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Example 36 with IFileSystemOperations

use of com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations in project ats-framework by Axway.

the class FileSystemOperations method getFileGroup.

     * Get the group of a file or directory
     * @param filePath the file to work with
     * @return the group
public String getFileGroup(@Validate(name = "filePath", type = ValidationType.STRING_NOT_EMPTY) String filePath) {
    // validate input parameters
    new Validator().validateMethodParameters(new Object[] { filePath });
    String result = null;
    // execute action
    IFileSystemOperations operations = getOperationsImplementationFor(atsAgent);
    result = operations.getFileGroup(filePath);
    // log the result of the operation
    log.debug("Successfully got the group of " + filePath + getHostDescriptionSuffix());
    return result;
Also used : IFileSystemOperations(com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations) Validator(com.axway.ats.core.validation.Validator) PublicAtsApi(com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)

Example 37 with IFileSystemOperations

use of com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations in project ats-framework by Axway.

the class FileSystemOperations method copyRemoteFile.

     * Copies the contents of a file from one remote host to another remote host
     * @param fromHost the address of the ATS agent on the source host.<br /> 
     * If you provide null then local host will be used. In such case it is recommended to use 
     * {@link #copyFileTo(String, String)} method after FileSytemOperations is constructed with target agent (toHost) 
     * @param fromFile the source file to copy
     * @param toHost the address of the ATS agent on the destination host.<br /> 
     * If you provide null then local host will be used. In such case it is recommended to use 
     * {@link #copyFileFrom(String, String)} method after FileSytemOperations is constructed with target agent (fromHost)
     * @param toFile the destination file to copy to
public void copyRemoteFile(@Validate(name = "fromHost", type = ValidationType.STRING_SERVER_WITH_PORT) String fromHost, @Validate(name = "fromFile", type = ValidationType.STRING_NOT_EMPTY) String fromFile, @Validate(name = "toHost", type = ValidationType.STRING_SERVER_WITH_PORT) String toHost, @Validate(name = "toFile", type = ValidationType.STRING_NOT_EMPTY) String toFile) {
    // replace to pass validation
    if (fromHost == null) {
        fromHost = LOCAL_HOST_NAME_AND_PORT;
    if (toHost == null) {
        toHost = LOCAL_HOST_NAME_AND_PORT;
    // validate input parameters
    fromHost = HostUtils.getAtsAgentIpAndPort(fromHost);
    toHost = HostUtils.getAtsAgentIpAndPort(toHost);
    new Validator().validateMethodParameters(new Object[] { fromHost, fromFile, toHost, toFile });
    // execute action
    IFileSystemOperations fromHostOperations = getOperationsImplementationFor(fromHost);
    if (fromHostOperations instanceof LocalFileSystemOperations) {
        IFileSystemOperations toHostOperations = getOperationsImplementationFor(toHost);
        if (toHostOperations instanceof LocalFileSystemOperations) {
            ((LocalFileSystemOperations) toHostOperations).copyFile(fromFile, toFile, this.failOnError);
  "Successfully copied " + fromFile + " to " + toFile);
        } else {
            ((RemoteFileSystemOperations) toHostOperations).copyFile(fromFile, toFile, this.failOnError);
  "Successfully copied " + fromFile + " from local host to file " + toFile + " on " + toHost);
    } else {
        IFileSystemOperations toHostOperations = getOperationsImplementationFor(toHost);
        if (toHostOperations instanceof LocalFileSystemOperations) {
            ((RemoteFileSystemOperations) fromHostOperations).copyFileFrom(fromFile, toFile, this.failOnError);
  "Successfully copied " + fromFile + " from " + fromHost + " to file " + toFile + " on the localhost");
        } else {
            if (fromHost.equalsIgnoreCase(toHost)) {
                // source and target hosts are remote, but they are same host indeed
                ((RemoteFileSystemOperations) fromHostOperations).copyFileLocally(fromFile, toFile, this.failOnError);
            } else {
                ((RemoteFileSystemOperations) fromHostOperations).copyFileTo(fromFile, toHost, toFile, this.failOnError);
  "Successfully copied " + fromFile + " from " + fromHost + " to file " + toFile + " on " + toHost);
Also used : LocalFileSystemOperations(com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.LocalFileSystemOperations) IFileSystemOperations(com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations) Validator(com.axway.ats.core.validation.Validator) PublicAtsApi(com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)

Example 38 with IFileSystemOperations

use of com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations in project ats-framework by Axway.

the class FileSystemOperations method unzip.

