Search in sources :

Example 26 with InterfaceDef

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class LibvirtSecurityGroupRulesCommandWrapper method execute.

public Answer execute(final SecurityGroupRulesCmd command, final LibvirtComputingResource libvirtComputingResource) {
    String vif = null;
    String brname = null;
    try {
        final LibvirtUtilitiesHelper libvirtUtilitiesHelper = libvirtComputingResource.getLibvirtUtilitiesHelper();
        final Connect conn = libvirtUtilitiesHelper.getConnectionByVmName(command.getVmName());
        final List<InterfaceDef> nics = libvirtComputingResource.getInterfaces(conn, command.getVmName());
        vif = nics.get(0).getDevName();
        brname = nics.get(0).getBrName();
    } catch (final LibvirtException e) {
        return new SecurityGroupRuleAnswer(command, false, e.toString());
    final boolean result = libvirtComputingResource.addNetworkRules(command.getVmName(), Long.toString(command.getVmId()), command.getGuestIp(), command.getGuestIp6(), command.getSignature(), Long.toString(command.getSeqNum()), command.getGuestMac(), command.stringifyRules(), vif, brname, command.getSecIpsString());
    if (!result) {
        s_logger.warn("Failed to program network rules for vm " + command.getVmName());
        return new SecurityGroupRuleAnswer(command, false, "programming network rules failed");
    } else {
        s_logger.debug("Programmed network rules for vm " + command.getVmName() + " guestIp=" + command.getGuestIp() + ",ingress numrules=" + command.getIngressRuleSet().size() + ",egress numrules=" + command.getEgressRuleSet().size());
        return new SecurityGroupRuleAnswer(command);
Also used : InterfaceDef( LibvirtException(org.libvirt.LibvirtException) Connect(org.libvirt.Connect) SecurityGroupRuleAnswer(

Example 27 with InterfaceDef

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class LibvirtDomainXMLParser method parseDomainXML.

