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Example 61 with SimpleCaptureCallback

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class Camera2RecordingTest method videoSnapshotTestByCamera.

     * Test video snapshot for each  available CamcorderProfile for a given camera.
     * <p>
     * Preview size is set to the video size. For the burst test, frame drop and jittering
     * is not checked.
     * </p>
     * @param burstTest Perform burst capture or single capture. For burst capture
     *                  {@value #BURST_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT_NUM} capture requests will be sent.
private void videoSnapshotTestByCamera(boolean burstTest) throws Exception {
    final int NUM_SINGLE_SHOT_TEST = 5;
    final int FRAMEDROP_TOLERANCE = 8;
    final int FRAME_SIZE_15M = 15000000;
    final float FRAME_DROP_TOLERENCE_FACTOR = 1.5f;
    int kFrameDrop_Tolerence = FRAMEDROP_TOLERANCE;
    for (int profileId : mCamcorderProfileList) {
        int cameraId = Integer.parseInt(mCamera.getId());
        if (!CamcorderProfile.hasProfile(cameraId, profileId) || allowedUnsupported(cameraId, profileId)) {
        CamcorderProfile profile = CamcorderProfile.get(cameraId, profileId);
        Size videoSz = new Size(profile.videoFrameWidth, profile.videoFrameHeight);
        Size maxPreviewSize = mOrderedPreviewSizes.get(0);
        if (mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelLegacy() && (videoSz.getWidth() > maxPreviewSize.getWidth() || videoSz.getHeight() > maxPreviewSize.getHeight())) {
            // Skip. Legacy mode can only do recording up to max preview size
        if (!mSupportedVideoSizes.contains(videoSz)) {
            mCollector.addMessage("Video size " + videoSz.toString() + " for profile ID " + profileId + " must be one of the camera device supported video size!");
        // For LEGACY, find closest supported smaller or equal JPEG size to the current video
        // size; if no size is smaller than the video, pick the smallest JPEG size.  The assert
        // for video size above guarantees that for LIMITED or FULL, we select videoSz here.
        // Also check for minFrameDuration here to make sure jpeg stream won't slow down
        // video capture
        Size videoSnapshotSz = mOrderedStillSizes.get(mOrderedStillSizes.size() - 1);
        // Allow a bit tolerance so we don't fail for a few nano seconds of difference
        final float FRAME_DURATION_TOLERANCE = 0.01f;
        long videoFrameDuration = (long) (1e9 / profile.videoFrameRate * (1.0 + FRAME_DURATION_TOLERANCE));
        HashMap<Size, Long> minFrameDurationMap = mStaticInfo.getAvailableMinFrameDurationsForFormatChecked(ImageFormat.JPEG);
        for (int i = mOrderedStillSizes.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
            Size candidateSize = mOrderedStillSizes.get(i);
            if (mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelLegacy()) {
                // Legacy level doesn't report min frame duration
                if (candidateSize.getWidth() <= videoSz.getWidth() && candidateSize.getHeight() <= videoSz.getHeight()) {
                    videoSnapshotSz = candidateSize;
            } else {
                Long jpegFrameDuration = minFrameDurationMap.get(candidateSize);
                assertTrue("Cannot find minimum frame duration for jpeg size " + candidateSize, jpegFrameDuration != null);
                if (candidateSize.getWidth() <= videoSz.getWidth() && candidateSize.getHeight() <= videoSz.getHeight() && jpegFrameDuration <= videoFrameDuration) {
                    videoSnapshotSz = candidateSize;
             * Only test full res snapshot when below conditions are all true.
             * 1. Camera is a FULL device
             * 2. video size is up to max preview size, which will be bounded by 1080p.
             * 3. Full resolution jpeg stream can keep up to video stream speed.
             *    When full res jpeg stream cannot keep up to video stream speed, search
             *    the largest jpeg size that can susptain video speed instead.
        if (mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelFull() && videoSz.getWidth() <= maxPreviewSize.getWidth() && videoSz.getHeight() <= maxPreviewSize.getHeight()) {
            for (Size jpegSize : mOrderedStillSizes) {
                Long jpegFrameDuration = minFrameDurationMap.get(jpegSize);
                assertTrue("Cannot find minimum frame duration for jpeg size " + jpegSize, jpegFrameDuration != null);
                if (jpegFrameDuration <= videoFrameDuration) {
                    videoSnapshotSz = jpegSize;
                if (jpegSize.equals(videoSz)) {
