use of com.bluenimble.platform.json.JsonObject in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class BasicConsumerResolver method authorize.
public ApiConsumer authorize(Api api, ApiService service, ApiRequest request, ApiConsumer consumer) throws ApiAuthenticationException {
JsonObject auth = Json.getObject(Json.getObject(Json.getObject(api.getSecurity(), Api.Spec.Security.Schemes), MethodName), Api.Spec.Security.Auth);
if (auth == null || auth.isEmpty()) {
return consumer;
String feature = Json.getString(auth, Spec.Auth.Feature);
JsonObject query = Json.getObject(auth, Spec.Auth.Query);
if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {
return consumer;
Map<String, Object> bindings = new HashMap<String, Object>();
bindings.put(ApiConsumer.Fields.Id, consumer.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.Id));
bindings.put(ApiConsumer.Fields.Password, consumer.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.Password));
JsonQuery q = new JsonQuery(query, bindings);
DatabaseObject odb = null;
try {
odb =, feature, request).findOne(null, q);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
boolean isServiceSecure = Json.getBoolean(service.getSecurity(), ApiService.Spec.Security.Enabled, true);
if (odb == null) {
if (isServiceSecure) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("invalid user/password");
} else {
return consumer;
JsonObject oConsumer = odb.toJson(null);
for (Object k : oConsumer.keySet()) {
consumer.set(String.valueOf(k), oConsumer.get(k));
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.Anonymous, false);
return consumer;
use of com.bluenimble.platform.json.JsonObject in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class CookieConsumerResolver method authorize.
public ApiConsumer authorize(Api api, ApiService service, ApiRequest request, ApiConsumer consumer) throws ApiAuthenticationException {
JsonObject auth = Json.getObject(Json.getObject(Json.getObject(api.getSecurity(), Api.Spec.Security.Schemes), MethodName), Api.Spec.Security.Auth);
if (auth == null || auth.isEmpty()) {
return consumer;
String token = (String) consumer.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.Token);
// decrypt token
String decrypted = null;
JsonObject secrets;
try {
secrets =, Spec.Auth.Secrets));
} catch (ApiManagementException e) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException(e.getMessage(), e);
if (secrets != null && secrets.containsKey(ApiSpace.Spec.secrets.Key)) {
String key = Json.getString(secrets, ApiSpace.Spec.secrets.Key);
Crypto.Algorithm alg = Crypto.Algorithm.AES;
try {
alg = Crypto.Algorithm.valueOf(Json.getString(secrets, ApiSpace.Spec.secrets.Algorithm,;
} catch (Exception ex) {
api.tracer().log(Tracer.Level.Error, Lang.BLANK, ex);
// IGNORE - > invalid token
try {
decrypted = new String(Crypto.decrypt(Lang.decodeHex(token.toCharArray()), key, alg));
} catch (Exception ex) {
api.tracer().log(Tracer.Level.Error, Lang.BLANK, ex);
// IGNORE - > invalid token
boolean isServiceSecure = Json.getBoolean(service.getSecurity(), ApiService.Spec.Security.Enabled, true);
if (decrypted == null) {
if (isServiceSecure) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("invalid token");
} else {
return consumer;
String[] idAndExpiry = Lang.split(decrypted, Lang.SPACE);
if (idAndExpiry.length > 1) {
long expiry = Long.valueOf(idAndExpiry[1]);
if (expiry < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
if (isServiceSecure) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("token expired");
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.ExpiryDate, Lang.toUTC(new Date(expiry)));
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.Id, idAndExpiry[0]);
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.Permissions, secrets.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.Permissions));
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.Anonymous, false);
return consumer;
use of com.bluenimble.platform.json.JsonObject in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class SignatureConsumerResolver method resolve.
public ApiConsumer resolve(Api api, ApiService service, ApiRequest request) throws ApiAuthenticationException {
JsonObject oResolver = Json.getObject(Json.getObject(api.getSecurity(), Api.Spec.Security.Schemes), MethodName);
String scheme = Json.getString(oResolver, Spec.Scheme, Defaults.Scheme);
String auth = (String) request.get(ApiHeaders.Authorization, Scope.Header);
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty(auth)) {
return null;
String[] pair = Lang.split(auth, Lang.SPACE, true);
if (pair.length < 2) {
return null;
String rScheme = pair[0];
if (!rScheme.equals(scheme)) {
return null;
String accessKeyAndSignature = pair[1];
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty(accessKeyAndSignature)) {
return null;
int indexOfColon = accessKeyAndSignature.indexOf(Lang.COLON);
if (indexOfColon <= 0) {
return null;
String accessKey = accessKeyAndSignature.substring(0, indexOfColon);
String signature = accessKeyAndSignature.substring(indexOfColon + 1);
ApiConsumer consumer = new DefaultApiConsumer(ApiConsumer.Type.Signature);
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.AccessKey, accessKey);
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.Signature, signature);
return consumer;
use of com.bluenimble.platform.json.JsonObject in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class SignatureConsumerResolver method authorize.