public boolean parseDomainXML(String domXML) {
    DocumentBuilder builder;
    try {
        builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
        InputSource is = new InputSource();
        is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(domXML));
        Document doc = builder.parse(is);
        Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
        desc = getTagValue("description", rootElement);
        Element devices = (Element) rootElement.getElementsByTagName("devices").item(0);
        NodeList disks = devices.getElementsByTagName("disk");
        for (int i = 0; i < disks.getLength(); i++) {
            Element disk = (Element) disks.item(i);
            String type = disk.getAttribute("type");
            DiskDef def = new DiskDef();
            if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("network")) {
                String diskFmtType = getAttrValue("driver", "type", disk);
                String diskCacheMode = getAttrValue("driver", "cache", disk);
                String diskPath = getAttrValue("source", "name", disk);
                String protocol = getAttrValue("source", "protocol", disk);
                String authUserName = getAttrValue("auth", "username", disk);
                String poolUuid = getAttrValue("secret", "uuid", disk);
                String host = getAttrValue("host", "name", disk);
                int port = Integer.parseInt(getAttrValue("host", "port", disk));
                String diskLabel = getAttrValue("target", "dev", disk);
                String bus = getAttrValue("target", "bus", disk);
                DiskDef.DiskFmtType fmt = null;
                if (diskFmtType != null) {
                    fmt = DiskDef.DiskFmtType.valueOf(diskFmtType.toUpperCase());
                def.defNetworkBasedDisk(diskPath, host, port, authUserName, poolUuid, diskLabel, DiskDef.DiskBus.valueOf(bus.toUpperCase()), DiskDef.DiskProtocol.valueOf(protocol.toUpperCase()), fmt);
            } else {
                String diskFmtType = getAttrValue("driver", "type", disk);
                String diskCacheMode = getAttrValue("driver", "cache", disk);
                String diskFile = getAttrValue("source", "file", disk);
                String diskDev = getAttrValue("source", "dev", disk);
                String diskLabel = getAttrValue("target", "dev", disk);
                String bus = getAttrValue("target", "bus", disk);
                String device = disk.getAttribute("device");
                if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("file")) {
                    if (device.equalsIgnoreCase("disk")) {
                        DiskDef.DiskFmtType fmt = null;
                        if (diskFmtType != null) {
                            fmt = DiskDef.DiskFmtType.valueOf(diskFmtType.toUpperCase());
                        def.defFileBasedDisk(diskFile, diskLabel, DiskDef.DiskBus.valueOf(bus.toUpperCase()), fmt);
                    } else if (device.equalsIgnoreCase("cdrom")) {
                } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("block")) {
                    def.defBlockBasedDisk(diskDev, diskLabel, DiskDef.DiskBus.valueOf(bus.toUpperCase()));
                if (diskCacheMode != null) {
            NodeList iotune = disk.getElementsByTagName("iotune");
            if ((iotune != null) && (iotune.getLength() != 0)) {
                String bytesReadRateStr = getTagValue("read_bytes_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
                if (bytesReadRateStr != null) {
                    Long bytesReadRate = Long.parseLong(bytesReadRateStr);
                String bytesWriteRateStr = getTagValue("write_bytes_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
                if (bytesWriteRateStr != null) {
                    Long bytesWriteRate = Long.parseLong(bytesWriteRateStr);
                String iopsReadRateStr = getTagValue("read_iops_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
                if (iopsReadRateStr != null) {
                    Long iopsReadRate = Long.parseLong(iopsReadRateStr);
                String iopsWriteRateStr = getTagValue("write_iops_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
                if (iopsWriteRateStr != null) {
                    Long iopsWriteRate = Long.parseLong(iopsWriteRateStr);
        NodeList nics = devices.getElementsByTagName("interface");
        for (int i = 0; i < nics.getLength(); i++) {
            Element nic = (Element) nics.item(i);
            String type = nic.getAttribute("type");
            String mac = getAttrValue("mac", "address", nic);
            String dev = getAttrValue("target", "dev", nic);
            String model = getAttrValue("model", "type", nic);
            InterfaceDef def = new InterfaceDef();
            NodeList bandwidth = nic.getElementsByTagName("bandwidth");
            Integer networkRateKBps = 0;
            if ((bandwidth != null) && (bandwidth.getLength() != 0)) {
                Integer inbound = Integer.valueOf(getAttrValue("inbound", "average", (Element) bandwidth.item(0)));
                Integer outbound = Integer.valueOf(getAttrValue("outbound", "average", (Element) bandwidth.item(0)));
                if (inbound.equals(outbound)) {
                    networkRateKBps = inbound;
            if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("network")) {
                String network = getAttrValue("source", "network", nic);
                def.defPrivateNet(network, dev, mac, NicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), networkRateKBps);
            } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("bridge")) {
                String bridge = getAttrValue("source", "bridge", nic);
                def.defBridgeNet(bridge, dev, mac, NicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), networkRateKBps);
            } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("ethernet")) {
                String scriptPath = getAttrValue("script", "path", nic);
                def.defEthernet(dev, mac, NicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), scriptPath, networkRateKBps);
        NodeList ports = devices.getElementsByTagName("channel");
        for (int i = 0; i < ports.getLength(); i++) {
            Element channel = (Element) ports.item(i);
            String type = channel.getAttribute("type");
            String path = getAttrValue("source", "path", channel);
            String name = getAttrValue("target", "name", channel);
            String state = getAttrValue("target", "state", channel);
            ChannelDef def = null;
            if (!StringUtils.isNotBlank(state)) {
                def = new ChannelDef(name, ChannelDef.ChannelType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()), new File(path));
            } else {
                def = new ChannelDef(name, ChannelDef.ChannelType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()), ChannelDef.ChannelState.valueOf(state.toUpperCase()), new File(path));
        Element graphic = (Element) devices.getElementsByTagName("graphics").item(0);
        if (graphic != null) {
            String port = graphic.getAttribute("port");
            if (port != null) {
                try {
                    vncPort = Integer.parseInt(port);
                    if (vncPort != -1) {
                        vncPort = vncPort - 5900;
                    } else {
                        vncPort = null;
                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    vncPort = null;
        NodeList rngs = devices.getElementsByTagName("rng");
        for (int i = 0; i < rngs.getLength(); i++) {
            RngDef def = null;
            Element rng = (Element) rngs.item(i);
            String backendModel = getAttrValue("backend", "model", rng);
            String path = getTagValue("backend", rng);
            String bytes = getAttrValue("rate", "bytes", rng);
            String period = getAttrValue("rate", "period", rng);
            if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(backendModel)) {
                def = new RngDef(path, Integer.parseInt(bytes), Integer.parseInt(period));
            } else {
                def = new RngDef(path, RngBackendModel.valueOf(backendModel.toUpperCase()), Integer.parseInt(bytes), Integer.parseInt(period));
        return true;
    } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {
    } catch (SAXException e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    return false;
Also used : InputSource(org.xml.sax.InputSource) Element(org.w3c.dom.Element) NodeList(org.w3c.dom.NodeList) IOException( Document(org.w3c.dom.Document) SAXException(org.xml.sax.SAXException) InterfaceDef( RngDef( DiskDef( DocumentBuilder(javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder) StringReader( ChannelDef( ParserConfigurationException(javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException) File(

