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Example 6 with StaticNatRuleTO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class PaloAltoResource method execute.

private Answer execute(SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
    StaticNatRuleTO[] rules = cmd.getRules();
    try {
        ArrayList<IPaloAltoCommand> commandList = new ArrayList<IPaloAltoCommand>();
        for (StaticNatRuleTO rule : rules) {
            if (!rule.revoked()) {
                manageStcNatRule(commandList, PaloAltoPrimative.ADD, rule);
            } else {
                manageStcNatRule(commandList, PaloAltoPrimative.DELETE, rule);
        boolean status = requestWithCommit(commandList);
        return new Answer(cmd);
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        if (numRetries > 0 && refreshPaloAltoConnection()) {
            int numRetriesRemaining = numRetries - 1;
            s_logger.debug("Retrying SetStaticNatRulesCommand. Number of retries remaining: " + numRetriesRemaining);
            return execute(cmd, numRetriesRemaining);
        } else {
            return new Answer(cmd, e);
Also used : StaticNatRuleTO( Answer( MaintainAnswer( IpAssocAnswer( ReadyAnswer( ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ExecutionException(

Example 7 with StaticNatRuleTO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetscalerResource method execute.

private synchronized Answer execute(final SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd, final int numRetries) {
    if (_isSdx) {
        return Answer.createUnsupportedCommandAnswer(cmd);
    final String[] results = new String[cmd.getRules().length];
    int i = 0;
    boolean endResult = true;
    try {
        for (final StaticNatRuleTO rule : cmd.getRules()) {
            final String srcIp = rule.getSrcIp();
            final String dstIP = rule.getDstIp();
            final String iNatRuleName = generateInatRuleName(srcIp, dstIP);
            final String rNatRuleName = generateRnatRuleName(srcIp, dstIP);
            inat iNatRule = null;
            rnat rnatRule = null;
            if (!rule.revoked()) {
                try {
                    iNatRule = inat.get(_netscalerService, iNatRuleName);
                } catch (final nitro_exception e) {
                    if (e.getErrorCode() != NitroError.NS_RESOURCE_NOT_EXISTS) {
                        throw e;
                if (iNatRule == null) {
                    iNatRule = new inat();
                    try {
                        apiCallResult = inat.add(_netscalerService, iNatRule);
                    } catch (final nitro_exception e) {
                        if (e.getErrorCode() != NitroError.NS_RESOURCE_EXISTS) {
                            throw e;
                    s_logger.debug("Created Inat rule on the Netscaler device " + _ip + " to enable static NAT from " + srcIp + " to " + dstIP);
                try {
                    final rnat[] rnatRules = rnat.get(_netscalerService);
                    if (rnatRules != null) {
                        for (final rnat rantrule : rnatRules) {
                            if (rantrule.get_network().equalsIgnoreCase(rNatRuleName)) {
                                rnatRule = rantrule;
                } catch (final nitro_exception e) {
                    throw e;
                if (rnatRule == null) {
                    rnatRule = new rnat();
                    try {
                        apiCallResult = rnat.update(_netscalerService, rnatRule);
                    } catch (final nitro_exception e) {
                        if (e.getErrorCode() != NitroError.NS_RESOURCE_EXISTS) {
                            throw e;
                    s_logger.debug("Created Rnat rule on the Netscaler device " + _ip + " to enable revese static NAT from " + dstIP + " to " + srcIp);
            } else {
                try {
                    inat.delete(_netscalerService, iNatRuleName);
                    final rnat[] rnatRules = rnat.get(_netscalerService);
                    if (rnatRules != null) {
                        for (final rnat rantrule : rnatRules) {
                            if (rantrule.get_network().equalsIgnoreCase(dstIP)) {
                                rnatRule = rantrule;
                                rnat.clear(_netscalerService, rnatRule);
                } catch (final nitro_exception e) {
                    if (e.getErrorCode() != NitroError.NS_RESOURCE_NOT_EXISTS) {
                        throw e;
                s_logger.debug("Deleted Inat rule on the Netscaler device " + _ip + " to remove static NAT from " + srcIp + " to " + dstIP);
            results[i++] = "Static nat rule from " + srcIp + " to " + dstIP + " successfully " + (rule.revoked() ? " revoked." : " created.");
    } catch (final Exception e) {
        if (shouldRetry(numRetries)) {
            return retry(cmd, numRetries);
        results[i++] = "Configuring static nat rule failed due to " + e.getMessage();
        endResult = false;
        return new SetStaticNatRulesAnswer(cmd, results, endResult);
    return new SetStaticNatRulesAnswer(cmd, results, endResult);
Also used : StaticNatRuleTO( com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.exception.nitro_exception(com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.exception.nitro_exception) ExecutionException( IOException( ConfigurationException(javax.naming.ConfigurationException) SetStaticNatRulesAnswer(

