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Example 6 with BatteryStatsImpl

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class ActivityManagerService method appDiedLocked.

final void appDiedLocked(ProcessRecord app, int pid, IApplicationThread thread) {
    BatteryStatsImpl stats = mBatteryStatsService.getActiveStatistics();
    synchronized (stats) {
        stats.noteProcessDiedLocked(, pid);
    // Clean up already done if the process has been re-started.
    if ( == pid && app.thread != null && app.thread.asBinder() == thread.asBinder()) {
        if (!app.killedBackground) {
            Slog.i(TAG, "Process " + app.processName + " (pid " + pid + ") has died.");
        EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_PROC_DIED, app.userId,, app.processName);
        if (DEBUG_CLEANUP)
            Slog.v(TAG, "Dying app: " + app + ", pid: " + pid + ", thread: " + thread.asBinder());
        boolean doLowMem = app.instrumentationClass == null;
        handleAppDiedLocked(app, false, true);
        if (doLowMem) {
            // If there are no longer any background processes running,
            // and the app that died was not running instrumentation,
            // then tell everyone we are now low on memory.
            boolean haveBg = false;
            for (int i = mLruProcesses.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                ProcessRecord rec = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                if (rec.thread != null && rec.setAdj >= ProcessList.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ) {
                    haveBg = true;
            if (!haveBg) {
                EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_LOW_MEMORY, mLruProcesses.size());
                long now = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
                for (int i = mLruProcesses.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    ProcessRecord rec = mLruProcesses.get(i);
                    if (rec != app && rec.thread != null && (rec.lastLowMemory + GC_MIN_INTERVAL) <= now) {
                        // heavy/important/visible/foreground processes first.
                        if (rec.setAdj <= ProcessList.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ) {
                            rec.lastRequestedGc = 0;
                        } else {
                            rec.lastRequestedGc = rec.lastLowMemory;
                        rec.reportLowMemory = true;
                        rec.lastLowMemory = now;
    } else if ( != pid) {
        // A new process has already been started.
        Slog.i(TAG, "Process " + app.processName + " (pid " + pid + ") has died and restarted (pid " + + ").");
        EventLog.writeEvent(EventLogTags.AM_PROC_DIED, app.userId,, app.processName);
    } else if (DEBUG_PROCESSES) {
        Slog.d(TAG, "Received spurious death notification for thread " + thread.asBinder());
Also used : BatteryStatsImpl(

Example 7 with BatteryStatsImpl

use of in project android_frameworks_base by ParanoidAndroid.

the class ActivityManagerService method dumpProcessOomList.

private static final boolean dumpProcessOomList(PrintWriter pw, ActivityManagerService service, List<ProcessRecord> origList, String prefix, String normalLabel, String persistentLabel, boolean inclDetails, String dumpPackage) {
    ArrayList<Pair<ProcessRecord, Integer>> list = new ArrayList<Pair<ProcessRecord, Integer>>(origList.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < origList.size(); i++) {
        ProcessRecord r = origList.get(i);
        if (dumpPackage != null && !dumpPackage.equals( {
        list.add(new Pair<ProcessRecord, Integer>(origList.get(i), i));
    if (list.size() <= 0) {
        return false;
    Comparator<Pair<ProcessRecord, Integer>> comparator = new Comparator<Pair<ProcessRecord, Integer>>() {

