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Example 26 with PendingAnimation

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.

the class RecentsView method createTaskLaunchAnimation.

public PendingAnimation createTaskLaunchAnimation(TaskView tv, long duration, Interpolator interpolator) {
    if (FeatureFlags.IS_STUDIO_BUILD && mPendingAnimation != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Another pending animation is still running");
    int count = getTaskViewCount();
    if (count == 0) {
        return new PendingAnimation(duration);
    // When swiping down from overview to tasks, ensures the snapped page's scroll maintain
    // invariant between quick switch and overview, to ensure a smooth animation transition.
    int targetSysUiFlags = tv.getThumbnail().getSysUiStatusNavFlags();
    final boolean[] passedOverviewThreshold = new boolean[] { false };
    ValueAnimator progressAnim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1);
    progressAnim.addUpdateListener(animator -> {
        // tasks' flags
        if (animator.getAnimatedFraction() > UPDATE_SYSUI_FLAGS_THRESHOLD) {
            mActivity.getSystemUiController().updateUiState(UI_STATE_FULLSCREEN_TASK, targetSysUiFlags);
        } else {
            mActivity.getSystemUiController().updateUiState(UI_STATE_FULLSCREEN_TASK, 0);
        // Passing the threshold from taskview to fullscreen app will vibrate
        final boolean passed = animator.getAnimatedFraction() >= SUCCESS_TRANSITION_PROGRESS;
        if (passed != passedOverviewThreshold[0]) {
            passedOverviewThreshold[0] = passed;
            performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.VIRTUAL_KEY, HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_VIEW_SETTING);
    AnimatorSet anim = createAdjacentPageAnimForTaskLaunch(tv);
    DepthController depthController = getDepthController();
    if (depthController != null) {
        ObjectAnimator depthAnimator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(depthController, DEPTH, BACKGROUND_APP.getDepth(mActivity));;
    mPendingAnimation = new PendingAnimation(duration);
        runActionOnRemoteHandles(remoteTargetHandle -> remoteTargetHandle.getTaskViewSimulator().addOverviewToAppAnim(mPendingAnimation, interpolator));
    mPendingAnimation.addEndListener(isSuccess -> {
        if (isSuccess) {
            if (tv.getTaskIds()[1] != -1) {
                // TODO(b/194414938): make this part of the animations instead.
                TaskViewUtils.setSplitAuxiliarySurfacesShown(mRemoteTargetHandles[0].getTransformParams().getTargetSet().nonApps, true, /*shown*/
            if (ENABLE_QUICKSTEP_LIVE_TILE.get() && tv.isRunningTask()) {
                finishRecentsAnimation(false, /* toRecents */
            } else {
            Task task = tv.getTask();
            if (task != null) {
        } else {
        mPendingAnimation = null;
    return mPendingAnimation;
Also used : PendingAnimation( Task( GroupTask( ObjectAnimator(android.animation.ObjectAnimator) AnimatorSet(android.animation.AnimatorSet) ValueAnimator(android.animation.ValueAnimator) DepthController( TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Point(

Example 27 with PendingAnimation

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.

the class RecentsView method createAllTasksDismissAnimation.

public PendingAnimation createAllTasksDismissAnimation(long duration) {
    if (FeatureFlags.IS_STUDIO_BUILD && mPendingAnimation != null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Another pending animation is still running");
    PendingAnimation anim = new PendingAnimation(duration);
    int count = getTaskViewCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        addDismissedTaskAnimations(requireTaskViewAt(i), duration, anim);
    mPendingAnimation = anim;
    mPendingAnimation.addEndListener(isSuccess -> {
        if (isSuccess) {
            // Remove all the task views now
            finishRecentsAnimation(true, /* toRecents */
            false, /* shouldPip */
            () -> {
                UI_HELPER_EXECUTOR.getHandler().postDelayed(ActivityManagerWrapper.getInstance()::removeAllRecentTasks, REMOVE_TASK_WAIT_FOR_APP_STOP_MS);
        mPendingAnimation = null;
    return anim;
Also used : PendingAnimation( TextPaint(android.text.TextPaint) Point(

