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Example 46 with TaskStack

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class RecentsImpl method getThumbnailTransitionTransform.

     * Returns the transition rect for the given task id.
private TaskViewTransform getThumbnailTransitionTransform(TaskStackView stackView, Task runningTaskOut, Rect windowOverrideRect) {
    // Find the running task in the TaskStack
    TaskStack stack = stackView.getStack();
    Task launchTask = stack.getLaunchTarget();
    if (launchTask != null) {
    } else {
        // If no task is specified or we can not find the task just use the front most one
        launchTask = stack.getStackFrontMostTask(true);
    // Get the transform for the running task
    stackView.getStackAlgorithm().getStackTransformScreenCoordinates(launchTask, stackView.getScroller().getStackScroll(), mTmpTransform, null, windowOverrideRect);
    return mTmpTransform;
Also used : TaskStack( Task(

Example 47 with TaskStack

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class RecentsView method launchPreviousTask.

/** Launches the task that recents was launched from if possible */
public boolean launchPreviousTask() {
    if (mTaskStackView != null) {
        TaskStack stack = mTaskStackView.getStack();
        Task task = stack.getLaunchTarget();
        if (task != null) {
            TaskView taskView = mTaskStackView.getChildViewForTask(task);
            EventBus.getDefault().send(new LaunchTaskEvent(taskView, task, null, INVALID_STACK_ID, false));
            return true;
    return false;
Also used : TaskStack( Task( LaunchTaskEvent(

Example 48 with TaskStack

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class TaskStackAnimationHelper method startEnterAnimation.

     * Starts the in-app enter animation, which animates the {@link TaskView}s to their final places
     * depending on how Recents was triggered.
public void startEnterAnimation(final ReferenceCountedTrigger postAnimationTrigger) {
    RecentsConfiguration config = Recents.getConfiguration();
    RecentsActivityLaunchState launchState = config.getLaunchState();
    Resources res = mStackView.getResources();
    Resources appRes = mStackView.getContext().getApplicationContext().getResources();
    TaskStackLayoutAlgorithm stackLayout = mStackView.getStackAlgorithm();
    TaskStackViewScroller stackScroller = mStackView.getScroller();
    TaskStack stack = mStackView.getStack();
    Task launchTargetTask = stack.getLaunchTarget();
    // Break early if there are no tasks
    if (stack.getTaskCount() == 0) {
    int taskViewEnterFromAppDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.recents_task_enter_from_app_duration);
    int taskViewEnterFromAffiliatedAppDuration = res.getInteger(R.integer.recents_task_enter_from_affiliated_app_duration);
    int dockGestureAnimDuration = appRes.getInteger(R.integer.long_press_dock_anim_duration);
    // Create enter animations for each of the views from front to back
    List<TaskView> taskViews = mStackView.getTaskViews();
    int taskViewCount = taskViews.size();
    for (int i = taskViewCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        int taskIndexFromFront = taskViewCount - i - 1;
        int taskIndexFromBack = i;
        final TaskView tv = taskViews.get(i);
        Task task = tv.getTask();
        boolean currentTaskOccludesLaunchTarget = launchTargetTask != null && != null &&, launchTargetTask);
        // Get the current transform for the task, which will be updated to the final transform
        // to animate to depending on how recents was invoked
        stackLayout.getStackTransform(task, stackScroller.getStackScroll(), mTmpTransform, null);
        if (launchState.launchedFromApp && !launchState.launchedViaDockGesture) {
            if (task.isLaunchTarget) {
                tv.onStartLaunchTargetEnterAnimation(mTmpTransform, taskViewEnterFromAppDuration, mStackView.mScreenPinningEnabled, postAnimationTrigger);
            } else {
                // Animate the task up if it was occluding the launch target
                if (currentTaskOccludesLaunchTarget) {
                    AnimationProps taskAnimation = new AnimationProps(taskViewEnterFromAffiliatedAppDuration, Interpolators.ALPHA_IN, new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {

