use of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class FetchSearchPhase method innerRun.
private void innerRun() throws IOException {
final int numShards = context.getNumShards();
final boolean isScrollSearch = context.getRequest().scroll() != null;
ScoreDoc[] sortedShardDocs = searchPhaseController.sortDocs(isScrollSearch, queryResults);
String scrollId = isScrollSearch ? TransportSearchHelper.buildScrollId(queryResults) : null;
List<AtomicArray.Entry<QuerySearchResultProvider>> queryResultsAsList = queryResults.asList();
final SearchPhaseController.ReducedQueryPhase reducedQueryPhase = resultConsumer.reduce();
final boolean queryAndFetchOptimization = queryResults.length() == 1;
final Runnable finishPhase = () -> moveToNextPhase(searchPhaseController, sortedShardDocs, scrollId, reducedQueryPhase, queryAndFetchOptimization ? queryResults : fetchResults);
if (queryAndFetchOptimization) {
assert queryResults.get(0) == null || queryResults.get(0).fetchResult() != null;
// query AND fetch optimization;
} else {
final IntArrayList[] docIdsToLoad = searchPhaseController.fillDocIdsToLoad(numShards, sortedShardDocs);
if (sortedShardDocs.length == 0) {
// no docs to fetch -- sidestep everything and return -> e.value.queryResult()).forEach(// we have to release contexts here to free up resources
} else {
final ScoreDoc[] lastEmittedDocPerShard = isScrollSearch ? searchPhaseController.getLastEmittedDocPerShard(reducedQueryPhase, sortedShardDocs, numShards) : null;
final CountedCollector<FetchSearchResult> counter = new CountedCollector<>(fetchResults::set, // we count down every shard in the result no matter if we got any results or not
docIdsToLoad.length, finishPhase, context);
for (int i = 0; i < docIdsToLoad.length; i++) {
IntArrayList entry = docIdsToLoad[i];
QuerySearchResultProvider queryResult = queryResults.get(i);
if (entry == null) {
// no results for this shard ID
if (queryResult != null) {
// if we got some hits from this shard we have to release the context there
// we do this as we go since it will free up resources and passing on the request on the
// transport layer is cheap.
// in any case we count down this result since we don't talk to this shard anymore
} else {
Transport.Connection connection = context.getConnection(queryResult.shardTarget().getNodeId());
ShardFetchSearchRequest fetchSearchRequest = createFetchRequest(queryResult.queryResult().id(), i, entry, lastEmittedDocPerShard);
executeFetch(i, queryResult.shardTarget(), counter, fetchSearchRequest, queryResult.queryResult(), connection);
use of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList in project elasticsearch by elastic.
the class MultiTermVectorsShardRequest method readFrom.
public void readFrom(StreamInput in) throws IOException {
int size = in.readVInt();
locations = new IntArrayList(size);
requests = new ArrayList<>(size);
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
preference = in.readOptionalString();
use of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class LandmarkStorage method createLandmarks.
* This method calculates the landmarks and initial weightings to & from them.
public void createLandmarks() {
if (isInitialized())
throw new IllegalStateException("Initialize the landmark storage only once!");
// fill 'from' and 'to' weights with maximum value
long maxBytes = (long) graph.getNodes() * LM_ROW_LENGTH;
for (long pointer = 0; pointer < maxBytes; pointer += 2) {
landmarkWeightDA.setShort(pointer, (short) SHORT_INFINITY);
String additionalInfo = "";
// guess the factor
if (factor <= 0) {
// A 'factor' is necessary to store the weight in just a short value but without loosing too much precision.
// This factor is rather delicate to pick, we estimate it through the graph boundaries its maximum distance.
// For small areas we use max_bounds_dist*X and otherwise we use a big fixed value for this distance.
