use of in project JustLive-Android by guyijie1211.
the class DanmuUtils method getWebSocketJwtParamsMap.
* 生成开放API Websocket连接参数
* @param appId 开发者ID(https://ext.huya.com成为开发者后自动生成)
* @param secret 开发者密钥(https://ext.huya.com成为开发者后自动生成)
* @param roomId 要监听主播的房间号
* @return
public static Map<String, Object> getWebSocketJwtParamsMap(String appId, String secret, long roomId) {
// 获取时间戳(毫秒)
long currentTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
// 超时时间:通常设置10分钟有效,即exp=iat+600,注意不少于当前时间且不超过当前时间60分钟
long expireTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() + 10 * 60 * 1000;
Date iat = new Date(currentTimeMillis);
Date exp = new Date(expireTimeMillis);
try {
Map<String, Object> header = new HashMap<String, Object>();
header.put("alg", "HS256");
header.put("typ", "JWT");
// 生成JWT凭证
// 开发者密钥
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(secret);
String sToken = JWT.create().withHeader(// JWT声明
header).withIssuedAt(// jwt凭证生成时间
iat).withExpiresAt(// jwt凭证超时时间
exp).withClaim("appId", // 开发者ID
Map<String, Object> authMap = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// jwt凭证生成时间戳(秒)
authMap.put("iat", currentTimeMillis / 1000);
// jwt凭证超时时间戳(秒)
authMap.put("exp", expireTimeMillis / 1000);
// jwt签名串
authMap.put("sToken", sToken);
// 开发者ID
authMap.put("appId", appId);
// 接口默认参数
authMap.put("do", "comm");
// 需要监听主播的房间号
authMap.put("roomId", roomId);
return authMap;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
use of in project chemvantage by chuckwight.
the class Token method doGet.
// This servlet is the OpenID Connection starting point for platforms to reach ChemVantage
// The servlet identifies the deployment corresponding to the request, and returns a Java Web Token
// containing information needed for the subsequent launch request or other service request.
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
StringBuffer debug = new StringBuffer("Issuing auth token:<br>");
try {
// store parameters required by third-party initiated login procedure:
// this should be the platform_id URL (aud)
String platform_id = request.getParameter("iss");
debug.append("iss: " + platform_id + "<br>");
String login_hint = request.getParameter("login_hint");
debug.append("login_hint: " + login_hint + "<br>");
String target_link_uri = request.getParameter("target_link_uri");
debug.append("target_link_uri: " + target_link_uri + "<br>");
debug.append("parameters: " + request.getParameterMap().keySet().toString() + "<br>");
if (platform_id == null)
throw new Exception("Missing required iss parameter.");
if (login_hint == null)
throw new Exception("Missing required login_hint parameter.");
if (target_link_uri == null)
throw new Exception("Missing required target_link_uri parameter.");
String deployment_id = request.getParameter("lti_deployment_id");
debug.append("deployment_id: " + deployment_id + "<br>");
String client_id = request.getParameter("client_id");
debug.append("client_id: " + client_id + "<br>");
Deployment d = getDeployment(platform_id, deployment_id, client_id);
if (d == null)
throw new Exception("ChemVantage was unable to identify the deployment from your LMS. " + "Please check the registration to ensure the correct deployment_id and client_id. If your " + "platform registered multiple deployments with ChemVantage, it must provide the client_id " + "and/or deployment_id to uniquely identify one of them with each auth token request.<br/>" + "Contact for assistance.");
String redirect_uri = target_link_uri;
Date now = new Date();
// 5 minutes from now
Date exp = new Date(now.getTime() + 300000L);
String nonce = Nonce.generateNonce();
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(Subject.getHMAC256Secret());
debug.append("JWT algorithm loaded OK.<br>");
String iss = "https://" + request.getServerName();
String token = JWT.create().withIssuer(iss).withSubject(login_hint).withAudience(platform_id).withExpiresAt(exp).withIssuedAt(now).withClaim("nonce", nonce).withClaim("deployment_id", d.getDeploymentId()).withClaim("client_id", d.client_id).withClaim("redirect_uri", redirect_uri).sign(algorithm);
debug.append("JWT constructed and signed OK<br>");
String lti_message_hint = request.getParameter("lti_message_hint");
String oidc_auth_url = d.oidc_auth_url + "?response_type=id_token" + "&response_mode=form_post" + "&scope=openid" + "&prompt=none" + "&login_hint=" + login_hint + "&redirect_uri=" + redirect_uri + (lti_message_hint == null ? "" : "<i_message_hint=" + lti_message_hint) + "&client_id=" + d.client_id + "&state=" + token + "&nonce=" + nonce;
debug.append("Sending token: " + oidc_auth_url + "<p>");
// = oidc_auth_url;
// ofy().save().entity(d);
} catch (Exception e) {
response.getWriter().println("<h3>Failed Auth Token</h3>" + e.toString() + " " + e.getMessage() + "<br>" + debug.toString());
use of in project chemvantage by chuckwight.