Example 8 with StaticNatRuleTO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class NetscalerElement method applyStaticNats.

public boolean applyStaticNats(Network config, List<? extends StaticNat> rules) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
    if (!canHandle(config, Service.StaticNat)) {
        return false;
    boolean multiNetScalerDeployment = Boolean.valueOf(_configDao.getValue(Config.EIPWithMultipleNetScalersEnabled.key()));
    try {
        if (!multiNetScalerDeployment) {
            String errMsg;
            ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDevice = getExternalLoadBalancerForNetwork(config);
            if (lbDevice == null) {
                try {
                    lbDevice = allocateLoadBalancerForNetwork(config);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    errMsg = "Could not allocate a NetSclaer load balancer for configuring static NAT rules due to" + e.getMessage();
                    throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
            if (!isNetscalerDevice(lbDevice.getDeviceName())) {
                errMsg = "There are no NetScaler load balancer assigned for this network. So NetScaler element will not be handling the static nat rules.";
                throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
            SetStaticNatRulesAnswer answer = null;
            List<StaticNatRuleTO> rulesTO = null;
            if (rules != null) {
                rulesTO = new ArrayList<StaticNatRuleTO>();
                for (StaticNat rule : rules) {
                    IpAddress sourceIp = _networkMgr.getIp(rule.getSourceIpAddressId());
                    StaticNatRuleTO ruleTO = new StaticNatRuleTO(0, sourceIp.getAddress().addr(), null, null, rule.getDestIpAddress(), null, null, null, rule.isForRevoke(), false);
            SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd = new SetStaticNatRulesCommand(rulesTO, null);
            answer = (SetStaticNatRulesAnswer) _agentMgr.send(lbDevice.getHostId(), cmd);
            if (answer == null) {
                return false;
            } else {
                return answer.getResult();
        } else {
            if (rules != null) {
                for (StaticNat rule : rules) {
                    // validate if EIP rule can be configured.
                    ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO lbDevice = getNetScalerForEIP(rule);
                    if (lbDevice == null) {
                        String errMsg = "There is no NetScaler device configured to perform EIP to guest IP address: " + rule.getDestIpAddress();
                        throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
                    List<StaticNatRuleTO> rulesTO = new ArrayList<StaticNatRuleTO>();
                    IpAddress sourceIp = _networkMgr.getIp(rule.getSourceIpAddressId());
                    StaticNatRuleTO ruleTO = new StaticNatRuleTO(0, sourceIp.getAddress().addr(), null, null, rule.getDestIpAddress(), null, null, null, rule.isForRevoke(), false);
                    SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd = new SetStaticNatRulesCommand(rulesTO, null);
                    // send commands to configure INAT rule on the NetScaler device
                    SetStaticNatRulesAnswer answer = (SetStaticNatRulesAnswer) _agentMgr.send(lbDevice.getHostId(), cmd);
                    if (answer == null) {
                        String errMsg = "Failed to configure INAT rule on NetScaler device " + lbDevice.getHostId();
                        throw new ResourceUnavailableException(errMsg, this.getClass(), 0);
                return true;
        return true;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        s_logger.error("Failed to configure StaticNat rule due to " + e.getMessage());
        return false;
Also used : StaticNatRuleTO( SetStaticNatRulesCommand( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) InvalidParameterValueException( ConcurrentOperationException( InsufficientCapacityException( ResourceUnavailableException( CloudRuntimeException( InsufficientNetworkCapacityException( StaticNat( ExternalLoadBalancerDeviceVO( ResourceUnavailableException( IpAddress( PublicIpAddress( SetStaticNatRulesAnswer(