// If we would pick the distance too big for small areas this could lead to (slightly) suboptimal routes as there
// will be too big rounding errors. But picking it too small is dangerous regarding performance
// e.g. for Germany at least 1500km is very important otherwise speed is at least twice as slow e.g. for just 1000km
BBox bounds = graph.getBounds();
double distanceInMeter = Helper.DIST_EARTH.calcDist(bounds.maxLat, bounds.maxLon, bounds.minLat, bounds.minLon) * 7;
if (distanceInMeter > 50_000 * 7 || /* for tests and convenience we do for now: */
distanceInMeter = 30_000_000;
double maxWeight = weighting.getMinWeight(distanceInMeter);
additionalInfo = ", maxWeight:" + maxWeight + ", from max distance:" + distanceInMeter / 1000f + "km";
}"init landmarks for subnetworks with node count greater than " + minimumNodes + " with factor:" + factor + additionalInfo);
// special subnetwork 0
int[] empty = new int[landmarks];
Arrays.fill(empty, UNSET_SUBNETWORK);
byte[] subnetworks = new byte[graph.getNodes()];
Arrays.fill(subnetworks, (byte) UNSET_SUBNETWORK);
EdgeFilter tarjanFilter = new DefaultEdgeFilter(encoder, false, true);
IntHashSet blockedEdges = new IntHashSet();
// the ruleLookup splits certain areas from each other but avoids making this a permanent change so that other algorithms still can route through these regions.
if (ruleLookup != null && ruleLookup.size() > 0) {
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
blockedEdges = findBorderEdgeIds(ruleLookup);
tarjanFilter = new BlockedEdgesFilter(encoder, false, true, blockedEdges);"Made " + blockedEdges.size() + " edges inaccessible. Calculated country cut in " + sw.stop().getSeconds() + "s, " + Helper.getMemInfo());
StopWatch sw = new StopWatch().start();
// we cannot reuse the components calculated in PrepareRoutingSubnetworks as the edgeIds changed in between (called graph.optimize)
// also calculating subnetworks from scratch makes bigger problems when working with many oneways
TarjansSCCAlgorithm tarjanAlgo = new TarjansSCCAlgorithm(graph, tarjanFilter, true);
List<IntArrayList> graphComponents = tarjanAlgo.findComponents();"Calculated tarjan subnetworks in " + sw.stop().getSeconds() + "s, " + Helper.getMemInfo());
EdgeExplorer tmpExplorer = graph.createEdgeExplorer(new RequireBothDirectionsEdgeFilter(encoder));
int nodes = 0;
for (IntArrayList subnetworkIds : graphComponents) {
nodes += subnetworkIds.size();
if (subnetworkIds.size() < minimumNodes)
int index = subnetworkIds.size() - 1;
// ensure start node is reachable from both sides and no subnetwork is associated
for (; index >= 0; index--) {
int nextStartNode = subnetworkIds.get(index);
if (subnetworks[nextStartNode] == UNSET_SUBNETWORK && GHUtility.count(tmpExplorer.setBaseNode(nextStartNode)) > 0) {
GHPoint p = createPoint(graph, nextStartNode);"start node: " + nextStartNode + " (" + p + ") subnetwork size: " + subnetworkIds.size() + ", " + Helper.getMemInfo() + ((ruleLookup == null) ? "" : " area:" + ruleLookup.lookupRule(p).getId()));
if (createLandmarksForSubnetwork(nextStartNode, subnetworks, blockedEdges))
if (index < 0)
LOGGER.warn("next start node not found in big enough network of size " + subnetworkIds.size() + ", first element is " + subnetworkIds.get(0) + ", " + createPoint(graph, subnetworkIds.get(0)));
int subnetworkCount = landmarkIDs.size();
// store all landmark node IDs and one int for the factor itself.
