use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.
the class JobServiceContext method onServiceConnected.
* We acquire/release a wakelock on onServiceConnected/unbindService. This mirrors the work
* we intend to send to the client - we stop sending work when the service is unbound so until
* then we keep the wakelock.
* @param name The concrete component name of the service that has been connected.
* @param service The IBinder of the Service's communication channel,
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
JobStatus runningJob;
synchronized (mLock) {
// This isn't strictly necessary b/c the JobServiceHandler is running on the main
// looper and at this point we can't get any binder callbacks from the client. Better
// safe than sorry.
runningJob = mRunningJob;
if (runningJob == null || !name.equals(runningJob.getServiceComponent())) {
this.service = IJobService.Stub.asInterface(service);
final PowerManager pm = (PowerManager) mContext.getSystemService(Context.POWER_SERVICE);
PowerManager.WakeLock wl = pm.newWakeLock(PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK, runningJob.getTag());
wl.setWorkSource(new WorkSource(runningJob.getSourceUid()));
synchronized (mLock) {
// explicitly fast-forward the release if we're in that situation.
if (mWakeLock != null) {
Slog.w(TAG, "Bound new job " + runningJob + " but live wakelock " + mWakeLock + " tag=" + mWakeLock.getTag());
mWakeLock = wl;
use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.
the class JobStoreTest method testWritingTwoFilesToDisk.
public void testWritingTwoFilesToDisk() throws Exception {
final JobInfo task1 = new Builder(8, mComponent).setRequiresDeviceIdle(true).setPeriodic(10000L).setRequiresCharging(true).setPersisted(true).build();
final JobInfo task2 = new Builder(12, mComponent).setMinimumLatency(5000L).setBackoffCriteria(15000L, JobInfo.BACKOFF_POLICY_LINEAR).setOverrideDeadline(30000L).setRequiredNetworkType(JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_UNMETERED).setPersisted(true).build();
final JobStatus taskStatus1 = JobStatus.createFromJobInfo(task1, SOME_UID, null, -1, null);
final JobStatus taskStatus2 = JobStatus.createFromJobInfo(task2, SOME_UID, null, -1, null);
final JobSet jobStatusSet = new JobSet();
assertEquals("Incorrect # of persisted tasks.", 2, jobStatusSet.size());
Iterator<JobStatus> it = jobStatusSet.getAllJobs().iterator();
JobStatus loaded1 =;
JobStatus loaded2 =;
// Reverse them so we know which comparison to make.
if (loaded1.getJobId() != 8) {
JobStatus tmp = loaded1;
loaded1 = loaded2;
loaded2 = tmp;
assertTasksEqual(task1, loaded1.getJob());
assertTasksEqual(task2, loaded2.getJob());
assertTrue("JobStore#contains invalid.", mTaskStoreUnderTest.containsJob(taskStatus1));
assertTrue("JobStore#contains invalid.", mTaskStoreUnderTest.containsJob(taskStatus2));
// Check that the loaded task has the correct runtimes.
compareTimestampsSubjectToIoLatency("Early run-times not the same after read.", taskStatus1.getEarliestRunTime(), loaded1.getEarliestRunTime());
compareTimestampsSubjectToIoLatency("Late run-times not the same after read.", taskStatus1.getLatestRunTimeElapsed(), loaded1.getLatestRunTimeElapsed());
compareTimestampsSubjectToIoLatency("Early run-times not the same after read.", taskStatus2.getEarliestRunTime(), loaded2.getEarliestRunTime());
compareTimestampsSubjectToIoLatency("Late run-times not the same after read.", taskStatus2.getLatestRunTimeElapsed(), loaded2.getLatestRunTimeElapsed());
use of in project android_frameworks_base by ResurrectionRemix.
the class JobStoreTest method testMassivePeriodClampedOnRead.
