use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl method finalizeNetworkRulesForNetwork.
protected void finalizeNetworkRulesForNetwork(final Commands cmds, final DomainRouterVO router, final Provider provider, final Long guestNetworkId) {
s_logger.debug("Resending ipAssoc, port forwarding, load balancing rules as a part of Virtual router start");
final ArrayList<? extends PublicIpAddress> publicIps = getPublicIpsToApply(router, provider, guestNetworkId);
final List<FirewallRule> firewallRulesEgress = new ArrayList<>();
// Fetch firewall Egress rules.
if (_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(guestNetworkId, Service.Firewall, provider)) {
firewallRulesEgress.addAll(_rulesDao.listByNetworkPurposeTrafficType(guestNetworkId, Purpose.Firewall, FirewallRule.TrafficType.Egress));
if (firewallRulesEgress.isEmpty()) {
// create egress default rule for VR
createDefaultEgressFirewallRule(firewallRulesEgress, guestNetworkId);
// Re-apply firewall Egress rules
s_logger.debug("Found " + firewallRulesEgress.size() + " firewall Egress rule(s) to apply as a part of domR " + router + " start.");
if (!firewallRulesEgress.isEmpty()) {
_commandSetupHelper.createFirewallRulesCommands(firewallRulesEgress, router, cmds, guestNetworkId);
if (publicIps != null && !publicIps.isEmpty()) {
final List<PortForwardingRule> pfRules = new ArrayList<>();
final List<FirewallRule> staticNatFirewallRules = new ArrayList<>();
final List<StaticNat> staticNats = new ArrayList<>();
final List<FirewallRule> firewallRulesIngress = new ArrayList<>();
// StaticNatRules; PFVPN to reapply on domR start)
for (final PublicIpAddress ip : publicIps) {
if (_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(guestNetworkId, Service.PortForwarding, provider)) {
if (_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(guestNetworkId, Service.StaticNat, provider)) {
staticNatFirewallRules.addAll(_rulesDao.listByIpAndPurpose(ip.getId(), Purpose.StaticNat));
if (_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(guestNetworkId, Service.Firewall, provider)) {
firewallRulesIngress.addAll(_rulesDao.listByIpAndPurpose(ip.getId(), Purpose.Firewall));
if (_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(guestNetworkId, Service.StaticNat, provider)) {
if (ip.isOneToOneNat()) {
final StaticNatImpl staticNat = new StaticNatImpl(ip.getAccountId(), ip.getDomainId(), guestNetworkId, ip.getId(), ip.getVmIp(), false);
// Re-apply static nats
s_logger.debug("Found " + staticNats.size() + " static nat(s) to apply as a part of domR " + router + " start.");
if (!staticNats.isEmpty()) {
_commandSetupHelper.createApplyStaticNatCommands(staticNats, router, cmds);
// Re-apply firewall Ingress rules
s_logger.debug("Found " + firewallRulesIngress.size() + " firewall Ingress rule(s) to apply as a part of domR " + router + " start.");
if (!firewallRulesIngress.isEmpty()) {
_commandSetupHelper.createFirewallRulesCommands(firewallRulesIngress, router, cmds, guestNetworkId);
// Re-apply port forwarding rules
s_logger.debug("Found " + pfRules.size() + " port forwarding rule(s) to apply as a part of domR " + router + " start.");
if (!pfRules.isEmpty()) {
_commandSetupHelper.createApplyPortForwardingRulesCommands(pfRules, router, cmds, guestNetworkId);
// Re-apply static nat rules
s_logger.debug("Found " + staticNatFirewallRules.size() + " static nat rule(s) to apply as a part of domR " + router + " start.");
if (!staticNatFirewallRules.isEmpty()) {
final List<StaticNatRule> staticNatRules = new ArrayList<>();
for (final FirewallRule rule : staticNatFirewallRules) {
staticNatRules.add(_rulesMgr.buildStaticNatRule(rule, false));
_commandSetupHelper.createApplyStaticNatRulesCommands(staticNatRules, router, cmds, guestNetworkId);
final List<LoadBalancerVO> lbs = _loadBalancerDao.listByNetworkIdAndScheme(guestNetworkId, Scheme.Public);
final List<LoadBalancingRule> lbRules = new ArrayList<>();
if (_networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(guestNetworkId, Service.Lb, provider)) {
// Re-apply load balancing rules
for (final LoadBalancerVO lb : lbs) {
final List<LbDestination> dstList = _lbMgr.getExistingDestinations(lb.getId());
final List<LbStickinessPolicy> policyList = _lbMgr.getStickinessPolicies(lb.getId());
final List<LbHealthCheckPolicy> hcPolicyList = _lbMgr.getHealthCheckPolicies(lb.getId());
final Ip sourceIp = _networkModel.getPublicIpAddress(lb.getSourceIpAddressId()).getAddress();
final LbSslCert sslCert = _lbMgr.getLbSslCert(lb.getId());
final LoadBalancingRule loadBalancing = new LoadBalancingRule(lb, dstList, policyList, hcPolicyList, sourceIp, sslCert, lb.getLbProtocol());
s_logger.debug("Found " + lbRules.size() + " load balancing rule(s) to apply as a part of domR " + router + " start.");
if (!lbRules.isEmpty()) {
_commandSetupHelper.createApplyLoadBalancingRulesCommands(lbRules, router, cmds, guestNetworkId);
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class FirewallRules method accept.