                        public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {
                    mStackView.updateTaskViewToTransform(tv, mTmpTransform, taskAnimation);
        } else if (launchState.launchedFromHome) {
            // Animate the tasks up, but offset the animations to be relative to the front-most
            // task animation
            AnimationProps taskAnimation = new AnimationProps().setInitialPlayTime(AnimationProps.BOUNDS, Math.min(ENTER_EXIT_NUM_ANIMATING_TASKS, taskIndexFromFront) * DOUBLE_FRAME_OFFSET_MS).setStartDelay(AnimationProps.ALPHA, Math.min(ENTER_EXIT_NUM_ANIMATING_TASKS, taskIndexFromFront) * FRAME_OFFSET_MS).setDuration(AnimationProps.BOUNDS, ENTER_FROM_HOME_TRANSLATION_DURATION).setDuration(AnimationProps.ALPHA, ENTER_FROM_HOME_ALPHA_DURATION).setInterpolator(AnimationProps.BOUNDS, ENTER_FROM_HOME_TRANSLATION_INTERPOLATOR).setInterpolator(AnimationProps.ALPHA, ENTER_FROM_HOME_ALPHA_INTERPOLATOR).setListener(postAnimationTrigger.decrementOnAnimationEnd());
            mStackView.updateTaskViewToTransform(tv, mTmpTransform, taskAnimation);
            if (i == taskViewCount - 1) {
        } else if (launchState.launchedViaDockGesture) {
            // Animate the tasks up - add some delay to match the divider animation
            AnimationProps taskAnimation = new AnimationProps().setDuration(AnimationProps.BOUNDS, dockGestureAnimDuration + (taskIndexFromBack * DOUBLE_FRAME_OFFSET_MS)).setInterpolator(AnimationProps.BOUNDS, ENTER_WHILE_DOCKING_INTERPOLATOR).setStartDelay(AnimationProps.BOUNDS, 48).setListener(postAnimationTrigger.decrementOnAnimationEnd());
            mStackView.updateTaskViewToTransform(tv, mTmpTransform, taskAnimation);
Also used : Task( TaskStack( Animator(android.animation.Animator) ValueAnimator(android.animation.ValueAnimator) RecentsActivityLaunchState( RecentsConfiguration( AnimatorListenerAdapter(android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter) Resources(android.content.res.Resources)

Example 49 with TaskStack

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class TaskStackAnimationHelper method prepareForEnterAnimation.

     * Prepares the stack views and puts them in their initial animation state while visible, before
     * the in-app enter animations start (after the window-transition completes).
public void prepareForEnterAnimation() {
    RecentsConfiguration config = Recents.getConfiguration();
    RecentsActivityLaunchState launchState = config.getLaunchState();
    Resources res = mStackView.getResources();
    Resources appResources = mStackView.getContext().getApplicationContext().getResources();
    TaskStackLayoutAlgorithm stackLayout = mStackView.getStackAlgorithm();
    TaskStackViewScroller stackScroller = mStackView.getScroller();
    TaskStack stack = mStackView.getStack();
    Task launchTargetTask = stack.getLaunchTarget();
    // Break early if there are no tasks
    if (stack.getTaskCount() == 0) {
    int offscreenYOffset = stackLayout.mStackRect.height();
    int taskViewAffiliateGroupEnterOffset = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.recents_task_stack_animation_affiliate_enter_offset);
    int launchedWhileDockingOffset = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.recents_task_stack_animation_launched_while_docking_offset);
    boolean isLandscape = appResources.getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
    // Prepare each of the task views for their enter animation from front to back
    List<TaskView> taskViews = mStackView.getTaskViews();
    for (int i = taskViews.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        TaskView tv = taskViews.get(i);
        Task task = tv.getTask();
        boolean currentTaskOccludesLaunchTarget = launchTargetTask != null && != null &&, launchTargetTask);
        boolean hideTask = launchTargetTask != null && launchTargetTask.isFreeformTask() && task.isFreeformTask();
        // Get the current transform for the task, which will be used to position it offscreen
        stackLayout.getStackTransform(task, stackScroller.getStackScroll(), mTmpTransform, null);
        if (hideTask) {
        } else if (launchState.launchedFromApp && !launchState.launchedViaDockGesture) {
            if (task.isLaunchTarget) {
            } else if (currentTaskOccludesLaunchTarget) {
                // Move the task view slightly lower so we can animate it in
                mTmpTransform.rect.offset(0, taskViewAffiliateGroupEnterOffset);
                mTmpTransform.alpha = 0f;
                mStackView.updateTaskViewToTransform(tv, mTmpTransform, AnimationProps.IMMEDIATE);
        } else if (launchState.launchedFromHome) {
            // Move the task view off screen (below) so we can animate it in
            mTmpTransform.rect.offset(0, offscreenYOffset);
            mTmpTransform.alpha = 0f;
            mStackView.updateTaskViewToTransform(tv, mTmpTransform, AnimationProps.IMMEDIATE);
        } else if (launchState.launchedViaDockGesture) {
            int offset = isLandscape ? launchedWhileDockingOffset : (int) (offscreenYOffset * 0.9f);
            mTmpTransform.rect.offset(0, offset);
            mTmpTransform.alpha = 0f;
            mStackView.updateTaskViewToTransform(tv, mTmpTransform, AnimationProps.IMMEDIATE);
Also used : TaskStack( Task( RecentsActivityLaunchState( RecentsConfiguration( Resources(android.content.res.Resources)

