use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class PsiCFGScene method getAllLibraryClasses.
* Get all PsiCFGClass instances constructed from the library classses.
* @return A new array of PsiCFGClass instances which are library classes will be returned.
public PsiCFGClass[] getAllLibraryClasses() {
PsiCFGClass[] retArray = new PsiCFGClass[mLibraryClassNamePsiMap.size()];
int i = 0;
for (String className : mLibraryClassNamePsiMap.keySet()) {
PsiCFGClass clazzBase = mLibraryClassNamePsiMap.get(className);
retArray[i++] = clazzBase;
return retArray;
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class CFGBuilder method dfsPsiNewExpressionBuilder.
public Value dfsPsiNewExpressionBuilder(PsiNewExpression expression) {
PsiExpressionList argumentList = expression.getArgumentList();
Value[] paramValueArray = parseMethodCallParams(argumentList);
PsiType newType = expression.getType();
PsiClass classOfNewInstance;
PsiCFGClass cfgClassOfNewInstance;
PsiAnonymousClass anonymousClass = expression.getAnonymousClass();
//Determine if it is a array initiation.
if (newType instanceof PsiArrayType) {
//TODO: Change it to use newArray
PsiArrayType newArrayType = (PsiArrayType) newType;
PsiType baseType = newArrayType.getComponentType();
NewExprImpl newArrayExprImpl = new NewExprImpl(newArrayType, expression);
//TODO: process its initiation
SynthesizedLocal synLocal = createSynthesizeTemporalVariable(newArrayExprImpl);
return synLocal;
if (anonymousClass != null) {
//PsiCFGDebugUtil.LOG.warning("Currently AnonymousClass is not handled");
cfgClassOfNewInstance = mScene.getOrCreateNestedClass(anonymousClass, this.containerClass, retrieveDeclaringMethod(), this.mGraph);
} else {
PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement classReference = expression.getClassReference();
if (classReference == null) {
PsiCFGDebugUtil.LOG.warning("classReference of the new expression is null");
PsiExpression[] dimisionExpressions = expression.getArrayDimensions();
System.out.println("Dimision: " + dimisionExpressions.length);
System.out.println("Type: " + newType.getCanonicalText() + " " + newType.getClass().getSimpleName());
throw new RuntimeException("classReference in dfsNewExpressionBuilder is null");
PsiElement resolvedExpression = classReference.resolve();
if (resolvedExpression == null || (!(resolvedExpression instanceof PsiClass))) {
PsiCFGDebugUtil.LOG.warning("Cannot resolve the class in the new expression in " + expression.getText());
return new DummyRef(expression.getType(), expression);
classOfNewInstance = (PsiClass) resolvedExpression;
cfgClassOfNewInstance = mScene.getOrCreateCFGClass(classOfNewInstance);
//Resolve Constructor
PsiMethod constructorMethod = expression.resolveConstructor();
NewExprImpl newExprImpl = new NewExprImpl(expression.getType(), expression);
//Add Args/Param to the new expression
ArrayList<Value> argsList = newExprImpl.getArgsList();
for (Value v : paramValueArray) {
if (constructorMethod != null) {
PsiClass declaringClassRef = constructorMethod.getContainingClass();
PsiCFGClass construtorCFGClass = mScene.getOrCreateCFGClass(declaringClassRef);
PsiCFGMethod constructorCFGMethod = construtorCFGClass.getMethod(constructorMethod);
if (constructorCFGMethod == null) {
PsiCFGDebugUtil.LOG.warning("Cannot resolve the constructor for " + constructorMethod.getName());
} else {
SynthesizedLocal synLocal = createSynthesizeTemporalVariable(newExprImpl);
return synLocal;
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class CFGBuilder method processLHSRefExprWithTgtPsiFieldQualifierNull.
public Value processLHSRefExprWithTgtPsiFieldQualifierNull(PsiField fieldTarget, PsiCFGClass cfgClass, PsiCFGField cfgField, PsiReferenceExpression expression) {
//If this field is a static field. Create a static reference.
if (cfgField.isStatic()) {
return createLHSStaticRefExpression(fieldTarget.getType(), cfgField, expression);
//The field may only exist in the super class of
//Current container class. Therefore, check the
//container class first.