the class LTIDeepLinks method validateDeepLinkRequest.
JsonObject validateDeepLinkRequest(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
// returns the validated Deployment
Deployment d = validateIdToken(request);
// Decode the JWT id_token payload as a JsonObject:
JsonObject claims = null;
try {
DecodedJWT id_token = JWT.decode(request.getParameter("id_token"));
String json = new String(Base64.getUrlDecoder().decode(id_token.getPayload()));
claims = JsonParser.parseString(json).getAsJsonObject(); = claims.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("The id_token was not a valid JWT.");
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("LTI message claims were invalid. " + e.getMessage());
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Unauthorized: " + e.getMessage());
return claims;
use of in project chemvantage by chuckwight.
the class LTILaunch method basicLtiLaunchRequest.
void basicLtiLaunchRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException {
// check for required LTI launch parameters:
try {
String lti_message_type = request.getParameter("lti_message_type");
if (lti_message_type == null || !"basic-lti-launch-request".contentEquals(lti_message_type)) {
doError(request, response, "Invalid lti_message_type parameter.", null, null);
String lti_version = request.getParameter("lti_version");
if (lti_version == null) {
doError(request, response, "Missing lti_version parameter.", null, null);
} else if (!lti_version.equals("LTI-1p0")) {
doError(request, response, "Invalid lti_version parameter.", null, null);
String oauth_consumer_key = request.getParameter("oauth_consumer_key");
if (oauth_consumer_key == null) {
doError(request, response, "Missing oauth_consumer_key.", null, null);
String resource_link_id = request.getParameter("resource_link_id");
if (resource_link_id == null) {
doError(request, response, "Missing resource_link_id.", null, null);
Date now = new Date();
BLTIConsumer tc;
try {
tc = ofy().load().type(BLTIConsumer.class).id(oauth_consumer_key).safe();
if ("suspended".equals(tc.status)) {
response.getWriter().println(Subject.header("ChemVantage Account Management") + suspendedAccount(tc) + Subject.footer);
} else if (tc.expires != null && tc.expires.before(now)) {
response.getWriter().println(Subject.header("ChemVantage Account Management") + expiredAccount(tc, request.getServerName()) + Subject.footer);
if (tc.secret == null)
throw new Exception("Shared secret was not found in the ChemVantage database.");
// 24 hrs ago
Date yesterday = new Date(now.getTime() - 86400000L);
if (tc.lastLogin == null || tc.lastLogin.before(yesterday)) {
tc.lastLogin = now;
tc.launchParameters = request.getParameterMap();
try {
// this section synchronizes expiration dates from a single domain
String domain = new URL(tc.launchParameters.get("lis_outcome_service_url")[0]).getHost();
// domain may be null for instructors
if (domain != null)
tc.domain = domain;
if (tc.domain != null) {
// tc.domain may be null if grades are never returned to the LMS
List<BLTIConsumer> companions = ofy().load().type(BLTIConsumer.class).filter("domain", tc.domain).list();
for (BLTIConsumer tcc : companions) {
// assign the shortest expiration time found for this domain
if (tcc.expires != null && (tc.expires == null || tcc.expires.before(tc.expires)))
tc.expires = tcc.expires;
} catch (Exception e) {
// update the lastLogin value and possibly the domain and expires fields
} catch (Exception e) {
String use = request.getServerName().contains("dev-vantage") ? "dev" : "prod";
throw new Exception("Invalid oauth_consumer_key. " + "Please verify that the oauth_consumer_key is entered into your LMS exactly as you are registered with ChemVantage. " + "If your account has been inactive for more than " + ("dev".equals(use) ? "30 days" : "six months") + ", it may have been " + "deleted in accordance with our <a href= target=_blank>privacy policy</a>.<br/>" + "Please use the <a href= target=_blank>ChemVantage Registration Page</a> " + "to reregister your LMS.");
OAuthMessage oam = OAuthServlet.getMessage(request, null);
OAuthValidator oav = new SimpleOAuthValidator();
OAuthConsumer cons = new OAuthConsumer("about:blank#OAuth+CallBack+NotUsed", oauth_consumer_key, tc.secret, null);
OAuthAccessor acc = new OAuthAccessor(cons);
if (!Nonce.isUnique(request.getParameter("oauth_nonce"), request.getParameter("oauth_timestamp")))
throw new Exception("Invalid nonce or timestamp.");
try {
oav.validateMessage(oam, acc);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("OAuth validation failed, most likely due to an invalid shared_secret value in your LMS. Check carefully to eliminate leading or trailing blank spaces.");
// BLTI Launch message was validated successfully at this point
// debug.append("Basic LTI launch message validated...");
// Detect whether this is an anonymous LTI launch request per LTIv1p1p2. This is a security patch that
// prevents a cross-site request forgery threat applicable to versions of LTI released prior to v1.3.
