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Example 51 with AgentUnavailableException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class BasicNetworkTopology method applyRules.

public boolean applyRules(final Network network, final VirtualRouter router, final String typeString, final boolean isPodLevelException, final Long podId, final boolean failWhenDisconnect, final RuleApplierWrapper<RuleApplier> ruleApplierWrapper) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
    if (router == null) {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to apply " + typeString + ", virtual router doesn't exist in the network " + network.getId());
        throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Unable to apply " + typeString, DataCenter.class, network.getDataCenterId());
    final RuleApplier ruleApplier = ruleApplierWrapper.getRuleType();
    final DataCenter dc = _dcDao.findById(network.getDataCenterId());
    final boolean isZoneBasic = dc.getNetworkType() == NetworkType.Basic;
    // isPodLevelException and podId is only used for basic zone
    assert !(!isZoneBasic && isPodLevelException || isZoneBasic && isPodLevelException && podId == null);
    final List<VirtualRouter> connectedRouters = new ArrayList<VirtualRouter>();
    final List<VirtualRouter> disconnectedRouters = new ArrayList<VirtualRouter>();
    boolean result = true;
    final String msg = "Unable to apply " + typeString + " on disconnected router ";
    if (router.getState() == State.Running) {
        s_logger.debug("Applying " + typeString + " in network " + network);
        if (router.isStopPending()) {
            if (_hostDao.findById(router.getHostId()).getState() == Status.Up) {
                throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Unable to process due to the stop pending router " + router.getInstanceName() + " haven't been stopped after it's host coming back!", DataCenter.class, router.getDataCenterId());
            s_logger.debug("Router " + router.getInstanceName() + " is stop pending, so not sending apply " + typeString + " commands to the backend");
            return false;
        try {
            result = ruleApplier.accept(getVisitor(), router);
        } catch (final AgentUnavailableException e) {
            s_logger.warn(msg + router.getInstanceName(), e);
        // disconnection, no need to proceed with the rest
        if (!result) {
            if (isZoneBasic && isPodLevelException) {
                throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Unable to apply " + typeString + " on router ", Pod.class, podId);
            throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Unable to apply " + typeString + " on router ", DataCenter.class, router.getDataCenterId());
    } else if (router.getState() == State.Stopped || router.getState() == State.Stopping) {
        s_logger.debug("Router " + router.getInstanceName() + " is in " + router.getState() + ", so not sending apply " + typeString + " commands to the backend");
    } else {
        s_logger.warn("Unable to apply " + typeString + ", virtual router is not in the right state " + router.getState());
        if (isZoneBasic && isPodLevelException) {
            throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Unable to apply " + typeString + ", virtual router is not in the right state", Pod.class, podId);
        throw new ResourceUnavailableException("Unable to apply " + typeString + ", virtual router is not in the right state", DataCenter.class, router.getDataCenterId());
    if (!connectedRouters.isEmpty()) {
        // Shouldn't we include this check inside the method?
        if (!isZoneBasic && !disconnectedRouters.isEmpty()) {
            // now, stop them for synchronization
            for (final VirtualRouter virtualRouter : disconnectedRouters) {
                // If we have at least 1 disconnected redundant router, callhandleSingleWorkingRedundantRouter().
                if (virtualRouter.getIsRedundantRouter()) {
                    _networkHelper.handleSingleWorkingRedundantRouter(connectedRouters, disconnectedRouters, msg);
    } else if (!disconnectedRouters.isEmpty()) {
        if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            s_logger.debug(msg + router.getInstanceName() + "(" + router.getId() + ")");
        if (isZoneBasic && isPodLevelException) {
            throw new ResourceUnavailableException(msg, Pod.class, podId);
        throw new ResourceUnavailableException(msg, DataCenter.class, disconnectedRouters.get(0).getDataCenterId());
    result = true;
    if (failWhenDisconnect) {
        result = !connectedRouters.isEmpty();
    return result;
Also used : DataCenter( Pod( AgentUnavailableException( RuleApplier( ResourceUnavailableException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) VirtualRouter(

Example 52 with AgentUnavailableException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class OvsTunnelManagerImpl method checkAndCreateVpcTunnelNetworks.