PsiCFGClass thisClass = this.containerClass;
PsiClass thisPsiClass = thisClass.getPsiClass();
if (thisPsiClass == null) {
thisPsiClass = fieldTarget.getContainingClass();
PsiType thisType = retrieveTypeByPsiClass(thisPsiClass);
ThisRefImpl thisRefImpl = new ThisRefImpl(null, thisClass, thisType);
InstanceFieldRefImpl instanceFieldRef = new InstanceFieldRefImpl(fieldTarget.getType(), cfgField, expression);
return instanceFieldRef;
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class CFGBuilder method dfsPsiMethodCallExpressionBuilder.
public Value dfsPsiMethodCallExpressionBuilder(PsiMethodCallExpression expression) {
PsiExpressionList argsList = expression.getArgumentList();
PsiReferenceExpression methodRef = expression.getMethodExpression();
PsiExpression qualifier = methodRef.getQualifierExpression();
Value[] argsValueArray = parseMethodCallParams(argsList);
if (methodRef instanceof PsiMethodReferenceExpression) {
PsiMethodReferenceExpression psiMethodRef = (PsiMethodReferenceExpression) methodRef;"The MethodCallExpression contains a PsiMethodReferenceExpression");
//In the PsiMethodCallExpression, The PsiReferenceExpression Should always
//refer to the PsiMethod it should invoke.
PsiElement resolvedElement = methodRef.resolve();
if (resolvedElement instanceof PsiMethod) {
//The resolvedElement is a PsiMethod. As expected
PsiMethod resolvedMethod = (PsiMethod) resolvedElement;
//Check if it is a static invocation
//If it is a static invocation. The qualifier should be PsiReferenceExpress
//That refer to a PsiClass
PsiClass declaringClass = resolvedMethod.getContainingClass();
PsiCFGClass cfgClass = mScene.getOrCreateCFGClass(declaringClass);
PsiCFGMethod cfgMethod = cfgClass.getMethod(resolvedMethod);
if (isQualifierPsiClass(qualifier) || cfgMethod.isStatic()) {
//It is a static invocation
return createStaticInvocation(cfgMethod, cfgClass, resolvedMethod, argsValueArray, expression);
} else if (qualifier == null) {
if (cfgMethod.isStatic()) {
return createStaticInvocation(cfgMethod, cfgClass, resolvedMethod, argsValueArray, expression);
PsiType thisType = retrieveTypeByPsiClass(this.containerClass.getPsiClass());
ThisRefImpl synThisRef = new ThisRefImpl(null, this.containerClass, thisType);
InstanceInvokeExprImpl instanceInvoke = new InstanceInvokeExprImpl(cfgMethod, resolvedMethod.getReturnType(), expression);
for (Value v : argsValueArray) {
SynthesizedLocal synLocal = createSynthesizeTemporalVariable(instanceInvoke);
return synLocal;
} else if (qualifier instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) {
//The method invocation is obj.method()
Value objLocal = dfsRHSReferenceExpressionBuilder((PsiReferenceExpression) qualifier);
InstanceInvokeExprImpl instanceInvoke = new InstanceInvokeExprImpl(cfgMethod, resolvedMethod.getReturnType(), expression);
for (Value v : argsValueArray) {
if (objLocal == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("objectLocal in MethodCallExpression is null");
PsiType baseType = objLocal.getType();
if (baseType instanceof PsiClassType) {
PsiClass classRef = ((PsiClassType) baseType).resolve();
SynthesizedLocal synLocal = createSynthesizeTemporalVariable(instanceInvoke);
return synLocal;
} else {
PsiCFGDebugUtil.LOG.warning("Did not recognize PsiMethodCallExpression: " + expression.getText() + " of type " + qualifier.getClass().getName());
} else {
//A method call expression without a reference to the method.
PsiCFGDebugUtil.LOG.warning("Cannot resolve PsiMethodCallExpression e to PsiMethod: " + expression.getText() + " " + (resolvedElement == null ? "null" : resolvedElement.getClass().getName()));
return new DummyRef(expression.getType(), resolvedElement);
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class CFGBuilder method processRefExprWithTgtPsiFieldQualifierNull.
public Value processRefExprWithTgtPsiFieldQualifierNull(PsiField fieldTarget, PsiCFGClass cfgClass, PsiCFGField cfgField, PsiReferenceExpression expression) {
//If this field is a static field. Create a static reference.
if (cfgField.isStatic()) {
return createRHSStaticRefExpression(fieldTarget.getType(), cfgField, expression);
//The field may only exist in the super class of
//Current container class. Therefore, check the
//container class first.
PsiCFGClass thisClass = this.containerClass;
PsiClass thisPsiClass = thisClass.getPsiClass();
if (thisPsiClass == null) {
thisPsiClass = fieldTarget.getContainingClass();
PsiType thisType = retrieveTypeByPsiClass(thisPsiClass);
ThisRefImpl thisRefImpl = new ThisRefImpl(null, thisClass, thisType);
InstanceFieldRefImpl instanceFieldRef = new InstanceFieldRefImpl(fieldTarget.getType(), cfgField, expression);
SynthesizedLocal synLocal = createSynthesizeTemporalVariable(instanceFieldRef);
return synLocal;