public ApiConsumer authorize(Api api, ApiService service, ApiRequest request, ApiConsumer consumer) throws ApiAuthenticationException {
JsonObject oResolver = Json.getObject(Json.getObject(api.getSecurity(), Api.Spec.Security.Schemes), MethodName);
long validity = Json.getLong(oResolver, Spec.Validity, Defaults.Validity) * 1000;
String timestampHeader = Json.getString(oResolver, Spec.TimestampHeader, Defaults.TimestampHeader);
String accessKey = (String) consumer.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.AccessKey);
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty(accessKey)) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("Invalid request. Invalid consumer " + accessKey);
String timestamp = (String) request.get(timestampHeader, Scope.Header);
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty(timestamp)) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("No timestamp specified");
String signature = (String) consumer.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.Signature);
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty(signature)) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("Unsigned request");
String secretKey = (String) consumer.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.SecretKey);
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty(secretKey)) {
secretKey = getSecretKey(api, request, consumer, accessKey);
if (Lang.isNullOrEmpty(secretKey)) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("Invalid consumer " + accessKey);
Object oExpiryDate = consumer.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.ExpiryDate);
if (oExpiryDate != null) {
Date expiryDate = null;
if (oExpiryDate instanceof Date) {
expiryDate = (Date) oExpiryDate;
} else if (oExpiryDate instanceof String) {
try {
expiryDate = Lang.toDate((String) oExpiryDate, Lang.DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} else {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("unsupported expiry date format found on cunsumer " + oExpiryDate.getClass());
if (expiryDate.before(new Date())) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("No timestamp specified");
Date time;
try {
time = Lang.toUTC(timestamp);
} catch (ParseException e) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("Bad timestamp format. Use UTC [" + Lang.UTC_DATE_FORMAT + "]");
if (time == null) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("Bad timestamp format. Use UTC [" + Lang.UTC_DATE_FORMAT + "]");
long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - time.getTime();
if (elapsed > validity) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("Invalid request. Elapsed time must not exceed " + (validity / 1000) + " seconds");
String calculated = null;
try {
calculated =, timestamp, accessKey, (String) consumer.get(ApiConsumer.Fields.SecretKey), false);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
api.tracer().log(Tracer.Level.Info, "{0} -> caldulated signature: {1}", request.getId(), calculated);
if (!signature.equals(calculated)) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("Invalid signature");
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.Anonymous, false);
return consumer;
use of com.bluenimble.platform.json.JsonObject in project serverless by bluenimble.
the class SignatureConsumerResolver method getSecretKey.
private String getSecretKey(Api api, ApiRequest request, ApiConsumer consumer, String accessKey) throws ApiAuthenticationException {
JsonObject auth = Json.getObject(Json.getObject(Json.getObject(api.getSecurity(), Api.Spec.Security.Schemes), MethodName), Api.Spec.Security.Auth);
if (auth == null || auth.isEmpty()) {
return null;
String feature = Json.getString(auth, Spec.Auth.Feature);
String secretKeyField = Json.getString(auth, Spec.Auth.SecretKeyField, Defaults.SecretKey);
JsonObject query = Json.getObject(auth, Spec.Auth.Query);
JsonArray parameters = Json.getArray(auth, Spec.Auth.Parameters);
if (query == null || query.isEmpty()) {
return null;
Map<String, Object> bindings = new HashMap<String, Object>();
bindings.put(ApiConsumer.Fields.AccessKey, accessKey);
// addt params
if (parameters != null && !parameters.isEmpty()) {
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.count(); i++) {
String key = String.valueOf(parameters.get(i));
Object o = request.get(key);
if (o != null) {
bindings.put(key, o);
JsonQuery q = new JsonQuery(query, bindings);
DatabaseObject odb = null;
try {
odb =, feature, request).findOne(null, q);
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
if (odb == null) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("invalid accessKey " + accessKey);
JsonObject oRecord = odb.toJson(null);
String[] secretKeyProps = Lang.split(secretKeyField, Lang.DOT);
Object oSecretKey = Json.find(oRecord, secretKeyProps);
if (oSecretKey == null) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("secret key not found for accessKey " + accessKey);
if (!(oSecretKey instanceof String)) {
throw new ApiAuthenticationException("secret key should be a valid String");
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.AccessKey, accessKey);
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.SecretKey, oSecretKey);
JsonObject oConsumer = oRecord;
for (Object k : oConsumer.keySet()) {
consumer.set(String.valueOf(k), oConsumer.get(k));
consumer.set(ApiConsumer.Fields.Anonymous, false);
return (String) oSecretKey;