                    throw new AssertionFailedError("Cannot find adequate video snapshot size for video size" + videoSz);
        Log.i(TAG, "Testing video snapshot size " + videoSnapshotSz + " for video size " + videoSz);
        if (videoSnapshotSz.getWidth() * videoSnapshotSz.getHeight() > FRAME_SIZE_15M)
            kFrameDrop_Tolerence = (int) (FRAMEDROP_TOLERANCE * FRAME_DROP_TOLERENCE_FACTOR);
        createImageReader(videoSnapshotSz, ImageFormat.JPEG, MAX_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT_IMAGES, /*listener*/
        if (VERBOSE) {
            Log.v(TAG, "Testing camera recording with video size " + videoSz.toString());
        // Configure preview and recording surfaces.
        mOutMediaFileName = VIDEO_FILE_PATH + "/test_video.mp4";
        if (DEBUG_DUMP) {
            mOutMediaFileName = VIDEO_FILE_PATH + "/test_video_" + cameraId + "_" + videoSz.toString() + ".mp4";
        int numTestIterations = burstTest ? 1 : NUM_SINGLE_SHOT_TEST;
        int totalDroppedFrames = 0;
        for (int numTested = 0; numTested < numTestIterations; numTested++) {
            // prepare video snapshot
            SimpleCaptureCallback resultListener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
            SimpleImageReaderListener imageListener = new SimpleImageReaderListener();
            CaptureRequest.Builder videoSnapshotRequestBuilder = mCamera.createCaptureRequest((mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelLegacy()) ? CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_RECORD : CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT);
            // prepare preview surface by using video size.
            updatePreviewSurfaceWithVideo(videoSz, profile.videoFrameRate);
            prepareVideoSnapshot(videoSnapshotRequestBuilder, imageListener);
            CaptureRequest request =;
            // Start recording
            startRecording(/* useMediaRecorder */
            true, resultListener, /*useVideoStab*/
            long startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
            // Record certain duration.
            SystemClock.sleep(RECORDING_DURATION_MS / 2);
            // take video snapshot
            if (burstTest) {
                List<CaptureRequest> requests = new ArrayList<CaptureRequest>(BURST_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT_NUM);
                for (int i = 0; i < BURST_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT_NUM; i++) {
                mSession.captureBurst(requests, resultListener, mHandler);
            } else {
                mSession.capture(request, resultListener, mHandler);
            // make sure recording is still going after video snapshot
            SystemClock.sleep(RECORDING_DURATION_MS / 2);
            // Stop recording and preview
            int durationMs = stopRecording(/* useMediaRecorder */
            // of frames to estimate duration
            if (!burstTest) {
                durationMs = (int) (resultListener.getTotalNumFrames() * 1000.0f / profile.videoFrameRate);
            // Validation recorded video
            validateRecording(videoSz, durationMs);
            if (burstTest) {
                for (int i = 0; i < BURST_VIDEO_SNAPSHOT_NUM; i++) {
                    Image image = imageListener.getImage(CAPTURE_IMAGE_TIMEOUT_MS);
                    validateVideoSnapshotCapture(image, videoSnapshotSz);
            } else {
                // validate video snapshot image
                Image image = imageListener.getImage(CAPTURE_IMAGE_TIMEOUT_MS);
                validateVideoSnapshotCapture(image, videoSnapshotSz);
                // validate if there is framedrop around video snapshot
                totalDroppedFrames += validateFrameDropAroundVideoSnapshot(resultListener, image.getTimestamp());
                //TODO: validate jittering. Should move to PTS
        if (!burstTest) {
            Log.w(TAG, String.format("Camera %d Video size %s: Number of dropped frames " + "detected in %d trials is %d frames.", cameraId, videoSz.toString(), numTestIterations, totalDroppedFrames));
            mCollector.expectLessOrEqual(String.format("Camera %d Video size %s: Number of dropped frames %d must not" + " be larger than %d", cameraId, videoSz.toString(), totalDroppedFrames, kFrameDrop_Tolerence), kFrameDrop_Tolerence, totalDroppedFrames);
Also used : Size(android.util.Size) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CamcorderProfile( SimpleImageReaderListener( Image( CaptureRequest(android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest) AssertionFailedError(junit.framework.AssertionFailedError) SimpleCaptureCallback(