public boolean accept(final NetworkTopologyVisitor visitor, final VirtualRouter router) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
_router = router;
_purpose = _rules.get(0).getPurpose();
if (_purpose == Purpose.LoadBalancing) {
final LoadBalancerDao loadBalancerDao = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getLoadBalancerDao();
// for load balancer we have to resend all lb rules for the network
final List<LoadBalancerVO> lbs = loadBalancerDao.listByNetworkIdAndScheme(_network.getId(), Scheme.Public);
_loadbalancingRules = new ArrayList<>();
final LoadBalancingRulesManager lbMgr = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getLbMgr();
final NetworkModel networkModel = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNetworkModel();
for (final LoadBalancerVO lb : lbs) {
final List<LbDestination> dstList = lbMgr.getExistingDestinations(lb.getId());
final List<LbStickinessPolicy> policyList = lbMgr.getStickinessPolicies(lb.getId());
final List<LbHealthCheckPolicy> hcPolicyList = lbMgr.getHealthCheckPolicies(lb.getId());
final LbSslCert sslCert = lbMgr.getLbSslCert(lb.getId());
final Ip sourceIp = networkModel.getPublicIpAddress(lb.getSourceIpAddressId()).getAddress();
final LoadBalancingRule loadBalancing = new LoadBalancingRule(lb, dstList, policyList, hcPolicyList, sourceIp, sslCert, lb.getLbProtocol());
return visitor.visit(this);
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class LoadBalancingRules method accept.
public boolean accept(final NetworkTopologyVisitor visitor, final VirtualRouter router) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
_router = router;
final LoadBalancerDao loadBalancerDao = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getLoadBalancerDao();
// For load balancer we have to resend all lb rules for the network
final List<LoadBalancerVO> lbs = loadBalancerDao.listByNetworkIdAndScheme(_network.getId(), Scheme.Public);
// We are cleaning it before because all the rules have to be sent to the router.
final LoadBalancingRulesManager lbMgr = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getLbMgr();
final NetworkModel networkModel = visitor.getVirtualNetworkApplianceFactory().getNetworkModel();
for (final LoadBalancerVO lb : lbs) {
final List<LbDestination> dstList = lbMgr.getExistingDestinations(lb.getId());
final List<LbStickinessPolicy> policyList = lbMgr.getStickinessPolicies(lb.getId());
final List<LbHealthCheckPolicy> hcPolicyList = lbMgr.getHealthCheckPolicies(lb.getId());
final LbSslCert sslCert = lbMgr.getLbSslCert(lb.getId());
final Ip sourceIp = networkModel.getPublicIpAddress(lb.getSourceIpAddressId()).getAddress();
final LoadBalancingRule loadBalancing = new LoadBalancingRule(lb, dstList, policyList, hcPolicyList, sourceIp, sslCert, lb.getLbProtocol());
return visitor.visit(this);
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class LoadBalancingRulesManagerImpl method applyLoadBalancerRules.
