use of com.bluenimble.platform.api.impls.JsonApiOutput in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class DefaultApiInterceptor method intercept.
public void intercept(Api api, ApiRequest request, ApiResponse response) {
logDebug(api, "<" + request.getId() + "> Process Request \n" + request.toString());
ServerRequestTrack track = server.getRequestTracker(Json.getString(api.getTracking(), Api.Spec.Tracking.Tracker)).create(api, request);
response.set(ApiHeaders.NodeID, Json.getString(request.getNode(), ApiRequest.Fields.Node.Id));
response.set(ApiHeaders.NodeType, Json.getString(request.getNode(), ApiRequest.Fields.Node.Type));
response.set(ApiHeaders.NodeVersion, Json.getString(request.getNode(), ApiRequest.Fields.Node.Version));
ApiMediaProcessor mediaProcessor = null;
ApiConsumer consumer = null;
ApiService service = null;
try {
// api life cycle - onRequest
api.getSpi().onRequest(api, request, response);
// resolve service
service = ((ApiImpl) api).lockup(request);
ApiResponse.Status notFoundStatus = null;
String notFoundMessage = null;
if (service == null) {
notFoundStatus = ApiResponse.NOT_FOUND;
notFoundMessage = api.message(request.getLang(), Messages.ServiceNotFound, request.getVerb().name() + Lang.SPACE + request.getPath());
} else if (service.status() != ApiStatus.Running) {
notFoundStatus = ApiResponse.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE;
notFoundMessage = api.message(request.getLang(), Messages.ServiceNotAvailable, service.getName());
if (notFoundStatus != null) {
if (response instanceof ContainerApiResponse) {
((ContainerApiResponse) response).setException(new ApiServiceExecutionException(notFoundMessage).status(notFoundStatus));
} else {
response.error(notFoundStatus, notFoundMessage);
writeError(mediaProcessor, api, null, null, request, response);
track.finish((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(ApiResponse.Error.Code, notFoundStatus.getCode()).set(ApiResponse.Error.Message, notFoundMessage));
((AbstractApiRequest) request).setService(service);
// Lookup media processor
mediaProcessor = api.lockupMediaProcessor(request, service);
logInfo(api, "<" + request.getId() + "> Using service " + service.getVerb() + Lang.SPACE + Json.getString(service.toJson(), ApiService.Spec.Endpoint) + Lang.SPACE + Lang.PARENTH_OPEN + service.getName() + Lang.PARENTH_CLOSE);
// api life cycle - onService
api.getSpi().onService(api, service, request, response);
logInfo(api, "<" + request.getId() + "> Interceptor will use media.processor [" + mediaProcessor.getClass().getSimpleName() + "]");
JsonObject apiSecMethods = Json.getObject(api.getSecurity(), Api.Spec.Security.Schemes);
if (apiSecMethods == null) {
apiSecMethods = JsonObject.Blank;
JsonArray serviceSecMethods = Json.getArray(service.getSecurity(), ApiService.Spec.Security.Schemes);
ApiConsumerResolver resolver = null;
try {
Iterator<String> rKeys = apiSecMethods.keys();
if (rKeys != null) {
while (rKeys.hasNext()) {
String resolverName =;
if (serviceSecMethods != null && !serviceSecMethods.contains(resolverName)) {
ApiConsumerResolver r = server.getConsumerResolver(resolverName);
if (r == null) {
consumer = r.resolve(api, service, request);
if (consumer != null) {
resolver = r;
if (consumer == null) {
consumer = new DefaultApiConsumer(ApiConsumer.Type.Unknown);
api.getSpi().findConsumer(api, service, request, consumer);
if (resolver != null) {
resolver.authorize(api, service, request, consumer);
} catch (ApiAuthenticationException e) {
if (response instanceof ContainerApiResponse) {
((ContainerApiResponse) response).setException(new ApiServiceExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e).status(ApiResponse.UNAUTHORIZED));
} else {
response.error(ApiResponse.UNAUTHORIZED, e.getMessage());
writeError(mediaProcessor, api, consumer, service, request, response);
track.finish((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(ApiResponse.Error.Code, ApiResponse.UNAUTHORIZED.getCode()).set(ApiResponse.Error.Message, e.getMessage()));
try {
server.getServiceValidator().validate(api, Json.getObject(service.toJson(), ApiService.Spec.Spec), consumer, request);
} catch (ApiServiceValidatorException e) {
if (response instanceof ContainerApiResponse) {
((ContainerApiResponse) response).setException(new ApiServiceExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e));
} else {
