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Example 46 with LocationProviderInterface

use of in project android_frameworks_base by crdroidandroid.

the class LocationManagerService method requestLocationUpdatesLocked.

private void requestLocationUpdatesLocked(LocationRequest request, Receiver receiver, int pid, int uid, String packageName) {
    // use the fused provider
    if (request == null)
    String name = request.getProvider();
    if (name == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider name must not be null");
    if (D)
        Log.d(TAG, "request " + Integer.toHexString(System.identityHashCode(receiver)) + " " + name + " " + request + " from " + packageName + "(" + uid + ")");
    LocationProviderInterface provider = mProvidersByName.get(name);
    if (provider == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider doesn't exist: " + name);
    UpdateRecord record = new UpdateRecord(name, request, receiver);
    UpdateRecord oldRecord = receiver.mUpdateRecords.put(name, record);
    if (oldRecord != null) {
    boolean isProviderEnabled = isAllowedByUserSettingsLocked(name, uid);
    if (isProviderEnabled) {
    } else {
        // Notify the listener that updates are currently disabled
        receiver.callProviderEnabledLocked(name, false);
    // Update the monitoring here just in case multiple location requests were added to the
    // same receiver (this request may be high power and the initial might not have been).
Also used : LocationProviderInterface(

Example 47 with LocationProviderInterface

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class LocationManagerService method getProviderProperties.

     * @return null if the provider does not exist
     * @throws SecurityException if the provider is not allowed to be
     * accessed by the caller
public ProviderProperties getProviderProperties(String provider) {
    if (mProvidersByName.get(provider) == null) {
        return null;
    checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForProviderUse(getCallerAllowedResolutionLevel(), provider);
    LocationProviderInterface p;
    synchronized (mLock) {
        p = mProvidersByName.get(provider);
    if (p == null)
        return null;
    return p.getProperties();
Also used : LocationProviderInterface(

Example 48 with LocationProviderInterface

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class LocationManagerService method getProviders.

     * Return all providers by name, that match criteria and are optionally
     * enabled.
     * Can return passive provider, but never returns fused provider.
public List<String> getProviders(Criteria criteria, boolean enabledOnly) {
    int allowedResolutionLevel = getCallerAllowedResolutionLevel();
    ArrayList<String> out;
    int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
    long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
    try {
        synchronized (mLock) {
            out = new ArrayList<String>(mProviders.size());
            for (LocationProviderInterface provider : mProviders) {
                String name = provider.getName();
                if (LocationManager.FUSED_PROVIDER.equals(name)) {
                if (allowedResolutionLevel >= getMinimumResolutionLevelForProviderUse(name)) {
                    if (enabledOnly && !isAllowedByUserSettingsLocked(name, uid)) {
                    if (criteria != null && !LocationProvider.propertiesMeetCriteria(name, provider.getProperties(), criteria)) {
    } finally {
    if (D)
        Log.d(TAG, "getProviders()=" + out);
    return out;
Also used : LocationProviderInterface(

Example 49 with LocationProviderInterface

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class LocationManagerService method providerMeetsCriteria.

public boolean providerMeetsCriteria(String provider, Criteria criteria) {
    LocationProviderInterface p = mProvidersByName.get(provider);
    if (p == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("provider=" + provider);
    boolean result = LocationProvider.propertiesMeetCriteria(p.getName(), p.getProperties(), criteria);
    if (D)
        Log.d(TAG, "providerMeetsCriteria(" + provider + ", " + criteria + ")=" + result);
    return result;
Also used : LocationProviderInterface(

Example 50 with LocationProviderInterface

use of in project android_frameworks_base by AOSPA.

the class LocationManagerService method getLastLocation.

public Location getLastLocation(LocationRequest request, String packageName) {
    if (D)
        Log.d(TAG, "getLastLocation: " + request);
    if (request == null)
    int allowedResolutionLevel = getCallerAllowedResolutionLevel();
    checkResolutionLevelIsSufficientForProviderUse(allowedResolutionLevel, request.getProvider());
    // no need to sanitize this request, as only the provider name is used
    final int pid = Binder.getCallingPid();
    final int uid = Binder.getCallingUid();
    final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();
    try {
        if (mBlacklist.isBlacklisted(packageName)) {
            if (D)
                Log.d(TAG, "not returning last loc for blacklisted app: " + packageName);
            return null;
        if (!reportLocationAccessNoThrow(pid, uid, packageName, allowedResolutionLevel)) {
            if (D)
                Log.d(TAG, "not returning last loc for no op app: " + packageName);
            return null;
        synchronized (mLock) {
            // Figure out the provider. Either its explicitly request (deprecated API's),
            // or use the fused provider
            String name = request.getProvider();
            if (name == null)
                name = LocationManager.FUSED_PROVIDER;
            LocationProviderInterface provider = mProvidersByName.get(name);
            if (provider == null)
                return null;
            if (!isAllowedByUserSettingsLocked(name, uid))
                return null;
            Location location;
            if (allowedResolutionLevel < RESOLUTION_LEVEL_FINE) {
                // Make sure that an app with coarse permissions can't get frequent location
                // updates by calling LocationManager.getLastKnownLocation repeatedly.
                location = mLastLocationCoarseInterval.get(name);
            } else {
                location = mLastLocation.get(name);
            if (location == null) {
                return null;
            if (allowedResolutionLevel < RESOLUTION_LEVEL_FINE) {
                Location noGPSLocation = location.getExtraLocation(Location.EXTRA_NO_GPS_LOCATION);
                if (noGPSLocation != null) {
                    return new Location(mLocationFudger.getOrCreate(noGPSLocation));
            } else {
                return new Location(location);
        return null;
    } finally {
Also used : LocationProviderInterface( Location(android.location.Location)


LocationProviderInterface ( BroadcastReceiver (android.content.BroadcastReceiver)18 Location (android.location.Location)18 MockProvider ( PendingIntent ( Intent (android.content.Intent)6 LocationRequest (android.location.LocationRequest)6 Bundle (android.os.Bundle)6 WorkSource (android.os.WorkSource)6 ProviderRequest ( LocationProviderProxy ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 Map (java.util.Map)6 FlpHardwareProvider ( PackageProviderKey ( PackageStatistics (