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Example 26 with DownloadManagerState

use of in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DiskManagerUtil method getFileInfoSkeleton.

public static DiskManagerFileInfoSet getFileInfoSkeleton(final DownloadManager download_manager, final DiskManagerListener listener) {
    final TOTorrent torrent = download_manager.getTorrent();
    if (torrent == null) {
        return (new DiskManagerFileInfoSetImpl(new DiskManagerFileInfoImpl[0], null));
    String tempRootDir = download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getParent();
    if (// in case we alraedy are at the root
    tempRootDir == null)
        tempRootDir = download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getPath();
    if (!torrent.isSimpleTorrent()) {
        tempRootDir += File.separator + download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getName();
    tempRootDir += File.separator;
    // prevent attempted state saves and associated nastyness during population of
    // the file skeleton entries
    final boolean[] loading = { true };
    try {
        final String root_dir = StringInterner.intern(tempRootDir);
        try {
            final LocaleUtilDecoder locale_decoder = LocaleTorrentUtil.getTorrentEncoding(torrent);
            TOTorrentFile[] torrent_files = torrent.getFiles();
            final FileSkeleton[] res = new FileSkeleton[torrent_files.length];
            final String incomplete_suffix = download_manager.getDownloadState().getAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_INCOMP_FILE_SUFFIX);
            final DiskManagerFileInfoSet fileSetSkeleton = new DiskManagerFileInfoSet() {

                public DiskManagerFileInfo[] getFiles() {
                    return res;

                public int nbFiles() {
                    return res.length;

                public void setPriority(int[] toChange) {
                    if (toChange.length != res.length)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("array length mismatches the number of files");
                    for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) res[i].priority = toChange[i];
                    if (!loading[0]) {
                        DiskManagerImpl.storeFilePriorities(download_manager, res);
                    for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) if (toChange[i] != 0)

                public void setSkipped(boolean[] toChange, boolean setSkipped) {
                    if (toChange.length != res.length)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("array length mismatches the number of files");
                    if (!setSkipped) {
                        String[] types = DiskManagerImpl.getStorageTypes(download_manager);
                        boolean[] toLinear = new boolean[toChange.length];
                        boolean[] toReorder = new boolean[toChange.length];
                        int num_linear = 0;
                        int num_reorder = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < toChange.length; i++) {
                            if (toChange[i]) {
                                int old_type = DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeFromString(types[i]);
                                if (old_type == DiskManagerFileInfo.ST_COMPACT) {
                                    toLinear[i] = true;
                                } else if (old_type == DiskManagerFileInfo.ST_REORDER_COMPACT) {
                                    toReorder[i] = true;
                        if (num_linear > 0) {
                            if (!Arrays.equals(toLinear, setStorageTypes(toLinear, DiskManagerFileInfo.ST_LINEAR))) {
                        if (num_reorder > 0) {
                            if (!Arrays.equals(toReorder, setStorageTypes(toReorder, DiskManagerFileInfo.ST_REORDER))) {
                    File[] to_link = new File[res.length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
                        if (toChange[i]) {
                            to_link[i] = res[i].setSkippedInternal(setSkipped);
                    if (!loading[0]) {
                        DiskManagerImpl.storeFilePriorities(download_manager, res);
                    List<Integer> from_indexes = new ArrayList<>();
                    List<File> from_links = new ArrayList<>();
                    List<File> to_links = new ArrayList<>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
                        if (to_link[i] != null) {
                    if (from_links.size() > 0) {
                        download_manager.getDownloadState().setFileLinks(from_indexes, from_links, to_links);
                    if (!setSkipped) {
                        doFileExistenceChecks(this, toChange, download_manager, true);
                    for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
                        if (toChange[i]) {

                public boolean[] setStorageTypes(boolean[] toChange, int newStorageType) {
                    if (toChange.length != res.length)
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("array length mismatches the number of files");
                    String[] types = DiskManagerImpl.getStorageTypes(download_manager);
                    boolean[] modified = new boolean[res.length];
                    boolean[] toSkip = new boolean[res.length];
                    int toSkipCount = 0;
                    DownloadManagerState dmState = download_manager.getDownloadState();
                    try {
                        for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
                            if (!toChange[i])
                            final int idx = i;
                            int old_type = DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeFromString(types[i]);
                            if (newStorageType == old_type) {
                                modified[i] = true;
                            try {
                                File target_file = res[i].getFile(true);
                                if (target_file.exists()) {
                                    CacheFile cache_file = CacheFileManagerFactory.getSingleton().createFile(new CacheFileOwner() {