Example 62 with SimpleCaptureCallback

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class Camera2RecordingTest method basicRecordingTestByCamera.

     * Test camera recording by using each available CamcorderProfile for a
     * given camera. preview size is set to the video size.
private void basicRecordingTestByCamera(int[] camcorderProfileList, boolean useVideoStab) throws Exception {
    Size maxPreviewSize = mOrderedPreviewSizes.get(0);
    List<Range<Integer>> fpsRanges = Arrays.asList(mStaticInfo.getAeAvailableTargetFpsRangesChecked());
    int cameraId = Integer.parseInt(mCamera.getId());
    int maxVideoFrameRate = -1;
    for (int profileId : camcorderProfileList) {
        if (!CamcorderProfile.hasProfile(cameraId, profileId) || allowedUnsupported(cameraId, profileId)) {
        CamcorderProfile profile = CamcorderProfile.get(cameraId, profileId);
        Size videoSz = new Size(profile.videoFrameWidth, profile.videoFrameHeight);
        Range<Integer> fpsRange = new Range(profile.videoFrameRate, profile.videoFrameRate);
        if (maxVideoFrameRate < profile.videoFrameRate) {
            maxVideoFrameRate = profile.videoFrameRate;
        if (mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelLegacy() && (videoSz.getWidth() > maxPreviewSize.getWidth() || videoSz.getHeight() > maxPreviewSize.getHeight())) {
            // Skip. Legacy mode can only do recording up to max preview size
        assertTrue("Video size " + videoSz.toString() + " for profile ID " + profileId + " must be one of the camera device supported video size!", mSupportedVideoSizes.contains(videoSz));
        assertTrue("Frame rate range " + fpsRange + " (for profile ID " + profileId + ") must be one of the camera device available FPS range!", fpsRanges.contains(fpsRange));
        if (VERBOSE) {
            Log.v(TAG, "Testing camera recording with video size " + videoSz.toString());
        // Configure preview and recording surfaces.
        mOutMediaFileName = VIDEO_FILE_PATH + "/test_video.mp4";
        if (DEBUG_DUMP) {
            mOutMediaFileName = VIDEO_FILE_PATH + "/test_video_" + cameraId + "_" + videoSz.toString() + ".mp4";
        // prepare preview surface by using video size.
        updatePreviewSurfaceWithVideo(videoSz, profile.videoFrameRate);
        // Start recording
        SimpleCaptureCallback resultListener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
        startRecording(/* useMediaRecorder */
        true, resultListener, useVideoStab);
        // Record certain duration.
        // Stop recording and preview
        stopRecording(/* useMediaRecorder */
        // Convert number of frames camera produced into the duration in unit of ms.
        int durationMs = (int) (resultListener.getTotalNumFrames() * 1000.0f / profile.videoFrameRate);
        if (VERBOSE) {
            Log.v(TAG, "video frame rate: " + profile.videoFrameRate + ", num of frames produced: " + resultListener.getTotalNumFrames());
        // Validation.
        validateRecording(videoSz, durationMs);
    if (maxVideoFrameRate != -1) {
        // At least one CamcorderProfile is present, check FPS
        assertTrue("At least one CamcorderProfile must support >= 24 FPS", maxVideoFrameRate >= 24);
Also used : Size(android.util.Size) CamcorderProfile( Range(android.util.Range) SimpleCaptureCallback(

Example 63 with SimpleCaptureCallback

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class Camera2SwitchPreviewTest method stillCapturePreviewPreparer.