writeValidationError(api, consumer, service, request, response, mediaProcessor, e);
Object error = null;
if (e.getFeedback() != null) {
error = e.getFeedback();
} else {
error = e.getMessage();
track.finish((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(ApiResponse.Error.Code, ApiResponse.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY.getCode()).set(ApiResponse.Error.Message, error));
ApiOutput output = null;
JsonObject mock = Json.getObject(service.toJson(), ApiService.Spec.Mock);
if (mock != null && Json.getBoolean(mock, ConfigKeys.Enabled, false)) {
output = new JsonApiOutput(Json.getObject(mock, ApiService.Spec.Output));
logInfo(api, "<" + request.getId() + "> Service using mock output");
} else {
// api life cycle - onExecute
api.getSpi().onExecute(api, consumer, service, request, response);
output = service.getSpi().execute(api, consumer, request, response);
// api life cycle - afterExecute
api.getSpi().afterExecute(api, consumer, service, request, response);
if (request instanceof ContainerApiRequest) {
request.set(ApiRequest.Output, output);
} else {
response.set(ApiHeaders.ExecutionTime, (System.currentTimeMillis() - request.getTimestamp().getTime()));
if (response.isCommitted()) {
logInfo(api, "<" + request.getId() + "> Response already committed. No media processing required");
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - request.getTimestamp().getTime();
track.finish((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(ApiResponse.Error.Code, ApiResponse.OK.getCode()).set(ApiResponse.Error.Message, time));
logInfo(api, " <" + request.getId() + "> ExecTime-Cancel: Service " + Json.getString(service.toJson(), ApiService.Spec.Endpoint) + " - Time " + time + " millis");
mediaProcessor.process(api, service, consumer, output, request, response);
int iStatus = ApiResponse.OK.getCode();
ApiResponse.Status status = response.getStatus();
if (status != null) {
iStatus = status.getCode();
long time = System.currentTimeMillis() - request.getTimestamp().getTime();
track.finish((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(ApiResponse.Error.Code, iStatus).set(ApiResponse.Error.Message, time));
logInfo(api, "<" + request.getId() + "> ExecTime-Success: Service " + Json.getString(service.toJson(), ApiService.Spec.Endpoint) + " - Time " + time + " millis");
} catch (Throwable th) {
if (response instanceof ContainerApiResponse) {
if (th instanceof ApiServiceExecutionException) {
((ContainerApiResponse) response).setException((ApiServiceExecutionException) th);
} else {
((ContainerApiResponse) response).setException(new ApiServiceExecutionException(th.getMessage(), th));
// String [] msg = Lang.toMessage (th);
track.finish((JsonObject) Lang.toError(th).set(ApiResponse.Error.Code, ApiResponse.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.getCode()));
} else {
ApiResponse.Status status = null;
if (th instanceof ApiServiceExecutionException) {
status = ((ApiServiceExecutionException) th).status();
if (status == null) {
status = ApiResponse.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
boolean isValidationError = false;
if (th instanceof ApiServiceExecutionException) {
Throwable rootCause = ((ApiServiceExecutionException) th).getRootCause();
if (rootCause instanceof ApiServiceValidatorException) {
ApiServiceValidatorException vex = (ApiServiceValidatorException) rootCause;
isValidationError = true;
writeValidationError(api, consumer, service, request, response, mediaProcessor, vex);
Object error = null;
if (vex.getFeedback() != null) {
error = vex.getFeedback();
} else {
error = vex.getMessage();
track.finish((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(ApiResponse.Error.Code, ApiResponse.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY.getCode()).set(ApiResponse.Error.Message, error));
if (!isValidationError) {
JsonObject oError = Lang.toError(th);
// logError (api, "<" + request.getId () + "> - Execute Service / Media Processing - caused an error\n" + oError.toString (), null);
response.error(status, new Object[] { oError.get(ApiResponse.Error.Message), oError.get(ApiResponse.Error.Trace) });
writeError(mediaProcessor, api, consumer, service, request, response);
track.finish((JsonObject) oError.set(ApiResponse.Error.Code, status.getCode()));
} finally {
use of com.bluenimble.platform.api.impls.JsonApiOutput in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class AddObjectSpi method execute.
