Search in sources :

Example 56 with WIDGETS

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by ArrowOS.

the class WidgetsListAdapter method scrollToPositionAndMaintainOffset.

 * Scrolls to the selected header position with the provided offset. LinearLayoutManager
 * scrolls the minimum distance necessary, so this will keep the selected header in place during
 * clicks, without interrupting the animation.
 * @param positionOptional The position too scroll to. No scrolling will be done if empty.
 * @param offsetOptional The offset from the top to maintain. If empty, then the list will
 *                       scroll to the top of the position.
private void scrollToPositionAndMaintainOffset(OptionalInt positionOptional, OptionalInt offsetOptional) {
    if (!positionOptional.isPresent() || mRecyclerView == null)
    int position = positionOptional.getAsInt();
    LinearLayoutManager layoutManager = (LinearLayoutManager) mRecyclerView.getLayoutManager();
    if (layoutManager == null)
    if (position == mVisibleEntries.size() - 2 && mVisibleEntries.get(mVisibleEntries.size() - 1) instanceof WidgetsListContentEntry) {
        // If the selected header is in the last position and its content is showing, then
        // scroll to the final position so the last list of widgets will show.
        layoutManager.scrollToPosition(mVisibleEntries.size() - 1);
    // Scroll to the header view's current offset, accounting for the recycler view's padding.
    // If the header view couldn't be found, then it will appear at the top of the list.
    layoutManager.scrollToPositionWithOffset(position, offsetOptional.orElse(0) - mRecyclerView.getPaddingTop());
Also used : WidgetsListContentEntry( LinearLayoutManager(androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager)

Example 57 with WIDGETS

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by ArrowOS.

the class WidgetsBottomSheet method onWidgetsBound.

public void onWidgetsBound() {
    List<WidgetItem> widgets = mActivityContext.getPopupDataProvider().getWidgetsForPackageUser(new PackageUserKey(mOriginalItemInfo.getTargetComponent().getPackageName(), mOriginalItemInfo.user));
    TableLayout widgetsTable = findViewById(;
    WidgetsTableUtils.groupWidgetItemsIntoTableWithReordering(widgets, mMaxHorizontalSpan).forEach(row -> {
        TableRow tableRow = new TableRow(getContext());
        row.forEach(widgetItem -> {
            WidgetCell widget = addItemCell(tableRow);
Also used : TableRow(android.widget.TableRow) WidgetItem( PackageUserKey( TableLayout(android.widget.TableLayout)

Example 58 with WIDGETS

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by ArrowOS.

the class WidgetsPredictionUpdateTask method execute.

 * Uses the app predication result to infer widgets that the user may want to use.
 * <p>The algorithm uses the app prediction ranking to create a widgets ranking which only
 * includes one widget per app and excludes widgets that have already been added to the
 * workspace.
public void execute(LauncherAppState appState, BgDataModel dataModel, AllAppsList apps) {
    Set<ComponentKey> widgetsInWorkspace = -> new ComponentKey(widget.providerName, widget.user)).collect(Collectors.toSet());
    Map<PackageUserKey, List<WidgetItem>> allWidgets = dataModel.widgetsModel.getAllWidgetsWithoutShortcuts();
    FixedContainerItems fixedContainerItems = mPredictorState.items;
        for (AppTarget app : mTargets) {
            PackageUserKey packageUserKey = new PackageUserKey(app.getPackageName(), app.getUser());
            if (allWidgets.containsKey(packageUserKey)) {
                List<WidgetItem> notAddedWidgets = allWidgets.get(packageUserKey).stream().filter(item -> !widgetsInWorkspace.contains(new ComponentKey(item.componentName, item.user))).collect(Collectors.toList());
                if (notAddedWidgets.size() > 0) {
                    // Even an apps have more than one widgets, we only include one widget.
                    fixedContainerItems.items.add(new PendingAddWidgetInfo(notAddedWidgets.get(0).widgetInfo, CONTAINER_WIDGETS_PREDICTION));
    } else {
        Map<ComponentKey, WidgetItem> widgetItems = allWidgets.values().stream().flatMap(List::stream).distinct().collect(Collectors.toMap(widget -> (ComponentKey) widget, widget -> widget));
        for (AppTarget app : mTargets) {
            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(app.getClassName())) {
            ComponentKey targetWidget = new ComponentKey(new ComponentName(app.getPackageName(), app.getClassName()), app.getUser());
            if (widgetItems.containsKey(targetWidget)) {
                fixedContainerItems.items.add(new PendingAddWidgetInfo(widgetItems.get(targetWidget).widgetInfo, CONTAINER_WIDGETS_PREDICTION));
// Don't store widgets prediction to disk because it is not used frequently.
Also used : CONTAINER_WIDGETS_PREDICTION( ComponentName(android.content.ComponentName) LauncherAppState( PendingAddWidgetInfo( PackageUserKey( Set(java.util.Set) TextUtils(android.text.TextUtils) FeatureFlags( Collectors( AppTarget( List(java.util.List) ComponentKey( Map(java.util.Map) FixedContainerItems( PredictorState( ComponentKey( PackageUserKey( FixedContainerItems( AppTarget( PendingAddWidgetInfo( List(java.util.List) ComponentName(android.content.ComponentName)

