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Example 11 with TextureAtlasData

use of in project bladecoder-adventure-engine by bladecoder.

the class ImageUtils method scaleAtlas.

public static void scaleAtlas(File orgAtlas, File destDir, float scale) throws IOException {
    File tmpDir = DesktopUtils.createTempDirectory();
    EditorLogger.debug("SCALING: " + orgAtlas.getName());
    unpackAtlas(orgAtlas, tmpDir);
    String atlasParentPath = orgAtlas.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath();
    TextureAtlasData atlasData = new TextureAtlasData(new FileHandle(orgAtlas), new FileHandle(atlasParentPath), false);
    String outputFormat = atlasData.getPages().get(0).textureFile.extension();
    createAtlas(tmpDir.getAbsolutePath(), destDir.getAbsolutePath(), orgAtlas.getName(), scale, atlasData.getPages().get(0).minFilter, atlasData.getPages().get(0).magFilter, outputFormat);
Also used : TextureAtlasData( FileHandle(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle) File(

Example 12 with TextureAtlasData

use of in project ultimate-java by pantinor.

the class GeneratedMapTmxConvert method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    int TILE_SIZE = 16;
    FileHandle f = new FileHandle("assets/tilemaps/tiles-vga-atlas.txt");
    TextureAtlasData atlas = new TextureAtlasData(f, f.parent(), false);
    String[] mapTileIds = new String[atlas.getRegions().size + 1];
    for (Region r : atlas.getRegions()) {
        int x = r.left / r.width;
        int y = / r.height;
        int i = y * TILE_SIZE + x + 1;
        mapTileIds[i] =;
    List<StaticGeneratedDungeon> dungeons = new ArrayList<StaticGeneratedDungeon>();
    dungeons.add(new StaticGeneratedDungeon("The Dark Pit of Emes the Fallen 01 (tsv).txt"));
    dungeons.add(new StaticGeneratedDungeon("The Dark Pit of Emes the Fallen 10 (tsv).txt"));
    dungeons.add(new StaticGeneratedDungeon("The Dark Pit of Emes the Fallen 20 (tsv).txt"));
    List<String> layers = new ArrayList<String>();
    for (StaticGeneratedDungeon sd : dungeons) {
        StringBuffer data = new StringBuffer();
        for (int y = 0; y < StaticGeneratedDungeon.DIM; y++) {
            for (int x = 0; x < StaticGeneratedDungeon.DIM; x++) {
                Key val = sd.getCell(x, y);
                if (val == null) {
                    val = StaticGeneratedDungeon.Key.NULL;
                data.append(findTileId(mapTileIds, val.getName()) + ",");
        String dl = data.toString();
        dl = dl.substring(0, dl.length() - 2);
    GeneratedMapTmxConvert c = new GeneratedMapTmxConvert("delve", "tiles-vga.png", StaticGeneratedDungeon.DIM, StaticGeneratedDungeon.DIM, TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE, layers.get(0), layers.get(1), layers.get(2), "", "", "");
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File("assets/tilemaps/generatedDungeon.tmx"), c.toString());
Also used : FileHandle(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) TextureAtlasData( Region( File( Key(test.StaticGeneratedDungeon.Key)

Example 13 with TextureAtlasData

use of in project ultimate-java by pantinor.

the class AndiusMapTmxConvert method create.

