use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class KvmStorageProcessor method copyVolumeFromImageCacheToPrimary.
public Answer copyVolumeFromImageCacheToPrimary(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
final DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
final DataStoreTO srcStore = srcData.getDataStore();
final DataStoreTO destStore = destData.getDataStore();
final VolumeObjectTO srcVol = (VolumeObjectTO) srcData;
final ImageFormat srcFormat = srcVol.getFormat();
final PrimaryDataStoreTO primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreTO) destStore;
if (!(srcStore instanceof NfsTO)) {
return new CopyCmdAnswer("can only handle nfs storage");
final NfsTO nfsStore = (NfsTO) srcStore;
final String srcVolumePath = srcData.getPath();
final String secondaryStorageUrl = nfsStore.getUrl();
KvmStoragePool secondaryStoragePool = null;
KvmStoragePool primaryPool;
try {
try {
primaryPool = this.storagePoolMgr.getStoragePool(primaryStore.getPoolType(), primaryStore.getUuid());
} catch (final CloudRuntimeException e) {
if (e.getMessage().contains("not found")) {
primaryPool = this.storagePoolMgr.createStoragePool(primaryStore.getUuid(), primaryStore.getHost(), primaryStore.getPort(), primaryStore.getPath(), null, primaryStore.getPoolType());
} else {
return new CopyCmdAnswer(e.getMessage());
final String volumeName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final int index = srcVolumePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
final String volumeDir = srcVolumePath.substring(0, index);
String srcVolumeName = srcVolumePath.substring(index + 1);
secondaryStoragePool = this.storagePoolMgr.getStoragePoolByUri(secondaryStorageUrl + File.separator + volumeDir);
if (!srcVolumeName.endsWith(".qcow2") && srcFormat == ImageFormat.QCOW2) {
srcVolumeName = srcVolumeName + ".qcow2";
final KvmPhysicalDisk volume = secondaryStoragePool.getPhysicalDisk(srcVolumeName);
final KvmPhysicalDisk newDisk = this.storagePoolMgr.copyPhysicalDisk(volume, volumeName, primaryPool, cmd.getWaitInMillSeconds());
final VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
} catch (final CloudRuntimeException e) {
this.logger.debug("Failed to ccopyVolumeFromImageCacheToPrimary: ", e);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(e.toString());
} finally {
if (secondaryStoragePool != null) {
this.storagePoolMgr.deleteStoragePool(secondaryStoragePool.getType(), secondaryStoragePool.getUuid());
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class KvmStorageProcessor method copyVolumeFromPrimaryToSecondary.
public Answer copyVolumeFromPrimaryToSecondary(final CopyCommand cmd) {
final DataTO srcData = cmd.getSrcTO();
final DataTO destData = cmd.getDestTO();
final VolumeObjectTO srcVol = (VolumeObjectTO) srcData;
final VolumeObjectTO destVol = (VolumeObjectTO) destData;
final ImageFormat srcFormat = srcVol.getFormat();
final ImageFormat destFormat = destVol.getFormat();
final DataStoreTO srcStore = srcData.getDataStore();
final DataStoreTO destStore = destData.getDataStore();
final PrimaryDataStoreTO primaryStore = (PrimaryDataStoreTO) srcStore;
if (!(destStore instanceof NfsTO)) {
return new CopyCmdAnswer("can only handle nfs storage");
final NfsTO nfsStore = (NfsTO) destStore;
final String srcVolumePath = srcData.getPath();
final String destVolumePath = destData.getPath();
final String secondaryStorageUrl = nfsStore.getUrl();
KvmStoragePool secondaryStoragePool = null;
try {
final String volumeName = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
final String destVolumeName = volumeName + "." + destFormat.toString().toLowerCase();
final KvmPhysicalDisk volume = this.storagePoolMgr.getPhysicalDisk(primaryStore.getPoolType(), primaryStore.getUuid(), srcVolumePath);
secondaryStoragePool = this.storagePoolMgr.getStoragePoolByUri(secondaryStorageUrl);
this.storagePoolMgr.deleteStoragePool(secondaryStoragePool.getType(), secondaryStoragePool.getUuid());
secondaryStoragePool = this.storagePoolMgr.getStoragePoolByUri(secondaryStorageUrl + File.separator + destVolumePath);
this.storagePoolMgr.copyPhysicalDisk(volume, destVolumeName, secondaryStoragePool, cmd.getWaitInMillSeconds());
final VolumeObjectTO newVol = new VolumeObjectTO();
newVol.setPath(destVolumePath + File.separator + destVolumeName);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(newVol);
} catch (final CloudRuntimeException e) {
this.logger.debug("Failed to copyVolumeFromPrimaryToSecondary: ", e);
return new CopyCmdAnswer(e.toString());
} finally {
if (secondaryStoragePool != null) {
this.storagePoolMgr.deleteStoragePool(secondaryStoragePool.getType(), secondaryStoragePool.getUuid());
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class LibvirtDomainXmlParser method parseDomainXml.