public ApiOutput execute(Api api, ApiConsumer consumer, ApiRequest request, ApiResponse response) throws ApiServiceExecutionException {
ApiSpace space;
try {
space =, api);
} catch (ApiAccessDeniedException e) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e).status(ApiResponse.FORBIDDEN);
String provider = (String) request.get(CommonSpec.Provider);
ApiStreamSource stream = (ApiStreamSource) request.get(ApiRequest.Payload, Scope.Stream);
Storage storage = space.feature(Storage.class, provider, request);
String path = (String) request.get(Spec.Object);
try {
Folder root = storage.root();
if (!Lang.isNullOrEmpty(path)) {
String[] aPath = Lang.split(path, Lang.SLASH);
for (String p : aPath) {
if (!root.contains(p)) {
root = root.add(p, true);
} else {
StorageObject so = root.get(p);
if (!so.isFolder()) {
throw new StorageException(p + " isn't a valid folder");
root = (Folder) so;
if (stream != null) {
root.add(stream,, true);
} catch (StorageException e) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
return new JsonApiOutput((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(CommonOutput.Added, true));
use of com.bluenimble.platform.api.impls.JsonApiOutput in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class CopyObjectSpi method execute.
public ApiOutput execute(Api api, ApiConsumer consumer, ApiRequest request, ApiResponse response) throws ApiServiceExecutionException {
ApiSpace space;
try {
space =, api);
} catch (ApiAccessDeniedException e) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e).status(ApiResponse.FORBIDDEN);
String provider = (String) request.get(CommonSpec.Provider);
String path = (String) request.get(Spec.Object);
String sFolder = (String) request.get(Spec.Folder);
Boolean move = (Boolean) request.get(Spec.Move);
if (move == null) {
move = false;
Storage storage = space.feature(Storage.class, provider, request);
Folder root = null;
StorageObject so = null;
try {
root = storage.root();
} catch (StorageException e) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
try {
so = root.get(path);
} catch (StorageException e) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException("storage object '" + path + "' not found", e).status(ApiResponse.NOT_FOUND);
Folder folder = root;
StorageObject soFolder = null;
if (!Lang.isNullOrEmpty(sFolder)) {
try {
soFolder = root.get(sFolder);
} catch (StorageException e) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException("folder '" + sFolder + "' not found", e).status(ApiResponse.NOT_FOUND);
if (!soFolder.isFolder()) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException("storage object '" + sFolder + "' isn't a valid folder").status(ApiResponse.BAD_REQUEST);
try {
so.copy(folder, move);
} catch (StorageException e) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
return new JsonApiOutput((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(move ? CommonOutput.Moved : CommonOutput.Copied, true));
use of com.bluenimble.platform.api.impls.JsonApiOutput in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class PutStorageObjectApiServiceSpi method execute.
public ApiOutput execute(Api api, ApiConsumer consumer, ApiRequest request, ApiResponse response) throws ApiServiceExecutionException {
Storage storage =, provider, request);
String path = (String) request.get(objectParameter);
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty(path)) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException("missing object path parameter '" + objectParameter + "'").status(ApiResponse.BAD_REQUEST);
String objectName = null;
StorageObject so = null;
long length = -1;
ApiStreamSource stream = null;
try {
stream = (ApiStreamSource) request.get(streamParameter, Scope.Stream);
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty( {
objectName = Lang.UUID(20);
so = findFolder(storage.root(), this.folder).add(stream, objectName, true);
length = so.length();
} catch (StorageException e) {
throw new ApiServiceExecutionException(e.getMessage(), e);
return new JsonApiOutput((JsonObject) new JsonObject().set(StorageObject.Fields.Name,, Lang.toUTC(so.timestamp())).set(StorageObject.Fields.Length, length));