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Example 6 with ConstraintHandle

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class SnapDraw method drawSnapHorizontalIndicator.

     * Draw a snap indicator for horizontal anchors
     * @param transform view transform
     * @param g         Graphics context
     * @param candidate the snap candidate
private static void drawSnapHorizontalIndicator(ViewTransform transform, Graphics2D g, SnapCandidate candidate) {
    ConstraintAnchor source = candidate.source;
    ConstraintAnchor target =;
    ConstraintHandle sourceHandle = WidgetInteractionTargets.constraintHandle(source);
    ConstraintHandle targetHandle = WidgetInteractionTargets.constraintHandle(target);
    int x = transform.getSwingX(candidate.x);
    if (targetHandle != null) {
        x = transform.getSwingX(targetHandle.getDrawX());
    int y1 = transform.getSwingY(source.getOwner().getDrawY());
    int y2 = transform.getSwingY(source.getOwner().getDrawY() + source.getOwner().getHeight());
    int y3 = transform.getSwingY(target.getOwner().getDrawY());
    int y4 = transform.getSwingY(target.getOwner().getDrawY() + target.getOwner().getHeight());
    int minY = Math.min(y1, y3);
    int maxY = Math.max(y2, y4);
    if (candidate.margin != 0) {
        int x2 = transform.getSwingX(sourceHandle.getDrawX());
        String textMargin = String.valueOf(Math.abs(candidate.margin));
        int yS = y2;
        int yT = y4 + OVER_MARGIN / 2;
        int mY = yS + OVER_MARGIN;
        boolean textOver = false;
        if (y1 < y3) {
            yS = y1;
            yT = y3 - OVER_MARGIN / 2;
            mY = yS - OVER_MARGIN;
            textOver = true;
        drawSnapHorizontalMargin(transform, g, x, x2, mY, textMargin, textOver);
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
        g2.drawLine(x, yS, x, yT);
    } else {
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g.create();
        boolean insideIndicator = (source.getOwner().getParent() == || ( instanceof Guideline);
        if (insideIndicator) {
            g2.drawLine(x, minY, x, maxY);
        } else {
            g2.drawLine(x, minY - OVER, x, maxY + OVER);
Also used : ConstraintAnchor( ConstraintHandle( Guideline( Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 7 with ConstraintHandle

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class SceneDraw method setCurrentUnderneathAnchor.

     * Start an animation for the current anchor (under the mouse)
     * @param underneathAnchor
public void setCurrentUnderneathAnchor(ConstraintAnchor underneathAnchor) {
    if (mCurrentUnderneathAnchor != underneathAnchor) {
        mCurrentUnderneathAnchor = underneathAnchor;
        if (mCurrentUnderneathAnchor != null) {
            ConstraintHandle constraintHandle = WidgetInteractionTargets.constraintHandle(mCurrentUnderneathAnchor);
            mAnimationCurrentAnchor = new AnimatedHoverAnchor(mColorSet, constraintHandle);
        } else {
            mAnimationCurrentAnchor = null;
Also used : AnimatedHoverAnchor( ConstraintHandle(

Example 8 with ConstraintHandle

use of in project android by JetBrains.

the class SceneDraw method paintWidgets.