Example 9 with StaticNatRuleTO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class JuniperSrxResource method getActiveRules.

private Map<String, ArrayList<FirewallRuleTO>> getActiveRules(FirewallRuleTO[] allRules) {
    Map<String, ArrayList<FirewallRuleTO>> activeRules = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<FirewallRuleTO>>();
    for (FirewallRuleTO rule : allRules) {
        String ipPair;
        if (rule.getPurpose().equals(Purpose.StaticNat)) {
            StaticNatRuleTO staticNatRule = (StaticNatRuleTO) rule;
            ipPair = staticNatRule.getSrcIp() + "-" + staticNatRule.getDstIp();
        } else if (rule.getPurpose().equals(Purpose.PortForwarding)) {
            PortForwardingRuleTO portForwardingRule = (PortForwardingRuleTO) rule;
            ipPair = portForwardingRule.getSrcIp() + "-" + portForwardingRule.getDstIp();
        } else {
        ArrayList<FirewallRuleTO> activeRulesForIpPair = activeRules.get(ipPair);
        if (activeRulesForIpPair == null) {
            activeRulesForIpPair = new ArrayList<FirewallRuleTO>();
        if (!rule.revoked() || rule.isAlreadyAdded()) {
        activeRules.put(ipPair, activeRulesForIpPair);
    return activeRules;
Also used : StaticNatRuleTO( PortForwardingRuleTO( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) FirewallRuleTO(

Example 10 with StaticNatRuleTO

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CiscoVnmcResource method execute.

private Answer execute(SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
    String vlanId = cmd.getContextParam(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_VLAN_TAG);
    String tenant = "vlan-" + vlanId;
    StaticNatRuleTO[] rules = cmd.getRules();
    Map<String, List<StaticNatRuleTO>> publicIpRulesMap = new HashMap<String, List<StaticNatRuleTO>>();
    for (StaticNatRuleTO rule : rules) {
        String publicIp = rule.getSrcIp();
        if (!publicIpRulesMap.containsKey(publicIp)) {
            List<StaticNatRuleTO> publicIpRulesList = new ArrayList<StaticNatRuleTO>();
            publicIpRulesMap.put(publicIp, publicIpRulesList);
    try {
        if (!_connection.createTenantVDCNatPolicySet(tenant)) {
            throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
        if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, true)) {
            throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
        if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, false)) {
            throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
        for (String publicIp : publicIpRulesMap.keySet()) {
            String policyIdentifier = publicIp.replace('.', '-');
            if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) {
                throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
            if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier)) {
                throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate DNAT policy with NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
            if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) {
                throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
            if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, true)) {
                throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
            if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, false)) {
                throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
            for (StaticNatRuleTO rule : publicIpRulesMap.get(publicIp)) {
                if (rule.revoked()) {
                    if (!_connection.deleteTenantVDCDNatRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier)) {
                        throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete DNAT rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
                } else {
                    if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatIpPool(tenant, Long.toString(rule.getId()), rule.getDstIp())) {
                        throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT ip pool in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
                    if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier, rule.getSrcIp())) {
                        throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
        if (!_connection.associateAclPolicySet(tenant)) {
            throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate source NAT policy set with edge security profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        String msg = "SetStaticNatRulesCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage();
        s_logger.error(msg, e);
        return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
    return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success");
Also used : StaticNatRuleTO( ReadyAnswer( Answer( MaintainAnswer( ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer( IpAssocAnswer( HashMap(java.util.HashMap) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) ExecutionException(


StaticNatRuleTO ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)17 SetStaticNatRulesCommand ( Answer ( Test (org.junit.Test)7 ConfigureStaticNatRulesOnLogicalRouterAnswer ( ConfigureStaticNatRulesOnLogicalRouterCommand ( IpAssocAnswer ( IpAddress ( PublicIpAddress ( NatRule ( StaticNat ( DestinationNatRule ( SourceNatRule ( ExecutionException ( ExternalNetworkResourceUsageAnswer ( MaintainAnswer ( ReadyAnswer ( SetStaticNatRulesAnswer ( DataCenterVO (