                                        public String getCacheFileOwnerName() {
                                            return (download_manager.getInternalName());

                                        public TOTorrentFile getCacheFileTorrentFile() {
                                            return (res[idx].getTorrentFile());

                                        public File getCacheFileControlFileDir() {
                                            return (download_manager.getDownloadState().getStateFile());

                                        public int getCacheMode() {
                                            return (CacheFileOwner.CACHE_MODE_NORMAL);
                                    }, target_file, DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeToCache(newStorageType));
                                    // need this to trigger recovery for re-order files :(
                                toSkip[i] = (newStorageType == FileSkeleton.ST_COMPACT || newStorageType == FileSkeleton.ST_REORDER_COMPACT) && !res[i].isSkipped();
                                if (toSkip[i]) {
                                modified[i] = true;
                            } catch (Throwable e) {
                                Logger.log(new LogAlert(download_manager, LogAlert.REPEATABLE, LogAlert.AT_ERROR, "Failed to change storage type for '" + res[i].getFile(true) + "': " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)));
                                // download's not running - tag for recheck
                                RDResumeHandler.recheckFile(download_manager, res[i]);
                            types[i] = DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeToString(newStorageType);
							 * set storage type and skipped before we do piece clearing and file
							 * clearing checks as those checks work better when skipped/stype is set
							 * properly
                        dmState.setListAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_FILE_STORE_TYPES, types);
                        if (toSkipCount > 0) {
                            setSkipped(toSkip, true);
                        for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
                            if (!toChange[i])
                            // download's not running, update resume data as necessary
                            int cleared = RDResumeHandler.storageTypeChanged(download_manager, res[i]);
                            if (cleared > 0) {
                                res[i].downloaded = res[i].downloaded - cleared * res[i].getTorrentFile().getTorrent().getPieceLength();
                                if (res[i].downloaded < 0)
                                    res[i].downloaded = 0;
                        DiskManagerImpl.storeFileDownloaded(download_manager, res, true);
                        doFileExistenceChecks(this, toChange, download_manager, newStorageType == FileSkeleton.ST_LINEAR || newStorageType == FileSkeleton.ST_REORDER);
                    } finally {
                    return modified;
            for (int i = 0; i < res.length; i++) {
                final TOTorrentFile torrent_file = torrent_files[i];
                final int file_index = i;
                FileSkeleton info = new FileSkeleton() {

                    private volatile CacheFile read_cache_file;

                    // do not access this field directly, use lazyGetFile() instead
                    private WeakReference dataFile = new WeakReference(null);

                    public void setPriority(int b) {
                        priority = b;
                        DiskManagerImpl.storeFilePriorities(download_manager, res);

                    public void setSkipped(boolean _skipped) {
                        if (!_skipped && getStorageType() == ST_COMPACT) {
                            if (!setStorageType(ST_LINEAR)) {
                        if (!_skipped && getStorageType() == ST_REORDER_COMPACT) {
                            if (!setStorageType(ST_REORDER)) {
                        File to_link = setSkippedInternal(_skipped);
                        DiskManagerImpl.storeFilePriorities(download_manager, res);
                        if (to_link != null) {
                            download_manager.getDownloadState().setFileLink(file_index, getFile(false), to_link);
                        if (!_skipped) {
                            boolean[] toCheck = new boolean[fileSetSkeleton.nbFiles()];
                            toCheck[file_index] = true;
                            doFileExistenceChecks(fileSetSkeleton, toCheck, download_manager, true);

                    public int getAccessMode() {
                        return (READ);

                    public long getDownloaded() {
                        return (downloaded);