        public int compare(Pair<ProcessRecord, Integer> object1, Pair<ProcessRecord, Integer> object2) {
            if (object1.first.setAdj != object2.first.setAdj) {
                return object1.first.setAdj > object2.first.setAdj ? -1 : 1;
            if (object1.second.intValue() != object2.second.intValue()) {
                return object1.second.intValue() > object2.second.intValue() ? -1 : 1;
            return 0;
    Collections.sort(list, comparator);
    final long curRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
    final long realtimeSince = curRealtime - service.mLastPowerCheckRealtime;
    final long curUptime = SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
    final long uptimeSince = curUptime - service.mLastPowerCheckUptime;
    for (int i = list.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        ProcessRecord r = list.get(i).first;
        String oomAdj;
        if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("bak", "  ", r.setAdj, ProcessList.HIDDEN_APP_MIN_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.SERVICE_B_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("svcb ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.SERVICE_B_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.PREVIOUS_APP_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("prev ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.PREVIOUS_APP_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.HOME_APP_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("home ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.HOME_APP_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.SERVICE_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("svc  ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.SERVICE_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.BACKUP_APP_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("bkup ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.BACKUP_APP_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("hvy  ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.HEAVY_WEIGHT_APP_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("prcp ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.PERCEPTIBLE_APP_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("vis  ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.VISIBLE_APP_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("fore ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.FOREGROUND_APP_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.PERSISTENT_PROC_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("pers ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.PERSISTENT_PROC_ADJ);
        } else if (r.setAdj >= ProcessList.SYSTEM_ADJ) {
            oomAdj = buildOomTag("sys  ", null, r.setAdj, ProcessList.SYSTEM_ADJ);
        } else {
            oomAdj = Integer.toString(r.setAdj);
        String schedGroup;
        switch(r.setSchedGroup) {
            case Process.THREAD_GROUP_BG_NONINTERACTIVE:
                schedGroup = "B";
            case Process.THREAD_GROUP_DEFAULT:
                schedGroup = "F";
                schedGroup = Integer.toString(r.setSchedGroup);
        String foreground;
        if (r.foregroundActivities) {
            foreground = "A";
        } else if (r.foregroundServices) {
            foreground = "S";
        } else {
            foreground = " ";
        pw.println(String.format("%s%s #%2d: adj=%s/%s%s trm=%2d %s (%s)", prefix, (r.persistent ? persistentLabel : normalLabel), (origList.size() - 1) - list.get(i).second, oomAdj, schedGroup, foreground, r.trimMemoryLevel, r.toShortString(), r.adjType));
        if (r.adjSource != null || r.adjTarget != null) {
            pw.print("    ");
            if (r.adjTarget instanceof ComponentName) {
                pw.print(((ComponentName) r.adjTarget).flattenToShortString());
            } else if (r.adjTarget != null) {
            } else {
            if (r.adjSource instanceof ProcessRecord) {
                pw.print(((ProcessRecord) r.adjSource).toShortString());
            } else if (r.adjSource != null) {
            } else {
        if (inclDetails) {
            pw.print("    ");
            pw.print("oom: max=");
            pw.print(" hidden=");
            pw.print(" client=");
            pw.print(" empty=");
            pw.print(" curRaw=");
            pw.print(" setRaw=");
            pw.print(" cur=");
            pw.print(" set=");
            pw.print("    ");
            pw.print(" hidden=");
            pw.print(" empty=");
            pw.print(" hasAboveClient=");
            if (!r.keeping) {
                if (r.lastWakeTime != 0) {
                    long wtime;
                    BatteryStatsImpl stats = service.mBatteryStatsService.getActiveStatistics();
                    synchronized (stats) {
                        wtime = stats.getProcessWakeTime(,, curRealtime);
                    long timeUsed = wtime - r.lastWakeTime;
                    pw.print("    ");
                    pw.print("keep awake over ");
                    TimeUtils.formatDuration(realtimeSince, pw);
                    pw.print(" used ");
                    TimeUtils.formatDuration(timeUsed, pw);
                    pw.print(" (");
                    pw.print((timeUsed * 100) / realtimeSince);
                if (r.lastCpuTime != 0) {
                    long timeUsed = r.curCpuTime - r.lastCpuTime;
                    pw.print("    ");
                    pw.print("run cpu over ");
                    TimeUtils.formatDuration(uptimeSince, pw);
                    pw.print(" used ");
                    TimeUtils.formatDuration(timeUsed, pw);
                    pw.print(" (");
                    pw.print((timeUsed * 100) / uptimeSince);
    return true;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) BatteryStatsImpl( Comparator(java.util.Comparator) ComponentName(android.content.ComponentName) Pair(android.util.Pair)

Example 8 with BatteryStatsImpl

use of in project cornerstone by Onskreen.

the class ActivityManagerService method newProcessRecordLocked.