Example 59 with WIDGETS

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by ArrowOS.

the class WidgetsRecyclerView method getCurrentScrollY.

public int getCurrentScrollY() {
    // Skip early if widgets are not bound.
    if (isModelNotReady() || getChildCount() == 0) {
        return -1;
    int rowIndex = -1;
    View child = null;
    LayoutManager layoutManager = getLayoutManager();
    if (layoutManager instanceof LinearLayoutManager) {
        // Use the LayoutManager as the source of truth for visible positions. During
        // animations, the view group child may not correspond to the visible views that appear
        // at the top.
        rowIndex = ((LinearLayoutManager) layoutManager).findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
        child = layoutManager.findViewByPosition(rowIndex);
    if (child == null) {
        // If the layout manager returns null for any reason, which can happen before layout
        // has occurred for the position, then look at the child of this view as a ViewGroup.
        child = getChildAt(0);
        rowIndex = getChildPosition(child);
    for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
        View view = getChildAt(i);
        if (view instanceof TableLayout) {
            // This assumes there is ever only one content shown in this recycler view.
            mLastVisibleWidgetContentTableHeight = view.getMeasuredHeight();
        } else if (view instanceof WidgetsListHeader && mWidgetHeaderHeight == 0 && view.getMeasuredHeight() > 0) {
            // This assumes all header views are of the same height.
            mWidgetHeaderHeight = view.getMeasuredHeight();
        } else if (view instanceof EmptySpaceView && view.getMeasuredHeight() > 0) {
            mWidgetEmptySpaceHeight = view.getMeasuredHeight();
    int scrollPosition = getItemsHeight(rowIndex);
    int offset = getLayoutManager().getDecoratedTop(child);
    return getPaddingTop() + scrollPosition - offset;
Also used : LinearLayoutManager(androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager) EmptySpaceView( LinearLayoutManager(androidx.recyclerview.widget.LinearLayoutManager) EmptySpaceView( BaseRecyclerView( View(android.view.View) RecyclerView(androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView) TableLayout(android.widget.TableLayout) Point(

Example 60 with WIDGETS

use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by ArrowOS.

the class SimpleWidgetsSearchAlgorithm method getFilteredWidgets.

 * Returns entries for all matched widgets
public static ArrayList<WidgetsListBaseEntry> getFilteredWidgets(PopupDataProvider dataProvider, String input) {
    ArrayList<WidgetsListBaseEntry> results = new ArrayList<>();
    dataProvider.getAllWidgets().stream().filter(entry -> entry instanceof WidgetsListHeaderEntry).forEach(headerEntry -> {
        List<WidgetItem> matchedWidgetItems = filterWidgetItems(input, headerEntry.mPkgItem.title.toString(), headerEntry.mWidgets);
        if (matchedWidgetItems.size() > 0) {
            results.add(new WidgetsListSearchHeaderEntry(headerEntry.mPkgItem, headerEntry.mTitleSectionName, matchedWidgetItems));
            results.add(new WidgetsListContentEntry(headerEntry.mPkgItem, headerEntry.mTitleSectionName, matchedWidgetItems));
    return results;
Also used : PopupDataProvider( SearchCallback( WidgetsListHeaderEntry( WidgetsListContentEntry( WidgetsListSearchHeaderEntry( SearchAlgorithm( Collectors( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) StringMatcher( List(java.util.List) WidgetsListBaseEntry( StringMatcherUtility.matches( Handler(android.os.Handler) WidgetItem( WidgetsListBaseEntry( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) WidgetsListContentEntry( WidgetItem( WidgetsListHeaderEntry( WidgetsListSearchHeaderEntry(


ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)64 Test (org.junit.Test)64 WidgetItem ( WidgetsListContentEntry ( PackageUserKey ( List (java.util.List)50 AppWidgetProviderInfo (android.appwidget.AppWidgetProviderInfo)46 SmallTest (androidx.test.filters.SmallTest)44 ComponentName (android.content.ComponentName)42 WidgetsListBaseEntry ( Point ( View (android.view.View)37 LauncherAppWidgetHostView ( Collectors ( Context (android.content.Context)29 IconCache ( LauncherAppWidgetProviderInfo ( WidgetsListHeaderEntry ( WorkspaceItemInfo ( PendingAddWidgetInfo (