                    public long getLastModified() {
                        return (getFile(true).lastModified());

                    public void setDownloaded(long l) {
                        downloaded = l;

                    public String getExtension() {
                        String ext = lazyGetFile().getName();
                        if (incomplete_suffix != null && ext.endsWith(incomplete_suffix)) {
                            ext = ext.substring(0, ext.length() - incomplete_suffix.length());
                        int separator = ext.lastIndexOf(".");
                        if (separator == -1)
                            separator = 0;
                        return ext.substring(separator);

                    public int getFirstPieceNumber() {
                        return (torrent_file.getFirstPieceNumber());

                    public int getLastPieceNumber() {
                        return (torrent_file.getLastPieceNumber());

                    public long getLength() {
                        return (torrent_file.getLength());

                    public int getIndex() {
                        return (file_index);

                    public int getNbPieces() {
                        return (torrent_file.getNumberOfPieces());

                    public int getPriority() {
                        return (priority);

                    protected File setSkippedInternal(boolean _skipped) {
                        // returns the file to link to if linkage is required
                        skipped_internal = _skipped;
                        if (!download_manager.isDestroyed()) {
                            DownloadManagerState dm_state = download_manager.getDownloadState();
                            String dnd_sf = dm_state.getAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_DND_SUBFOLDER);
                            if (dnd_sf != null) {
                                File link = getLink();
                                File file = getFile(false);
                                if (_skipped) {
                                    if (link == null || link.equals(file)) {
                                        File parent = file.getParentFile();
                                        if (parent != null) {
                                            String prefix = dm_state.getAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_DND_PREFIX);
                                            String file_name = file.getName();
                                            if (prefix != null && !file_name.startsWith(prefix)) {
                                                file_name = prefix + file_name;
                                            File new_parent = new File(parent, dnd_sf);
                                            File new_file = new File(new_parent, file_name);
                                            if (!new_file.exists()) {
                                                if (!new_parent.exists()) {
                                                if (new_parent.canWrite()) {
                                                    boolean ok;
                                                    if (file.exists()) {
                                                        ok = FileUtil.renameFile(file, new_file);
                                                    } else {
                                                        ok = true;
                                                    if (ok) {
                                                        return (new_file);
                                } else {
                                    if (link != null && !file.exists()) {
                                        File parent = file.getParentFile();
                                        if (parent != null && parent.canWrite()) {
                                            File new_parent = parent.getName().equals(dnd_sf) ? parent : new File(parent, dnd_sf);
                                            // use link name to handle incomplete file suffix if set
                                            File new_file = new File(new_parent, link.getName());
                                            if (new_file.equals(link)) {
                                                boolean ok;
                                                String incomp_ext = dm_state.getAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_INCOMP_FILE_SUFFIX);
                                                String file_name = file.getName();
                                                String prefix = dm_state.getAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_DND_PREFIX);
                                                boolean prefix_removed = false;
                                                if (prefix != null && file_name.startsWith(prefix)) {
                                                    file_name = file_name.substring(prefix.length());
                                                    prefix_removed = true;
                                                if (incomp_ext != null && incomp_ext.length() > 0 && getDownloaded() != getLength()) {
                                                    if (prefix == null) {
                                                        prefix = "";
                                                    file = new File(file.getParentFile(), prefix + file_name + incomp_ext);
                                                } else if (prefix_removed) {
                                                    file = new File(file.getParentFile(), file_name);
                                                if (new_file.exists()) {
                                                    ok = FileUtil.renameFile(new_file, file);
                                                } else {
                                                    ok = true;
                                                if (ok) {
                                                    File[] files = new_parent.listFiles();
                                                    if (files != null && files.length == 0) {
                                                    return (file);
                        return (null);

                    public boolean isSkipped() {
                        return (skipped_internal);

                    public DiskManager getDiskManager() {
                        return (null);

                    public DownloadManager getDownloadManager() {
                        return (download_manager);

                    public File getFile(boolean follow_link) {
                        if (follow_link) {
                            File link = getLink();
                            if (link != null) {
                                return (link);
                        return lazyGetFile();