Example 28 with PendingAnimation

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.

the class FloatingTaskView method addAnimation.

public void addAnimation(PendingAnimation animation, RectF startingBounds, Rect endBounds, View viewToCover, boolean fadeWithThumbnail) {
    final BaseDragLayer dragLayer = mActivity.getDragLayer();
    int[] dragLayerBounds = new int[2];
    SplitOverlayProperties prop = new SplitOverlayProperties(endBounds, startingBounds, viewToCover, dragLayerBounds[0], dragLayerBounds[1]);
    ValueAnimator transitionAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0, 1);
    long animDuration = animation.getDuration();
    Rect crop = new Rect();
    RectF floatingTaskViewBounds = new RectF();
    final float initialWindowRadius = supportsRoundedCornersOnWindows(getResources()) ? Math.max(crop.width(), crop.height()) / 2f : 0f;
    if (fadeWithThumbnail) {
        animation.addFloat(mSplitPlaceholderView, SplitPlaceholderView.ALPHA_FLOAT, 0, 1, ACCEL);
        animation.addFloat(mImageView, LauncherAnimUtils.VIEW_ALPHA, 1, 0, DEACCEL_3);
    MultiValueUpdateListener listener = new MultiValueUpdateListener() {

        final FloatProp mWindowRadius = new FloatProp(initialWindowRadius, initialWindowRadius, 0, animDuration, LINEAR);

        final FloatProp mDx = new FloatProp(0, prop.dX, 0, animDuration, LINEAR);

        final FloatProp mDy = new FloatProp(0, prop.dY, 0, animDuration, LINEAR);

        final FloatProp mTaskViewScaleX = new FloatProp(prop.initialTaskViewScaleX, prop.finalTaskViewScaleX, 0, animDuration, LINEAR);

        final FloatProp mTaskViewScaleY = new FloatProp(prop.initialTaskViewScaleY, prop.finalTaskViewScaleY, 0, animDuration, LINEAR);

        public void onUpdate(float percent, boolean initOnly) {
            // Calculate the icon position.
            floatingTaskViewBounds.offset(mDx.value, mDy.value);
            Utilities.scaleRectFAboutCenter(floatingTaskViewBounds, mTaskViewScaleX.value, mTaskViewScaleY.value);
            update(floatingTaskViewBounds, percent, mWindowRadius.value * 1);
Also used : RectF( BaseDragLayer( Rect( MultiValueUpdateListener( ValueAnimator(android.animation.ValueAnimator)

Example 29 with PendingAnimation

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.

the class AnimatorControllerWithResistance method createRecentsResistanceAnim.

