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Example 6 with CertificateList

use of com.beanit.asn1bean.compiler.pkix1explicit88.CertificateList in project kubernetes-client by fabric8io.

the class CertificateCreate method main.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    try (NamespacedCertManagerClient certManagerClient = new DefaultCertManagerClient()) {
        String namespace = "default";
        Certificate certificate = new CertificateBuilder().build();
        // Create Certificate
        System.out.println("Created: " + certificate.getMetadata().getName());
        // List Certificate
        CertificateList certificateList = certManagerClient.v1alpha3().certificates().inNamespace(namespace).list();
        System.out.println("There are " + certificateList.getItems().size() + " TaskRun objects in " + namespace);
Also used : NamespacedCertManagerClient(io.fabric8.certmanager.client.NamespacedCertManagerClient) DefaultCertManagerClient(io.fabric8.certmanager.client.DefaultCertManagerClient) CertificateBuilder(io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1alpha3.CertificateBuilder) CertificateList(io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1alpha3.CertificateList) Certificate(io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1alpha3.Certificate)

Example 7 with CertificateList

use of com.beanit.asn1bean.compiler.pkix1explicit88.CertificateList in project robovm by robovm.

the class X509CertFactoryImpl method engineGenerateCRLs.

     * @see
     * method documentation for more info
public Collection<? extends CRL> engineGenerateCRLs(InputStream inStream) throws CRLException {
    if (inStream == null) {
        throw new CRLException("inStream == null");
    ArrayList<CRL> result = new ArrayList<CRL>();
    try {
        if (!inStream.markSupported()) {
            inStream = new RestoringInputStream(inStream);
        // if it is PEM encoded form this array will contain the encoding
        // so ((it is PEM) <-> (encoding != null))
        byte[] encoding = null;
        // The following by SEQUENCE ASN.1 tag, used for
        // recognizing the data format
        // (is it PKCS7 ContentInfo structure, X.509 CRL, or
        // unsupported encoding)
        int second_asn1_tag = -1;
        int ch;
        while ((ch = != -1) {
            // check if it is PEM encoded form
            if (ch == '-') {
                // beginning of PEM encoding ('-' char)
                // decode PEM chunk and store its content (ASN.1 encoding)
                encoding = decodePEM(inStream, FREE_BOUND_SUFFIX);
            } else if (ch == 0x30) {
                // beginning of ASN.1 sequence (0x30)
                encoding = null;
                // prepare for data format determination
            } else {
                // unsupported data
                if (result.size() == 0) {
                    throw new CRLException("Unsupported encoding");
                } else {
                    // it can be trailing user data,
                    // so keep it in the stream
                    return result;
            // Check the data format
            BerInputStream in = (encoding == null) ? new BerInputStream(inStream) : new BerInputStream(encoding);
            // read the next ASN.1 tag
            second_asn1_tag =;
            if (encoding == null) {
                // keep whole structure in the stream
            // check if it is a TBSCertList structure
            if (second_asn1_tag != ASN1Constants.TAG_C_SEQUENCE) {
                if (result.size() == 0) {
                    // whether it is PKCS7 structure
                } else {
                    // so return what we already read
                    return result;
            } else {
                if (encoding == null) {
                } else {
        if (result.size() != 0) {
            // the stream was read out
            return result;
        } else if (ch == -1) {
            throw new CRLException("There is no data in the stream");
        // else: check if it is PKCS7
        if (second_asn1_tag == ASN1Constants.TAG_OID) {
            // it is PKCS7 ContentInfo structure, so decode it
            ContentInfo info = (ContentInfo) ((encoding != null) ? ContentInfo.ASN1.decode(encoding) : ContentInfo.ASN1.decode(inStream));
            // retrieve SignedData
            SignedData data = info.getSignedData();
            if (data == null) {
                throw new CRLException("Invalid PKCS7 data provided");
            List<CertificateList> crls = data.getCRLs();
            if (crls != null) {
                for (CertificateList crl : crls) {
                    result.add(new X509CRLImpl(crl));
            return result;
        // else: Unknown data format
        throw new CRLException("Unsupported encoding");
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new CRLException(e);
Also used : SignedData( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) CertificateList( IOException( ContentInfo( X509CRL( CRL( BerInputStream( CRLException(

Example 8 with CertificateList

use of com.beanit.asn1bean.compiler.pkix1explicit88.CertificateList in project xipki by xipki.

the class X509CaCmpResponderImpl method cmpGeneralMsg.

