use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class GradleVersionReader method getQuickFixes.
public List<NotificationHyperlink> getQuickFixes(@NotNull Module module, @Nullable VersionRange expectedVersion, @Nullable PositionInFile location) {
List<NotificationHyperlink> quickFixes = new ArrayList<>();
AndroidPluginInfo pluginInfo = AndroidPluginInfo.find(module.getProject());
if (pluginInfo != null) {
GradleVersion pluginVersion = GradleVersion.parse(pluginInfo.getPluginGeneration().getLatestKnownVersion());
GradleVersion gradleVersion = GradleVersion.parse(GRADLE_LATEST_VERSION);
String text = "Fix Gradle version (as part of the update, the Android plugin will be updated to version " + pluginVersion + ")";
quickFixes.add(new FixAndroidGradlePluginVersionHyperlink(text, pluginVersion, gradleVersion));
quickFixes.add(new OpenUrlHyperlink("", "Open Documentation"));
return quickFixes;
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class ExpiredPreviewBuildSetupStep method setUpProject.
public void setUpProject(@NotNull Project project, @Nullable ProgressIndicator indicator) {
if (myExpirationChecked) {
String ideVersion = myApplicationInfo.getFullVersion();
if (isPreview(ideVersion)) {
// Expire preview builds two months after their build date (which is going to be roughly six weeks after release; by
// then will definitely have updated the build
Calendar expirationDate = (Calendar) myApplicationInfo.getBuildDate().clone();
expirationDate.add(MONTH, 2);
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
if (now.after(expirationDate)) {
String message = String.format("This preview build (%1$s) is old; please update to a newer preview or a stable version.", ideVersion);
OpenUrlHyperlink hyperlink = new OpenUrlHyperlink("", "Show Available Versions");
AndroidGradleNotification.getInstance(project).showBalloon("Old Preview Build", message, INFORMATION, hyperlink);
// If we show an expiration message, don't also show a second balloon.
myExpirationChecked = true;
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class LayoutRenderingIssueValidationStrategy method fixAndReportFoundIssues.
void fixAndReportFoundIssues() {
if (myModelVersion != null) {
String text = String.format("Using an obsolete version of the Gradle plugin (%1$s);", myModelVersion);
text += " this can lead to layouts not rendering correctly.";
SyncMessage message = new SyncMessage(DEFAULT_GROUP, WARNING, text);
message.add(Arrays.asList(new FixAndroidGradlePluginVersionHyperlink(), new OpenUrlHyperlink("", "More Info...")));
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class NdkIntegrationDeprecatedErrorHandler method getQuickFixHyperlinks.
protected List<NotificationHyperlink> getQuickFixHyperlinks(@NotNull NotificationData notification, @NotNull Project project, @NotNull String text) {
List<NotificationHyperlink> hyperlinks = new ArrayList<>();
hyperlinks.add(new OpenUrlHyperlink("", "Consider trying the new experimental plugin"));
hyperlinks.add(new SetUseDeprecatedNdkHyperlink());
return hyperlinks;
use of in project android by JetBrains.
the class UnknownHostErrorHandler method getQuickFixHyperlinks.
protected List<NotificationHyperlink> getQuickFixHyperlinks(@NotNull NotificationData notification, @NotNull Project project, @NotNull String text) {
List<NotificationHyperlink> hyperlinks = new ArrayList<>();
NotificationHyperlink enableOfflineMode = ToggleOfflineModeHyperlink.enableOfflineMode(project);
if (enableOfflineMode != null) {
hyperlinks.add(new OpenUrlHyperlink("", "Learn about configuring HTTP proxies in Gradle"));
return hyperlinks;