public void create() {
    try {
        File file2 = new File("assets/xml/tileset-base.xml");
        JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(TileSet.class);
        Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
        TileSet ts = (TileSet) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(file2);
        File file3 = new File("assets/xml/maps.xml");
        jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(MapSet.class);
        jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
        MapSet ms = (MapSet) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(file3);
        // load the atlas and determine the tile indexes per tilemap position
        FileHandle f = new FileHandle("assets/tilemaps/latest-atlas.txt");
        TextureAtlasData atlas = new TextureAtlasData(f, f.parent(), false);
        int png_grid_width = 24;
        Tile[] mapTileIds = new Tile[png_grid_width * Constants.tilePixelWidth + 1];
        for (Region r : atlas.getRegions()) {
            int x = r.left / r.width;
            int y = / r.height;
            int i = x + (y * png_grid_width) + 1;
            mapTileIds[i] = ts.getTileByName(;
        BaseMap world = Constants.Maps.WORLD.getMap();
        Utils.setMapTiles(world, ts);
        Tile[] tiles = world.getTiles();
        String tmxFName = "tmx/andius/world.tmx";
        WorldFormatter c = new WorldFormatter(world.getWidth(), world.getHeight(), tiles, world.getPortals(), world.getMoongates());
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(tmxFName), c.toString());
        System.out.printf("Wrote: %s\n", tmxFName);
        for (BaseMap map : ms.getMaps()) {
            if (!map.getFname().endsWith("ult")) {
            FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream("assets/data/" + map.getFname());
            byte[] bytes = IOUtils.toByteArray(is);
            tiles = new Tile[map.getWidth() * map.getHeight()];
            int pos = 0;
            for (int y = 0; y < map.getHeight(); y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < map.getWidth(); x++) {
                    // convert a byte to an unsigned int value
                    int index = bytes[pos] & 0xff;
                    Tile tile = ts.getTileByIndex(index);
                    if (tile == null) {
                        System.out.println("Tile index cannot be found: " + index + " using index 129 for black space.");
                        tile = ts.getTileByIndex(129);
                    tiles[x + y * map.getWidth()] = tile;
            tmxFName = String.format("tmx/andius/%s.tmx", map.getCity().getName().replace(" ", "").toLowerCase());
            if (map.getFname().equals("lcb_2.ult")) {
                tmxFName = "tmx/andius/britannia2.tmx";
            Formatter fmtter = new Formatter(map.getWidth(), map.getHeight(), tiles);
            FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(tmxFName), fmtter.toString());
            System.out.printf("Wrote: %s\n", tmxFName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : FileHandle(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle) Tile(objects.Tile) JAXBContext(javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext) TileSet(objects.TileSet) BaseMap(objects.BaseMap) FileInputStream( TextureAtlasData( MapSet(objects.MapSet) Region( Unmarshaller(javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller) File(

Example 14 with TextureAtlasData

use of in project ultimate-java by pantinor.

the class WorldMapTmxConvert method create.

public void create() {
    try {
        File file2 = new File("assets/xml/tileset-base.xml");
        JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(TileSet.class);
        Unmarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
        TileSet ts = (TileSet) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(file2);
        File file3 = new File("assets/xml/maps.xml");
        jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(MapSet.class);
        jaxbUnmarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller();
        MapSet ms = (MapSet) jaxbUnmarshaller.unmarshal(file3);
        BaseMap map = Maps.WORLD.getMap();
        Utils.setMapTiles(map, ts);
        Tile[] tiles = map.getTiles();
        // load the atlas and determine the tile indexes per tilemap position
        FileHandle f = new FileHandle("assets/tilemaps/latest-atlas.txt");
        TextureAtlasData atlas = new TextureAtlasData(f, f.parent(), false);
        int png_grid_width = 24;
        Tile[] mapTileIds = new Tile[png_grid_width * Constants.tilePixelWidth + 1];
        for (Region r : atlas.getRegions()) {
            int x = r.left / r.width;
            int y = / r.height;
            int i = x + (y * png_grid_width) + 1;
            mapTileIds[i] = ts.getTileByName(;
        // map layer
        StringBuilder data = new StringBuilder();
        int count = 1;
        int total = 1;
        for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) {
            Tile t = tiles[i];
            data.append(findTileId(mapTileIds, t.getName())).append(",");
            if (count > 256) {
                count = 1;
        String dl = data.toString();
        dl = dl.substring(0, dl.length() - 2);
        // portal layer
        List<Portal> portals = map.getPortals();
        StringBuilder portalBuffer = new StringBuilder();
        // set map tile id per dest map type
        for (Portal p : portals) {
            BaseMap destMap = Maps.get(p.getDestmapid()).getMap();
            String ttype = destMap.getCity() == null ? destMap.getType().toString() : destMap.getCity().getType();
            p.setMapTileId(findTileId(mapTileIds, ttype));
        if (portals != null) {
            for (int y = 0; y < map.getHeight(); y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < map.getWidth(); x++) {
                    Portal p = findPortalAtCoords(portals, x, y);
                    if (p == null) {
                    } else {
                        portalBuffer.append(p.getMapTileId() + ",");
        String pl = portalBuffer.toString();
        pl = pl.substring(0, pl.length() - 2);
        // moongate layer
        List<Moongate> moongates = map.getMoongates();
        StringBuilder moongateBuffer = new StringBuilder();
        // set map tile id per dest map type
        for (Moongate m : moongates) {
            m.setMapTileId(findTileId(mapTileIds, "moongate"));
        if (moongates != null) {
            for (int y = 0; y < map.getHeight(); y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < map.getWidth(); x++) {
                    Moongate p = findMoongateAtCoords(moongates, x, y);
                    if (p == null) {
                    } else {
        String ml = moongateBuffer.toString();
        ml = ml.substring(0, ml.length() - 2);
        Formatter c = new Formatter(map.getFname(), "latest.png", map.getWidth(), map.getHeight(), Constants.tilePixelWidth, Constants.tilePixelWidth, dl, pl, ml, portals, moongates, map.getLabels());
        FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File("tmx/map_" + map.getId() + "_World.tmx"), c.toString());
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : FileHandle(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle) Tile(objects.Tile) JAXBContext(javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext) TileSet(objects.TileSet) BaseMap(objects.BaseMap) TextureAtlasData( MapSet(objects.MapSet) Region( Portal(objects.Portal) Moongate(objects.Moongate) Unmarshaller(javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller) File(