private void stillCapturePreviewPreparer(String id) throws Exception {
    CaptureResult result;
    SimpleCaptureCallback resultListener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
    SimpleImageReaderListener imageListener = new SimpleImageReaderListener();
    CaptureRequest.Builder previewRequest = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW);
    CaptureRequest.Builder stillRequest = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE);
    // Preview Setup:
    prepareCapturePreview(previewRequest, stillRequest, resultListener, imageListener);
Also used : CaptureResult(android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult) SimpleImageReaderListener( CaptureRequest(android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest) SimpleCaptureCallback(

Example 64 with SimpleCaptureCallback

use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.

the class Camera2SwitchPreviewTest method basicRecordingPreviewTestByCamera.

     * Test camera recording preview by using each available CamcorderProfile for a
     * given camera. preview size is set to the video size.
private void basicRecordingPreviewTestByCamera(int[] camcorderProfileList) throws Exception {
    Size maxPreviewSize = mOrderedPreviewSizes.get(0);
    List<Range<Integer>> fpsRanges = Arrays.asList(mStaticInfo.getAeAvailableTargetFpsRangesChecked());
    int cameraId = Integer.parseInt(mCamera.getId());
    int maxVideoFrameRate = -1;
    int profileId = camcorderProfileList[0];
    if (!CamcorderProfile.hasProfile(cameraId, profileId) || allowedUnsupported(cameraId, profileId)) {
    CamcorderProfile profile = CamcorderProfile.get(cameraId, profileId);
    Size videoSz = new Size(profile.videoFrameWidth, profile.videoFrameHeight);
    Range<Integer> fpsRange = new Range(profile.videoFrameRate, profile.videoFrameRate);
    if (maxVideoFrameRate < profile.videoFrameRate) {
        maxVideoFrameRate = profile.videoFrameRate;
    if (mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelLegacy() && (videoSz.getWidth() > maxPreviewSize.getWidth() || videoSz.getHeight() > maxPreviewSize.getHeight())) {
        // Skip. Legacy mode can only do recording up to max preview size
    assertTrue("Video size " + videoSz.toString() + " for profile ID " + profileId + " must be one of the camera device supported video size!", mSupportedVideoSizes.contains(videoSz));
    assertTrue("Frame rate range " + fpsRange + " (for profile ID " + profileId + ") must be one of the camera device available FPS range!", fpsRanges.contains(fpsRange));
    if (VERBOSE) {
        Log.v(TAG, "Testing camera recording with video size " + videoSz.toString());
    // Configure preview and recording surfaces.
    mOutMediaFileName = VIDEO_FILE_PATH + "/test_video.mp4";
    if (DEBUG_DUMP) {
        mOutMediaFileName = VIDEO_FILE_PATH + "/test_video_" + cameraId + "_" + videoSz.toString() + ".mp4";
    // prepare preview surface by using video size.
    updatePreviewSurfaceWithVideo(videoSz, profile.videoFrameRate);
    CaptureRequest.Builder previewRequest = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW);
    CaptureRequest.Builder recordingRequest = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_RECORD);
    SimpleCaptureCallback resultListener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
    SimpleImageReaderListener imageListener = new SimpleImageReaderListener();
    prepareVideoPreview(previewRequest, recordingRequest, resultListener, imageListener);
    // Can reuse the MediaRecorder object after reset.
    if (maxVideoFrameRate != -1) {
        // At least one CamcorderProfile is present, check FPS
        assertTrue("At least one CamcorderProfile must support >= 24 FPS", maxVideoFrameRate >= 24);
Also used : Size(android.util.Size) CamcorderProfile( SimpleImageReaderListener( CaptureRequest(android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest) Range(android.util.Range) SimpleCaptureCallback( Point(

Example 65 with SimpleCaptureCallback

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class Camera2StillCaptureTest method takePictureTestByCamera.

