use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class LibvirtComputingResourceTest method testCheckSshCommand.
public void testCheckSshCommand() {
final String instanceName = "Test";
final String ip = "";
final int port = 22;
final CheckSshCommand command = new CheckSshCommand(instanceName, ip, port);
final VirtualRoutingResource virtRouterResource = Mockito.mock(VirtualRoutingResource.class);
final String privateIp = command.getIp();
final int cmdPort = command.getPort();
when(virtRouterResource.connect(privateIp, cmdPort)).thenReturn(true);
final LibvirtRequestWrapper wrapper = LibvirtRequestWrapper.getInstance();
final Answer answer = wrapper.execute(command, libvirtComputingResource);
verify(libvirtComputingResource, times(1)).getVirtRouterResource();
verify(virtRouterResource, times(1)).connect(privateIp, cmdPort);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class ConsoleProxyManagerImpl method finalizeCommandsOnStart.
public boolean finalizeCommandsOnStart(Commands cmds, VirtualMachineProfile profile) {
NicProfile managementNic = null;
NicProfile controlNic = null;
for (NicProfile nic : profile.getNics()) {
if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Management) {
managementNic = nic;
} else if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Control && nic.getIPv4Address() != null) {
controlNic = nic;
if (controlNic == null) {
if (managementNic == null) {
s_logger.error("Management network doesn't exist for the console proxy vm " + profile.getVirtualMachine());
return false;
controlNic = managementNic;
// verify ssh access on management nic for system vm running on HyperV
if (profile.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.Hyperv) {
controlNic = managementNic;
CheckSshCommand check = new CheckSshCommand(profile.getInstanceName(), controlNic.getIPv4Address(), 3922);
cmds.addCommand("checkSsh", check);
return true;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class SecondaryStorageManagerImpl method finalizeCommandsOnStart.
public boolean finalizeCommandsOnStart(Commands cmds, VirtualMachineProfile profile) {
NicProfile managementNic = null;
NicProfile controlNic = null;
for (NicProfile nic : profile.getNics()) {
if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Management) {
managementNic = nic;
} else if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Control && nic.getIPv4Address() != null) {
controlNic = nic;
if (controlNic == null) {
if (managementNic == null) {
s_logger.error("Management network doesn't exist for the secondaryStorageVm " + profile.getVirtualMachine());
return false;
controlNic = managementNic;
// verify ssh access on management nic for system vm running on HyperV
if (profile.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.Hyperv) {
controlNic = managementNic;
CheckSshCommand check = new CheckSshCommand(profile.getInstanceName(), controlNic.getIPv4Address(), 3922);
cmds.addCommand("checkSsh", check);
return true;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class VmwareResource method executeRequest.
public Answer executeRequest(Command cmd) {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("Begin executeRequest(), cmd: " + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName());
Answer answer = null;
try {
long cmdSequence = _cmdSequence++;
Date startTime = DateUtil.currentGMTTime();
PropertyMapDynamicBean mbean = new PropertyMapDynamicBean();
mbean.addProp("StartTime", DateUtil.getDateDisplayString(TimeZone.getDefault(), startTime));
mbean.addProp("Command", _gson.toJson(cmd));
mbean.addProp("Sequence", String.valueOf(cmdSequence));
mbean.addProp("Name", cmd.getClass().getSimpleName());
Class<? extends Command> clz = cmd.getClass();
if (cmd instanceof NetworkElementCommand) {
return _vrResource.executeRequest((NetworkElementCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == ReadyCommand.class) {
answer = execute((ReadyCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == GetHostStatsCommand.class) {
answer = execute((GetHostStatsCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == GetVmStatsCommand.class) {
answer = execute((GetVmStatsCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == GetVmDiskStatsCommand.class) {
answer = execute((GetVmDiskStatsCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CheckHealthCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CheckHealthCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == StopCommand.class) {
answer = execute((StopCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == RebootRouterCommand.class) {
answer = execute((RebootRouterCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == RebootCommand.class) {
answer = execute((RebootCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CheckVirtualMachineCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CheckVirtualMachineCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == PrepareForMigrationCommand.class) {
answer = execute((PrepareForMigrationCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == MigrateCommand.class) {
answer = execute((MigrateCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == MigrateWithStorageCommand.class) {
answer = execute((MigrateWithStorageCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == MigrateVolumeCommand.class) {
answer = execute((MigrateVolumeCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == DestroyCommand.class) {
answer = execute((DestroyCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CreateStoragePoolCommand.class) {
return execute((CreateStoragePoolCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == ModifyTargetsCommand.class) {
answer = execute((ModifyTargetsCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == ModifyStoragePoolCommand.class) {
answer = execute((ModifyStoragePoolCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == DeleteStoragePoolCommand.class) {
answer = execute((DeleteStoragePoolCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CopyVolumeCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CopyVolumeCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == AttachIsoCommand.class) {
answer = execute((AttachIsoCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == ValidateSnapshotCommand.class) {
answer = execute((ValidateSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == ManageSnapshotCommand.class) {
answer = execute((ManageSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == BackupSnapshotCommand.class) {