     * Main painting function
     * @param rootDrawComponent  the component we want to draw (with its children)
     * @param width              width of the canvas we paint on
     * @param height             height of the canvas we paint on
     * @param transform
     * @param g
     * @param showAllConstraints
     * @param mouseInteraction
     * @return true if need to be called again (animation...)
public boolean paintWidgets(ConstraintWidget rootDrawComponent, int width, int height, ViewTransform transform, Graphics2D g, boolean showAllConstraints, MouseInteraction mouseInteraction) {
    g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_INTERPOLATION, RenderingHints.VALUE_INTERPOLATION_BICUBIC);
    WidgetContainer root = mWidgetsScene.getRoot();
    if (root == null) {
        return false;
    mViewWidth = width;
    mViewHeight = height;
    if (mApplyConstraints) {
    // Adapt the anchor size
    ConnectionDraw.CONNECTION_ANCHOR_SIZE = (int) getAnchorSize(transform.getScale());
    ConstraintAnchor selectedAnchor = mSelection.getSelectedAnchor();
    ResizeHandle selectedResizeHandle = mSelection.getSelectedResizeHandle();
    // Let's draw the widgets and their constraints.
    boolean needsRepaint = false;
    // First, mark which widgets is selected.
    for (ConstraintWidget widget : mWidgetsScene.getWidgets()) {
        WidgetCompanion widgetCompanion = (WidgetCompanion) widget.getCompanionWidget();
        WidgetDecorator decorator = widgetCompanion.getWidgetDecorator(getCurrentStyle());
        WidgetInteractionTargets widgetInteraction = widgetCompanion.getWidgetInteractionTargets();
        if (mSelection.contains(widget)) {
        } else {
    // Then, mark highlighted widgets
    for (ConstraintWidget widget : mWidgetsScene.getWidgets()) {
        WidgetCompanion widgetCompanion = (WidgetCompanion) widget.getCompanionWidget();
        WidgetDecorator decorator = widgetCompanion.getWidgetDecorator(getCurrentStyle());
    // Draw the constraints
    for (ConstraintWidget widget : mWidgetsScene.getWidgets()) {
        WidgetCompanion widgetCompanion = (WidgetCompanion) widget.getCompanionWidget();
        WidgetDecorator decorator = widgetCompanion.getWidgetDecorator(getCurrentStyle());
        if (widget.getVisibility() == ConstraintWidget.GONE || (widget.getParent() != null && widget.getParent().getVisibility() == ConstraintWidget.GONE)) {
        if (DRAW_ENTIRE_TREE || widget == rootDrawComponent || widget.getParent() == rootDrawComponent) {
            if (decorator.isVisible() && !decorator.isSelected() && decorator.getLook() != ColorTheme.Look.HIGHLIGHTED) {
                decorator.onPaintConstraints(transform, g);
    // Draw all the widgets
    ConstraintWidget selectedWidget = null;
    if (mSelection.hasSingleElement()) {
        selectedWidget = mSelection.getFirstElement().widget;
    needsRepaint |= paintWidgets(transform, g, rootDrawComponent, mWidgetsScene.getRoot(), selectedWidget, selectedAnchor, selectedResizeHandle);
    // Draw the selected constraints
    for (ConstraintWidget widget : mWidgetsScene.getWidgets()) {
        WidgetCompanion widgetCompanion = (WidgetCompanion) widget.getCompanionWidget();
        WidgetDecorator decorator = widgetCompanion.getWidgetDecorator(getCurrentStyle());
        ConstraintWidget parent = widget.getParent();
        if (DRAW_ENTIRE_TREE || widget == rootDrawComponent || parent == rootDrawComponent) {
            if (decorator.isVisible() && (decorator.isSelected() || decorator.getLook() == ColorTheme.Look.HIGHLIGHTED)) {
                decorator.onPaintConstraints(transform, g);
                decorator.onPaintAnchors(transform, g);
                decorator.onPaintActions(transform, g);
    // Draw snap candidates
    for (SnapCandidate candidate : mWidgetMotion.getSimilarMargins()) {
        SnapDraw.drawSnapIndicator(transform, g, candidate);
    for (SnapCandidate candidate : mWidgetMotion.getSnapCandidates()) {
        SnapDraw.drawSnapIndicator(transform, g, candidate);
    for (SnapCandidate candidate : mWidgetResize.getSnapCandidates()) {
        SnapDraw.drawSnapIndicator(transform, g, candidate);
    if (mSelection.hasSingleElement() && selectedAnchor != null) {
        ConstraintAnchor anchor = mSelection.getConnectionCandidateAnchor();
        ConstraintHandle selectedHandle = WidgetInteractionTargets.constraintHandle(selectedAnchor);
        if (!selectedHandle.getAnchor().isConnected() || selectedHandle.getAnchor().getTarget() != anchor) {
            Point lastPoint = mouseInteraction.getLastPoint();
            if (lastPoint.x != 0 && lastPoint.y != 0) {
                selectedHandle.drawConnection(transform, g, mColorSet, true, mouseInteraction.getLastPoint());
    if (selectedResizeHandle != null) {
        WidgetDraw.drawResizeHandleSelection(transform, g, selectedResizeHandle);
    if (mSelection.isEmpty() && mouseInteraction.isMouseDown()) {
        Point startPoint = mouseInteraction.getStartPoint();
        Point lastMousePosition = mouseInteraction.getLastPoint();
        // draw a selection rect
        int x1 = Math.min(startPoint.x, lastMousePosition.x);
        int x2 = Math.max(startPoint.x, lastMousePosition.x);
        int y1 = Math.min(startPoint.y, lastMousePosition.y);
        int y2 = Math.max(startPoint.y, lastMousePosition.y);
        int ax1 = transform.getSwingX(x1);
        int ax2 = transform.getSwingX(x2);
        int ay1 = transform.getSwingY(y1);
        int ay2 = transform.getSwingY(y2);
        int w = x2 - x1;
        int h = y2 - y1;
        if (w > 0 || h > 0) {
            if (w >= 8 && h >= 8) {
                g.drawRect(ax1, ay1, ax2 - ax1, ay2 - ay1);
            } else if (w >= 8 && h < 8) {
                g.drawLine(ax1, ay1, ax2, ay1);
            } else {
                g.drawLine(ax1, ay1, ax1, ay2);
            if (w >= 8) {
                ConnectionDraw.drawHorizontalMarginIndicator(g, String.valueOf(w), ax1, ax2, ay1 - 20);
            if (h >= 8) {
                ConnectionDraw.drawVerticalMarginIndicator(g, String.valueOf(h), ax1 - 20, ay1, ay2);
    if (mSelection.getSelectionBounds() != null) {
        Selection.Element bounds = mSelection.getSelectionBounds();
        int x = transform.getSwingX(bounds.widget.getDrawX());
        int y = transform.getSwingY(bounds.widget.getDrawY());
        int w = transform.getSwingDimension(bounds.widget.getDrawWidth());
        int h = transform.getSwingDimension(bounds.widget.getDrawHeight());
        g.drawRect(x, y, w, h);
    needsRepaint |= mChoreographer.onPaint(transform, g);
    if (!needsRepaint && !mSelection.isEmpty()) {
        for (Selection.Element element : mSelection.getElements()) {
            needsRepaint |= element.widget.isAnimating();
    if (!needsRepaint) {
        for (ConstraintWidget widget : mWidgetsScene.getWidgets()) {
            needsRepaint |= widget.isAnimating();
    if (needsRepaint) {
    return needsRepaint;
Also used : ResizeHandle( SnapCandidate( WidgetCompanion( Selection( WidgetDecorator( WidgetInteractionTargets( ConstraintHandle(


ConstraintHandle ( ConstraintAnchor ( WidgetCompanion ( Guideline ( WidgetDecorator ( WidgetInteractionTargets ( Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)2 AnimatedHoverAnchor ( AnimatedLine ( ResizeHandle ( SnapCandidate ( Selection ( Color (java.awt.Color)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1