use of com.bc.pmpheep.back.po.Declaration in project pmph by BCSquad.
the class SystemMessageService method sendWhenDeclarationFormAuditToOrgUser.
* 人卫社审核教材申报表 向机构用户发送信息
* @introduction
* @author Mryang
* @createDate 2018年1月22日 上午10:12:34
* @param declarationId
* @param isPass
* @param returnCause 退回原因
* @param onlineProgress 4 == 退回给学校,5 == 退回给个人
* @throws CheckedServiceException
* @throws IOException
public void sendWhenDeclarationFormAuditToOrgUser(Long declarationId, boolean isPass, String returnCause, Integer onlineProgress) throws CheckedServiceException, IOException {
// 获取申报表
Declaration declaration = declarationService.getDeclarationById(declarationId);
if (null == declaration) {
throw new CheckedServiceException(CheckedExceptionBusiness.MATERIAL, CheckedExceptionResult.NULL_PARAM, "申报表不存在");
if (null == declaration.getOrgId()) {
throw new CheckedServiceException(CheckedExceptionBusiness.MATERIAL, CheckedExceptionResult.NULL_PARAM, "认证的管理员为空");
// 获取教材
Material material = materialService.getMaterialById(declaration.getMaterialId());
String msgContent = null;
if (isPass) {
// 通过
msgContent = "恭喜!您校[" + declaration.getRealname() + "]提交的《<font color='red'>" + material.getMaterialName() + "</font>》申报表已通过[<font color='red'>出版社</font>]审核";
} else {
// 出版社退回给学校==4
if (4 == onlineProgress.intValue()) {
msgContent = "抱歉!您校[" + declaration.getRealname() + "]提交的《<font color='red'>" + material.getMaterialName() + "</font>》申报表被[<font color='red'>出版社</font>]退回,退回原因:" + returnCause + ",请核对后重试";
} else if (5 == onlineProgress.intValue()) {
// 出版社退回给个人==5
msgContent = "抱歉!您提交的《<font color='red'>" + material.getMaterialName() + "</font>》申报表被[<font color='red'>出版社</font>]退回,退回原因:" + returnCause + ",请您核对后重试";
WebScocketMessage webScocketMessage = null;
List<String> userIds = null;
if (4 == onlineProgress.intValue()) {
// 获取机构用户
List<Long> orgIds = new ArrayList<Long>(1);
if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(orgIds) || orgIds.size() == 0) {
List<OrgUser> orgUserList = orgUserService.getOrgUserListByOrgIds(orgIds);
// 存入消息主体
Message message = new Message(msgContent);
message = messageService.add(message);
String msg_id = message.getId();
// 消息集合
List<UserMessage> userMessageList = new ArrayList<UserMessage>();
userIds = new ArrayList<String>();
for (OrgUser orgUser : orgUserList) {
userMessageList.add(new // 消息内容id
UserMessage(// 消息内容id
msg_id, // 消息标题
messageTitle, // 消息类型
new Short("0"), // 发送者id 0- 系统
0L, // 发送者类型 0- 系统
new Short("0"), // 接收者id
orgUser.getId(), // 接收者类型 (3- 机构用户 )
new Short("3"), // 教材id
userIds.add("3_" + orgUser.getId().toString());
// 发送消息
// 批量插入消息
// websocket推送页面消息
webScocketMessage = new // 消息id
WebScocketMessage(// 消息id
msg_id, // 消息类型 0=系统消息/1=站内群发/2=站内私信(作家和机构用户不能群发)/3 小组互动
Const.MSG_TYPE_0, // 发送者id 0=系统/其他=用户id
0L, // 发送者姓名
"系统", // 发送者类型 0=系统/1=社内用户/2=作家用户/3=机构用户
Const.SENDER_TYPE_0, // 发送类型 0 新增 1 撤回 2 删除
Const.SEND_MSG_TYPE_0, // 头像
"", // 消息标题
messageTitle, // 消息内容
msgContent, // 发送时间
} else if (5 == onlineProgress.intValue()) {
// 存入消息主体
Message message = new Message(msgContent);
message = messageService.add(message);
String msg_id = message.getId();
// 发送消息
userMessageService.addUserMessage(new UserMessage(msg_id, messageTitle, new Short("0"), 0L, new Short("0"), declaration.getUserId(), new Short("2"), null));
// websocket推送页面消息
webScocketMessage = new WebScocketMessage(msg_id, Const.MSG_TYPE_0, 0L, "系统", Const.SENDER_TYPE_0, Const.SEND_MSG_TYPE_0, RouteUtil.DEFAULT_USER_AVATAR, messageTitle, msgContent, DateUtil.getCurrentTime());
userIds = new ArrayList<String>(1);
userIds.add("2_" + declaration.getUserId());
myWebSocketHandler.sendWebSocketMessageToUser(userIds, webScocketMessage);
use of com.bc.pmpheep.back.po.Declaration in project pmph by BCSquad.
the class DeclarationServiceTest method getDeclarationByMaterialIdAndUserId.
public void getDeclarationByMaterialIdAndUserId() {
Declaration declaration = declarationService.getDeclarationByMaterialIdAndUserId(2L, 1L);
Assert.assertNotNull("获取作家申报表信息失败", declaration);
use of com.bc.pmpheep.back.po.Declaration in project pmph by BCSquad.
the class DeclarationServiceTest method testAddDeclaration.
public void testAddDeclaration() {
Declaration declaration = new Declaration();
declaration = declarationService.addDeclaration(declaration);
Assert.assertTrue("添加数据失败", declaration.getId() > 0);
use of com.bc.pmpheep.back.po.Declaration in project pmph by BCSquad.
the class DeclarationServiceTest method testGetDeclaration.
public void testGetDeclaration() {
long id = add().getId();
Declaration declaration = declarationService.getDeclarationById(id);
Assert.assertNotNull("获取作家申报表信息失败", declaration);