Search in sources :

Example 6 with CloudAuthenticationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class QueryManagerImpl method searchForDiskOfferingsInternal.

private Pair<List<DiskOfferingJoinVO>, Integer> searchForDiskOfferingsInternal(ListDiskOfferingsCmd cmd) {
    // Note
    // The list method for offerings is being modified in accordance with
    // discussion with Will/Kevin
    // For now, we will be listing the following based on the usertype
    // 1. For root, we will list all offerings
    // 2. For domainAdmin and regular users, we will list everything in
    // their domains+parent domains ... all the way
    // till
    // root
    Boolean isAscending = Boolean.parseBoolean(_configDao.getValue("sortkey.algorithm"));
    isAscending = (isAscending == null ? true : isAscending);
    Filter searchFilter = new Filter(DiskOfferingJoinVO.class, "sortKey", isAscending, cmd.getStartIndex(), cmd.getPageSizeVal());
    SearchCriteria<DiskOfferingJoinVO> sc = _diskOfferingJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
    sc.addAnd("type", Op.EQ, DiskOfferingVO.Type.Disk);
    Account account = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
    Object name = cmd.getDiskOfferingName();
    Object id = cmd.getId();
    Object keyword = cmd.getKeyword();
    Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId();
    Boolean isRootAdmin = _accountMgr.isRootAdmin(account.getAccountId());
    Boolean isRecursive = cmd.isRecursive();
    // associated with this domain
    if (domainId != null) {
        if (_accountMgr.isRootAdmin(account.getId()) || isPermissible(account.getDomainId(), domainId)) {
            // check if the user's domain == do's domain || user's domain is
            // a child of so's domain for non-root users
            sc.addAnd("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, domainId);
            if (!isRootAdmin) {
                sc.addAnd("displayOffering", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, 1);
            return _diskOfferingJoinDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter);
        } else {
            throw new PermissionDeniedException("The account:" + account.getAccountName() + " does not fall in the same domain hierarchy as the disk offering");
    List<Long> domainIds = null;
    // and everything above till root
    if ((_accountMgr.isNormalUser(account.getId()) || _accountMgr.isDomainAdmin(account.getId())) || account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN) {
        if (isRecursive) {
            // domain + all sub-domains
            if (account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_NORMAL)
                throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Only ROOT admins and Domain admins can list disk offerings with isrecursive=true");
            DomainVO domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId());
            sc.addAnd("domainPath", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, domainRecord.getPath() + "%");
        } else {
            // domain + all ancestors
            // find all domain Id up to root domain for this account
            domainIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            DomainVO domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId());
            if (domainRecord == null) {
                s_logger.error("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
                throw new CloudAuthenticationException("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
            while (domainRecord.getParent() != null) {
                domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(domainRecord.getParent());
            SearchCriteria<DiskOfferingJoinVO> spc = _diskOfferingJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            spc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, domainIds.toArray());
            // include public offering as where
            spc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
            sc.addAnd("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, spc);
            // non-root users should not see system offering at all
            sc.addAnd("systemUse", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, false);
    if (keyword != null) {
        SearchCriteria<DiskOfferingJoinVO> ssc = _diskOfferingJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
        ssc.addOr("displayText", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, "%" + keyword + "%");
        ssc.addOr("name", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, "%" + keyword + "%");
        sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, ssc);
    if (id != null) {
        sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, id);
    if (name != null) {
        sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, name);
    return _diskOfferingJoinDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter);
Also used : Account( CloudAuthenticationException( DiskOfferingJoinVO( DomainVO( TemplateFilter( Filter( InvalidParameterValueException( PermissionDeniedException(

Example 7 with CloudAuthenticationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class QueryManagerImpl method listDataCentersInternal.

