Search in sources :

Example 46 with ModelInstance

use of in project bladecoder-adventure-engine by bladecoder.

the class Sprite3DRenderer method retrieveSource.

private void retrieveSource(String source) {
    ModelCacheEntry entry = (ModelCacheEntry) sourceCache.get(source);
    if (entry == null || entry.refCounter < 1) {
        entry = (ModelCacheEntry) sourceCache.get(source);
    if (entry.modelInstance == null) {
        Model model3d = EngineAssetManager.getInstance().getModel3D(source);
        entry.modelInstance = new ModelInstance(model3d);
        entry.controller = new AnimationController(entry.modelInstance);
        entry.camera3d = getCamera(entry.modelInstance);
Also used : ModelInstance( AnimationController( Model(

Example 47 with ModelInstance

use of in project bladecoder-adventure-engine by bladecoder.

the class Utils3D method createFloor.

public static void createFloor() {
    ModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
    MeshPartBuilder mpb = modelBuilder.part("parts", GL20.GL_TRIANGLES, Usage.Position | Usage.Normal | Usage.ColorUnpacked, new Material(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(Color.WHITE)));
    mpb.setColor(1f, 1f, 1f, 1f);
    //, -0.1f, 0, 10, .2f, 10);
    mpb.rect(-10, 0, -10, -10, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10, 0, -10, 0, 1, 0);
    floorModel = modelBuilder.end();
    floorInstance = new ModelInstance(floorModel);
    // TODO Set only when FBO is active
    floorInstance.materials.get(0).set(new BlendingAttribute(GL20.GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL20.GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA));
Also used : ModelInstance( ModelBuilder( BlendingAttribute( Material( MeshPartBuilder(

Example 48 with ModelInstance

use of in project bladecoder-adventure-engine by bladecoder.

the class Utils3D method createAxes.

private static void createAxes() {
    ModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ModelBuilder();
    MeshPartBuilder builder = modelBuilder.part("grid", GL20.GL_LINES, Usage.Position | Usage.ColorUnpacked, new Material());
    for (float t = GRID_MIN; t <= GRID_MAX; t += GRID_STEP) {
        builder.line(t, 0, GRID_MIN, t, 0, GRID_MAX);
        builder.line(GRID_MIN, 0, t, GRID_MAX, 0, t);
    builder = modelBuilder.part("axes", GL20.GL_LINES, Usage.Position | Usage.ColorUnpacked, new Material());
    builder.line(0, 0, 0, 10, 0, 0);
    builder.line(0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 0);
    builder.line(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10);
    axesModel = modelBuilder.end();
    axesInstance = new ModelInstance(axesModel);
Also used : ModelInstance( ModelBuilder( Material( MeshPartBuilder(

Example 49 with ModelInstance

use of in project ultimate-java by pantinor.

the class DungeonScreen method endCombat.

