use of in project libgdx by libgdx.
the class SphereShapeBuilder method build.
/** @deprecated use {@link MeshPartBuilder#setVertexTransform(Matrix4)} instead of using the method signature taking a matrix. */
public static void build(MeshPartBuilder builder, final Matrix4 transform, float width, float height, float depth, int divisionsU, int divisionsV, float angleUFrom, float angleUTo, float angleVFrom, float angleVTo) {
// FIXME create better sphere method (- only one vertex for each pole, - position)
final float hw = width * 0.5f;
final float hh = height * 0.5f;
final float hd = depth * 0.5f;
final float auo = MathUtils.degreesToRadians * angleUFrom;
final float stepU = (MathUtils.degreesToRadians * (angleUTo - angleUFrom)) / divisionsU;
final float avo = MathUtils.degreesToRadians * angleVFrom;
final float stepV = (MathUtils.degreesToRadians * (angleVTo - angleVFrom)) / divisionsV;
final float us = 1f / divisionsU;
final float vs = 1f / divisionsV;
float u = 0f;
float v = 0f;
float angleU = 0f;
float angleV = 0f;
VertexInfo curr1 = vertTmp3.set(null, null, null, null);
curr1.hasUV = curr1.hasPosition = curr1.hasNormal = true;
final int s = divisionsU + 3;
tmpIndices.ensureCapacity(divisionsU * 2);
tmpIndices.size = s;
int tempOffset = 0;
builder.ensureVertices((divisionsV + 1) * (divisionsU + 1));
for (int iv = 0; iv <= divisionsV; iv++) {
angleV = avo + stepV * iv;
v = vs * iv;
final float t = MathUtils.sin(angleV);
final float h = MathUtils.cos(angleV) * hh;
for (int iu = 0; iu <= divisionsU; iu++) {
angleU = auo + stepU * iu;
u = 1f - us * iu;
// Fixme : wrong normal calculation if transform
curr1.position.set(MathUtils.cos(angleU) * hw * t, h, MathUtils.sin(angleU) * hd * t).mul(transform);
curr1.uv.set(u, v);
tmpIndices.set(tempOffset, builder.vertex(curr1));
final int o = tempOffset + s;
if (// FIXME don't duplicate lines and points
(iv > 0) && (iu > 0))
builder.rect(tmpIndices.get(tempOffset), tmpIndices.get((o - 1) % s), tmpIndices.get((o - (divisionsU + 2)) % s), tmpIndices.get((o - (divisionsU + 1)) % s));
tempOffset = (tempOffset + 1) % tmpIndices.size;