// =========================================================
// =========================================================
final ProcessRecord newProcessRecordLocked(IApplicationThread thread, ApplicationInfo info, String customProcess, boolean isolated) {
    String proc = customProcess != null ? customProcess : info.processName;
    BatteryStatsImpl.Uid.Proc ps = null;
    BatteryStatsImpl stats = mBatteryStatsService.getActiveStatistics();
    int uid = info.uid;
    if (isolated) {
        int userId = UserId.getUserId(uid);
        int stepsLeft = Process.LAST_ISOLATED_UID - Process.FIRST_ISOLATED_UID + 1;
        uid = 0;
        while (true) {
            if (mNextIsolatedProcessUid < Process.FIRST_ISOLATED_UID || mNextIsolatedProcessUid > Process.LAST_ISOLATED_UID) {
                mNextIsolatedProcessUid = Process.FIRST_ISOLATED_UID;
            uid = UserId.getUid(userId, mNextIsolatedProcessUid);
            if (mIsolatedProcesses.indexOfKey(uid) < 0) {
                // No process for this uid, use it.
            if (stepsLeft <= 0) {
                return null;
    synchronized (stats) {
        ps = stats.getProcessStatsLocked(info.uid, proc);
    return new ProcessRecord(ps, thread, info, proc, uid);
Also used : BatteryStatsImpl(

Example 9 with BatteryStatsImpl

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class ActiveServices method retrieveServiceLocked.

