use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.
the class RecentsView method getSplitSelectTranslation.
* Returns how much additional translation there should be for each of the child TaskViews.
* Note that the translation can be its primary or secondary dimension.
public float getSplitSelectTranslation() {
int splitPosition = getSplitPlaceholder().getActiveSplitStagePosition();
if (!shouldShiftThumbnailsForSplitSelect()) {
return 0f;
PagedOrientationHandler orientationHandler = getPagedOrientationHandler();
int direction = orientationHandler.getSplitTranslationDirectionFactor(splitPosition, mActivity.getDeviceProfile());
return mActivity.getResources().getDimension(R.dimen.split_placeholder_size) * direction;
use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.
the class AnimatorControllerWithResistance method createRecentsResistanceAnim.
* Creates the resistance animation for {@link #createForRecents}, or can be used separately
* when starting from recents, i.e. {@link #createRecentsResistanceFromOverviewAnim}.
public static <SCALE, TRANSLATION> PendingAnimation createRecentsResistanceAnim(RecentsParams<SCALE, TRANSLATION> params) {
Rect startRect = new Rect();
PagedOrientationHandler orientationHandler = params.recentsOrientedState.getOrientationHandler();
LauncherActivityInterface.INSTANCE.calculateTaskSize(params.context, params.dp, startRect);
long distanceToCover = startRect.bottom;
PendingAnimation resistAnim = params.resistAnim != null ? params.resistAnim : new PendingAnimation(distanceToCover * 2);
PointF pivot = new PointF();
float fullscreenScale = params.recentsOrientedState.getFullScreenScaleAndPivot(startRect, params.dp, pivot);
// Compute where the task view would be based on the end scale.
RectF endRectF = new RectF(startRect);
Matrix temp = new Matrix();
temp.setScale(params.resistanceParams.scaleMaxResist, params.resistanceParams.scaleMaxResist, pivot.x, pivot.y);
// Translate such that the task view touches the top of the screen when drag does.
float endTranslation = * orientationHandler.getSecondaryTranslationDirectionFactor() * params.resistanceParams.translationFactor;
resistAnim.addFloat(params.translationTarget, params.translationProperty, params.startTranslation, endTranslation, RECENTS_TRANSLATE_RESIST_INTERPOLATOR);
float prevScaleRate = (fullscreenScale - params.startScale) / (params.dp.heightPx - startRect.bottom);
// This is what the scale would be at the end of the drag if we didn't apply resistance.
float endScale = params.startScale - prevScaleRate * distanceToCover;
// Create an interpolator that resists the scale so the scale doesn't get smaller than
float startResist = Utilities.getProgress(params.resistanceParams.scaleStartResist, params.startScale, endScale);
float maxResist = Utilities.getProgress(params.resistanceParams.scaleMaxResist, params.startScale, endScale);
float stopResist = params.resistanceParams.stopScalingAtTop ? 1f - / : 1f;
final TimeInterpolator scaleInterpolator = t -> {
if (t < startResist) {
return t;
if (t > stopResist) {
return maxResist;
float resistProgress = Utilities.getProgress(t, startResist, stopResist);
resistProgress = RECENTS_SCALE_RESIST_INTERPOLATOR.getInterpolation(resistProgress);
return startResist + resistProgress * (maxResist - startResist);
resistAnim.addFloat(params.scaleTarget, params.scaleProperty, params.startScale, endScale, scaleInterpolator);
return resistAnim;
use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.
the class ClearAllButton method onLayout.
protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
PagedOrientationHandler orientationHandler = getRecentsView().getPagedOrientationHandler();
mSidePadding = orientationHandler.getClearAllSidePadding(getRecentsView(), mIsRtl);
use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.
the class ClearAllButton method applyPrimaryTranslation.
private void applyPrimaryTranslation() {
RecentsView recentsView = getRecentsView();
if (recentsView == null) {
PagedOrientationHandler orientationHandler = recentsView.getPagedOrientationHandler();
orientationHandler.getPrimaryViewTranslate().set(this, orientationHandler.getPrimaryValue(0f, getOriginalTranslationY()) + mNormalTranslationPrimary + getFullscreenTrans(mFullscreenTranslationPrimary) + getGridTrans(mGridTranslationPrimary));
use of in project android_packages_apps_Launcher3 by AOSPA.
the class ClearAllButton method onRecentsViewScroll.
public void onRecentsViewScroll(int scroll, boolean gridEnabled) {
RecentsView recentsView = getRecentsView();
if (recentsView == null) {
PagedOrientationHandler orientationHandler = recentsView.getPagedOrientationHandler();
float orientationSize = orientationHandler.getPrimaryValue(getWidth(), getHeight());
if (orientationSize == 0) {
int clearAllScroll = recentsView.getClearAllScroll();
int adjustedScrollFromEdge = Math.abs(scroll - clearAllScroll);
float shift = Math.min(adjustedScrollFromEdge, orientationSize);
mNormalTranslationPrimary = mIsRtl ? -shift : shift;
if (!gridEnabled) {
mNormalTranslationPrimary += mSidePadding;
mScrollAlpha = 1 - shift / orientationSize;