protected boolean applyLoadBalancerRules(final List<LoadBalancerVO> lbs, final boolean updateRulesInDB) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
final List<LoadBalancingRule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
for (final LoadBalancerVO lb : lbs) {
if (!applyLbRules(rules, false)) {
s_logger.debug("LB rules are not completely applied");
return false;
if (updateRulesInDB) {
for (final LoadBalancerVO lb : lbs) {
final boolean checkForReleaseElasticIp = Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<Boolean>() {
public Boolean doInTransaction(final TransactionStatus status) {
boolean checkForReleaseElasticIp = false;
if (lb.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Revoke) {
s_logger.debug("LB " + lb.getId() + " is successfully removed");
checkForReleaseElasticIp = true;
} else if (lb.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Add) {
s_logger.debug("LB rule " + lb.getId() + " state is set to Active");
// remove LB-Vm mappings that were state to revoke
final List<LoadBalancerVMMapVO> lbVmMaps = _lb2VmMapDao.listByLoadBalancerId(lb.getId(), true);
final List<Long> instanceIds = new ArrayList<>();
for (final LoadBalancerVMMapVO lbVmMap : lbVmMaps) {
_lb2VmMapDao.remove(lb.getId(), lbVmMap.getInstanceId(), lbVmMap.getInstanceIp(), null);
s_logger.debug("Load balancer rule id " + lb.getId() + " is removed for vm " + lbVmMap.getInstanceId() + " instance ip " + lbVmMap.getInstanceIp());
if (_lb2VmMapDao.listByLoadBalancerId(lb.getId()).isEmpty()) {
s_logger.debug("LB rule " + lb.getId() + " state is set to Add as there are no more active LB-VM mappings");
// remove LB-Stickiness policy mapping that were state to revoke
final List<LBStickinessPolicyVO> stickinesspolicies = _lb2stickinesspoliciesDao.listByLoadBalancerId(lb.getId(), true);
if (!stickinesspolicies.isEmpty()) {
_lb2stickinesspoliciesDao.remove(lb.getId(), true);
s_logger.debug("Load balancer rule id " + lb.getId() + " is removed stickiness policies");
// remove LB-HealthCheck policy mapping that were state to
// revoke
final List<LBHealthCheckPolicyVO> healthCheckpolicies = _lb2healthcheckDao.listByLoadBalancerId(lb.getId(), true);
if (!healthCheckpolicies.isEmpty()) {
_lb2healthcheckDao.remove(lb.getId(), true);
s_logger.debug("Load balancer rule id " + lb.getId() + " is removed health check monitors policies");
final LoadBalancerCertMapVO lbCertMap = _lbCertMapDao.findByLbRuleId(lb.getId());
if (lbCertMap != null && lbCertMap.isRevoke()) {
s_logger.debug("Load balancer rule id " + lb.getId() + " removed certificate mapping");
return checkForReleaseElasticIp;
if (checkForReleaseElasticIp && lb.getSourceIpAddressId() != null) {
boolean success = true;
final long count = _firewallDao.countRulesByIpId(lb.getSourceIpAddressId());
if (count == 0) {
try {
success = handleSystemLBIpRelease(lb);
} catch (final Exception ex) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to release system ip as a part of lb rule " + lb + " deletion due to exception ", ex);
success = false;
} finally {
if (!success) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to release system ip as a part of lb rule " + lb + " deletion");
// VPC, unassign it from the network
if (lb.getSourceIpAddressId() != null) {
final IpAddress ip = _ipAddressDao.findById(lb.getSourceIpAddressId());
_vpcMgr.unassignIPFromVpcNetwork(ip.getId(), lb.getNetworkId());
return true;
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class LoadBalancingRulesManagerImpl method getLoadBalancerRuleToApply.
private LoadBalancingRule getLoadBalancerRuleToApply(final LoadBalancerVO lb) {
final List<LbStickinessPolicy> policyList = getStickinessPolicies(lb.getId());
final Ip sourceIp = getSourceIp(lb);
final LbSslCert sslCert = getLbSslCert(lb.getId());
final LoadBalancingRule loadBalancing = new LoadBalancingRule(lb, null, policyList, null, sourceIp, sslCert, lb.getLbProtocol());
final List<LbDestination> dstList = getExistingDestinations(lb.getId());
final List<LbHealthCheckPolicy> hcPolicyList = getHealthCheckPolicies(lb.getId());
return loadBalancing;