Example 15 with TextureAtlasData

use of in project ultimate-java by pantinor.

the class StaticGeneratedDungeonScreen method init.

public void init() {
    assets = new AssetManager();
    assets.load("assets/graphics/dirt.png", Texture.class);
    assets.load("assets/graphics/map.png", Texture.class);
    assets.load("assets/graphics/Stone_Masonry.jpg", Texture.class);
    assets.load("assets/graphics/door.png", Texture.class);
    assets.load("assets/graphics/mortar.png", Texture.class);
    assets.load("assets/graphics/rock.png", Texture.class);
    assets.get("assets/graphics/rock.png", Texture.class).setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest);
    assets.get("assets/graphics/door.png", Texture.class).setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest);
    assets.get("assets/graphics/mortar.png", Texture.class).setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest);
    assets.get("assets/graphics/dirt.png", Texture.class).setFilter(TextureFilter.Nearest, TextureFilter.Nearest);
    ModelLoader<?> gloader = new G3dModelLoader(new UBJsonReader());
    fountainModel = gloader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal("assets/graphics/fountain2.g3db"));
    ladderModel = gloader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal("assets/graphics/ladder.g3db"));
    chestModel = gloader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal("assets/graphics/chest.g3db"));
    orbModel = gloader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal("assets/graphics/orb.g3db"));
    altarModel = gloader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal("assets/graphics/altar.g3db"));
    rocksModel = gloader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal("assets/graphics/rocks.g3db"));
    campfireModel = gloader.loadModel(Gdx.files.internal("assets/graphics/campfire.g3db"));
    font = new BitmapFont();
    fixedLight = new PointLight().set(1f, 0.8f, 0.6f, 4f, 4f, 4f, 5f);
    modelBatch = new ModelBatch();
    batch = new SpriteBatch();
    camera = new PerspectiveCamera(67, Ultima4.MAP_WIDTH, Ultima4.MAP_HEIGHT);
    camera.near = 0.1f;
    camera.far = 1000f;
    decalBatch = new DecalBatch(new CameraGroupStrategy(camera));
    // inputController = new CameraInputController(camera);
    // inputController.rotateLeftKey = inputController.rotateRightKey = inputController.forwardKey = inputController.backwardKey = 0;
    // inputController.translateUnits = 30f;
    ModelBuilder builder = new ModelBuilder();
    Model fm = builder.createBox(1, 1, 1, new Material(TextureAttribute.createDiffuse(assets.get("assets/graphics/rock.png", Texture.class))), Usage.Position | Usage.TextureCoordinates | Usage.Normal);
    Model cm = builder.createBox(1, 1, 1, new Material(TextureAttribute.createDiffuse(assets.get("assets/graphics/dirt.png", Texture.class))), Usage.Position | Usage.TextureCoordinates | Usage.Normal);
    try {
        int TILE_SIZE = 16;
        FileHandle f = new FileHandle("assets/tilemaps/tiles-vga-atlas.txt");
        TextureAtlasData a = new TextureAtlasData(f, f.parent(), false);
        mapTileIds = new String[a.getRegions().size + 1];
        for (Region r : a.getRegions()) {
            int x = r.left / r.width;
            int y = / r.height;
            int i = y * TILE_SIZE + x + 1;
            mapTileIds[i] =;
        TiledMap map = new TmxMapLoader().load("assets/tilemaps/delveOfSorrows.tmx");
        Iterator<MapLayer> iter = map.getLayers().iterator();
        int level = 0;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            environment[level] = new Environment();
            environment[level].set(new ColorAttribute(ColorAttribute.Ambient, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1f));
