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Example 11 with ResultSet

use of in project incubator-hugegraph-toolchain by apache.

the class GremlinQueryService method executeQuery.

public GremlinResult executeQuery(int connId, GremlinQuery query) {
    HugeClient client = this.getClient(connId);
    log.debug("The original gremlin ==> {}", query.getContent());
    String gremlin = this.optimize(query.getContent());
    log.debug("The optimized gremlin ==> {}", gremlin);
    // Execute gremlin query
    ResultSet resultSet = this.executeGremlin(gremlin, client);
    // Scan data, vote the result type
    TypedResult typedResult = this.parseResults(resultSet);
    // Build json view
    JsonView jsonView = new JsonView(typedResult.getData());
    // Build table view
    TableView tableView = this.buildTableView(typedResult);
    // Build graph view
    GraphView graphView = this.buildGraphView(typedResult, client);
    return GremlinResult.builder().type(typedResult.getType()).jsonView(jsonView).tableView(tableView).graphView(graphView).build();
Also used : HugeClient( ResultSet( JsonView( TypedResult( GraphView( TableView(

Example 12 with ResultSet

use of in project incubator-hugegraph-toolchain by apache.

the class EdgeTest method testQueryByPagingAndFiltering.

public void testQueryByPagingAndFiltering() {
    SchemaManager schema = schema();
    schema.edgeLabel("call").multiTimes().properties("location", "callType", "duration", "calltime").sourceLabel("phone").targetLabel("phone").sortKeys("location", "callType", "duration", "calltime").create();
    Vertex v1 = graph().addVertex(T.label, "phone", "no", "13812345678");
    Vertex v2 = graph().addVertex(T.label, "phone", "no", "13866668888");
    Vertex v10086 = graph().addVertex(T.label, "phone", "no", "10086");
    v1.addEdge("call", v2, "location", "Beijing", "callType", "work", "duration", 3, "calltime", "2017-5-1 23:00:00");
    v1.addEdge("call", v2, "location", "Beijing", "callType", "work", "duration", 3, "calltime", "2017-5-2 12:00:01");
    v1.addEdge("call", v2, "location", "Beijing", "callType", "work", "duration", 3, "calltime", "2017-5-3 12:08:02");
    v1.addEdge("call", v2, "location", "Beijing", "callType", "work", "duration", 8, "calltime", "2017-5-3 22:22:03");
    v1.addEdge("call", v2, "location", "Beijing", "callType", "fun", "duration", 10, "calltime", "2017-5-4 20:33:04");
    v1.addEdge("call", v10086, "location", "Nanjing", "callType", "work", "duration", 12, "calltime", "2017-5-2 15:30:05");
    v1.addEdge("call", v10086, "location", "Nanjing", "callType", "work", "duration", 14, "calltime", "2017-5-3 14:56:06");
    v2.addEdge("call", v10086, "location", "Nanjing", "callType", "fun", "duration", 15, "calltime", "2017-5-3 17:28:07");
    ResultSet resultSet = gremlin().gremlin("g.V(vid).outE('call')" + ".has('location', 'Beijing')" + ".has('callType', 'work')" + ".has('duration', 3)" + ".has('calltime', " + "P.between('2017-5-2', " + "'2017-5-4'))" + ".toList()").binding("vid",;
    Iterator<Result> results = resultSet.iterator();
    Assert.assertEquals(2, Iterators.size(results));
    Assert.assertThrows(ServerException.class, () -> {
        // no location
        gremlin().gremlin("g.V(vid).outE('call').has('callType', 'work')" + ".has('duration', 3).has('calltime', " + "P.between('2017-5-2', '2017-5-4'))" + ".has('~page', '')").binding("vid",;
    }, e -> {
        Assert.assertContains("Can't query by paging and filtering", e.getMessage());
Also used : Vertex( ResultSet( SchemaManager( Result( Test(org.junit.Test) BaseClientTest(

Example 13 with ResultSet

use of in project incubator-hugegraph-toolchain by apache.

the class GraphsApiTest method testCloneAndDropGraph.

public void testCloneAndDropGraph() {
    int initialGraphNumber = graphsAPI.list().size();
    // Clone a new graph from exist a graph dynamically
    String config;
    try {
        config = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(CONFIG3_PATH), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new ClientException("Failed to read config file: %s", CONFIG3_PATH);
    Map<String, String> result = graphsAPI.create(GRAPH3, "hugegraph", config);
    Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(GRAPH3, result.get("name"));
    Assert.assertEquals("rocksdb", result.get("backend"));
    Assert.assertEquals(initialGraphNumber + 1, graphsAPI.list().size());
    HugeClient client = new HugeClient(baseClient(), GRAPH3);
    // Insert graph schema and data
    List<Vertex> vertices = new ArrayList<>(100);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        Vertex vertex = new Vertex("person").property("name", "person" + i).property("city", "Beijing").property("age", 19);
    vertices = client.graph().addVertices(vertices);
    List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>(100);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        Edge edge = new Edge("knows").source(vertices.get(i)).target(vertices.get((i + 1) % 100)).property("date", "2016-01-10");
    client.graph().addEdges(edges, false);
    // Query vertices and edges count from new created graph
    ResultSet resultSet = client.gremlin().gremlin("g.V().count()").execute();
    Assert.assertEquals(100, resultSet.iterator().next().getInt());
    resultSet = client.gremlin().gremlin("g.E().count()").execute();
    Assert.assertEquals(100, resultSet.iterator().next().getInt());
    // Clear graph schema and data from new created graph
    graphsAPI.clear(GRAPH3, "I'm sure to delete all data");
    resultSet = client.gremlin().gremlin("g.V().count()").execute();
    Assert.assertEquals(0, resultSet.iterator().next().getInt());
    resultSet = client.gremlin().gremlin("g.E().count()").execute();
    Assert.assertEquals(0, resultSet.iterator().next().getInt());
    Assert.assertEquals(initialGraphNumber + 1, graphsAPI.list().size());
    // Remove new created graph dynamically
    graphsAPI.drop(GRAPH3, "I'm sure to drop the graph");
    Assert.assertEquals(initialGraphNumber, graphsAPI.list().size());
Also used : Vertex( HugeClient( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) IOException( ResultSet( ClientException( File( Edge( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 14 with ResultSet