     * Take a picture for a given set of 3A regions for a particular camera.
     * <p>
     * Before take a still capture, it triggers an auto focus and lock it first,
     * then wait for AWB to converge and lock it, then trigger a precapture
     * metering sequence and wait for AE converged. After capture is received, the
     * capture result and image are validated. If {@code addAeTriggerCancel} is true,
     * a precapture trigger cancel will be inserted between two adjacent triggers, which
     * should effective cancel the first trigger.
     * </p>
     * @param aeRegions AE regions for this capture
     * @param awbRegions AWB regions for this capture
     * @param afRegions AF regions for this capture
     * @param addAeTriggerCancel If a AE precapture trigger cancel is sent after the trigger.
private void takePictureTestByCamera(MeteringRectangle[] aeRegions, MeteringRectangle[] awbRegions, MeteringRectangle[] afRegions, boolean addAeTriggerCancel) throws Exception {
    boolean hasFocuser = mStaticInfo.hasFocuser();
    Size maxStillSz = mOrderedStillSizes.get(0);
    Size maxPreviewSz = mOrderedPreviewSizes.get(0);
    CaptureResult result;
    SimpleCaptureCallback resultListener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
    SimpleImageReaderListener imageListener = new SimpleImageReaderListener();
    CaptureRequest.Builder previewRequest = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_PREVIEW);
    CaptureRequest.Builder stillRequest = mCamera.createCaptureRequest(CameraDevice.TEMPLATE_STILL_CAPTURE);
    prepareStillCaptureAndStartPreview(previewRequest, stillRequest, maxPreviewSz, maxStillSz, resultListener, imageListener);
    // Set AE mode to ON_AUTO_FLASH if flash is available.
    if (mStaticInfo.hasFlash()) {
        previewRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON_AUTO_FLASH);
        stillRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE_ON_AUTO_FLASH);
    Camera2Focuser focuser = null;
         * Step 1: trigger an auto focus run, and wait for AF locked.
    boolean canSetAfRegion = hasFocuser && (afRegions != null) && isRegionsSupportedFor3A(MAX_REGIONS_AF_INDEX);
    if (hasFocuser) {
        SimpleAutoFocusListener afListener = new SimpleAutoFocusListener();
        focuser = new Camera2Focuser(mCamera, mSession, mPreviewSurface, afListener, mStaticInfo.getCharacteristics(), mHandler);
        if (canSetAfRegion) {
            stillRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_REGIONS, afRegions);
         * Have to get the current AF mode to be used for other 3A repeating
         * request, otherwise, the new AF mode in AE/AWB request could be
         * different with existing repeating requests being sent by focuser,
         * then it could make AF unlocked too early. Beside that, for still
         * capture, AF mode must not be different with the one in current
         * repeating request, otherwise, the still capture itself would trigger
         * an AF mode change, and the AF lock would be lost for this capture.
    int currentAfMode = CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE_OFF;
    if (hasFocuser) {
        currentAfMode = focuser.getCurrentAfMode();
    previewRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, currentAfMode);
    stillRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, currentAfMode);
         * Step 2: AF is already locked, wait for AWB converged, then lock it.
    resultListener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
    boolean canSetAwbRegion = (awbRegions != null) && isRegionsSupportedFor3A(MAX_REGIONS_AWB_INDEX);
    if (canSetAwbRegion) {
        previewRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS, awbRegions);
        stillRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS, awbRegions);
    mSession.setRepeatingRequest(, resultListener, mHandler);
    if (mStaticInfo.isHardwareLevelLimitedOrBetter()) {
        waitForResultValue(resultListener, CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE, CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_STATE_CONVERGED, NUM_RESULTS_WAIT_TIMEOUT);
    } else {
        // LEGACY Devices don't have the AWB_STATE reported in results, so just wait
        waitForSettingsApplied(resultListener, NUM_FRAMES_WAITED_FOR_UNKNOWN_LATENCY);
    boolean canSetAwbLock = mStaticInfo.isAwbLockSupported();
    if (canSetAwbLock) {
        previewRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_LOCK, true);
    mSession.setRepeatingRequest(, resultListener, mHandler);
    // Validate the next result immediately for region and mode.
    result = resultListener.getCaptureResult(WAIT_FOR_RESULT_TIMEOUT_MS);
    mCollector.expectEquals("AWB mode in result and request should be same", previewRequest.get(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_MODE), result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_MODE));