// method cmpRevokeOrUnrevokeOrRemoveCertificates
private PKIBody cmpGeneralMsg(PKIHeaderBuilder respHeader, CmpControl cmpControl, PKIHeader reqHeader, PKIBody reqBody, CmpRequestorInfo requestor, ASN1OctetString tid, String msgId, AuditEvent event) throws InsuffientPermissionException {
    GenMsgContent genMsgBody = GenMsgContent.getInstance(reqBody.getContent());
    InfoTypeAndValue[] itvs = genMsgBody.toInfoTypeAndValueArray();
    InfoTypeAndValue itv = null;
    if (itvs != null && itvs.length > 0) {
        for (InfoTypeAndValue entry : itvs) {
            String itvType = entry.getInfoType().getId();
            if (KNOWN_GENMSG_IDS.contains(itvType)) {
                itv = entry;
    if (itv == null) {
        String statusMessage = "PKIBody type " + PKIBody.TYPE_GEN_MSG + " is only supported with the sub-types " + KNOWN_GENMSG_IDS.toString();
        return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badRequest, statusMessage);
    InfoTypeAndValue itvResp = null;
    ASN1ObjectIdentifier infoType = itv.getInfoType();
    int failureInfo;
    try {
        X509Ca ca = getCa();
        if (CMPObjectIdentifiers.it_currentCRL.equals(infoType)) {
            checkPermission(requestor, PermissionConstants.GET_CRL);
            CertificateList crl = ca.getBcCurrentCrl();
            if (itv.getInfoValue() == null) {
                // as defined in RFC 4210
                crl = ca.getBcCurrentCrl();
            } else {
                // xipki extension
                ASN1Integer crlNumber = ASN1Integer.getInstance(itv.getInfoValue());
                crl = ca.getBcCrl(crlNumber.getPositiveValue());
            if (crl == null) {
                String statusMessage = "no CRL is available";
                return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.systemFailure, statusMessage);
            itvResp = new InfoTypeAndValue(infoType, crl);
        } else if (ObjectIdentifiers.id_xipki_cmp_cmpGenmsg.equals(infoType)) {
            ASN1Encodable asn1 = itv.getInfoValue();
            ASN1Integer asn1Code = null;
            ASN1Encodable reqValue = null;
            try {
                ASN1Sequence seq = ASN1Sequence.getInstance(asn1);
                asn1Code = ASN1Integer.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(0));
                if (seq.size() > 1) {
                    reqValue = seq.getObjectAt(1);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
                String statusMessage = "invalid value of the InfoTypeAndValue for " + ObjectIdentifiers.id_xipki_cmp_cmpGenmsg.getId();
                return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badRequest, statusMessage);
            ASN1Encodable respValue;
            int action = asn1Code.getPositiveValue().intValue();
            switch(action) {
                case XiSecurityConstants.CMP_ACTION_GEN_CRL:
                    checkPermission(requestor, PermissionConstants.GEN_CRL);
                    X509CRL tmpCrl = ca.generateCrlOnDemand(msgId);
                    if (tmpCrl == null) {
                        String statusMessage = "CRL generation is not activated";
                        return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.systemFailure, statusMessage);
                    } else {
                        respValue = CertificateList.getInstance(tmpCrl.getEncoded());
                case XiSecurityConstants.CMP_ACTION_GET_CRL_WITH_SN:
                    checkPermission(requestor, PermissionConstants.GET_CRL);
                    ASN1Integer crlNumber = ASN1Integer.getInstance(reqValue);
                    respValue = ca.getBcCrl(crlNumber.getPositiveValue());
                    if (respValue == null) {
                        String statusMessage = "no CRL is available";
                        return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.systemFailure, statusMessage);
                case XiSecurityConstants.CMP_ACTION_GET_CAINFO:
                    Set<Integer> acceptVersions = new HashSet<>();
                    if (reqValue != null) {
                        ASN1Sequence seq = DERSequence.getInstance(reqValue);
                        int size = seq.size();
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                            ASN1Integer ai = ASN1Integer.getInstance(seq.getObjectAt(i));
                    if (CollectionUtil.isEmpty(acceptVersions)) {
                    String systemInfo = getSystemInfo(requestor, acceptVersions);
                    respValue = new DERUTF8String(systemInfo);
                    String statusMessage = "unsupported XiPKI action code '" + action + "'";
                    return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.badRequest, statusMessage);
            // end switch (action)
            ASN1EncodableVector vec = new ASN1EncodableVector();
            if (respValue != null) {
            itvResp = new InfoTypeAndValue(infoType, new DERSequence(vec));
        } else if (ObjectIdentifiers.id_xipki_cmp_cacerts.equals(infoType)) {
            CMPCertificate caCert = ca.getCaInfo().getCertInCmpFormat();
            itvResp = new InfoTypeAndValue(infoType, new DERSequence(caCert));
        GenRepContent genRepContent = new GenRepContent(itvResp);
        return new PKIBody(PKIBody.TYPE_GEN_REP, genRepContent);
    } catch (OperationException ex) {
        failureInfo = getPKiFailureInfo(ex);
        ErrorCode code = ex.getErrorCode();
        String errorMessage;
        switch(code) {
            case DATABASE_FAILURE:
            case SYSTEM_FAILURE:
                errorMessage =;
                errorMessage = + ": " + ex.getErrorMessage();
        return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, failureInfo, errorMessage);
    } catch (CRLException ex) {
        String statusMessage = "CRLException: " + ex.getMessage();
        return buildErrorMsgPkiBody(PKIStatus.rejection, PKIFailureInfo.systemFailure, statusMessage);
Also used : DERUTF8String(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERUTF8String) PKIBody(org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp.PKIBody) X509CRL( Set(java.util.Set) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) GenMsgContent(org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp.GenMsgContent) GenRepContent(org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp.GenRepContent) X509Ca( CertificateList(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.CertificateList) ASN1OctetString(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1OctetString) DERUTF8String(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERUTF8String) ASN1Integer(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Integer) CMPCertificate(org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp.CMPCertificate) ASN1Sequence(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Sequence) DERSequence(org.bouncycastle.asn1.DERSequence) InfoTypeAndValue(org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp.InfoTypeAndValue) ASN1EncodableVector(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1EncodableVector) ASN1Encodable(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1Encodable) ErrorCode( CRLException( ASN1ObjectIdentifier(org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier) OperationException(