Example 28 with InterfaceDef

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class LibvirtComputingResource method prepareNetworkElementCommand.

protected ExecutionResult prepareNetworkElementCommand(final SetSourceNatCommand cmd) {
    Connect conn;
    final String routerName = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME);
    final IpAddressTO pubIP = cmd.getIpAddress();
    try {
        conn = LibvirtConnection.getConnectionByVmName(routerName);
        Integer devNum = 0;
        final String pubVlan = pubIP.getBroadcastUri();
        final List<InterfaceDef> pluggedNics = getInterfaces(conn, routerName);
        for (final InterfaceDef pluggedNic : pluggedNics) {
            final String pluggedVlanBr = pluggedNic.getBrName();
            final String pluggedVlanId = getBroadcastUriFromBridge(pluggedVlanBr);
            if (pubVlan.equalsIgnoreCase(Vlan.UNTAGGED) && pluggedVlanBr.equalsIgnoreCase(_publicBridgeName)) {
            } else if (pluggedVlanBr.equalsIgnoreCase(_linkLocalBridgeName)) {
            /*skip over, no physical bridge device exists*/
            } else if (pluggedVlanId == null) {
                /*this should only be true in the case of link local bridge*/
                return new ExecutionResult(false, "unable to find the vlan id for bridge " + pluggedVlanBr + " when attempting to set up" + pubVlan + " on router " + routerName);
            } else if (pluggedVlanId.equals(pubVlan)) {
        return new ExecutionResult(true, "success");
    } catch (final LibvirtException e) {
        final String msg = "Ip SNAT failure due to " + e.toString();
        s_logger.error(msg, e);
        return new ExecutionResult(false, msg);
Also used : InterfaceDef( IpAddressTO( LibvirtException(org.libvirt.LibvirtException) Connect(org.libvirt.Connect) ExecutionResult(

Example 29 with InterfaceDef

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class LibvirtComputingResource method getVmStat.

public VmStatsEntry getVmStat(final Connect conn, final String vmName) throws LibvirtException {
    Domain dm = null;
    try {
        dm = getDomain(conn, vmName);
        if (dm == null) {
            return null;
        DomainInfo info = dm.getInfo();
        final VmStatsEntry stats = new VmStatsEntry();
        /* get cpu utilization */
        VmStats oldStats = null;
        final Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
        oldStats = _vmStats.get(vmName);
        long elapsedTime = 0;
        if (oldStats != null) {
            elapsedTime = now.getTimeInMillis() - oldStats._timestamp.getTimeInMillis();
            double utilization = (info.cpuTime - oldStats._usedTime) / ((double) elapsedTime * 1000000);
            final NodeInfo node = conn.nodeInfo();
            utilization = utilization / node.cpus;
            if (utilization > 0) {
                stats.setCPUUtilization(utilization * 100);
        /* get network stats */
        final List<InterfaceDef> vifs = getInterfaces(conn, vmName);
        long rx = 0;
        long tx = 0;
        for (final InterfaceDef vif : vifs) {
            final DomainInterfaceStats ifStats = dm.interfaceStats(vif.getDevName());
            rx += ifStats.rx_bytes;
            tx += ifStats.tx_bytes;
        if (oldStats != null) {
            final double deltarx = rx - oldStats._rx;
            if (deltarx > 0) {
                stats.setNetworkReadKBs(deltarx / 1024);
            final double deltatx = tx - oldStats._tx;
            if (deltatx > 0) {
                stats.setNetworkWriteKBs(deltatx / 1024);
        /* get disk stats */
        final List<DiskDef> disks = getDisks(conn, vmName);
        long io_rd = 0;
        long io_wr = 0;
        long bytes_rd = 0;
        long bytes_wr = 0;
        for (final DiskDef disk : disks) {
            final DomainBlockStats blockStats = dm.blockStats(disk.getDiskLabel());
            io_rd += blockStats.rd_req;
            io_wr += blockStats.wr_req;
            bytes_rd += blockStats.rd_bytes;
            bytes_wr += blockStats.wr_bytes;
        if (oldStats != null) {
            final long deltaiord = io_rd - oldStats._ioRead;
            if (deltaiord > 0) {
            final long deltaiowr = io_wr - oldStats._ioWrote;
            if (deltaiowr > 0) {
            final double deltabytesrd = bytes_rd - oldStats._bytesRead;
            if (deltabytesrd > 0) {
                stats.setDiskReadKBs(deltabytesrd / 1024);
            final double deltabyteswr = bytes_wr - oldStats._bytesWrote;
            if (deltabyteswr > 0) {
                stats.setDiskWriteKBs(deltabyteswr / 1024);
        /* save to Hashmap */
        final VmStats newStat = new VmStats();
        newStat._usedTime = info.cpuTime;
        newStat._rx = rx;
        newStat._tx = tx;
        newStat._ioRead = io_rd;
        newStat._ioWrote = io_wr;
        newStat._bytesRead = bytes_rd;
        newStat._bytesWrote = bytes_wr;
        newStat._timestamp = now;
        _vmStats.put(vmName, newStat);
        return stats;
    } finally {
        if (dm != null) {
Also used : DomainInterfaceStats(org.libvirt.DomainInterfaceStats) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) VmStatsEntry( InterfaceDef( DiskDef( NodeInfo(org.libvirt.NodeInfo) DomainBlockStats(org.libvirt.DomainBlockStats) DomainInfo(org.libvirt.DomainInfo) Domain(org.libvirt.Domain)