                    private File lazyGetFile() {
                        File toReturn = (File) dataFile.get();
                        if (toReturn != null)
                            return toReturn;
                        TOTorrent tor = download_manager.getTorrent();
                        String path_str = root_dir;
                        File simpleFile = null;
                        if (tor == null || tor.isSimpleTorrent()) {
                            // rumour has it tor can sometimes be null
                            simpleFile = download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation();
                        } else {
                            byte[][] path_comps = torrent_file.getPathComponents();
                            for (int j = 0; j < path_comps.length; j++) {
                                String comp;
                                try {
                                    comp = locale_decoder.decodeString(path_comps[j]);
                                } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                                    comp = "undecodableFileName" + file_index;
                                comp = FileUtil.convertOSSpecificChars(comp, j != path_comps.length - 1);
                                path_str += (j == 0 ? "" : File.separator) + comp;
                        dataFile = new WeakReference(toReturn = simpleFile != null ? simpleFile : new File(path_str));
                        // System.out.println("new file:"+toReturn);
                        return toReturn;

                    public TOTorrentFile getTorrentFile() {
                        return (torrent_file);

                    public boolean setLink(File link_destination) {
                         * If we a simple torrent, then we'll redirect the call to the download and move the
                         * data files that way - that'll keep everything in sync.
                        if (download_manager.getTorrent().isSimpleTorrent()) {
                            try {
                                download_manager.moveDataFiles(link_destination.getParentFile(), link_destination.getName());
                                return true;
                            } catch (DownloadManagerException e) {
                                // What should we do with the error?
                                return false;
                        return setLinkAtomic(link_destination);

                    public boolean setLinkAtomic(File link_destination) {
                        return (setFileLink(download_manager, res, this, lazyGetFile(), link_destination, null));

                    public boolean setLinkAtomic(File link_destination, FileUtil.ProgressListener pl) {
                        return (setFileLink(download_manager, res, this, lazyGetFile(), link_destination, pl));

                    public File getLink() {
                        return (download_manager.getDownloadState().getFileLink(file_index, lazyGetFile()));

                    public boolean setStorageType(int type) {
                        boolean[] change = new boolean[res.length];
                        change[file_index] = true;
                        return fileSetSkeleton.setStorageTypes(change, type)[file_index];

                    public int getStorageType() {
                        return (DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeFromString(DiskManagerImpl.getStorageType(download_manager, file_index)));

                    public void flushCache() {

                    public DirectByteBuffer read(long offset, int length) throws IOException {
                        CacheFile temp;
                        try {
                            if (read_cache_file == null) {
                                try {
                                    int type = convertDMStorageTypeFromString(DiskManagerImpl.getStorageType(download_manager, file_index));
                                    read_cache_file = CacheFileManagerFactory.getSingleton().createFile(new CacheFileOwner() {

                                        public String getCacheFileOwnerName() {
                                            return (download_manager.getInternalName());

                                        public TOTorrentFile getCacheFileTorrentFile() {
                                            return (torrent_file);

                                        public File getCacheFileControlFileDir() {
                                            return (download_manager.getDownloadState().getStateFile());

                                        public int getCacheMode() {
                                            return (CacheFileOwner.CACHE_MODE_NORMAL);
                                    }, getFile(true), convertDMStorageTypeToCache(type));
                                } catch (Throwable e) {
                                    throw (new IOException(e.getMessage()));
                            temp = read_cache_file;
                        } finally {
                        DirectByteBuffer buffer = DirectByteBufferPool.getBuffer(DirectByteBuffer.AL_DM_READ, length);
                        try {
                  , offset, CacheFile.CP_READ_CACHE);
                        } catch (Throwable e) {
                            throw (new IOException(e.getMessage()));
                        return (buffer);

                    public int getReadBytesPerSecond() {
                        CacheFile temp = read_cache_file;
                        if (temp == null) {
                            return (0);
                        return (0);

                    public int getWriteBytesPerSecond() {
                        return (0);

                    public long getETA() {
                        return (-1);