 * Creates the resistance animation for {@link #createForRecents}, or can be used separately
 * when starting from recents, i.e. {@link #createRecentsResistanceFromOverviewAnim}.
public static <SCALE, TRANSLATION> PendingAnimation createRecentsResistanceAnim(RecentsParams<SCALE, TRANSLATION> params) {
    Rect startRect = new Rect();
    PagedOrientationHandler orientationHandler = params.recentsOrientedState.getOrientationHandler();
    LauncherActivityInterface.INSTANCE.calculateTaskSize(params.context, params.dp, startRect);
    long distanceToCover = startRect.bottom;
    PendingAnimation resistAnim = params.resistAnim != null ? params.resistAnim : new PendingAnimation(distanceToCover * 2);
    PointF pivot = new PointF();
    float fullscreenScale = params.recentsOrientedState.getFullScreenScaleAndPivot(startRect, params.dp, pivot);
    // Compute where the task view would be based on the end scale.
    RectF endRectF = new RectF(startRect);
    Matrix temp = new Matrix();
    temp.setScale(params.resistanceParams.scaleMaxResist, params.resistanceParams.scaleMaxResist, pivot.x, pivot.y);
    // Translate such that the task view touches the top of the screen when drag does.
    float endTranslation = * orientationHandler.getSecondaryTranslationDirectionFactor() * params.resistanceParams.translationFactor;
    resistAnim.addFloat(params.translationTarget, params.translationProperty, params.startTranslation, endTranslation, RECENTS_TRANSLATE_RESIST_INTERPOLATOR);
    float prevScaleRate = (fullscreenScale - params.startScale) / (params.dp.heightPx - startRect.bottom);
    // This is what the scale would be at the end of the drag if we didn't apply resistance.
    float endScale = params.startScale - prevScaleRate * distanceToCover;
    // Create an interpolator that resists the scale so the scale doesn't get smaller than
    float startResist = Utilities.getProgress(params.resistanceParams.scaleStartResist, params.startScale, endScale);
    float maxResist = Utilities.getProgress(params.resistanceParams.scaleMaxResist, params.startScale, endScale);
    float stopResist = params.resistanceParams.stopScalingAtTop ? 1f - / : 1f;
    final TimeInterpolator scaleInterpolator = t -> {
        if (t < startResist) {
            return t;
        if (t > stopResist) {
            return maxResist;
        float resistProgress = Utilities.getProgress(t, startResist, stopResist);
        resistProgress = RECENTS_SCALE_RESIST_INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(resistProgress);
        return startResist + resistProgress * (maxResist - startResist);
    resistAnim.addFloat(params.scaleTarget, params.scaleProperty, params.startScale, endScale, scaleInterpolator);
    return resistAnim;
Also used : RectF( RectF( Utilities( Context(android.content.Context) Rect( TimeInterpolator(android.animation.TimeInterpolator) PointF( Launcher( DEACCEL( FloatProperty(android.util.FloatProperty) AnimatorPlaybackController( DeviceProfile( LINEAR( RECENTS_SCALE_PROPERTY( Nullable(androidx.annotation.Nullable) LauncherActivityInterface( RecentsView( TASK_SECONDARY_TRANSLATION( Matrix( PagedOrientationHandler( PendingAnimation( PendingAnimation( Rect( Matrix( PagedOrientationHandler( PointF( TimeInterpolator(android.animation.TimeInterpolator)

Example 30 with PendingAnimation

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.

the class TaskViewUtils method createRecentsWindowAnimator.