public boolean parseDomainXml(final String domXml) {
final DocumentBuilder builder;
try {
builder = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder();
final InputSource is = new InputSource();
is.setCharacterStream(new StringReader(domXml));
final Document doc = builder.parse(is);
final Element rootElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
this.desc = getTagValue("description", rootElement);
final Element devices = (Element) rootElement.getElementsByTagName("devices").item(0);
final NodeList disks = devices.getElementsByTagName("disk");
for (int i = 0; i < disks.getLength(); i++) {
final Element disk = (Element) disks.item(i);
final String type = disk.getAttribute("type");
final LibvirtDiskDef def = new LibvirtDiskDef();
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("network")) {
final String diskFormatType = getAttrValue("driver", "type", disk);
final String diskCacheMode = getAttrValue("driver", "cache", disk);
final String diskPath = getAttrValue("source", "name", disk);
final String protocol = getAttrValue("source", "protocol", disk);
final String authUserName = getAttrValue("auth", "username", disk);
final String poolUuid = getAttrValue("secret", "uuid", disk);
final String host = getAttrValue("host", "name", disk);
final int port = Integer.parseInt(getAttrValue("host", "port", disk));
final String diskLabel = getAttrValue("target", "dev", disk);
final String bus = getAttrValue("target", "bus", disk);
ImageFormat imageFormat = null;
if (diskFormatType != null) {
imageFormat = ImageFormat.valueOf(diskFormatType.toUpperCase());
def.defNetworkBasedDisk(diskPath, host, port, authUserName, poolUuid, diskLabel, DiskControllerType.valueOf(bus.toUpperCase()), LibvirtDiskDef.DiskProtocol.valueOf(protocol.toUpperCase()), imageFormat);
} else {
final String diskFormatType = getAttrValue("driver", "type", disk);
final String diskCacheMode = getAttrValue("driver", "cache", disk);
final String diskFile = getAttrValue("source", "file", disk);
final String diskDev = getAttrValue("source", "dev", disk);
final String diskLabel = getAttrValue("target", "dev", disk);
final String bus = getAttrValue("target", "bus", disk);
final String device = disk.getAttribute("device");
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("file")) {
if (device.equalsIgnoreCase("disk")) {
ImageFormat imageFormat = null;
if (diskFormatType != null) {
imageFormat = ImageFormat.valueOf(diskFormatType.toUpperCase());
def.defFileBasedDisk(diskFile, diskLabel, DiskControllerType.valueOf(bus.toUpperCase()), imageFormat);
} else if (device.equalsIgnoreCase("cdrom")) {
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("block")) {
def.defBlockBasedDisk(diskDev, diskLabel, DiskControllerType.valueOf(bus.toUpperCase()));
if (diskCacheMode != null) {
final NodeList iotune = disk.getElementsByTagName("iotune");
if (iotune != null && iotune.getLength() != 0) {
final String bytesReadRateStr = getTagValue("read_bytes_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
if (bytesReadRateStr != null) {
final Long bytesReadRate = Long.parseLong(bytesReadRateStr);
final String bytesWriteRateStr = getTagValue("write_bytes_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
if (bytesWriteRateStr != null) {
final Long bytesWriteRate = Long.parseLong(bytesWriteRateStr);
final String iopsReadRateStr = getTagValue("read_iops_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
if (iopsReadRateStr != null) {
final Long iopsReadRate = Long.parseLong(iopsReadRateStr);
final String iopsWriteRateStr = getTagValue("write_iops_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