                    public void close() {
                        CacheFile temp;
                        try {
                            temp = read_cache_file;
                            read_cache_file = null;
                        } finally {
                        if (temp != null) {
                            try {
                            } catch (Throwable e) {

                    public void addListener(DiskManagerFileInfoListener listener) {
                        if (getDownloaded() == getLength()) {
                            try {
                                listener.dataWritten(0, getLength());
                                listener.dataChecked(0, getLength());
                            } catch (Throwable e) {

                    public void removeListener(DiskManagerFileInfoListener listener) {
                res[i] = info;
            loadFilePriorities(download_manager, fileSetSkeleton);
            loadFileDownloaded(download_manager, res);
            return (fileSetSkeleton);
        } finally {
            loading[0] = false;
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        return (new DiskManagerFileInfoSetImpl(new DiskManagerFileInfoImpl[0], null));
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DownloadManagerState( CacheFile(com.biglybt.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFile) LocaleUtilDecoder(com.biglybt.core.internat.LocaleUtilDecoder) WeakReference(java.lang.ref.WeakReference) DownloadManagerException( UnsupportedEncodingException( IOException( LogAlert(com.biglybt.core.logging.LogAlert) TOTorrentFile(com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrentFile) CacheFileOwner(com.biglybt.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFileOwner) TOTorrent(com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrent) TOTorrentFile(com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrentFile) CacheFile(com.biglybt.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFile) File(

Example 27 with DownloadManagerState

use of in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DiskManagerFileInfoSetImpl method setStorageTypes.

public boolean[] setStorageTypes(boolean[] toChange, int newStroageType) {
    if (toChange.length != files.length)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("array length mismatches the number of files");
    if (files.length == 0)
        return new boolean[0];
    String[] types = diskManager.getStorageTypes();
    boolean[] modified = new boolean[files.length];
    DownloadManagerState dm_state = diskManager.getDownloadState();
    if (newStroageType == DiskManagerFileInfo.ST_COMPACT || newStroageType == DiskManagerFileInfo.ST_REORDER_COMPACT) {
        Debug.out("Download must be stopped for linear -> compact conversion");
        return modified;
    try {
        for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
            if (!toChange[i])
            int old_type = DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeFromString(types[i]);
            if (newStroageType == old_type) {
                modified[i] = true;
            DiskManagerFileInfoImpl file = files[i];
            try {
                modified[i] = true;
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                diskManager.setFailed(file, "Failed to change storage type for '" + file.getFile(true) + "': " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e));
            } finally {
                types[i] = DiskManagerUtil.convertCacheStorageTypeToString(file.getCacheFile().getStorageType());
        dm_state.setListAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_FILE_STORE_TYPES, types);
        DiskManagerUtil.doFileExistenceChecks(this, toChange, dm_state.getDownloadManager(), true);
    } finally {
    return modified;
Also used : DownloadManagerState(

Example 28 with DownloadManagerState

use of in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DiskManagerImpl method filesExist.

