use of com.biglybt.core.proxy.AEProxyFactory.PluginProxy in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.
the class TorrentUtils method download.
public static TOTorrent download(URL url, long timeout) throws IOException {
try {
PluginProxy plugin_proxy = null;
try {
if (AENetworkClassifier.categoriseAddress(url.getHost()) != AENetworkClassifier.AT_PUBLIC) {
plugin_proxy = AEProxyFactory.getPluginProxy("torrent download", url);
ResourceDownloader rd;
if (plugin_proxy == null) {
rd = new ResourceDownloaderFactoryImpl().create(url);
} else {
rd = new ResourceDownloaderFactoryImpl().create(plugin_proxy.getURL(), plugin_proxy.getProxy());
rd.setProperty("URL_HOST", url.getHost());
if (timeout > 0) {
rd.setProperty("URL_Connect_Timeout", timeout);
rd.setProperty("URL_Read_Timeout", timeout);
byte[] bytes = FileUtil.readInputStreamAsByteArray(, BDecoder.MAX_BYTE_ARRAY_SIZE);
return (TOTorrentFactory.deserialiseFromBEncodedByteArray(bytes));
} finally {
if (plugin_proxy != null) {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw ((IOException) e);
} catch (Throwable e) {
throw (new IOException(Debug.getNestedExceptionMessage(e)));
use of com.biglybt.core.proxy.AEProxyFactory.PluginProxy in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.
the class PlatformMessenger method downloadURL.
private static Object[] downloadURL(URL rpc_url, String postData, boolean forceProxy) throws Throwable {
Throwable error = null;
if (!forceProxy) {
try {
Object[] result = downloadURLSupport(null, null, rpc_url, postData);
if (result[1] == null) {
throw (new Exception("Request failed"));
} else {
return (result);
} catch (Throwable e) {
error = e;
try {
PluginProxy plugin_proxy = AEProxyFactory.getPluginProxy("vuze settings", rpc_url, true);
if (plugin_proxy == null) {
if (error != null) {
throw (error);
throw (new Exception("Proxy unavailable"));
} else {
URL url = plugin_proxy.getURL();
Proxy proxy = plugin_proxy.getProxy();
boolean ok = false;
try {
String proxy_host = rpc_url.getHost() + (rpc_url.getPort() == -1 ? "" : (":" + rpc_url.getPort()));
Object[] result = downloadURLSupport(proxy, proxy_host, url, postData);
ok = true;
return (result);
} finally {
} catch (Throwable f) {
throw (error == null ? f : error);
use of com.biglybt.core.proxy.AEProxyFactory.PluginProxy in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.
the class TCPTransportImpl method setConnectResult.
void setConnectResult(boolean ok) {
PluginProxy pp = plugin_proxy;
if (pp != null) {
plugin_proxy = null;
use of com.biglybt.core.proxy.AEProxyFactory.PluginProxy in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.
the class WebEngine method getWebPageContent.
protected pageDetails getWebPageContent(SearchParameter[] searchParameters, Map<String, String> searchContext, String headers, boolean only_if_modified, pageDetailsVerifier verifier) throws SearchException {
String searchURL = searchURLFormat;
String lc_url = searchURL.toLowerCase(Locale.US);
boolean explicit_tor = lc_url.startsWith("tor:");
boolean user_tor = false;
if (!explicit_tor) {
String test = Result.adjustLink(searchURL);
if (test.startsWith("tor:")) {
user_tor = true;
if (explicit_tor || user_tor) {
// strip out any stuff we probably don't want to send
searchContext = new HashMap<>();
String target_resource = explicit_tor ? searchURL.substring(4) : searchURL;
URL location;
try {
location = new URL(target_resource);
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
throw (new SearchException(e));
Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(AEProxyFactory.PO_PEER_NETWORKS, new String[] { AENetworkClassifier.AT_TOR });
PluginProxy plugin_proxy = AEProxyFactory.getPluginProxy("Web engine download of '" + target_resource + "'", location, options, true);
if (plugin_proxy == null) {
throw (new SearchException("No Tor plugin proxy available for '" + target_resource + "'"));
URL url = plugin_proxy.getURL();
Proxy proxy = plugin_proxy.getProxy();
boolean ok = false;
try {
String proxy_host = location.getHost() + (location.getPort() == -1 ? "" : (":" + location.getPort()));
pageDetails details = getWebPageContentSupport(proxy, proxy_host, url.toExternalForm(), searchParameters, searchContext, headers, only_if_modified);
if (verifier != null) {
ok = true;
return (details);
} finally {
try {
try {
URL url = new URL(searchURL);
if (AENetworkClassifier.categoriseAddress(url.getHost()) != AENetworkClassifier.AT_PUBLIC) {
// strip out any stuff we probably don't want to send
searchContext = new HashMap<>();
} catch (Throwable e) {
pageDetails details = getWebPageContentSupport(null, null, searchURL, searchParameters, searchContext, headers, only_if_modified);
if (verifier != null) {
return (details);
} catch (SearchException e) {
try {
URL original_url = new URL(searchURL);
PluginProxy plugin_proxy = AEProxyFactory.getPluginProxy("getting search results ", original_url);
if (plugin_proxy == null) {
throw (e);
} else {
URL url = plugin_proxy.getURL();
Proxy proxy = plugin_proxy.getProxy();
boolean ok = false;
try {
String proxy_host = original_url.getHost() + (original_url.getPort() == -1 ? "" : (":" + original_url.getPort()));
pageDetails details = getWebPageContentSupport(proxy, proxy_host, url.toExternalForm(), searchParameters, searchContext, headers, only_if_modified);
if (verifier != null) {
ok = true;
return (details);
} finally {
} catch (Throwable f) {
throw (e);
use of com.biglybt.core.proxy.AEProxyFactory.PluginProxy in project BiglyBT by BiglySoftware.