use of in project incubator-hugegraph-toolchain by apache.

the class GraphsApiTest method testCloneAndDropGraphWithoutConfig.

public void testCloneAndDropGraphWithoutConfig() {
    int initialGraphNumber = graphsAPI.list().size();
    // Clone a new graph from exist a graph dynamically
    String config = null;
    Map<String, String> result = graphsAPI.create(GRAPH3, "hugegraph", config);
    Assert.assertEquals(2, result.size());
    Assert.assertEquals(GRAPH3, result.get("name"));
    Assert.assertEquals("rocksdb", result.get("backend"));
    Assert.assertEquals(initialGraphNumber + 1, graphsAPI.list().size());
    HugeClient client = new HugeClient(baseClient(), GRAPH3);
    // Insert graph schema and data
    List<Vertex> vertices = new ArrayList<>(100);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        Vertex vertex = new Vertex("person").property("name", "person" + i).property("city", "Beijing").property("age", 19);
    vertices = client.graph().addVertices(vertices);
    List<Edge> edges = new ArrayList<>(100);
    for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        Edge edge = new Edge("knows").source(vertices.get(i)).target(vertices.get((i + 1) % 100)).property("date", "2016-01-10");
    client.graph().addEdges(edges, false);
    // Query vertices and edges count from new created graph
    ResultSet resultSet = client.gremlin().gremlin("g.V().count()").execute();
    Assert.assertEquals(100, resultSet.iterator().next().getInt());
    resultSet = client.gremlin().gremlin("g.E().count()").execute();
    Assert.assertEquals(100, resultSet.iterator().next().getInt());
    // Clear graph schema and data from new created graph
    graphsAPI.clear(GRAPH3, "I'm sure to delete all data");
    resultSet = client.gremlin().gremlin("g.V().count()").execute();
    Assert.assertEquals(0, resultSet.iterator().next().getInt());
    resultSet = client.gremlin().gremlin("g.E().count()").execute();
    Assert.assertEquals(0, resultSet.iterator().next().getInt());
    Assert.assertEquals(initialGraphNumber + 1, graphsAPI.list().size());
    // Remove new created graph dynamically
    graphsAPI.drop(GRAPH3, "I'm sure to drop the graph");
    Assert.assertEquals(initialGraphNumber, graphsAPI.list().size());
Also used : Vertex( HugeClient( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResultSet( Edge( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 15 with ResultSet

use of in project incubator-hugegraph-toolchain by apache.

the class TaskApiTest method testCancel.

public void testCancel() {
    String groovy = "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {" + "hugegraph.addVertex(T.label, 'man');" + "hugegraph.tx().commit();" + "}";
    // Insert 10 records in sync mode
    GremlinRequest request = new GremlinRequest(groovy);
    // Verify insertion takes effect
    groovy = "g.V()";
    request = new GremlinRequest(groovy);
    ResultSet resultSet = gremlin().execute(request);
    Assert.assertEquals(10, resultSet.size());
    // Delete to prepare for insertion in async mode
    groovy = "g.V().drop()";
    request = new GremlinRequest(groovy);
         * The asyn task scripts need to be able to handle interrupts,
         * otherwise they cannot be cancelled
    groovy = "for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {" + "hugegraph.addVertex(T.label, 'man');" + "hugegraph.tx().commit();" + "try {" + "sleep(1000);" + "} catch (InterruptedException e) {" + "break;" + "}" + "}";
    request = new GremlinRequest(groovy);
    long taskId = gremlin().executeAsTask(request);
    groovy = "g.V()";
    request = new GremlinRequest(groovy);
    // Wait async task running
    while (true) {
        resultSet = gremlin().execute(request);
        if (resultSet.size() > 0) {
        } else {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException ignored) {
    // Cancel async task
    Task task = taskAPI.cancel(taskId);
    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
    // ignored
    task = taskAPI.get(taskId);
    resultSet = gremlin().execute(request);
    Assert.assertTrue(resultSet.size() < 10);
Also used : Task( ResultSet( GremlinRequest( Test(org.junit.Test)


ResultSet ( Test (org.junit.Test)13 GremlinRequest ( Vertex ( Result ( HugeClient ( Edge ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 TypedResult ( ClientException ( Path ( GraphView ( GremlinResult ( SchemaManager ( JsonView ( TableView ( ExternalException ( ServerException ( Task ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2