// The launch procedure is for the TC to issue an anonymous BLTI launch request with no user information.
// The TP wraps the TC-defined platform_state into an encrypted JSON Web Token (JWT) and redircects the browser
// to the TC-specified relaunch_url with the original platform_state and the new tool_state parameters, where
// tool_state is the encrypted JWT. The TC then relaunches to the TP with the user information and the
// two state parameters, which must be verified by the TP to proceed with the launch. This security patch makes
// ChemVantage compliant with LTIv1p1p2. If the parameters are not included, the TP may proceed with a
// normal v1p0 BLTI launch; however this is subject to the following deprecation schedule:
// LTIv1p0 last certification 12/31/2019 and last market availability 12/31/2020
// LTIv1p1p2 last certification 06/30/2021 and last market availability 06/30/2022
String relaunch_url = request.getParameter("relaunch_url");
String platform_state = request.getParameter("platform_state");
String tool_state = request.getParameter("tool_state");
Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(Subject.getHMAC256Secret());
if (tool_state != null && platform_state != null) {
// This is a LTIv1.1.2 relaunch response. Validate the tool_state value
try {
JWT.require(algorithm).withIssuer("").withClaim("platform_state", platform_state).build().verify(tool_state);
if (tc.lti_version == null || !tc.lti_version.equals("LTI-1p1p2")) {
tc.lti_version = "LTI-1p1p2";
// should have to do this only once
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Tool state could not be validated.");
} else if (relaunch_url != null && platform_state != null) {
// Anonymous LRTIv1p1p2 launch request. Execute relaunch sequence:
try {
// 10 minutes from now
Date expires = new Date(new Date().getTime() + 600000);
tool_state = JWT.create().withIssuer("").withClaim("platform_state", platform_state).withExpiresAt(expires).sign(algorithm);
response.sendRedirect(relaunch_url + "?platform_state=" + platform_state + "&tool_state=" + tool_state);
lti_version = "LTI-1p1p2_proposed";
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Tool state JWT could not be created.");
// wait for relaunch from platform
// End of LTIv1p1p2 section. Continue with normal LTI launch sequence
// Gather some information about the user
String userId = request.getParameter("user_id");
userId = oauth_consumer_key + ":" + (userId == null ? "" : userId);
// Process user information, provision a new user account if necessary, and store the userId in the user's session
User user = new User(userId);
// check if user has Instructor or Administrator role
String roles = request.getParameter("roles");
if (roles != null) {
roles = roles.toLowerCase();
// user information OK;
// debug.append("userId=" + userId + " and role=" + (user.isInstructor()?"Instructor":"Learner") + "...");
// Gather information that may be needed to return a score to the LMS:
String lis_result_sourcedid = request.getParameter("lis_result_sourcedid");
// debug.append("lis_result_sourcedid=" + lis_result_sourcedid + "...");
String lisOutcomeServiceUrl = request.getParameter("lis_outcome_service_url");
// debug.append("lis_outcome_service_url=" + lisOutcomeServiceUrl + "...");
// Use the resourceLinkId to find the assignment or create a new one:
Assignment myAssignment = null;
boolean saveAssignment = false;
try {
// load the requested Assignment entity if it exists
myAssignment = ofy().load().type(Assignment.class).filter("domain", oauth_consumer_key).filter("resourceLinkId", resource_link_id).first().safe();
if (lisOutcomeServiceUrl != null && !lisOutcomeServiceUrl.equals(myAssignment.lis_outcome_service_url)) {
myAssignment.lis_outcome_service_url = lisOutcomeServiceUrl;
saveAssignment = true;
if (saveAssignment)
} catch (Exception e) {
// or create a new one with the available information (but no assignmentType or topicIds)