if (iopsWriteRateStr != null) {
final Long iopsWriteRate = Long.parseLong(iopsWriteRateStr);
final String iopsTotalRateStr = getTagValue("total_iops_sec", (Element) iotune.item(0));
if (iopsTotalRateStr != null) {
final Long iopsTotalRate = Long.parseLong(iopsTotalRateStr);
final NodeList nics = devices.getElementsByTagName("interface");
for (int i = 0; i < nics.getLength(); i++) {
final Element nic = (Element) nics.item(i);
final String type = nic.getAttribute("type");
final String mac = getAttrValue("mac", "address", nic);
final String dev = getAttrValue("target", "dev", nic);
final String model = getAttrValue("model", "type", nic);
final InterfaceDef def = new InterfaceDef();
final NodeList bandwidth = nic.getElementsByTagName("bandwidth");
Integer networkRateKBps = 0;
if (bandwidth != null && bandwidth.getLength() != 0) {
final Integer inbound = Integer.valueOf(getAttrValue("inbound", "average", (Element) bandwidth.item(0)));
final Integer outbound = Integer.valueOf(getAttrValue("outbound", "average", (Element) bandwidth.item(0)));
if (inbound.equals(outbound)) {
networkRateKBps = inbound;
if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("network")) {
final String network = getAttrValue("source", "network", nic);
def.defPrivateNet(network, dev, mac, NicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), networkRateKBps);
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("bridge")) {
final String bridge = getAttrValue("source", "bridge", nic);
def.defBridgeNet(bridge, dev, mac, NicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), networkRateKBps);
} else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("ethernet")) {
final String scriptPath = getAttrValue("script", "path", nic);
def.defEthernet(dev, mac, NicModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()), scriptPath, networkRateKBps);
final Element graphic = (Element) devices.getElementsByTagName("graphics").item(0);
if (graphic != null) {
final String port = graphic.getAttribute("port");
if (port != null) {
try {
this.vncPort = Integer.parseInt(port);
if (this.vncPort != -1) {
this.vncPort = this.vncPort - 5900;
} else {
this.vncPort = null;
} catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
this.vncPort = null;
final NodeList rngs = devices.getElementsByTagName("rng");
for (int i = 0; i < rngs.getLength(); i++) {
RngDef def = null;
final Element rng = (Element) rngs.item(i);
final String backendModel = getAttrValue("backend", "model", rng);
final String path = getTagValue("backend", rng);
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(backendModel)) {
def = new RngDef(path);
} else {
def = new RngDef(path, RngBackendModel.valueOf(backendModel.toUpperCase()));
final NodeList watchDogs = devices.getElementsByTagName("watchdog");
for (int i = 0; i < watchDogs.getLength(); i++) {
WatchDogDef def = null;
final Element watchDog = (Element) watchDogs.item(i);
final String action = watchDog.getAttribute("action");
final String model = watchDog.getAttribute("model");
if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(action)) {
def = new WatchDogDef(WatchDogModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()));
} else {
def = new WatchDogDef(WatchDogAction.valueOf(action.toUpperCase()), WatchDogModel.valueOf(model.toUpperCase()));
return true;
} catch (final ParserConfigurationException e) {
} catch (final SAXException e) {
} catch (final IOException e) {
return false;
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class LibvirtComputingResourceTest method testPrimaryStorageDownloadCommandNOTemplateDisk.