Example 9 with CertificateList

use of com.beanit.asn1bean.compiler.pkix1explicit88.CertificateList in project xipki by xipki.

the class X509Ca method getBcCrl.

public CertificateList getBcCrl(BigInteger crlNumber) throws OperationException {"     START getCrl: ca={}, crlNumber={}", caIdent, crlNumber);
    boolean successful = false;
    try {
        byte[] encodedCrl = certstore.getEncodedCrl(caIdent, crlNumber);
        if (encodedCrl == null) {
            return null;
        try {
            CertificateList crl = CertificateList.getInstance(encodedCrl);
            successful = true;
            if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {
      "SUCCESSFUL getCrl: ca={}, thisUpdate={}", caIdent, crl.getThisUpdate().getTime());
            return crl;
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            throw new OperationException(ErrorCode.SYSTEM_FAILURE, ex);
    } finally {
        if (!successful) {
  "    FAILED getCrl: ca={}", caIdent);
Also used : CertificateList(org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.CertificateList) OperationException(

Example 10 with CertificateList

use of com.beanit.asn1bean.compiler.pkix1explicit88.CertificateList in project jasn1 by openmuc.

the class LoadCRLRequest method decode.

public int decode(InputStream is, boolean withTag) throws IOException {
    int codeLength = 0;
    int subCodeLength = 0;
    BerTag berTag = new BerTag();
    if (withTag) {
        codeLength += tag.decodeAndCheck(is);
    BerLength length = new BerLength();
    codeLength += length.decode(is);
    int totalLength = length.val;
    if (totalLength == -1) {
        subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        if (berTag.tagNumber == 0 && berTag.tagClass == 0 && berTag.primitive == 0) {
            int nextByte =;
            if (nextByte != 0) {
                if (nextByte == -1) {
                    throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
                throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
            codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
            return codeLength;
        if (berTag.equals(BerTag.CONTEXT_CLASS, BerTag.CONSTRUCTED, 0)) {
            crl = new CertificateList();
            subCodeLength += crl.decode(is, false);
            subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
        int nextByte =;
        if (berTag.tagNumber != 0 || berTag.tagClass != 0 || berTag.primitive != 0 || nextByte != 0) {
            if (nextByte == -1) {
                throw new EOFException("Unexpected end of input stream.");
            throw new IOException("Decoded sequence has wrong end of contents octets");
        codeLength += subCodeLength + 1;
        return codeLength;
    codeLength += totalLength;
    subCodeLength += berTag.decode(is);
    if (berTag.equals(BerTag.CONTEXT_CLASS, BerTag.CONSTRUCTED, 0)) {
        crl = new CertificateList();
        subCodeLength += crl.decode(is, false);
        if (subCodeLength == totalLength) {
            return codeLength;
    throw new IOException("Unexpected end of sequence, length tag: " + totalLength + ", actual sequence length: " + subCodeLength);
Also used : EOFException( CertificateList(org.openmuc.jasn1.compiler.pkix1explicit88.CertificateList) IOException(


CertificateList (org.bouncycastle.asn1.x509.CertificateList)13 IOException ( Test (org.junit.jupiter.api.Test)8 CRLException ( X509CRL ( ASN1ObjectIdentifier (org.bouncycastle.asn1.ASN1ObjectIdentifier)5 X509CRLHolder (org.bouncycastle.cert.X509CRLHolder)5 OperationException ( DefaultCertManagerClient (io.fabric8.certmanager.client.DefaultCertManagerClient)4 NamespacedCertManagerClient (io.fabric8.certmanager.client.NamespacedCertManagerClient)4 CertificateList (io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1.CertificateList)3 CertificateList (io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1alpha2.CertificateList)3 CertificateList (io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1alpha3.CertificateList)3 CertificateList (io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1beta1.CertificateList)3 BigInteger (java.math.BigInteger)3 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 Date (java.util.Date)3 CertificateList (com.beanit.asn1bean.compiler.pkix1explicit88.CertificateList)2 Certificate (io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1.Certificate)2 CertificateBuilder (io.fabric8.certmanager.api.model.v1.CertificateBuilder)2