this.landmarkWeightDA.ensureCapacity(maxBytes + /* landmark weights */
subnetworkCount * landmarks);
// calculate offset to point into landmark mapping
long bytePos = maxBytes;
for (int[] landmarks : landmarkIDs) {
for (int lmNodeId : landmarks) {
landmarkWeightDA.setInt(bytePos, lmNodeId);
bytePos += 4L;
landmarkWeightDA.setHeader(0 * 4, graph.getNodes());
landmarkWeightDA.setHeader(1 * 4, landmarks);
landmarkWeightDA.setHeader(2 * 4, subnetworkCount);
if (factor * DOUBLE_MLTPL > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("landmark weight factor cannot be bigger than Integer.MAX_VALUE " + factor * DOUBLE_MLTPL);
landmarkWeightDA.setHeader(3 * 4, (int) Math.round(factor * DOUBLE_MLTPL));
// serialize fast byte[] into DataAccess
for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < subnetworks.length; nodeId++) {
subnetworkStorage.setSubnetwork(nodeId, subnetworks[nodeId]);
}"Finished landmark creation. Subnetwork node count sum " + nodes + " vs. nodes " + graph.getNodes());
initialized = true;
use of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class LocationIndexTree method prepareAlgo.
void prepareAlgo() {
// 0.1 meter should count as 'equal'
equalNormedDelta = distCalc.calcNormalizedDist(0.1);
// now calculate the necessary maxDepth d for our current bounds
// if we assume a minimum resolution like 0.5km for a leaf-tile
// n^(depth/2) = toMeter(dLon) / minResolution
BBox bounds = graph.getBounds();
if (graph.getNodes() == 0)
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create location index of empty graph!");
if (!bounds.isValid())
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot create location index when graph has invalid bounds: " + bounds);
double lat = Math.min(Math.abs(bounds.maxLat), Math.abs(bounds.minLat));
double maxDistInMeter = Math.max((bounds.maxLat - bounds.minLat) / 360 * DistanceCalcEarth.C, (bounds.maxLon - bounds.minLon) / 360 * preciseDistCalc.calcCircumference(lat));
double tmp = maxDistInMeter / minResolutionInMeter;
tmp = tmp * tmp;
IntArrayList tmpEntries = new IntArrayList();
// the last one is always 4 to reduce costs if only a single entry
tmp /= 4;
while (tmp > 1) {
int tmpNo;
if (tmp >= 64) {
tmpNo = 64;
} else if (tmp >= 16) {
tmpNo = 16;
} else if (tmp >= 4) {
tmpNo = 4;
} else {
tmp /= tmpNo;
int shiftSum = 0;
long parts = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < shifts.length; i++) {
shiftSum += shifts[i];
parts *= entries[i];
if (shiftSum > 64)
throw new IllegalStateException("sum of all shifts does not fit into a long variable");
keyAlgo = new SpatialKeyAlgo(shiftSum).bounds(bounds);
parts = Math.round(Math.sqrt(parts));
deltaLat = (bounds.maxLat - bounds.minLat) / parts;
deltaLon = (bounds.maxLon - bounds.minLon) / parts;
use of com.carrotsearch.hppc.IntArrayList in project graphhopper by graphhopper.
the class PrepareRoutingSubnetworksTest method test481.
public void test481() {
// 0->1->3->4->5->6
// 2 7<--/
GraphHopperStorage g = createStorage(em);
g.edge(0, 1, 1, false);
g.edge(1, 2, 1, false);
g.edge(2, 0, 1, false);
g.edge(1, 3, 1, false);
g.edge(3, 4, 1, false);
g.edge(4, 5, 1, false);
g.edge(5, 6, 1, false);
g.edge(6, 7, 1, false);
g.edge(7, 4, 1, false);
PrepareRoutingSubnetworks instance = new PrepareRoutingSubnetworks(g, Collections.singletonList(carFlagEncoder)).setMinOneWayNetworkSize(2).setMinNetworkSize(4);
// only one remaining network
List<IntArrayList> components = instance.findSubnetworks(new PrepEdgeFilter(carFlagEncoder));
assertEquals(1, components.size());