private Pair<List<DataCenterJoinVO>, Integer> listDataCentersInternal(ListZonesCmd cmd) {
    Account account = CallContext.current().getCallingAccount();
    Long domainId = cmd.getDomainId();
    Long id = cmd.getId();
    String keyword = cmd.getKeyword();
    String name = cmd.getName();
    String networkType = cmd.getNetworkType();
    Map<String, String> resourceTags = cmd.getTags();
    SearchBuilder<DataCenterJoinVO> sb = _dcJoinDao.createSearchBuilder();
    if (resourceTags != null && !resourceTags.isEmpty()) {
        SearchBuilder<ResourceTagVO> tagSearch = _resourceTagDao.createSearchBuilder();
        for (int count = 0; count < resourceTags.size(); count++) {
            tagSearch.or().op("key" + String.valueOf(count), tagSearch.entity().getKey(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
            tagSearch.and("value" + String.valueOf(count), tagSearch.entity().getValue(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
        tagSearch.and("resourceType", tagSearch.entity().getResourceType(), SearchCriteria.Op.EQ);
        sb.join("tagSearch", tagSearch, sb.entity().getId(), tagSearch.entity().getResourceId(), JoinBuilder.JoinType.INNER);
    Filter searchFilter = new Filter(DataCenterJoinVO.class, null, false, cmd.getStartIndex(), cmd.getPageSizeVal());
    SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sc = sb.create();
    if (networkType != null) {
        sc.addAnd("networkType", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, networkType);
    if (id != null) {
        sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, id);
    } else if (name != null) {
        sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, name);
    } else {
        if (keyword != null) {
            SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> ssc = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            ssc.addOr("name", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, "%" + keyword + "%");
            ssc.addOr("description", SearchCriteria.Op.LIKE, "%" + keyword + "%");
            sc.addAnd("name", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, ssc);
             * List all resources due to Explicit Dedication except the
             * dedicated resources of other account
        if (domainId != null) {
            // for domainId != null // right now, we made the decision to
            // only list zones associated // with this domain, private zone
            sc.addAnd("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, domainId);
            if (_accountMgr.isNormalUser(account.getId())) {
                // accountId == null (zones dedicated to a domain) or
                // accountId = caller
                SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sdc = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
                sdc.addOr("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, account.getId());
                sdc.addOr("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
                sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, sdc);
        } else if (_accountMgr.isNormalUser(account.getId())) {
            // it was decided to return all zones for the user's domain, and
            // everything above till root
            // list all zones belonging to this domain, and all of its
            // parents
            // check the parent, if not null, add zones for that parent to
            // list
            // find all domain Id up to root domain for this account
            List<Long> domainIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            DomainVO domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId());
            if (domainRecord == null) {
                s_logger.error("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
                throw new CloudAuthenticationException("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
            while (domainRecord.getParent() != null) {
                domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(domainRecord.getParent());
            // domainId == null (public zones) or domainId IN [all domain id
            // up to root domain]
            SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sdc = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            sdc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, domainIds.toArray());
            sdc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
            sc.addAnd("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, sdc);
            // remove disabled zones
            sc.addAnd("allocationState", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled);
            // accountId == null (zones dedicated to a domain) or
            // accountId = caller
            SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sdc2 = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            sdc2.addOr("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.EQ, account.getId());
            sdc2.addOr("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
            sc.addAnd("accountId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, sdc2);
            // remove Dedicated zones not dedicated to this domainId or
            // subdomainId
            List<Long> dedicatedZoneIds = removeDedicatedZoneNotSuitabe(domainIds);
            if (!dedicatedZoneIds.isEmpty()) {
                sdc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.NIN, dedicatedZoneIds.toArray(new Object[dedicatedZoneIds.size()]));
        } else if (_accountMgr.isDomainAdmin(account.getId()) || account.getType() == Account.ACCOUNT_TYPE_RESOURCE_DOMAIN_ADMIN) {
            // it was decided to return all zones for the domain admin, and
            // everything above till root, as well as zones till the domain
            // leaf
            List<Long> domainIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            DomainVO domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(account.getDomainId());
            if (domainRecord == null) {
                s_logger.error("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
                throw new CloudAuthenticationException("Could not find the domainId for account:" + account.getAccountName());
            // find all domain Ids till leaf
            List<DomainVO> allChildDomains = _domainDao.findAllChildren(domainRecord.getPath(), domainRecord.getId());
            for (DomainVO domain : allChildDomains) {
            // then find all domain Id up to root domain for this account
            while (domainRecord.getParent() != null) {
                domainRecord = _domainDao.findById(domainRecord.getParent());
            // domainId == null (public zones) or domainId IN [all domain id
            // up to root domain]
            SearchCriteria<DataCenterJoinVO> sdc = _dcJoinDao.createSearchCriteria();
            sdc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, domainIds.toArray());
            sdc.addOr("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.NULL);
            sc.addAnd("domainId", SearchCriteria.Op.SC, sdc);
            // remove disabled zones
            sc.addAnd("allocationState", SearchCriteria.Op.NEQ, Grouping.AllocationState.Disabled);
            // remove Dedicated zones not dedicated to this domainId or
            // subdomainId
            List<Long> dedicatedZoneIds = removeDedicatedZoneNotSuitabe(domainIds);
            if (!dedicatedZoneIds.isEmpty()) {
                sdc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.NIN, dedicatedZoneIds.toArray(new Object[dedicatedZoneIds.size()]));
        // handle available=FALSE option, only return zones with at least
        // one VM running there
        Boolean available = cmd.isAvailable();
        if (account != null) {
            if ((available != null) && Boolean.FALSE.equals(available)) {
                // data centers with
                Set<Long> dcIds = new HashSet<Long>();
                // at least one VM
                // running
                List<DomainRouterVO> routers = _routerDao.listBy(account.getId());
                for (DomainRouterVO router : routers) {
                if (dcIds.size() == 0) {
                    return new Pair<List<DataCenterJoinVO>, Integer>(new ArrayList<DataCenterJoinVO>(), 0);
                } else {
                    sc.addAnd("id", SearchCriteria.Op.IN, dcIds.toArray());
    if (resourceTags != null && !resourceTags.isEmpty()) {
        int count = 0;
        sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "resourceType", ResourceObjectType.Zone.toString());
        for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : resourceTags.entrySet()) {
            sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "key" + String.valueOf(count), entry.getKey());
            sc.setJoinParameters("tagSearch", "value" + String.valueOf(count), entry.getValue());
    return _dcJoinDao.searchAndCount(sc, searchFilter);
Also used : DataCenterJoinVO( Account( HashSet(java.util.HashSet) Set(java.util.Set) CloudAuthenticationException( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) ResourceTagVO( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) SearchCriteria( DomainVO( TemplateFilter( Filter( Map(java.util.Map) DomainRouterVO(