private ServiceLookupResult retrieveServiceLocked(Intent service, String resolvedType, String callingPackage, int callingPid, int callingUid, int userId, boolean createIfNeeded, boolean callingFromFg, boolean isBindExternal) {
    ServiceRecord r = null;
        Slog.v(TAG_SERVICE, "retrieveServiceLocked: " + service + " type=" + resolvedType + " callingUid=" + callingUid);
    userId = mAm.mUserController.handleIncomingUser(callingPid, callingUid, userId, false, ActivityManagerService.ALLOW_NON_FULL_IN_PROFILE, "service", null);
    ServiceMap smap = getServiceMap(userId);
    final ComponentName comp = service.getComponent();
    if (comp != null) {
        r = smap.mServicesByName.get(comp);
    if (r == null && !isBindExternal) {
        Intent.FilterComparison filter = new Intent.FilterComparison(service);
        r = smap.mServicesByIntent.get(filter);
    if (r != null && (r.serviceInfo.flags & ServiceInfo.FLAG_EXTERNAL_SERVICE) != 0 && !callingPackage.equals(r.packageName)) {
        // If an external service is running within its own package, other packages
        // should not bind to that instance.
        r = null;
    if (r == null) {
        try {
            // TODO: come back and remove this assumption to triage all services
            ResolveInfo rInfo = AppGlobals.getPackageManager().resolveService(service, resolvedType, ActivityManagerService.STOCK_PM_FLAGS | PackageManager.MATCH_DEBUG_TRIAGED_MISSING, userId);
            ServiceInfo sInfo = rInfo != null ? rInfo.serviceInfo : null;
            if (sInfo == null) {
                Slog.w(TAG_SERVICE, "Unable to start service " + service + " U=" + userId + ": not found");
                return null;
            ComponentName name = new ComponentName(sInfo.applicationInfo.packageName,;
            if ((sInfo.flags & ServiceInfo.FLAG_EXTERNAL_SERVICE) != 0) {
                if (isBindExternal) {
                    if (!sInfo.exported) {
                        throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE failed, " + name + " is not exported");
                    if ((sInfo.flags & ServiceInfo.FLAG_ISOLATED_PROCESS) == 0) {
                        throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE failed, " + name + " is not an isolatedProcess");
                    // Run the service under the calling package's application.
                    ApplicationInfo aInfo = AppGlobals.getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(callingPackage, ActivityManagerService.STOCK_PM_FLAGS, userId);
                    if (aInfo == null) {
                        throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE failed, " + "could not resolve client package " + callingPackage);
                    sInfo = new ServiceInfo(sInfo);
                    sInfo.applicationInfo = new ApplicationInfo(sInfo.applicationInfo);
                    sInfo.applicationInfo.packageName = aInfo.packageName;
                    sInfo.applicationInfo.uid = aInfo.uid;
                    name = new ComponentName(aInfo.packageName, name.getClassName());
                } else {
                    throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE required for " + name);
            } else if (isBindExternal) {
                throw new SecurityException("BIND_EXTERNAL_SERVICE failed, " + name + " is not an externalService");
            if (userId > 0) {
                if (mAm.isSingleton(sInfo.processName, sInfo.applicationInfo,, sInfo.flags) && mAm.isValidSingletonCall(callingUid, sInfo.applicationInfo.uid)) {
                    userId = 0;
                    smap = getServiceMap(0);
                sInfo = new ServiceInfo(sInfo);
                sInfo.applicationInfo = mAm.getAppInfoForUser(sInfo.applicationInfo, userId);
            r = smap.mServicesByName.get(name);
            if (r == null && createIfNeeded) {
                Intent.FilterComparison filter = new Intent.FilterComparison(service.cloneFilter());
                ServiceRestarter res = new ServiceRestarter();
                BatteryStatsImpl.Uid.Pkg.Serv ss = null;
                BatteryStatsImpl stats = mAm.mBatteryStatsService.getActiveStatistics();
                synchronized (stats) {
                    ss = stats.getServiceStatsLocked(sInfo.applicationInfo.uid, sInfo.packageName,;
                r = new ServiceRecord(mAm, ss, name, filter, sInfo, callingFromFg, res);
                smap.mServicesByName.put(name, r);
                smap.mServicesByIntent.put(filter, r);
                // Make sure this component isn't in the pending list.
                for (int i = mPendingServices.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                    ServiceRecord pr = mPendingServices.get(i);
                    if (pr.serviceInfo.applicationInfo.uid == sInfo.applicationInfo.uid && {
        } catch (RemoteException ex) {
        // pm is in same process, this will never happen.
    if (r != null) {
        if (mAm.checkComponentPermission(r.permission, callingPid, callingUid, r.appInfo.uid, r.exported) != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
            if (!r.exported) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Permission Denial: Accessing service " + + " from pid=" + callingPid + ", uid=" + callingUid + " that is not exported from uid " + r.appInfo.uid);
                return new ServiceLookupResult(null, "not exported from uid " + r.appInfo.uid);
            Slog.w(TAG, "Permission Denial: Accessing service " + + " from pid=" + callingPid + ", uid=" + callingUid + " requires " + r.permission);
            return new ServiceLookupResult(null, r.permission);
        } else if (r.permission != null && callingPackage != null) {
            final int opCode = AppOpsManager.permissionToOpCode(r.permission);
            if (opCode != AppOpsManager.OP_NONE && mAm.mAppOpsService.noteOperation(opCode, callingUid, callingPackage) != AppOpsManager.MODE_ALLOWED) {
                Slog.w(TAG, "Appop Denial: Accessing service " + + " from pid=" + callingPid + ", uid=" + callingUid + " requires appop " + AppOpsManager.opToName(opCode));
                return null;
        if (!mAm.mIntentFirewall.checkService(, service, callingUid, callingPid, resolvedType, r.appInfo)) {
            return null;
        return new ServiceLookupResult(r, null);
    return null;
Also used : ApplicationInfo( PendingIntent( Intent(android.content.Intent) BatteryStatsImpl( ResolveInfo( ServiceInfo( ComponentName(android.content.ComponentName) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException)

Example 10 with BatteryStatsImpl

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class ActivityManagerService method bindBackupAgent.