public void endCombat(boolean isWon, BaseMap combatMap, boolean wounded) {
    if (isWon) {
        if (currentEncounter != null) {
            int x = (Math.round(currentPos.x) - 1);
            int y = (Math.round(currentPos.z) - 1);
            /* add a chest, if the creature leaves one */
            if (!currentEncounter.getNochest() && dungeonTiles[currentLevel][x][y] == DungeonTile.NOTHING) {
                ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(chestModel, x + .5f, 0, y + .5f);
                instance.nodes.get(0).scale.set(.010f, .010f, .010f);
                DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, DungeonTile.CHEST, currentLevel);
                in.x = x;
                in.y = y;
                dungeonTiles[currentLevel][x][y] = DungeonTile.CHEST;
    } else {
        if (combatMap.getType() == MapType.combat && context.getParty().didAnyoneFlee()) {
            log("Battle is lost!");
        // no flee penalty in dungeons
        } else if (!context.getParty().isAnyoneAlive()) {
    if (currentEncounter != null) {
        currentEncounter = null;
    // if exiting dungeon rooms, move out of the room with orientation to next coordinate
    if (combatMap.getType() == MapType.dungeon) {
        Direction exitDirection = context.getParty().getActivePartyMember().combatMapExitDirection;
        if (exitDirection != null) {
            currentDir = exitDirection;
            int x = (Math.round(currentPos.x) - 1);
            int y = (Math.round(currentPos.z) - 1);
            // check for portal to another dungeon
            for (Portal p : combatMap.getPortals()) {
                if (p.getX() == x && p.getY() == y && p.getExitDirection() == exitDirection) {
                    Maps m = Maps.get(p.getDestmapid());
                    if (m == dngMap) {
                    log("Entering " + m.getLabel() + "!");
                    DungeonScreen sc = new DungeonScreen(this.gameScreen, this.context, m);
                    sc.restoreSaveGameLocation(p.getStartx(), p.getStarty(), p.getStartlevel(), currentDir);
                    this.gameScreen.newMapPixelCoords = this.gameScreen.getMapPixelCoords(p.getRetroActiveDest().getX(), p.getRetroActiveDest().getY());
            if (exitDirection == Direction.EAST) {
                x = x + 1;
                if (x > 7) {
                    x = 0;
            } else if (exitDirection == Direction.WEST) {
                x = x - 1;
                if (x < 0) {
                    x = 7;
            } else if (exitDirection == Direction.NORTH) {
                y = y - 1;
                if (y < 0) {
                    y = 7;
            } else if (exitDirection == Direction.SOUTH) {
                y = y + 1;
                if (y > 7) {
                    y = 0;
            DungeonTile tile = dungeonTiles[currentLevel][x][y];
            try {
                if (tile != DungeonTile.WALL) {
                    currentPos = new Vector3(x + .5f, .5f, y + .5f);
                    if (currentDir == Direction.EAST) {
                        camera.lookAt(currentPos.x + 1, currentPos.y, currentPos.z);
                    } else if (currentDir == Direction.WEST) {
                        camera.lookAt(currentPos.x - 1, currentPos.y, currentPos.z);
                    } else if (currentDir == Direction.NORTH) {
                        camera.lookAt(currentPos.x, currentPos.y, currentPos.z - 1);
                    } else if (currentDir == Direction.SOUTH) {
                        camera.lookAt(currentPos.x, currentPos.y, currentPos.z + 1);
                    checkTileAffects(tile, x, y);
            } catch (PartyDeathException e) {
            if (tile.getValue() >= 208 && tile.getValue() <= 223) {
                RoomLocater loc = null;
                for (RoomLocater r : locaters) {
                    if (r.z == currentLevel && r.x == x && r.y == y) {
                        loc = r;
                enterRoom(loc, Direction.reverse(currentDir));
Also used : DungeonTileModelInstance(util.DungeonTileModelInstance) ModelInstance( DungeonTileModelInstance(util.DungeonTileModelInstance) Portal(objects.Portal) Vector3(com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3) PartyDeathException(util.PartyDeathException)

Example 50 with ModelInstance

use of in project ultimate-java by pantinor.

the class DungeonScreen method addBlock.