public static void createRecentsWindowAnimator(@NonNull TaskView v, boolean skipViewChanges, @NonNull RemoteAnimationTargetCompat[] appTargets, @NonNull RemoteAnimationTargetCompat[] wallpaperTargets, @NonNull RemoteAnimationTargetCompat[] nonAppTargets, @Nullable DepthController depthController, PendingAnimation out) {
    RecentsView recentsView = v.getRecentsView();
    boolean isQuickSwitch = v.isEndQuickswitchCuj();
    boolean inLiveTileMode = ENABLE_QUICKSTEP_LIVE_TILE.get() && v.getRecentsView().getRunningTaskIndex() != -1;
    final RemoteAnimationTargets targets = new RemoteAnimationTargets(appTargets, wallpaperTargets, nonAppTargets, inLiveTileMode ? MODE_CLOSING : MODE_OPENING);
    final RemoteAnimationTargetCompat navBarTarget = targets.getNavBarRemoteAnimationTarget();
    SurfaceTransactionApplier applier = new SurfaceTransactionApplier(v);
    RemoteTargetHandle[] remoteTargetHandles;
    RemoteTargetHandle[] recentsViewHandles = recentsView.getRemoteTargetHandles();
    if (v.isRunningTask() && recentsViewHandles != null) {
        // Re-use existing handles
        remoteTargetHandles = recentsViewHandles;
    } else {
        RemoteTargetGluer gluer = new RemoteTargetGluer(v.getContext(), recentsView.getSizeStrategy(), targets);
        if (v.containsMultipleTasks()) {
            remoteTargetHandles = gluer.assignTargetsForSplitScreen(targets, v.getTaskIds());
        } else {
            remoteTargetHandles = gluer.assignTargets(targets);
    for (RemoteTargetHandle remoteTargetGluer : remoteTargetHandles) {
    int taskIndex = recentsView.indexOfChild(v);
    Context context = v.getContext();
    DeviceProfile dp = BaseActivity.fromContext(context).getDeviceProfile();
    boolean showAsGrid = dp.overviewShowAsGrid;
    boolean parallaxCenterAndAdjacentTask = taskIndex != recentsView.getCurrentPage() && !showAsGrid;
    int taskRectTranslationPrimary = recentsView.getScrollOffset(taskIndex);
    int taskRectTranslationSecondary = showAsGrid ? (int) v.getGridTranslationY() : 0;
    RemoteTargetHandle[] topMostSimulators = null;
    if (!v.isRunningTask()) {
        // TVSs already initialized from the running task, no need to re-init
        for (RemoteTargetHandle targetHandle : remoteTargetHandles) {
            TaskViewSimulator tvsLocal = targetHandle.getTaskViewSimulator();
            // RecentsView never updates the display rotation until swipe-up so the value may
            // be stale. Use the display value instead.
            int displayRotation = DisplayController.INSTANCE.get(context).getInfo().rotation;
            tvsLocal.getOrientationState().update(displayRotation, displayRotation);
            tvsLocal.fullScreenProgress.value = 0;
            tvsLocal.recentsViewScale.value = 1;
            tvsLocal.getOrientationState().getOrientationHandler().set(tvsLocal, TaskViewSimulator::setTaskRectTranslation, taskRectTranslationPrimary, taskRectTranslationSecondary);
            // Fade in the task during the initial 20% of the animation
            out.addFloat(targetHandle.getTransformParams(), TransformParams.TARGET_ALPHA, 0, 1, clampToProgress(LINEAR, 0, 0.2f));
    for (RemoteTargetHandle targetHandle : remoteTargetHandles) {
        TaskViewSimulator tvsLocal = targetHandle.getTaskViewSimulator();
        out.setFloat(tvsLocal.fullScreenProgress, AnimatedFloat.VALUE, 1, TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR);
        out.setFloat(tvsLocal.recentsViewScale, AnimatedFloat.VALUE, tvsLocal.getFullScreenScale(), TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR);
        out.setFloat(tvsLocal.recentsViewScroll, AnimatedFloat.VALUE, 0, TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR);
        out.addOnFrameCallback(() -> {
            for (RemoteTargetHandle handle : remoteTargetHandles) {
        if (navBarTarget != null) {
            final Rect cropRect = new Rect();
            out.addOnFrameListener(new MultiValueUpdateListener() {

                FloatProp mNavFadeOut = new FloatProp(1f, 0f, 0, ANIMATION_NAV_FADE_OUT_DURATION, NAV_FADE_OUT_INTERPOLATOR);