// =========================================================
// =========================================================
// Cause the target app to be launched if necessary and its backup agent
// instantiated.  The backup agent will invoke backupAgentCreated() on the
// activity manager to announce its creation.
public boolean bindBackupAgent(String packageName, int backupMode, int userId) {
        Slog.v(TAG, "bindBackupAgent: app=" + packageName + " mode=" + backupMode);
    enforceCallingPermission("android.permission.CONFIRM_FULL_BACKUP", "bindBackupAgent");
    IPackageManager pm = AppGlobals.getPackageManager();
    ApplicationInfo app = null;
    try {
        app = pm.getApplicationInfo(packageName, 0, userId);
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
    // can't happen; package manager is process-local
    if (app == null) {
        Slog.w(TAG, "Unable to bind backup agent for " + packageName);
        return false;
    synchronized (this) {
        // !!! TODO: currently no check here that we're already bound
        BatteryStatsImpl.Uid.Pkg.Serv ss = null;
        BatteryStatsImpl stats = mBatteryStatsService.getActiveStatistics();
        synchronized (stats) {
            ss = stats.getServiceStatsLocked(app.uid, app.packageName,;
        // Backup agent is now in use, its package can't be stopped.
        try {
            AppGlobals.getPackageManager().setPackageStoppedState(app.packageName, false, UserHandle.getUserId(app.uid));
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            Slog.w(TAG, "Failed trying to unstop package " + app.packageName + ": " + e);
        BackupRecord r = new BackupRecord(ss, app, backupMode);
        ComponentName hostingName = (backupMode == IApplicationThread.BACKUP_MODE_INCREMENTAL) ? new ComponentName(app.packageName, app.backupAgentName) : new ComponentName("android", "FullBackupAgent");
        // startProcessLocked() returns existing proc's record if it's already running
        ProcessRecord proc = startProcessLocked(app.processName, app, false, 0, "backup", hostingName, false, false, false);
        if (proc == null) {
            Slog.e(TAG, "Unable to start backup agent process " + r);
            return false;
        // process after the full backup is done and the ProcessRecord will vaporize anyway.
        if (UserHandle.isApp(app.uid) && backupMode == IApplicationThread.BACKUP_MODE_FULL) {
            proc.inFullBackup = true;
        } = proc;
        mBackupTarget = r;
        mBackupAppName = app.packageName;
        // Try not to kill the process during backup
        // If it is not yet live, this will be done when it attaches to the framework.
        if (proc.thread != null) {
            if (DEBUG_BACKUP)
                Slog.v(TAG_BACKUP, "Agent proc already running: " + proc);
            try {
                proc.thread.scheduleCreateBackupAgent(app, compatibilityInfoForPackageLocked(app), backupMode);
            } catch (RemoteException e) {
            // Will time out on the backup manager side
        } else {
            if (DEBUG_BACKUP)
                Slog.v(TAG_BACKUP, "Agent proc not running, waiting for attach");
    // Invariants: at this point, the target app process exists and the application
    // is either already running or in the process of coming up.  mBackupTarget and
    // mBackupAppName describe the app, so that when it binds back to the AM we
    // know that it's scheduled for a backup-agent operation.
    return true;
Also used : IPackageManager( ApplicationInfo( ComponentName(android.content.ComponentName) RemoteException(android.os.RemoteException) BatteryStatsImpl(


BatteryStatsImpl ( RemoteException (android.os.RemoteException)19 Point ( ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)15 ApplicationInfo ( PendingIntent ( Intent (android.content.Intent)11 ResolveInfo ( IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)8 PackageManager ( ServiceInfo ( NameNotFoundException ( Parcel (android.os.Parcel)5 ParcelFormatException (android.os.ParcelFormatException)5 ActivityNotFoundException (android.content.ActivityNotFoundException)4 IPackageManager ( Uri ( Bundle (android.os.Bundle)4 RemoteCallbackList (android.os.RemoteCallbackList)4