public void addBlock(int level, DungeonTile tile, float tx, float ty, float tz) {
    ModelBuilder builder = new ModelBuilder();
    if (tile == DungeonTile.WALL) {
        Model model = builder.createBox(1, 1, 1, new Material(TextureAttribute.createDiffuse(assets.get("assets/graphics/mortar.png", Texture.class))), Usage.Position | Usage.Normal | Usage.TextureCoordinates);
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(model, tx, ty, tz);
        // rotate so the texture is aligned right
        instance.transform.setFromEulerAngles(0, 0, 90).trn(tx, ty, tz);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
    } else if (tile.getValue() >= 144 && tile.getValue() <= 148) {
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(fountainModel, tx - .15f, 0, tz + .2f);
        instance.nodes.get(0).scale.set(.010f, .010f, .010f);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
    } else if (tile.getValue() >= 10 && tile.getValue() <= 48) {
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(ladderModel, tx, 0, tz);
        instance.nodes.get(0).scale.set(.060f, .060f, .060f);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
        Model manhole = builder.createCylinder(.75f, .02f, .75f, 32, new Material(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(Color.DARK_GRAY)), Usage.Position | Usage.Normal);
        if (tile == DungeonTile.LADDER_DOWN) {
            instance = new ModelInstance(manhole, tx, 0, tz);
            modelInstances.add(new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level));
        } else if (tile == DungeonTile.LADDER_UP) {
            instance = new ModelInstance(manhole, tx, 1, tz);
            modelInstances.add(new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level));
        } else if (tile == DungeonTile.LADDER_UP_DOWN) {
            instance = new ModelInstance(manhole, tx, 0, tz);
            modelInstances.add(new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level));
            instance = new ModelInstance(manhole, tx, 1, tz);
            modelInstances.add(new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level));
    } else if (tile == DungeonTile.CHEST) {
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(chestModel, tx, 0, tz);
        instance.nodes.get(0).scale.set(.010f, .010f, .010f);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
        in.x = (int) tx;
        in.y = (int) tz;
    } else if (tile == DungeonTile.ORB) {
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(orbModel, tx, .5f, tz);
        instance.nodes.get(0).scale.set(.0025f, .0025f, .0025f);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
        in.x = (int) tx;
        in.y = (int) tz;
    } else if (tile == DungeonTile.ALTAR) {
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(altarModel, tx, 0, tz);
        instance.nodes.get(0).scale.set(.0040f, .0040f, .0040f);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
        in.x = (int) tx;
        in.y = (int) tz;
    } else if (tile.getValue() >= 160 && tile.getValue() <= 163) {
        Color c = Color.GREEN;
        if (tile == DungeonTile.FIELD_ENERGY) {
            c = Color.BLUE;
        if (tile == DungeonTile.FIELD_FIRE) {
            c = Color.RED;
        if (tile == DungeonTile.FIELD_SLEEP) {
            c = Color.PURPLE;
        Model model = builder.createBox(1, 1, 1, new Material(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(c), ColorAttribute.createSpecular(c), new BlendingAttribute(0.7f)), Usage.Position | Usage.Normal);
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(model, tx, .5f, tz);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
        in.x = (int) tx;
        in.y = (int) tz;
    } else if (tile.getValue() >= 208 && tile.getValue() <= 223) {
        // room indicator
        Model model = builder.createBox(1, 1, 1, new Material(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(Color.DARK_GRAY), ColorAttribute.createSpecular(Color.DARK_GRAY), new BlendingAttribute(0.6f)), Usage.Position | Usage.Normal);
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(model, tx, .5f, tz);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
    } else if (tile == DungeonTile.DOOR || tile == DungeonTile.SECRET_DOOR) {
        Model model = builder.createBox(1, 1, 1, new Material(TextureAttribute.createDiffuse(assets.get("assets/graphics/mortar.png", Texture.class))), Usage.Position | Usage.TextureCoordinates | Usage.Normal);
        ModelInstance instance = new ModelInstance(model, tx, ty, tz);
        instance.transform.setFromEulerAngles(0, 0, 90).trn(tx, ty, tz);
        DungeonTileModelInstance in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
        Material matDoor = null;
        if (tile == DungeonTile.DOOR) {
            matDoor = new Material(TextureAttribute.createDiffuse(assets.get("assets/graphics/door.png", Texture.class)));
        } else {
            matDoor = new Material(new Material(ColorAttribute.createDiffuse(Color.DARK_GRAY), ColorAttribute.createSpecular(Color.DARK_GRAY), new BlendingAttribute(0.3f)));
        model = builder.createBox(1.04f, .85f, .6f, matDoor, Usage.Position | Usage.TextureCoordinates | Usage.Normal);
        instance = new ModelInstance(model, tx, .4f, tz);
        in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
        model = builder.createBox(.6f, .85f, 1.04f, matDoor, Usage.Position | Usage.TextureCoordinates | Usage.Normal);
        instance = new ModelInstance(model, tx, .4f, tz);
        in = new DungeonTileModelInstance(instance, tile, level);
Also used : DungeonTileModelInstance(util.DungeonTileModelInstance) ModelInstance( ModelBuilder( BlendingAttribute( DungeonTileModelInstance(util.DungeonTileModelInstance) Color( Model( Material( Texture(


ModelInstance ( Material ( ModelBuilder ( Model ( PerspectiveCamera ( ModelBatch ( ColorAttribute ( MeshPartBuilder ( Texture ( Environment ( Vector3 (com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3)10 SpriteBatch ( AnimationController ( DungeonTileModelInstance (util.DungeonTileModelInstance)8 BlendingAttribute ( DirectionalLight ( CameraInputController ( InputMultiplexer (com.badlogic.gdx.InputMultiplexer)5 AssetManager (com.badlogic.gdx.assets.AssetManager)4 BitmapFont (