the class SubscriptionSchedulerImpl method download.
public void download(final Subscription subs, final SubscriptionResult original_result) {
String download_link = original_result.getDownloadLink();
if (download_link == null) {
log(subs.getName() + ": can't download " + original_result.getID() + " as no direct download link available");
final String key = subs.getID() + ":" + original_result.getID();
final String dl = download_link;
synchronized (active_result_downloaders) {
if (active_result_downloaders.contains(key)) {
log(subs.getName() + ": queued result for download - " + original_result.getID() + "/" + download_link);
active_result_downloaders.add(key); AERunnable() {
public void runSupport() {
// need to fix up to the latest history due to the lazy nature of things :(
SubscriptionResult result = subs.getHistory().getResult(original_result.getID());
boolean success = false;
try {
if (result == null) {
log(subs.getName() + ": result has been deleted - " + original_result.getID());
success = true;
} else if (result.getRead()) {
log(subs.getName() + ": result already marked as read, skipping - " + result.getID());
success = true;
} else {
boolean retry = true;
boolean use_ref = subs.getHistory().getDownloadWithReferer();
boolean tried_ref_switch = false;
while (retry) {
retry = false;
try {
TorrentUtils.setTLSDescription("Subscription: " + subs.getName());
URL original_url = new URL(dl);
PluginProxy plugin_proxy = null;
if (dl.startsWith("tor:")) {
String target_resource = dl.substring(4);
original_url = new URL(target_resource);
Map<String, Object> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put(AEProxyFactory.PO_PEER_NETWORKS, new String[] { AENetworkClassifier.AT_TOR });
plugin_proxy = AEProxyFactory.getPluginProxy("Subscription result download of '" + target_resource + "'", original_url, options, true);
if (plugin_proxy == null) {
throw (new Exception("No Tor plugin proxy available for '" + dl + "'"));
URL current_url = plugin_proxy == null ? original_url : plugin_proxy.getURL();
Torrent torrent = null;
try {
while (true) {
try {
ResourceDownloaderFactory rdf = StaticUtilities.getResourceDownloaderFactory();
ResourceDownloader url_rd = rdf.create(current_url, plugin_proxy == null ? null : plugin_proxy.getProxy());
if (plugin_proxy != null) {
url_rd.setProperty("URL_HOST", plugin_proxy.getURLHostRewrite() + (current_url.getPort() == -1 ? "" : (":" + current_url.getPort())));
String referer = use_ref ? subs.getReferer() : null;
UrlUtils.setBrowserHeaders(url_rd, referer);
Engine engine = subs.getEngine();
if (engine instanceof WebEngine) {
WebEngine we = (WebEngine) engine;
if (we.isNeedsAuth()) {
String cookies = we.getCookies();
if (cookies != null && cookies.length() > 0) {
url_rd.setProperty("URL_Cookie", cookies);
ResourceDownloader mr_rd = rdf.getMetaRefreshDownloader(url_rd);
InputStream is =;
torrent = new TorrentImpl(TOTorrentFactory.deserialiseFromBEncodedInputStream(is));
} catch (Throwable e) {
if (plugin_proxy == null) {
plugin_proxy = AEProxyFactory.getPluginProxy("Subscription result download", original_url);
if (plugin_proxy != null) {
current_url = plugin_proxy.getURL();
throw (e);
} finally {
if (plugin_proxy != null) {
plugin_proxy.setOK(torrent != null);
byte[] hash = torrent.getHash();
// PlatformTorrentUtils.setContentTitle(torrent, torr );
DownloadManager dm = PluginInitializer.getDefaultInterface().getDownloadManager();
Download download;
// if we're assigning a tag/networks then we need to add it stopped in case the tag has any pre-start actions (e.g. set initial save location)
// this is because the assignments are done in SubscriptionManagerImpl on the download(willbe)added event
boolean stop_override = subs.getTagID() >= 0 || subs.getHistory().getDownloadNetworks() != null;
boolean auto_start = manager.shouldAutoStart(torrent);
manager.addPrepareTrigger(hash, new Subscription[] { subs }, new SubscriptionResult[] { result });
try {
if (auto_start && !stop_override) {
download = dm.addDownload(torrent);
} else {
download = dm.addDownloadStopped(torrent, null, null);
} finally {
log(subs.getName() + ": added download " + download.getName() + ": auto-start=" + auto_start);
// maybe remove this as should be actioned in the trigger?
manager.prepareDownload(download, new Subscription[] { subs }, new SubscriptionResult[] { result });
if (auto_start && stop_override) {
success = true;
if (tried_ref_switch) {
} catch (Throwable e) {
log(subs.getName() + ": Failed to download result " + dl, e);
if (e instanceof TOTorrentException && !tried_ref_switch) {
use_ref = !use_ref;
tried_ref_switch = true;
retry = true;
log(subs.getName() + ": Retrying " + (use_ref ? "with referer" : "without referer"));
} finally {
} finally {
try {
if (!success) {
if (dl.startsWith("azplug:") || dl.startsWith("chat:")) {
// whatever the outcome these have been handled async
} else {
int rad = manager.getAutoDownloadMarkReadAfterDays();
if (rad > 0) {
long rad_millis = rad * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L;
long time_found = result.getTimeFound();
if (time_found > 0 && time_found + rad_millis < SystemTime.getCurrentTime()) {
log(subs.getName() + ": result expired, marking as read - " + result.getID());
} catch (Throwable e) {
synchronized (active_result_downloaders) {