answer = execute((BackupSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CreateVolumeFromSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CreatePrivateTemplateFromVolumeCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CreatePrivateTemplateFromSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == UpgradeSnapshotCommand.class) {
answer = execute((UpgradeSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == GetStorageStatsCommand.class) {
answer = execute((GetStorageStatsCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand.class) {
answer = execute((PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == GetVncPortCommand.class) {
answer = execute((GetVncPortCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == SetupCommand.class) {
answer = execute((SetupCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == MaintainCommand.class) {
answer = execute((MaintainCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == PingTestCommand.class) {
answer = execute((PingTestCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CheckOnHostCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CheckOnHostCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == ModifySshKeysCommand.class) {
answer = execute((ModifySshKeysCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == NetworkUsageCommand.class) {
answer = execute((NetworkUsageCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == StartCommand.class) {
answer = execute((StartCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CheckSshCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CheckSshCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == CheckNetworkCommand.class) {
answer = execute((CheckNetworkCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == PlugNicCommand.class) {
answer = execute((PlugNicCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == UnPlugNicCommand.class) {
answer = execute((UnPlugNicCommand) cmd);
} else if (cmd instanceof CreateVMSnapshotCommand) {
return execute((CreateVMSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (cmd instanceof DeleteVMSnapshotCommand) {
return execute((DeleteVMSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (cmd instanceof RevertToVMSnapshotCommand) {
return execute((RevertToVMSnapshotCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == ResizeVolumeCommand.class) {
return execute((ResizeVolumeCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == UnregisterVMCommand.class) {
return execute((UnregisterVMCommand) cmd);
} else if (cmd instanceof StorageSubSystemCommand) {
checkStorageProcessorAndHandlerNfsVersionAttribute((StorageSubSystemCommand) cmd);
return storageHandler.handleStorageCommands((StorageSubSystemCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == ScaleVmCommand.class) {
return execute((ScaleVmCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == PvlanSetupCommand.class) {
return execute((PvlanSetupCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == GetVmIpAddressCommand.class) {
return execute((GetVmIpAddressCommand) cmd);
} else if (clz == UnregisterNicCommand.class) {
answer = execute((UnregisterNicCommand) cmd);
} else {
answer = Answer.createUnsupportedCommandAnswer(cmd);
if (cmd.getContextParam("checkpoint") != null) {
answer.setContextParam("checkpoint", cmd.getContextParam("checkpoint"));
Date doneTime = DateUtil.currentGMTTime();
mbean.addProp("DoneTime", DateUtil.getDateDisplayString(TimeZone.getDefault(), doneTime));
mbean.addProp("Answer", _gson.toJson(answer));
synchronized (this) {
try {
JmxUtil.registerMBean("VMware " + _morHyperHost.getValue(), "Command " + cmdSequence + "-" + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName(), mbean);
if (_cmdMBeans.size() >= MazCmdMBean) {
PropertyMapDynamicBean mbeanToRemove = _cmdMBeans.get(0);
JmxUtil.unregisterMBean("VMware " + _morHyperHost.getValue(), "Command " + mbeanToRemove.getProp("Sequence") + "-" + mbeanToRemove.getProp("Name"));
} catch (Exception e) {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("Unable to register JMX monitoring due to exception " + ExceptionUtil.toString(e));
} finally {
if (s_logger.isTraceEnabled())
s_logger.trace("End executeRequest(), cmd: " + cmd.getClass().getSimpleName());
return answer;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class ElasticLoadBalancerManagerImpl method finalizeCommandsOnStart.
public boolean finalizeCommandsOnStart(Commands cmds, VirtualMachineProfile profile) {
DomainRouterVO elbVm = _routerDao.findById(profile.getVirtualMachine().getId());
DataCenterVO dcVo = _dcDao.findById(elbVm.getDataCenterId());
NicProfile controlNic = null;
Long guestNetworkId = null;
if (profile.getHypervisorType() == HypervisorType.VMware && dcVo.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic) {
// for basic network mode, we will use the guest NIC for control NIC
for (NicProfile nic : profile.getNics()) {
if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest && nic.getIPv4Address() != null) {
controlNic = nic;
guestNetworkId = nic.getNetworkId();
} else {
for (NicProfile nic : profile.getNics()) {
if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Control && nic.getIPv4Address() != null) {
controlNic = nic;
} else if (nic.getTrafficType() == TrafficType.Guest) {
guestNetworkId = nic.getNetworkId();
if (controlNic == null) {
s_logger.error("Control network doesn't exist for the ELB vm " + elbVm);
return false;
cmds.addCommand("checkSsh", new CheckSshCommand(profile.getInstanceName(), controlNic.getIPv4Address(), 3922));
// Re-apply load balancing rules
List<LoadBalancerVO> lbs = _elbVmMapDao.listLbsForElbVm(elbVm.getId());
List<LoadBalancingRule> lbRules = new ArrayList<LoadBalancingRule>();
for (LoadBalancerVO lb : lbs) {
List<LbDestination> dstList = _lbMgr.getExistingDestinations(lb.getId());
List<LbStickinessPolicy> policyList = _lbMgr.getStickinessPolicies(lb.getId());
List<LbHealthCheckPolicy> hcPolicyList = _lbMgr.getHealthCheckPolicies(lb.getId());
Ip sourceIp = _networkModel.getPublicIpAddress(lb.getSourceIpAddressId()).getAddress();
LoadBalancingRule loadBalancing = new LoadBalancingRule(lb, dstList, policyList, hcPolicyList, sourceIp);
s_logger.debug("Found " + lbRules.size() + " load balancing rule(s) to apply as a part of ELB vm " + elbVm + " start.");
if (!lbRules.isEmpty()) {
createApplyLoadBalancingRulesCommands(lbRules, elbVm, cmds, guestNetworkId);
return true;