protected void checkAndCreateVpcTunnelNetworks(Host host, long vpcId) {
    long hostId = host.getId();
    String bridgeName = generateBridgeNameForVpc(vpcId);
    List<Long> vmIds = _ovsNetworkToplogyGuru.getActiveVmsInVpcOnHost(vpcId, hostId);
    if (vmIds == null || vmIds.isEmpty()) {
        // since this is the first VM from the VPC being launched on the host, first setup the bridge
        try {
            Commands cmds = new Commands(new OvsSetupBridgeCommand(bridgeName, hostId, null));
            s_logger.debug("Ask host " + hostId + " to create bridge for vpc " + vpcId + " and configure the " + " bridge for distributed routing.");
            Answer[] answers = _agentMgr.send(hostId, cmds);
        } catch (OperationTimedoutException | AgentUnavailableException e) {
            s_logger.warn("Ovs Tunnel network created tunnel failed", e);
        // now that bridge is setup, populate network acl's before the VM gets created
        OvsVpcRoutingPolicyConfigCommand cmd = prepareVpcRoutingPolicyUpdate(vpcId);
        if (!sendVpcRoutingPolicyChangeUpdate(cmd, hostId, bridgeName)) {
            s_logger.debug("Failed to send VPC routing policy change update to host : " + hostId + ". But moving on with sending the updates to the rest of the hosts.");
    List<? extends Network> vpcNetworks = _vpcMgr.getVpcNetworks(vpcId);
    List<Long> vpcSpannedHostIds = _ovsNetworkToplogyGuru.getVpcSpannedHosts(vpcId);
    for (Network vpcNetwork : vpcNetworks) {
        if (vpcNetwork.getState() != Network.State.Implemented && vpcNetwork.getState() != Network.State.Implementing && vpcNetwork.getState() != Network.State.Setup)
        int key = getGreKey(vpcNetwork);
        List<Long> toHostIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
        List<Long> fromHostIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
        OvsTunnelNetworkVO tunnelRecord = null;
        for (Long rh : vpcSpannedHostIds) {
            if (rh == hostId) {
            tunnelRecord = _tunnelNetworkDao.getByFromToNetwork(hostId, rh.longValue(), vpcNetwork.getId());
            // Try and create the tunnel if does not exit or previous attempt failed
            if (tunnelRecord == null || tunnelRecord.getState().equals( {
                s_logger.debug("Attempting to create tunnel from:" + hostId + " to:" + rh.longValue());
                if (tunnelRecord == null) {
                    createTunnelRecord(hostId, rh.longValue(), vpcNetwork.getId(), key);
                if (!toHostIds.contains(rh)) {
            tunnelRecord = _tunnelNetworkDao.getByFromToNetwork(rh.longValue(), hostId, vpcNetwork.getId());
            // Try and create the tunnel if does not exit or previous attempt failed
            if (tunnelRecord == null || tunnelRecord.getState().equals( {
                s_logger.debug("Attempting to create tunnel from:" + rh.longValue() + " to:" + hostId);
                if (tunnelRecord == null) {
                    createTunnelRecord(rh.longValue(), hostId, vpcNetwork.getId(), key);
                if (!fromHostIds.contains(rh)) {
        try {
            String myIp = getGreEndpointIP(host, vpcNetwork);
            if (myIp == null)
                throw new GreTunnelException("Unable to retrieve the source " + "endpoint for the GRE tunnel." + "Failure is on host:" + host.getId());
            boolean noHost = true;
            for (Long i : toHostIds) {
                HostVO rHost = _hostDao.findById(i);
                String otherIp = getGreEndpointIP(rHost, vpcNetwork);
                if (otherIp == null)
                    throw new GreTunnelException("Unable to retrieve the remote endpoint for the GRE tunnel." + "Failure is on host:" + rHost.getId());
                Commands cmds = new Commands(new OvsCreateTunnelCommand(otherIp, key, Long.valueOf(hostId), i, vpcNetwork.getId(), myIp, bridgeName, vpcNetwork.getUuid()));
                s_logger.debug("Attempting to create tunnel from:" + hostId + " to:" + i + " for the network " + vpcNetwork.getId());
                s_logger.debug("Ask host " + hostId + " to create gre tunnel to " + i);
                Answer[] answers = _agentMgr.send(hostId, cmds);
            for (Long i : fromHostIds) {
                HostVO rHost = _hostDao.findById(i);
                String otherIp = getGreEndpointIP(rHost, vpcNetwork);
                Commands cmds = new Commands(new OvsCreateTunnelCommand(myIp, key, i, Long.valueOf(hostId), vpcNetwork.getId(), otherIp, bridgeName, vpcNetwork.getUuid()));
                s_logger.debug("Ask host " + i + " to create gre tunnel to " + hostId);
                Answer[] answers = _agentMgr.send(i, cmds);
        } catch (GreTunnelException | OperationTimedoutException | AgentUnavailableException e) {
            // I really thing we should do a better handling of these exceptions
            s_logger.warn("Ovs Tunnel network created tunnel failed", e);
Also used : OperationTimedoutException( OvsTunnelNetworkVO( OvsCreateTunnelCommand( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) OvsVpcRoutingPolicyConfigCommand( HostVO( OvsFetchInterfaceAnswer( Answer( OvsCreateTunnelAnswer( AgentUnavailableException( Network( Commands( OvsSetupBridgeCommand( DB(

Example 53 with AgentUnavailableException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class StorageManagerImpl method sendToPool.