                public void onUpdate(float percent, boolean initOnly) {
                    final SurfaceParams.Builder navBuilder = new SurfaceParams.Builder(navBarTarget.leash);
                    // TODO Do we need to operate over multiple TVSs for the navbar leash?
                    for (RemoteTargetHandle handle : remoteTargetHandles) {
                        if (mNavFadeIn.value > mNavFadeIn.getStartValue()) {
                            TaskViewSimulator taskViewSimulator = handle.getTaskViewSimulator();
                        } else {
        } else if (inLiveTileMode) {
            // There is no transition animation for app launch from recent in live tile mode so
            // we have to trigger the navigation bar animation from system here.
            final RecentsAnimationController controller = recentsView.getRecentsAnimationController();
            if (controller != null) {
        topMostSimulators = remoteTargetHandles;
    if (!skipViewChanges && parallaxCenterAndAdjacentTask && topMostSimulators.length > 0) {
        out.addFloat(v, VIEW_ALPHA, 1, 0, clampToProgress(LINEAR, 0.2f, 0.4f));
        RemoteTargetHandle[] simulatorCopies = topMostSimulators;
        for (RemoteTargetHandle handle : simulatorCopies) {
        // Mt represents the overall transformation on the thumbnailView relative to the
        // Launcher's rootView
        // K(t) represents transformation on the running window by the taskViewSimulator at
        // any time t.
        // at t = 0, we know that the simulator matches the thumbnailView. So if we apply K(0)`
        // on the Launcher's rootView, the thumbnailView would match the full running task
        // window. If we apply "K(0)` K(t)" thumbnailView will match the final transformed
        // window at any time t. This gives the overall matrix on thumbnailView to be:
        // Mt K(0)` K(t)
        // During animation we apply transformation on the thumbnailView (and not the rootView)
        // to follow the TaskViewSimulator. So the final matrix applied on the thumbnailView is:
        // Mt K(0)` K(t) Mt`
        TaskThumbnailView[] thumbnails = v.getThumbnails();
        Matrix[] mt = new Matrix[simulatorCopies.length];
        Matrix[] mti = new Matrix[simulatorCopies.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < thumbnails.length; i++) {
            TaskThumbnailView ttv = thumbnails[i];
            RectF localBounds = new RectF(0, 0, ttv.getWidth(), ttv.getHeight());
            float[] tvBoundsMapped = new float[] { 0, 0, ttv.getWidth(), ttv.getHeight() };
            getDescendantCoordRelativeToAncestor(ttv, ttv.getRootView(), tvBoundsMapped, false);
            RectF localBoundsInRoot = new RectF(tvBoundsMapped[0], tvBoundsMapped[1], tvBoundsMapped[2], tvBoundsMapped[3]);
            Matrix localMt = new Matrix();
            localMt.setRectToRect(localBounds, localBoundsInRoot, ScaleToFit.FILL);
            mt[i] = localMt;
            Matrix localMti = new Matrix();
            mti[i] = localMti;
        Matrix[] k0i = new Matrix[simulatorCopies.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < simulatorCopies.length; i++) {
            k0i[i] = new Matrix();
        Matrix animationMatrix = new Matrix();
        out.addOnFrameCallback(() -> {
            for (int i = 0; i < simulatorCopies.length; i++) {
        out.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                for (TaskThumbnailView ttv : thumbnails) {
    out.addListener(new AnimationSuccessListener() {

        public void onAnimationSuccess(Animator animator) {
            if (isQuickSwitch) {

        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
    if (depthController != null) {
        out.setFloat(depthController, DEPTH, BACKGROUND_APP.getDepth(context), TOUCH_RESPONSE_INTERPOLATOR);
Also used : DeviceProfile( MultiValueUpdateListener( SurfaceTransactionApplier( Matrix( AnimatorListenerAdapter(android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter) SurfaceParams( AnimationSuccessListener( Context(android.content.Context) Rect( TaskViewSimulator( RemoteAnimationTargetCompat( RectF( RemoteTargetHandle( Animator(android.animation.Animator) ObjectAnimator(android.animation.ObjectAnimator) ValueAnimator(android.animation.ValueAnimator) RecentsView( TaskThumbnailView(


PendingAnimation ( AnimatorPlaybackController ( Animator (android.animation.Animator)46 AnimatorSet (android.animation.AnimatorSet)45 Rect ( ValueAnimator (android.animation.ValueAnimator)34 Point ( TextPaint (android.text.TextPaint)32 ObjectAnimator (android.animation.ObjectAnimator)31 Context (android.content.Context)31 AnimatorListenerAdapter (android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter)29 View (android.view.View)29 RecentsView ( DeviceProfile ( RectF ( Interpolator (android.view.animation.Interpolator)26 PagedOrientationHandler ( FloatProperty (android.util.FloatProperty)23 Matrix ( SpringProperty (