Example 8 with CloudAuthenticationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class CallContext method register.

public static CallContext register(long callingUserId, long callingAccountId, String contextId) throws CloudAuthenticationException {
    Account account = s_entityMgr.findById(Account.class, callingAccountId);
    if (account == null) {
        throw new CloudAuthenticationException("The account is no longer current.").add(Account.class, Long.toString(callingAccountId));
    User user = s_entityMgr.findById(User.class, callingUserId);
    if (user == null) {
        throw new CloudAuthenticationException("The user is no longer current.").add(User.class, Long.toString(callingUserId));
    return register(user, account, contextId);
Also used : Account( User( CloudAuthenticationException(

Example 9 with CloudAuthenticationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class LogContext method register.

public static LogContext register(String callingUserUuid, String callingAccountUuid) {
    Account account = s_entityMgr.findByUuid(Account.class, callingAccountUuid);
    if (account == null) {
        throw new CloudAuthenticationException("The account is no longer current.").add(Account.class, callingAccountUuid);
    User user = s_entityMgr.findByUuid(User.class, callingUserUuid);
    if (user == null) {
        throw new CloudAuthenticationException("The user is no longer current.").add(User.class, callingUserUuid);
    return register(user, account);
Also used : Account( User( CloudAuthenticationException(

Example 10 with CloudAuthenticationException

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class LogContext method register.

public static LogContext register(long callingUserId, long callingAccountId, String contextId) throws CloudAuthenticationException {
    Account account = s_entityMgr.findById(Account.class, callingAccountId);
    if (account == null) {
        throw new CloudAuthenticationException("The account is no longer current.").add(Account.class, Long.toString(callingAccountId));
    User user = s_entityMgr.findById(User.class, callingUserId);
    if (user == null) {
        throw new CloudAuthenticationException("The user is no longer current.").add(User.class, Long.toString(callingUserId));
    return register(user, account, contextId);
Also used : Account( User( CloudAuthenticationException(


CloudAuthenticationException ( Account ( User ( Domain ( DomainVO ( UserAccount ( TemplateFilter ( Filter ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ServerApiException (org.apache.cloudstack.api.ServerApiException)3 InvalidParameterValueException ( PermissionDeniedException ( UserAccountVO ( IOException ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 List (java.util.List)2 LoginCmdResponse (org.apache.cloudstack.api.response.LoginCmdResponse)2 DataCenterJoinVO ( DiskOfferingJoinVO ( ServiceOfferingJoinVO (