myAssignment = new Assignment(oauth_consumer_key, resource_link_id, lisOutcomeServiceUrl, true);
// we'll need the new id value immediately
user.setAssignment(, lis_result_sourcedid);
if (myAssignment.isValid()) {
// used for hashing userIds by Task queue
Queue queue = QueueFactory.getDefaultQueue();
queue.add(withUrl("/HashUserIds").param("sig", user.getTokenSignature()));
response.sendRedirect("/" + myAssignment.assignmentType + "?sig=" + user.getTokenSignature());
} else
response.getWriter().println(Subject.header("Select A ChemVantage Assignment") + pickResourceForm(user, myAssignment, -1) + Subject.footer);
} catch (Exception e) {
doError(request, response, "LTI Launch failed. " + e.getMessage(), null, e);
use of in project chemvantage by chuckwight.
the class LTIRegistration method createDeployment.
String createDeployment(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception {
DecodedJWT jwt = JWT.decode(request.getParameter("Token"));
String client_name = jwt.getSubject();
String email = jwt.getClaim("email").asString();
String organization = jwt.getAudience().get(0);
String org_url = jwt.getClaim("url").asString();
String lms = jwt.getClaim("lms").asString();
String client_id = request.getParameter("ClientId");
if (client_id == null)
throw new Exception("Client ID value is required.");
String deployment_id = request.getParameter("DeploymentId");
if (deployment_id == null)
throw new Exception("Deployment ID value is required.");
String platform_id;
String oidc_auth_url;
String oauth_access_token_url;
String well_known_jwks_url;
switch(lms) {
case "blackboard":
platform_id = "";
oidc_auth_url = "";
well_known_jwks_url = "" + client_id + "/jwks.json";
oauth_access_token_url = "";
case "canvas":
platform_id = "";
oidc_auth_url = "";
well_known_jwks_url = "";
URL account_url = new URL(request.getParameter("AccountUrl"));
if (account_url.getHost().contains(""))
oauth_access_token_url = "https://" + account_url.getHost() + "/login/oauth2/token";
oauth_access_token_url = "";
case "LTI Certification":
case "IMS Certification":
platform_id = "";
oidc_auth_url = "";
well_known_jwks_url = "";
oauth_access_token_url = "";
platform_id = request.getParameter("PlatformId");
if (platform_id == null || platform_id.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("Platform ID value is required.");
oidc_auth_url = request.getParameter("OIDCAuthUrl");
if (oidc_auth_url == null || oidc_auth_url.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("OIDC Auth URL is required.");
oauth_access_token_url = request.getParameter("OauthAccessTokenUrl");
if (oauth_access_token_url == null || oauth_access_token_url.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("OAuth Access Token URL is required.");
well_known_jwks_url = request.getParameter("JWKSUrl");
if (well_known_jwks_url == null || well_known_jwks_url.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("JSON Web Key Set URL is required.");
Deployment d = new Deployment(platform_id, deployment_id, client_id, oidc_auth_url, oauth_access_token_url, well_known_jwks_url, client_name, email, organization, org_url, lms);
d.status = "pending";
d.price = 20;
Deployment prior = Deployment.getInstance(d.platform_deployment_id);
String msg = "<h2>Congratulations. Registration is complete.</h2>" + "<br/><br/>Contact Chuck Wight at for support with any questions or issues.<br/><br/>Thank you.";
if (prior != null) {
// this is a repeat registration
d.status = prior.status == null ? "pending" : prior.status;
if (prior.client_id.equals(d.client_id))
msg += "Note: this platform deployment was registered previously. The registration data have now been updated.<p>";
msg += "Note: This platform deployment was registered previously. The client_id and registration data have now been updated. If this is not correct, you should contact immediately.<p>";
// registration is now complete
return msg;