     * Unzip archive to local or remote machine, if the machine is UNIX-like it will preserve the permissions 
     * @param zipFilePath the ZIP file path
     * @param outputDirPath output directory which is used as base directory for extracted files 
     * Temporary means that it will be automatically deleted.This will happen only when the JVM terminates normally.
public void unzip(@Validate(name = "zipFilePath", type = ValidationType.STRING_NOT_EMPTY) String zipFilePath, @Validate(name = "outputDirPath", type = ValidationType.STRING_NOT_EMPTY) String outputDirPath) throws FileSystemOperationException {
    // validate input parameters
    new Validator().validateMethodParameters(new Object[] { zipFilePath, outputDirPath });
    // execute action
    IFileSystemOperations operations = getOperationsImplementationFor(atsAgent);
    operations.unzip(zipFilePath, outputDirPath);
Also used : IFileSystemOperations(com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations) Validator(com.axway.ats.core.validation.Validator) PublicAtsApi(com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)

Example 39 with IFileSystemOperations

use of com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations in project ats-framework by Axway.

the class FileSystemOperations method setFileModificationTime.

     * Set the last modification time for a specified file
     * @param filePath the file to work with
     * @param modificationTime the modification time to set as a timestamp in milliseconds
public void setFileModificationTime(@Validate(name = "filePath", type = ValidationType.STRING_NOT_EMPTY) String filePath, @Validate(name = "modificationTime", type = ValidationType.NUMBER_POSITIVE) long modificationTime) {
    // validate input parameters
    new Validator().validateMethodParameters(new Object[] { filePath, modificationTime });
    // execute action
    IFileSystemOperations operations = getOperationsImplementationFor(atsAgent);
    operations.setFileModificationTime(filePath, modificationTime);
    // log the result of the operation"Successfully set the last modification timestamp of file '" + filePath + "'" + getHostDescriptionSuffix());
Also used : IFileSystemOperations(com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations) Validator(com.axway.ats.core.validation.Validator) PublicAtsApi(com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)

Example 40 with IFileSystemOperations

use of com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations in project ats-framework by Axway.

the class FileSystemOperations method lockFile.

     * <pre>
     * Acquires an exclusive lock on a file
     * <b>Platform dependencies</b>
     * - In Windows it works as expected
     * - In Linux it depends on the locking mechanism of the system. The file locking types are two - advisory and mandatory:
     *    a) <b>Advisory locking</b> - advisory locking will work, only if the participating process are cooperative.
     *       Advisory locking sometimes also called as "unenforced" locking.
     *    b) <b>Mandatory locking</b> - mandatory locking doesn’t require cooperation from the participating processes.
     *       It causes the kernel to check every open, read and write to verify that the calling process isn’t
     *       violating a lock on the given file. To enable mandatory locking in Linux, you need to enable it on
     *       a file system level and also on the individual files. The steps to be followed are:
     *           1. Mount the file system with "<i>-o mand</i>" option
     *           2. For the lock_file, turn on the set-group-ID bit and turn off the group-execute bit, to enable
     *              mandatory locking on that particular file. (This way has been chosen because when you turn off
     *              the group-execute bit, set-group-ID has no real meaning to it )
     *       How to do mandatory locking:
     *           Note: You need to be root to execute the below command
     *           <i># mount -oremount,mand /</i>
     *           <i># touch mandatory.txt</i>
     *           <i># chmod g+s,g-x mandatory.txt</i>
     * </pre>
     * @param fileName file name
public void lockFile(@Validate(name = "fileName", type = ValidationType.STRING_NOT_EMPTY) String fileName) {
    // validate input parameters
    new Validator().validateMethodParameters(new Object[] { fileName });
    // execute action
    IFileSystemOperations operations = getOperationsImplementationFor(atsAgent);
    // log the result of the operation"File '" + fileName + "'" + getHostDescriptionSuffix() + " is successfully locked");
Also used : IFileSystemOperations(com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations) Validator(com.axway.ats.core.validation.Validator) PublicAtsApi(com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)


IFileSystemOperations (com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.model.IFileSystemOperations)46 Validator (com.axway.ats.core.validation.Validator)45 PublicAtsApi (com.axway.ats.common.PublicAtsApi)44 LocalFileSystemOperations (com.axway.ats.core.filesystem.LocalFileSystemOperations)6 FileMatchInfo (com.axway.ats.common.filesystem.FileMatchInfo)1 IProcessExecutor (com.axway.ats.core.process.model.IProcessExecutor)1 MobileOperationException (com.axway.ats.uiengine.exceptions.MobileOperationException)1 NotSupportedOperationException (com.axway.ats.uiengine.exceptions.NotSupportedOperationException)1 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 Matcher (java.util.regex.Matcher)1