public void testMassivePeriodClampedOnRead() throws Exception {
// flex
final long ONE_HOUR = 60 * 60 * 1000L;
// period
final long TWO_HOURS = 2 * ONE_HOUR;
JobInfo.Builder b = new Builder(8, mComponent).setPeriodic(TWO_HOURS, ONE_HOUR).setPersisted(true);
final long invalidLateRuntimeElapsedMillis = // > period+flex
SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() + (TWO_HOURS * ONE_HOUR) + TWO_HOURS;
final long invalidEarlyRuntimeElapsedMillis = // Early is (late - period).
invalidLateRuntimeElapsedMillis - TWO_HOURS;
final JobStatus js = new JobStatus(, SOME_UID, "somePackage", 0, /* sourceUserId */
"someTag", invalidEarlyRuntimeElapsedMillis, invalidLateRuntimeElapsedMillis);
final JobSet jobStatusSet = new JobSet();
assertEquals("Incorrect # of persisted tasks.", 1, jobStatusSet.size());
JobStatus loaded = jobStatusSet.getAllJobs().iterator().next();
// Assert early runtime was clamped to be under now + period. We can do <= here b/c we'll
// call SystemClock.elapsedRealtime after doing the disk i/o.
final long newNowElapsed = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
assertTrue("Early runtime wasn't correctly clamped.", loaded.getEarliestRunTime() <= newNowElapsed + TWO_HOURS);
// Assert late runtime was clamped to be now + period + flex.
assertTrue("Early runtime wasn't correctly clamped.", loaded.getEarliestRunTime() <= newNowElapsed + TWO_HOURS + ONE_HOUR);
use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.
the class JobStoreTest method testMaybeWriteStatusToDisk.
public void testMaybeWriteStatusToDisk() throws Exception {
int taskId = 5;
// 20s
long runByMillis = 20000L;
// 2s
long runFromMillis = 2000L;
// 10s
long initialBackoff = 10000L;
final JobInfo task = new Builder(taskId, mComponent).setRequiresCharging(true).setRequiredNetworkType(JobInfo.NETWORK_TYPE_ANY).setBackoffCriteria(initialBackoff, JobInfo.BACKOFF_POLICY_EXPONENTIAL).setOverrideDeadline(runByMillis).setMinimumLatency(runFromMillis).setPersisted(true).build();
final JobStatus ts = JobStatus.createFromJobInfo(task, SOME_UID, null, -1, null);
// Manually load tasks from xml file.
final JobSet jobStatusSet = new JobSet();
assertEquals("Didn't get expected number of persisted tasks.", 1, jobStatusSet.size());
final JobStatus loadedTaskStatus = jobStatusSet.getAllJobs().get(0);
assertTasksEqual(task, loadedTaskStatus.getJob());
assertTrue("JobStore#contains invalid.", mTaskStoreUnderTest.containsJob(ts));
assertEquals("Different uids.", SOME_UID, loadedTaskStatus.getUid());
compareTimestampsSubjectToIoLatency("Early run-times not the same after read.", ts.getEarliestRunTime(), loadedTaskStatus.getEarliestRunTime());
compareTimestampsSubjectToIoLatency("Late run-times not the same after read.", ts.getLatestRunTimeElapsed(), loadedTaskStatus.getLatestRunTimeElapsed());
use of in project android_frameworks_base by DirtyUnicorns.
the class JobStoreTest method testNonPersistedTaskIsNotPersisted.
* Test that non persisted job is not written to disk.
public void testNonPersistedTaskIsNotPersisted() throws Exception {
JobInfo.Builder b = new Builder(42, mComponent).setOverrideDeadline(10000).setPersisted(false);
JobStatus jsNonPersisted = JobStatus.createFromJobInfo(, SOME_UID, null, -1, null);
b = new Builder(43, mComponent).setOverrideDeadline(10000).setPersisted(true);
JobStatus jsPersisted = JobStatus.createFromJobInfo(, SOME_UID, null, -1, null);
final JobSet jobStatusSet = new JobSet();
assertEquals("Job count is incorrect.", 1, jobStatusSet.size());
JobStatus jobStatus = jobStatusSet.getAllJobs().iterator().next();
assertEquals("Wrong job persisted.", 43, jobStatus.getJobId());