protected boolean filesExist(String root_dir) {
    if (!torrent.isSimpleTorrent()) {
        root_dir += File.separator + download_manager.getAbsoluteSaveLocation().getName();
    if (!root_dir.endsWith(File.separator)) {
        root_dir += File.separator;
    // System.out.println( "root dir = " + root_dir_file );
    DMPieceMapperFile[] pm_files = piece_mapper.getFiles();
    String[] storage_types = getStorageTypes();
    DownloadManagerState state = download_manager.getDownloadState();
    for (int i = 0; i < pm_files.length; i++) {
        DMPieceMapperFile pm_info = pm_files[i];
        File relative_file = pm_info.getDataFile();
        long target_length = pm_info.getLength();
        // use the cache file to ascertain length in case the caching/writing algorithm
        // fiddles with the real length
        // Unfortunately we may be called here BEFORE the disk manager has been
        // started and hence BEFORE the file info has been setup...
        // Maybe one day we could allocate the file info earlier. However, if we do
        // this then we'll need to handle the "already moved" stuff too...
        DiskManagerFileInfoImpl file_info = pm_info.getFileInfo();
        boolean close_it = false;
        try {
            if (file_info == null) {
                int storage_type = DiskManagerUtil.convertDMStorageTypeFromString(storage_types[i]);
                file_info = createFileInfo(state, pm_info, i, root_dir, relative_file, storage_type);
                close_it = true;
            try {
                CacheFile cache_file = file_info.getCacheFile();
                File data_file = file_info.getFile(true);
                if (!cache_file.exists()) {
                    // look for something sensible to report
                    File current = data_file;
                    while (!current.exists()) {
                        File parent = current.getParentFile();
                        if (parent == null) {
                        } else if (!parent.exists()) {
                            current = parent;
                        } else {
                            if (parent.isDirectory()) {
                                errorMessage = current.toString() + " not found.";
                            } else {
                                errorMessage = parent.toString() + " is not a directory.";
                            return (false);
                    errorMessage = data_file.toString() + " not found.";
                    return false;
                // only test for too big as if incremental creation selected
                // then too small is OK
                long existing_length = file_info.getCacheFile().getLength();
                if (existing_length > target_length) {
                    if (COConfigurationManager.getBooleanParameter("File.truncate.if.too.large")) {
                        Debug.out("Existing data file length too large [" + existing_length + ">" + target_length + "]: " + data_file.getAbsolutePath() + ", truncating");
                    } else {
                        errorMessage = "Existing data file length too large [" + existing_length + ">" + target_length + "]: " + data_file.getAbsolutePath();
                        return false;
            } finally {
                if (close_it) {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            errorMessage = Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e) + " (filesExist:" + relative_file.toString() + ")";
            return (false);
    return true;
Also used : CacheFile(com.biglybt.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFile) DownloadManagerState( TOTorrentFile(com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrentFile) CacheFile(com.biglybt.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFile) File(

Example 29 with DownloadManagerState

use of in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DiskManagerImpl method getStorageTypes.

// Used by DownloadManagerImpl too.
public static String[] getStorageTypes(DownloadManager download_manager) {
    DownloadManagerState state = download_manager.getDownloadState();
    String[] types = state.getListAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_FILE_STORE_TYPES);
    if (types == null || types.length == 0) {
        TOTorrentFile[] files = download_manager.getTorrent().getFiles();
        types = new String[download_manager.getTorrent().getFiles().length];
        if (reorder_storage_mode) {
            int existing = state.getIntAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_REORDER_MIN_MB);
            if (existing < 0) {
                existing = reorder_storage_mode_min_mb;
                state.setIntAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_REORDER_MIN_MB, existing);
            for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
                if (files[i].getLength() / (1024 * 1024) >= existing) {
                    types[i] = "R";
                } else {
                    types[i] = "L";
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {
                types[i] = "L";
        state.setListAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_FILE_STORE_TYPES, types);
    return (types);
Also used : TOTorrentFile(com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrentFile) DownloadManagerState(

Example 30 with DownloadManagerState

use of in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.

the class DiskManagerImpl method setPieceDone.