            layers[level] = (TiledMapTileLayer);
            for (int y = 0; y < DUNGEON_MAP; y++) {
                for (int x = 0; x < DUNGEON_MAP; x++) {
                    String val = mapTileIds[layers[level].getCell(x, DUNGEON_MAP - y - 1).getTile().getId()];
                    DungeonTile tile = DungeonTile.getTileByName(val);
                    if (tile == null) {
                        CreatureType ct = CreatureType.get(val);
                        if (ct != null) {
                            Creature creature = Ultima4.creatures.getInstance(ct, Ultima4.standardAtlas);
                            creature.currentX = x;
                            creature.currentY = y;
                            creature.currentLevel = level;
                            creature.getDecal().setPosition(creature.currentX + .5f, .3f, creature.currentY + .5f);
                        } else {
                        dungeonTiles[level][x][y] = DungeonTile.NOTHING;
                    } else if (tile == DungeonTile.WATER) {
                        Model w = builder.createBox(1, 1, 1, getMaterial(Color.BLUE, .9f), Usage.Position | Usage.Normal);
                        ModelInstance wi = new ModelInstance(w, x + .5f, -.5f, y + .5f);
                        DungeonTileModelInstance fin = new DungeonTileModelInstance(wi, DungeonTile.WATER, level);
                        dungeonTiles[level][x][y] = DungeonTile.NOTHING;
                    } else {
                        dungeonTiles[level][x][y] = tile;
                        addBlock(level, tile, x + .5f, .5f, y + .5f);
                    if (tile == null || tile != DungeonTile.WATER) {
                        DungeonTileModelInstance fin = new DungeonTileModelInstance(new ModelInstance(fm, new Vector3(x + .5f, -.5f, y + .5f)), DungeonTile.FLOOR, level);
                    DungeonTileModelInstance cin = new DungeonTileModelInstance(new ModelInstance(cm, new Vector3(x + .5f, 1.5f, y + .5f)), DungeonTile.FLOOR, level);
        camera.lookAt(currentPos.x + 1, currentPos.y, currentPos.z);
    } catch (Exception e) {
Also used : DecalBatch( Creature(objects.Creature) FileHandle(com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle) MapLayer(com.badlogic.gdx.maps.MapLayer) CameraGroupStrategy( PerspectiveCamera( Texture( SpriteBatch( ModelBuilder( TextureAtlasData( ModelBatch( UBJsonReader(com.badlogic.gdx.utils.UBJsonReader) BitmapFont( TmxMapLoader(com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TmxMapLoader) AssetManager(com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager) DungeonTileModelInstance(util.DungeonTileModelInstance) Material( Vector3(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3) PartyDeathException(util.PartyDeathException) DungeonTileModelInstance(util.DungeonTileModelInstance) ModelInstance( G3dModelLoader( Model( Region( Environment( PointLight( TiledMap(com.badlogic.gdx.maps.tiled.TiledMap) ColorAttribute(


FileHandle (com.badlogic.gdx.files.FileHandle)16 TextureAtlasData ( File ( Region ( JAXBContext (javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext)5 Unmarshaller (javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller)5 BaseMap (objects.BaseMap)5 MapSet (objects.MapSet)5 Tile (objects.Tile)5 TileSet (objects.TileSet)5 Array (com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array)4 GdxRuntimeException (com.badlogic.gdx.utils.GdxRuntimeException)4 FileInputStream ( Texture ( Page ( FileOutputStream ( InputStream ( OutputStreamWriter ( AssetDescriptor (com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetDescriptor)1 AssetManager (com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager)1