Example 50 with TaskStack

use of in project platform_frameworks_base by android.

the class RecentsTransitionHelper method composeAnimationSpecs.

     * Composes the animation specs for all the tasks in the target stack.
private List<AppTransitionAnimationSpec> composeAnimationSpecs(final Task task, final TaskStackView stackView, final int destinationStack) {
    // Ensure we have a valid target stack id
    final int targetStackId = destinationStack != INVALID_STACK_ID ? destinationStack : task.key.stackId;
    if (!StackId.useAnimationSpecForAppTransition(targetStackId)) {
        return null;
    // Calculate the offscreen task rect (for tasks that are not backed by views)
    TaskView taskView = stackView.getChildViewForTask(task);
    TaskStackLayoutAlgorithm stackLayout = stackView.getStackAlgorithm();
    Rect offscreenTaskRect = new Rect();
    // If this is a full screen stack, the transition will be towards the single, full screen
    // task. We only need the transition spec for this task.
    List<AppTransitionAnimationSpec> specs = new ArrayList<>();
    // check for INVALID_STACK_ID
    if (targetStackId == FULLSCREEN_WORKSPACE_STACK_ID || targetStackId == DOCKED_STACK_ID || targetStackId == INVALID_STACK_ID) {
        if (taskView == null) {
            specs.add(composeOffscreenAnimationSpec(task, offscreenTaskRect));
        } else {
            stackLayout.transformToScreenCoordinates(mTmpTransform, null);
            AppTransitionAnimationSpec spec = composeAnimationSpec(stackView, taskView, mTmpTransform, true);
            if (spec != null) {
        return specs;
    // Otherwise, for freeform tasks, create a new animation spec for each task we have to
    // launch
    TaskStack stack = stackView.getStack();
    ArrayList<Task> tasks = stack.getStackTasks();
    int taskCount = tasks.size();
    for (int i = taskCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        Task t = tasks.get(i);
        if (t.isFreeformTask() || targetStackId == FREEFORM_WORKSPACE_STACK_ID) {
            TaskView tv = stackView.getChildViewForTask(t);
            if (tv == null) {
                // TODO: Create a different animation task rect for this case (though it should
                //       never happen)
                specs.add(composeOffscreenAnimationSpec(t, offscreenTaskRect));
            } else {
                stackLayout.transformToScreenCoordinates(mTmpTransform, null);
                AppTransitionAnimationSpec spec = composeAnimationSpec(stackView, tv, mTmpTransform, true);
                if (spec != null) {
    return specs;
Also used : Rect( TaskStack( Task( AppTransitionAnimationSpec(android.view.AppTransitionAnimationSpec) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList)


TaskStack ( Task ( RecentsTaskLoader ( ActivityOptions ( RecentsTaskLoadPlan ( SystemServicesProxy ( ActivityManager ( RecentsActivityLaunchState ( RecentsConfiguration ( Resources (android.content.res.Resources)10 Rect ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 Animator (android.animation.Animator)5 AnimatorListenerAdapter (android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter)5 TimeInterpolator (android.animation.TimeInterpolator)5 ValueAnimator (android.animation.ValueAnimator)5 MutableBoolean (android.util.MutableBoolean)5 AppTransitionAnimationSpec (android.view.AppTransitionAnimationSpec)5 Interpolator (android.view.animation.Interpolator)5 PathInterpolator (android.view.animation.PathInterpolator)5