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Example 6 with MetaJsonField

use of com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField in project axelor-open-suite by axelor.

the class ConfiguratorCreatorServiceImpl method getTestingValues.

public ScriptBindings getTestingValues(ConfiguratorCreator creator) {
    Map<String, Object> attributesValues = new HashMap<>();
    List<MetaJsonField> attributes = creator.getAttributes();
    if (attributes != null) {
        for (MetaJsonField attribute : attributes) {
            Object defaultAttribute = getAttributesDefaultValue(attribute);
            if (defaultAttribute != null) {
                attributesValues.put(attribute.getName(), getAttributesDefaultValue(attribute));
    return new ScriptBindings(attributesValues);
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) MetaJsonField(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField) ScriptBindings(com.axelor.script.ScriptBindings)

Example 7 with MetaJsonField

use of com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField in project axelor-open-suite by axelor.

the class ConfiguratorServiceImpl method updateIndicators.

public void updateIndicators(Configurator configurator, JsonContext jsonAttributes, JsonContext jsonIndicators) throws AxelorException {
    if (configurator.getConfiguratorCreator() == null) {
    List<MetaJsonField> indicators = configurator.getConfiguratorCreator().getIndicators();
    indicators = -> !"one-to-many".equals(metaJsonField.getType())).collect(Collectors.toList());
    for (MetaJsonField indicator : indicators) {
        try {
            Object calculatedValue = computeIndicatorValue(configurator, indicator.getName(), jsonAttributes);
            checkType(calculatedValue, indicator);
            jsonIndicators.put(indicator.getName(), calculatedValue);
        } catch (MissingPropertyException e) {
            // if a field is missing, the value needs to be set to null
Also used : MissingPropertyException(groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException) MetaJsonField(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField)

Example 8 with MetaJsonField

use of com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField in project axelor-open-suite by axelor.

the class FilterGroovyService method getMetaFieldType.

private String getMetaFieldType(MetaField field, String targetField, boolean isJson) throws AxelorException {
    if (targetField == null || !targetField.contains(".")) {
        return field.getTypeName();
    targetField = targetField.substring(targetField.indexOf(".") + 1);
    String targetName = targetField.contains(".") ? targetField.substring(0, targetField.indexOf(".")) : targetField;
    MetaModel model = metaModelRepo.findByName(field.getTypeName());
    if (model == null) {
        throw new AxelorException(TraceBackRepository.CATEGORY_MISSING_FIELD, "No model found: %s ", field.getName());
    MetaField subMeta = filterSqlService.findMetaField(targetName, model.getFullName());
    if (subMeta != null) {
        return getMetaFieldType(subMeta, targetField, isJson);
    } else if (isJson) {
        MetaJsonField subJson = filterSqlService.findJsonField(targetName, model.getName());
        if (subJson != null) {
            return getJsonFieldType(subJson, targetField);
    throw new AxelorException(TraceBackRepository.CATEGORY_MISSING_FIELD, "No sub field found field: %s model: %s ", targetName, model.getFullName());
Also used : AxelorException(com.axelor.exception.AxelorException) MetaModel(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaModel) MetaField(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaField) MetaJsonField(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField)

Example 9 with MetaJsonField

use of com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField in project axelor-open-suite by axelor.

the class FilterSqlService method parseJsonField.

