use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class SignerInfoGenerator method generate.
public SignerInfo generate(ASN1ObjectIdentifier contentType) throws CMSException {
try {
/* RFC 3852 5.4
* The result of the message digest calculation process depends on
* whether the signedAttrs field is present. When the field is absent,
* the result is just the message digest of the content as described
* above. When the field is present, however, the result is the message
* digest of the complete DER encoding of the SignedAttrs value
* contained in the signedAttrs field.
ASN1Set signedAttr = null;
AlgorithmIdentifier digestAlg = null;
if (sAttrGen != null) {
digestAlg = digester.getAlgorithmIdentifier();
calculatedDigest = digester.getDigest();
Map parameters = getBaseParameters(contentType, digester.getAlgorithmIdentifier(), calculatedDigest);
AttributeTable signed = sAttrGen.getAttributes(Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters));
signedAttr = getAttributeSet(signed);
// sig must be composed from the DER encoding.
OutputStream sOut = signer.getOutputStream();
} else {
if (digester != null) {
digestAlg = digester.getAlgorithmIdentifier();
calculatedDigest = digester.getDigest();
} else {
digestAlg = digAlgFinder.find(signer.getAlgorithmIdentifier());
calculatedDigest = null;
byte[] sigBytes = signer.getSignature();
ASN1Set unsignedAttr = null;
if (unsAttrGen != null) {
Map parameters = getBaseParameters(contentType, digestAlg, calculatedDigest);
parameters.put(CMSAttributeTableGenerator.SIGNATURE, sigBytes.clone());
AttributeTable unsigned = unsAttrGen.getAttributes(Collections.unmodifiableMap(parameters));
unsignedAttr = getAttributeSet(unsigned);
AlgorithmIdentifier digestEncryptionAlgorithm = sigEncAlgFinder.findEncryptionAlgorithm(signer.getAlgorithmIdentifier());
return new SignerInfo(signerIdentifier, digestAlg, signedAttr, digestEncryptionAlgorithm, new DEROctetString(sigBytes), unsignedAttr);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new CMSException("encoding error.", e);
use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class JCEECPrivateKey method getEncoded.
* Return a PKCS8 representation of the key. The sequence returned
* represents a full PrivateKeyInfo object.
* @return a PKCS8 representation of the key.
public byte[] getEncoded() {
X962Parameters params;
if (ecSpec instanceof ECNamedCurveSpec) {
DERObjectIdentifier curveOid = ECUtil.getNamedCurveOid(((ECNamedCurveSpec) ecSpec).getName());
if (// guess it's the OID
curveOid == null) {
curveOid = new DERObjectIdentifier(((ECNamedCurveSpec) ecSpec).getName());
params = new X962Parameters(curveOid);
} else if (ecSpec == null) {
params = new X962Parameters(DERNull.INSTANCE);
} else {
ECCurve curve = EC5Util.convertCurve(ecSpec.getCurve());
X9ECParameters ecP = new X9ECParameters(curve, EC5Util.convertPoint(curve, ecSpec.getGenerator(), withCompression), ecSpec.getOrder(), BigInteger.valueOf(ecSpec.getCofactor()), ecSpec.getCurve().getSeed());
params = new X962Parameters(ecP);
PrivateKeyInfo info;
ECPrivateKeyStructure keyStructure;
if (publicKey != null) {
keyStructure = new ECPrivateKeyStructure(this.getS(), publicKey, params);
} else {
keyStructure = new ECPrivateKeyStructure(this.getS(), params);
try {
// BEGIN android-removed
// if (algorithm.equals("ECGOST3410"))
// {
// info = new PrivateKeyInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(CryptoProObjectIdentifiers.gostR3410_2001, params.toASN1Primitive()), keyStructure.toASN1Primitive());
// }
// else
// END android-removed
info = new PrivateKeyInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey, params.toASN1Primitive()), keyStructure.toASN1Primitive());
return info.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
use of in project robovm by robovm.
the class JCEECPublicKey method getEncoded.
public byte[] getEncoded() {
ASN1Encodable params;
SubjectPublicKeyInfo info;
// BEGIN android-removed
// if (algorithm.equals("ECGOST3410"))
// {
// if (gostParams != null)
// {
// params = gostParams;
// }
// else
// {
// if (ecSpec instanceof ECNamedCurveSpec)
// {
// params = new GOST3410PublicKeyAlgParameters(
// ECGOST3410NamedCurves.getOID(((ECNamedCurveSpec)ecSpec).getName()),
// CryptoProObjectIdentifiers.gostR3411_94_CryptoProParamSet);
// }
// else
// { // strictly speaking this may not be applicable...
// ECCurve curve = EC5Util.convertCurve(ecSpec.getCurve());
// X9ECParameters ecP = new X9ECParameters(
// curve,
// EC5Util.convertPoint(curve, ecSpec.getGenerator(), withCompression),
// ecSpec.getOrder(),
// BigInteger.valueOf(ecSpec.getCofactor()),
// ecSpec.getCurve().getSeed());
// params = new X962Parameters(ecP);
// }
// }
// BigInteger bX = this.q.getX().toBigInteger();
// BigInteger bY = this.q.getY().toBigInteger();
// byte[] encKey = new byte[64];
// extractBytes(encKey, 0, bX);
// extractBytes(encKey, 32, bY);
// try
// {
// info = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(CryptoProObjectIdentifiers.gostR3410_2001, params), new DEROctetString(encKey));
// }
// catch (IOException e)
// {
// return null;
// }
// }
// else
// END android-removed
if (ecSpec instanceof ECNamedCurveSpec) {
ASN1ObjectIdentifier curveOid = ECUtil.getNamedCurveOid(((ECNamedCurveSpec) ecSpec).getName());
if (curveOid == null) {
curveOid = new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(((ECNamedCurveSpec) ecSpec).getName());
params = new X962Parameters(curveOid);
} else if (ecSpec == null) {
params = new X962Parameters(DERNull.INSTANCE);
} else {
ECCurve curve = EC5Util.convertCurve(ecSpec.getCurve());
X9ECParameters ecP = new X9ECParameters(curve, EC5Util.convertPoint(curve, ecSpec.getGenerator(), withCompression), ecSpec.getOrder(), BigInteger.valueOf(ecSpec.getCofactor()), ecSpec.getCurve().getSeed());
params = new X962Parameters(ecP);
ECCurve curve = this.engineGetQ().getCurve();
ASN1OctetString p = (ASN1OctetString) new X9ECPoint(curve.createPoint(this.getQ().getX().toBigInteger(), this.getQ().getY().toBigInteger(), withCompression)).toASN1Primitive();
info = new SubjectPublicKeyInfo(new AlgorithmIdentifier(X9ObjectIdentifiers.id_ecPublicKey, params), p.getOctets());
return KeyUtil.getEncodedSubjectPublicKeyInfo(info);