public Pair<Long, Answer[]> sendToPool(StoragePool pool, long[] hostIdsToTryFirst, List<Long> hostIdsToAvoid, Commands cmds) throws StorageUnavailableException {
    List<Long> hostIds = getUpHostsInPool(pool.getId());
    if (hostIdsToTryFirst != null) {
        for (int i = hostIdsToTryFirst.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (hostIds.remove(hostIdsToTryFirst[i])) {
                hostIds.add(0, hostIdsToTryFirst[i]);
    if (hostIdsToAvoid != null) {
    if (hostIds == null || hostIds.isEmpty()) {
        throw new StorageUnavailableException("Unable to send command to the pool " + pool.getId() + " due to there is no enabled hosts up in this cluster", pool.getId());
    for (Long hostId : hostIds) {
        try {
            List<Answer> answers = new ArrayList<Answer>();
            Command[] cmdArray = cmds.toCommands();
            for (Command cmd : cmdArray) {
                long targetHostId = _hvGuruMgr.getGuruProcessedCommandTargetHost(hostId, cmd);
                answers.add(_agentMgr.send(targetHostId, cmd));
            return new Pair<Long, Answer[]>(hostId, answers.toArray(new Answer[answers.size()]));
        } catch (AgentUnavailableException e) {
            s_logger.debug("Unable to send storage pool command to " + pool + " via " + hostId, e);
        } catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
            s_logger.debug("Unable to send storage pool command to " + pool + " via " + hostId, e);
    throw new StorageUnavailableException("Unable to send command to the pool ", pool.getId());
Also used : OperationTimedoutException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) EndPoint( Answer( StorageUnavailableException( DettachCommand( Command( AgentUnavailableException( Pair(

Example 54 with AgentUnavailableException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class SimulatorInvestigator method isVmAlive.

public boolean isVmAlive(VirtualMachine vm, Host host) throws UnknownVM {
    CheckVirtualMachineCommand cmd = new CheckVirtualMachineCommand(vm.getInstanceName());
    try {
        Answer answer = _agentMgr.send(vm.getHostId(), cmd);
        if (!answer.getResult()) {
            s_logger.debug("Unable to get vm state on " + vm.toString());
            throw new UnknownVM();
        CheckVirtualMachineAnswer cvmAnswer = (CheckVirtualMachineAnswer) answer;
        s_logger.debug("Agent responded with state " + cvmAnswer.getState().toString());
        return cvmAnswer.getState() == PowerState.PowerOn;
    } catch (AgentUnavailableException e) {
        s_logger.debug("Unable to reach the agent for " + vm.toString() + ": " + e.getMessage());
        throw new UnknownVM();
    } catch (OperationTimedoutException e) {
        s_logger.debug("Operation timed out for " + vm.toString() + ": " + e.getMessage());
        throw new UnknownVM();
Also used : CheckVirtualMachineAnswer( CheckVirtualMachineAnswer( Answer( OperationTimedoutException( AgentUnavailableException( CheckVirtualMachineCommand(

Example 55 with AgentUnavailableException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class StorageSystemDataMotionStrategy method performResignature.

private CopyCmdAnswer performResignature(DataObject dataObj, HostVO hostVO, boolean keepGrantedAccess) {
    long storagePoolId = dataObj.getDataStore().getId();
    DataStore dataStore = dataStoreMgr.getDataStore(storagePoolId, DataStoreRole.Primary);
    Map<String, String> details = getDetails(dataObj);
    ResignatureCommand command = new ResignatureCommand(details);
    ResignatureAnswer answer = null;
    try {
        _volumeService.grantAccess(dataObj, hostVO, dataStore);
        answer = (ResignatureAnswer) _agentMgr.send(hostVO.getId(), command);
    } catch (CloudRuntimeException | AgentUnavailableException | OperationTimedoutException ex) {
        keepGrantedAccess = false;
        String msg = "Failed to resign the DataObject with the following ID: " + dataObj.getId();
        LOGGER.warn(msg, ex);
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(msg + ex.getMessage());
    } finally {
        if (keepGrantedAccess == false) {
            _volumeService.revokeAccess(dataObj, hostVO, dataStore);
    if (answer == null || !answer.getResult()) {
        final String errMsg;
        if (answer != null && answer.getDetails() != null && !answer.getDetails().isEmpty()) {
            errMsg = answer.getDetails();
        } else {
            errMsg = "Unable to perform resignature operation in 'StorageSystemDataMotionStrategy.performResignature'";
        throw new CloudRuntimeException(errMsg);
    VolumeObjectTO newVolume = new VolumeObjectTO();
    return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVolume);
Also used : OperationTimedoutException( CloudRuntimeException( AgentUnavailableException( DataStore( ResignatureAnswer( VolumeObjectTO( ResignatureCommand( CopyCmdAnswer(


AgentUnavailableException ( OperationTimedoutException ( CloudRuntimeException ( Answer ( HostVO ( Commands ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)15 AgentControlAnswer ( NoTransitionException ( Command ( PlugNicAnswer ( VolumeObjectTO ( StartupRoutingCommand ( UnPlugNicAnswer ( ResourceUnavailableException ( GuestOSVO ( CheckVirtualMachineAnswer ( FenceCommand ( VMSnapshotTO ( ConcurrentOperationException (