 *  Called when status has CHANGED and should only be called by DiskManagerPieceImpl
public void setPieceDone(DiskManagerPieceImpl dmPiece, boolean done) {
    int piece_number = dmPiece.getPieceNumber();
    int piece_length = dmPiece.getLength();
    try {
        if (dmPiece.isDone() != done) {
            if (done)
                remaining -= piece_length;
                remaining += piece_length;
            DMPieceList piece_list = getPieceList(piece_number);
            for (int i = 0; i < piece_list.size(); i++) {
                DMPieceMapEntry piece_map_entry = piece_list.get(i);
                DiskManagerFileInfoImpl this_file = piece_map_entry.getFile();
                long file_length = this_file.getLength();
                long file_done = this_file.getDownloaded();
                long file_done_before = file_done;
                if (done)
                    file_done += piece_map_entry.getLength();
                    file_done -= piece_map_entry.getLength();
                if (file_done < 0) {
                    Debug.out("piece map entry length negative");
                    file_done = 0;
                } else if (file_done > file_length) {
                    Debug.out("piece map entry length too large");
                    file_done = file_length;
                if (this_file.isSkipped()) {
                    skipped_but_downloaded += (file_done - file_done_before);
                if (file_done == file_length) {
                    try {
                        DownloadManagerState state = download_manager.getDownloadState();
                        try {
                            String suffix = state.getAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_INCOMP_FILE_SUFFIX);
                            if (suffix != null && suffix.length() > 0) {
                                String prefix = state.getAttribute(DownloadManagerState.AT_DND_PREFIX);
                                if (prefix == null) {
                                    prefix = "";
                                File base_file = this_file.getFile(false);
                                int file_index = this_file.getIndex();
                                File link = state.getFileLink(file_index, base_file);
                                if (link != null) {
                                    String name = link.getName();
                                    if (name.endsWith(suffix) && name.length() > suffix.length()) {
                                        String new_name = name.substring(0, name.length() - suffix.length());
                                        if (!this_file.isSkipped()) {
                                            if (prefix.length() > 0 && new_name.startsWith(prefix)) {
                                                new_name = new_name.substring(prefix.length());
                                        File new_file = new File(link.getParentFile(), new_name);
                                        if (!new_file.exists()) {
                                            if (base_file.equals(new_file)) {
                                                state.setFileLink(file_index, base_file, null);
                                            } else {
                                                state.setFileLink(file_index, base_file, new_file);
                                } else {
                                    if (this_file.getTorrentFile().getTorrent().isSimpleTorrent()) {
                                        File save_location = download_manager.getSaveLocation();
                                        String name = save_location.getName();
                                        if (name.endsWith(suffix) && name.length() > suffix.length()) {
                                            String new_name = name.substring(0, name.length() - suffix.length());
                                            if (!this_file.isSkipped()) {
                                                if (prefix.length() > 0 && new_name.startsWith(prefix)) {
                                                    new_name = new_name.substring(prefix.length());
                                            File new_file = new File(save_location.getParentFile(), new_name);
                                            if (!new_file.exists()) {
                                                if (save_location.equals(new_file)) {
                                                    state.setFileLink(0, save_location, null);
                                                } else {
                                                    state.setFileLink(0, save_location, new_file);
                        } finally {
                            if (this_file.getAccessMode() == DiskManagerFileInfo.WRITE) {
                            if (getState() == READY) {
                                state.setLongParameter(DownloadManagerState.PARAM_DOWNLOAD_FILE_COMPLETED_TIME, SystemTime.getCurrentTime());
                    } catch (Throwable e) {
                        setFailed("Disk access error - " + Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e));
                // note - we don't set the access mode to write if incomplete as we may
                // be rechecking a file and during this process the "file_done" amount
                // will not be file_length until the end. If the file is read-only then
                // changing to write will cause trouble!
            if (getState() == READY) {
                // don't start firing these until we're ready otherwise we send notifications
                // for complete pieces during initialisation
                listeners.dispatch(LDT_PIECE_DONE_CHANGED, dmPiece);
    } finally {
Also used : DownloadManagerState( TOTorrentFile(com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrentFile) CacheFile(com.biglybt.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFile) File(


DownloadManagerState ( File ( DownloadManager ( TOTorrent (com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrent)9 TOTorrentFile (com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrentFile)8 DiskManagerFileInfo (com.biglybt.core.disk.DiskManagerFileInfo)6 CacheFile (com.biglybt.core.diskmanager.cache.CacheFile)6 PEPeerManager (com.biglybt.core.peer.PEPeerManager)5 TOTorrentException (com.biglybt.core.torrent.TOTorrentException)5 Download ( UIInputReceiverListener (com.biglybt.pif.ui.UIInputReceiverListener)4 IOException ( Map (java.util.Map)4 CoreRunningListener (com.biglybt.core.CoreRunningListener)3 DiskManagerFileInfoSet (com.biglybt.core.disk.DiskManagerFileInfoSet)3 Tag (com.biglybt.core.tag.Tag)3 UIFunctions (com.biglybt.ui.UIFunctions)3 List (java.util.List)3 Core (com.biglybt.core.Core)2 ParameterListener (com.biglybt.core.config.ParameterListener)2