    if (canSetAwbRegion) {
        MeteringRectangle[] resultAwbRegions = getValueNotNull(result, CaptureResult.CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS);
        mCollector.expectEquals("AWB regions in result and request should be same", awbRegions, resultAwbRegions);
         * Step 3: trigger an AE precapture metering sequence and wait for AE converged.
    resultListener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
    boolean canSetAeRegion = (aeRegions != null) && isRegionsSupportedFor3A(MAX_REGIONS_AE_INDEX);
    if (canSetAeRegion) {
        previewRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_REGIONS, aeRegions);
        stillRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_REGIONS, aeRegions);
    mSession.setRepeatingRequest(, resultListener, mHandler);
    mSession.capture(, resultListener, mHandler);
    if (addAeTriggerCancel) {
        // Cancel the current precapture trigger, then send another trigger.
        // The camera device should behave as if the first trigger is not sent.
        // Wait one request to make the trigger start doing something before cancel.
        waitForNumResults(resultListener, /*numResultsWait*/
        previewRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_CANCEL);
        mSession.capture(, resultListener, mHandler);
        // Issue another trigger
        previewRequest.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER, CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_PRECAPTURE_TRIGGER_START);
        mSession.capture(, resultListener, mHandler);
    waitForAeStable(resultListener, NUM_FRAMES_WAITED_FOR_UNKNOWN_LATENCY);
    // Validate the next result immediately for region and mode.
    result = resultListener.getCaptureResult(WAIT_FOR_RESULT_TIMEOUT_MS);
    mCollector.expectEquals("AE mode in result and request should be same", previewRequest.get(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE), result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_MODE));
    if (canSetAeRegion) {
        MeteringRectangle[] resultAeRegions = getValueNotNull(result, CaptureResult.CONTROL_AE_REGIONS);
        mCollector.expectMeteringRegionsAreSimilar("AE regions in result and request should be similar", aeRegions, resultAeRegions, METERING_REGION_ERROR_PERCENT_DELTA);
         * Step 4: take a picture when all 3A are in good state.
    resultListener = new SimpleCaptureCallback();
    CaptureRequest request =;
    mSession.capture(request, resultListener, mHandler);
    // Validate the next result immediately for region and mode.
    result = resultListener.getCaptureResultForRequest(request, WAIT_FOR_RESULT_TIMEOUT_MS);
    mCollector.expectEquals("AF mode in result and request should be same", stillRequest.get(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE), result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_MODE));
    if (canSetAfRegion) {
        MeteringRectangle[] resultAfRegions = getValueNotNull(result, CaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_REGIONS);
        mCollector.expectMeteringRegionsAreSimilar("AF regions in result and request should be similar", afRegions, resultAfRegions, METERING_REGION_ERROR_PERCENT_DELTA);
    if (hasFocuser) {
        // Unlock auto focus.
    // validate image
    Image image = imageListener.getImage(CAPTURE_IMAGE_TIMEOUT_MS);
    validateJpegCapture(image, maxStillSz);
    // Free image resources
Also used : Size(android.util.Size) CaptureResult(android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult) MeteringRectangle(android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle) SimpleImageReaderListener( Camera2Focuser( CameraTestUtils.basicValidateJpegImage( CameraTestUtils.getDataFromImage( Image( Point( CaptureRequest(android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest) SimpleCaptureCallback(


SimpleCaptureCallback ( CaptureRequest (android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest)60 Size (android.util.Size)35 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)35 CaptureResult (android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult)25 TotalCaptureResult (android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult)25 Image ( SimpleImageReaderListener ( CameraTestUtils.getDataFromImage ( CamcorderProfile ( Range (android.util.Range)15 Point ( CameraTestUtils.basicValidateJpegImage ( CaptureFailure (android.hardware.camera2.CaptureFailure)5 DngCreator (android.hardware.camera2.DngCreator)5 MeteringRectangle (android.hardware.camera2.params.MeteringRectangle)5 StreamConfigurationMap (android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap)5 ImageReader ( MediaRecorder ( Surface (android.view.Surface)5