnderline(final Context context, final String text, @Nonnull final Locale locale) {
    if (TextUtils.isEmpty(text) || OBJ_FLAG_AUTO_CORRECTION == null) {
        return text;
    final Spannable spannable = new SpannableString(text);
    final SuggestionSpan suggestionSpan = new SuggestionSpan(context, locale, new String[] {}, /* suggestions */
    spannable.setSpan(suggestionSpan, 0, text.length(), Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE | Spanned.SPAN_COMPOSING);
    return spannable;
Also used : SpannableString(android.text.SpannableString) SuggestionSpan( Spannable(android.text.Spannable) UsedForTesting(

Example 9 with UsedForTesting

use of in project android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME by CyanogenMod.

the class ImportantNoticeUtils method hasContactsNoticeTimeoutPassed.

static boolean hasContactsNoticeTimeoutPassed(final Context context, final long currentTimeInMillis) {
    final SharedPreferences prefs = getImportantNoticePreferences(context);
    if (!prefs.contains(KEY_TIMESTAMP_OF_CONTACTS_NOTICE)) {
        prefs.edit().putLong(KEY_TIMESTAMP_OF_CONTACTS_NOTICE, currentTimeInMillis).apply();
    final long firstDisplayTimeInMillis = prefs.getLong(KEY_TIMESTAMP_OF_CONTACTS_NOTICE, currentTimeInMillis);
    final long elapsedTime = currentTimeInMillis - firstDisplayTimeInMillis;
    return elapsedTime >= TIMEOUT_OF_IMPORTANT_NOTICE;
Also used : SharedPreferences(android.content.SharedPreferences) UsedForTesting(

Example 10 with UsedForTesting

use of in project android_packages_inputmethods_LatinIME by CyanogenMod.

the class SpannableStringUtils method split.

     * Splits the given {@code charSequence} with at occurrences of the given {@code regex}.
     * <p>
     * This is equivalent to
     * {@code charSequence.toString().split(regex, preserveTrailingEmptySegments ? -1 : 0)}
     * except that the spans are preserved in the result array.
     * </p>
     * @param charSequence the character sequence to be split.
     * @param regex the regex pattern to be used as the separator.
     * @param preserveTrailingEmptySegments {@code true} to preserve the trailing empty
     * segments. Otherwise, trailing empty segments will be removed before being returned.
     * @return the array which contains the result. All the spans in the <code>charSequence</code>
     * is preserved.
public static CharSequence[] split(final CharSequence charSequence, final String regex, final boolean preserveTrailingEmptySegments) {
    // A short-cut for non-spanned strings.
    if (!(charSequence instanceof Spanned)) {
        // -1 means that trailing empty segments will be preserved.
        return charSequence.toString().split(regex, preserveTrailingEmptySegments ? -1 : 0);
    // Hereafter, emulate String.split for CharSequence.
    final ArrayList<CharSequence> sequences = new ArrayList<>();
    final Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(regex).matcher(charSequence);
    int nextStart = 0;
    boolean matched = false;
    while (matcher.find()) {
        sequences.add(charSequence.subSequence(nextStart, matcher.start()));
        nextStart = matcher.end();
        matched = true;
    if (!matched) {
        // never matched. preserveTrailingEmptySegments is ignored in this case.
        return new CharSequence[] { charSequence };
    sequences.add(charSequence.subSequence(nextStart, charSequence.length()));
    if (!preserveTrailingEmptySegments) {
        for (int i = sequences.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(sequences.get(i))) {
    return sequences.toArray(new CharSequence[sequences.size()]);
Also used : Matcher(java.util.regex.Matcher) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Spanned(android.text.Spanned) UsedForTesting(


UsedForTesting ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Spannable (android.text.Spannable)2 SpannableString (android.text.SpannableString)2 SuggestionSpan ( SettingsValues ( Locale (java.util.Locale)2 SharedPreferences (android.content.SharedPreferences)1 Paint ( Spanned (android.text.Spanned)1 TextPaint (android.text.TextPaint)1 EditorInfo (android.view.inputmethod.EditorInfo)1 SuggestedWordInfo ( UserHistoryDictionary ( File ( HttpURLConnection ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 ConcurrentHashMap (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap)1 CountDownLatch (java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1