public Object parseJsonField(MetaJsonField field, String target, List<String> joins, StringBuilder parent) throws AxelorException {
    log.debug("Parse json target: {}", target);
    if (target == null || !target.contains(".")) {
        if (field.getTargetJsonModel() != null && joins != null) {
            target = getDefaultTargetJson(field.getName(), field.getTargetJsonModel())[0];
        } else if (field.getTargetModel() != null && joins != null) {
            target = getDefaultTarget(field.getName(), field.getTargetModel())[0];
        } else {
            return field;
    target = target.substring(target.indexOf(".") + 1);
    String targetName = target.contains(".") ? target.substring(0, target.indexOf(".")) : target;
    if (field.getTargetJsonModel() == null && field.getTargetModel() == null) {
        return field;
    if (field.getTargetJsonModel() != null) {
        MetaJsonField subJson = metaJsonFieldRepo.all().filter(" = ?1 and self.jsonModel = ?2", targetName, field.getTargetJsonModel()).fetchOne();
        if (subJson != null) {
            if (joins != null) {
                addJoin(field, joins, parent);
            return parseJsonField(subJson, target, joins, parent);
        throw new AxelorException(TraceBackRepository.CATEGORY_MISSING_FIELD, "No sub field found model: %s field %s ", field.getTargetJsonModel().getName(), targetName);
    } else {
        MetaField subMeta = findMetaField(targetName, field.getTargetModel());
        if (subMeta != null) {
            if (joins != null) {
                addJoin(field, joins, parent);
            return parseMetaField(subMeta, target, joins, parent, true);
        throw new AxelorException(TraceBackRepository.CATEGORY_MISSING_FIELD, "No sub field found model: %s field %s ", field.getTargetModel(), targetName);
Also used : AxelorException(com.axelor.exception.AxelorException) MetaField(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaField) MetaJsonField(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField)

Example 10 with MetaJsonField

use of com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField in project axelor-open-suite by axelor.

the class FilterSqlService method getSqlField.

public String[] getSqlField(Object target, String source, List<String> joins) {
    String field = null;
    String type = null;
    String selection = null;
    if (target instanceof MetaField) {
        MetaField metaField = (MetaField) target;
        field = source + "." + getColumn(metaField);
        type = metaField.getTypeName();
        try {
            selection = Mapper.of(Class.forName(metaField.getMetaModel().getFullName())).getProperty(metaField.getName()).getSelection();
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
    } else {
        MetaJsonField metaJsonField = (MetaJsonField) target;
        selection = metaJsonField.getSelection();
        String jsonColumn = getColumn(metaJsonField.getModel(), metaJsonField.getModelField());
        field = "cast(" + source + "." + jsonColumn + "->>'" + metaJsonField.getName() + "' as " + getSqlType(metaJsonField.getType()) + ")";
        type = metaJsonField.getType();
    log.debug("Selection for field :{} : {}", field, selection);
    if (joins != null && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(selection)) {
        int join = joins.size();
        joins.add("left join meta_select obj" + join + " on (obj" + join + ".name = '" + selection + "')");
        join = joins.size();
        joins.add("left join meta_select_item obj" + join + " on (obj" + join + ".select_id = obj" + (join - 1) + ".id and obj" + join + ".value = cast(" + field + " as varchar))");
        join = joins.size();
        joins.add("left join meta_translation obj" + join + " on (obj" + join + ".message_key = obj" + (join - 1) + ".title and obj" + join + ".language = (select language from auth_user where id = :__user__))");
        field = "COALESCE(nullif(obj" + join + ".message_value,''), obj" + (join - 1) + ".title)";
    return new String[] { field, type };
Also used : MetaField(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaField) MetaJsonField(com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField)


MetaJsonField (com.axelor.meta.db.MetaJsonField)30 MetaField (com.axelor.meta.db.MetaField)14 AxelorException (com.axelor.exception.AxelorException)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 MetaJsonFieldRepository (com.axelor.meta.db.repo.MetaJsonFieldRepository)4 Transactional ( Map (java.util.Map)4 Mapper (com.axelor.db.mapper.Mapper)3 WkfCommonService (com.axelor.apps.bpm.service.WkfCommonService)2 ConfiguratorFormula ( Property (com.axelor.db.mapper.Property)2 MetaModel (com.axelor.meta.db.MetaModel)2 Filter ( File ( IOException ( Field (java.lang.reflect.Field)2 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 FileTab (com.axelor.apps.base.db.FileTab)1 FileTabService (com.axelor.apps.base.service.advanced.imports.FileTabService)1 Configurator (