Example 30 with InterfaceDef

use of in project cloudstack by apache.

the class LibvirtComputingResource method prepareNetworkElementCommand.

public ExecutionResult prepareNetworkElementCommand(final IpAssocCommand cmd) {
    final String routerName = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_NAME);
    final String routerIp = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.ROUTER_IP);
    Connect conn;
    try {
        conn = LibvirtConnection.getConnectionByVmName(routerName);
        final List<InterfaceDef> nics = getInterfaces(conn, routerName);
        final Map<String, Integer> broadcastUriAllocatedToVM = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        Integer nicPos = 0;
        for (final InterfaceDef nic : nics) {
            if (nic.getBrName().equalsIgnoreCase(_linkLocalBridgeName)) {
                broadcastUriAllocatedToVM.put("LinkLocal", nicPos);
            } else {
                if (nic.getBrName().equalsIgnoreCase(_publicBridgeName) || nic.getBrName().equalsIgnoreCase(_privBridgeName) || nic.getBrName().equalsIgnoreCase(_guestBridgeName)) {
                    broadcastUriAllocatedToVM.put(BroadcastDomainType.Vlan.toUri(Vlan.UNTAGGED).toString(), nicPos);
                } else {
                    final String broadcastUri = getBroadcastUriFromBridge(nic.getBrName());
                    broadcastUriAllocatedToVM.put(broadcastUri, nicPos);
        final IpAddressTO[] ips = cmd.getIpAddresses();
        int nicNum = 0;
        for (final IpAddressTO ip : ips) {
            boolean newNic = false;
            if (!broadcastUriAllocatedToVM.containsKey(ip.getBroadcastUri())) {
                /* plug a vif into router */
                VifHotPlug(conn, routerName, ip.getBroadcastUri(), ip.getVifMacAddress());
                broadcastUriAllocatedToVM.put(ip.getBroadcastUri(), nicPos++);
                newNic = true;
            nicNum = broadcastUriAllocatedToVM.get(ip.getBroadcastUri());
            networkUsage(routerIp, "addVif", "eth" + nicNum);
        return new ExecutionResult(true, null);
    } catch (final LibvirtException e) {
        s_logger.error("ipassoccmd failed", e);
        return new ExecutionResult(false, e.getMessage());
    } catch (final InternalErrorException e) {
        s_logger.error("ipassoccmd failed", e);
        return new ExecutionResult(false, e.getMessage());
Also used : IpAddressTO( LibvirtException(org.libvirt.LibvirtException) ConcurrentHashMap(java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Connect(org.libvirt.Connect) ExecutionResult( InternalErrorException( InterfaceDef(


InterfaceDef ( LibvirtException (org.libvirt.LibvirtException)23 Connect (org.libvirt.Connect)22 Domain (org.libvirt.Domain)15 Answer ( Test (org.junit.Test)11 CheckRouterAnswer ( LibvirtRequestWrapper ( LibvirtUtilitiesHelper ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)10 AttachAnswer ( NicTO ( InternalErrorException ( DiskDef ( UnPlugNicCommand ( ExecutionResult ( IpAddressTO ( VifDriver ( Script ( PlugNicCommand (