@Test(expected = NullPointerException.class)
public void testPrimaryStorageDownloadCommandNOTemplateDisk() {
final StoragePool pool = Mockito.mock(StoragePool.class);
final List<KvmPhysicalDisk> disks = new ArrayList<>();
final String name = "Test";
final String url = "http://template/";
final ImageFormat format = ImageFormat.QCOW2;
final long accountId = 1l;
final int wait = 0;
final PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand command = new PrimaryStorageDownloadCommand(name, url, format, accountId, pool, wait);
final KvmStoragePoolManager storagePoolMgr = Mockito.mock(KvmStoragePoolManager.class);
final KvmStoragePool primaryPool = Mockito.mock(KvmStoragePool.class);
final KvmStoragePool secondaryPool = Mockito.mock(KvmStoragePool.class);
final KvmPhysicalDisk tmplVol = Mockito.mock(KvmPhysicalDisk.class);
final KvmPhysicalDisk primaryVol = Mockito.mock(KvmPhysicalDisk.class);
final KvmPhysicalDisk disk = new KvmPhysicalDisk("/path", "disk.qcow2", primaryPool);
final int index = url.lastIndexOf("/");
final String mountpoint = url.substring(0, index);
when(storagePoolMgr.getStoragePool(command.getPool().getType(), command.getPoolUuid())).thenReturn(primaryPool);
when(storagePoolMgr.copyPhysicalDisk(tmplVol, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), primaryPool, 0)).thenReturn(primaryVol);
final LibvirtRequestWrapper wrapper = LibvirtRequestWrapper.getInstance();
final Answer answer = wrapper.execute(command, this.libvirtComputingResource);
verify(this.libvirtComputingResource, times(1)).getStoragePoolMgr();
use of in project cosmic by MissionCriticalCloud.
the class LibvirtDomainXMLParserTest method testDomainXMLParser.
public void testDomainXMLParser() {
final int vncPort = 5900;
final DiskControllerType diskBus = DiskControllerType.SCSI;
final LibvirtDiskDef.DiskType diskType = LibvirtDiskDef.DiskType.FILE;
final LibvirtDiskDef.DeviceType deviceType = LibvirtDiskDef.DeviceType.DISK;
final ImageFormat imageFormat = ImageFormat.QCOW2;
final LibvirtDiskDef.DiskCacheMode diskCache = LibvirtDiskDef.DiskCacheMode.NONE;
final NicModel ifModel = NicModel.VIRTIO;
final GuestNetType ifType = GuestNetType.BRIDGE;
final String diskLabel = "vda";
final String diskPath = "/var/lib/libvirt/images/my-test-image.qcow2";
final String xml = "<domain type='kvm' id='10'>" + "<name>s-2970-VM</name>" + "<uuid>4d2c1526-865d-4fc9-a1ac-dbd1801a22d0</uuid>" + "<description>Debian GNU/Linux 6(64-bit)</description>" + "<memory unit='KiB'>262144</memory>" + "<currentMemory unit='KiB'>262144</currentMemory>" + "<vcpu placement='static'>1</vcpu>" + "<cputune>" + "<shares>250</shares>" + "</cputune>" + "<resource>" + "<partition>/machine</partition>" + "</resource>" + "<os>" + "<type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-1.5'>hvm</type>" + "<boot dev='cdrom'/>" + "<boot dev='hd'/>" + "</os>" + "<features>" + "<acpi/>" + "<apic/>" + "<pae/>" + "</features>" + "<clock offset='utc'/>" + "<on_poweroff>destroy</on_poweroff>" + "<on_reboot>restart</on_reboot>" + "<on_crash>destroy</on_crash>" + "<devices>" + "<emulator>/usr/bin/kvm-spice</emulator>" + "<disk type='" + diskType.toString() + "' device='" + deviceType.toString() + "'>" + "<driver name='qemu' type='" + imageFormat.toString() + "' cache='" + diskCache.toString() + "'/>" + "<source file='" + diskPath + "'/>" + "<target dev='" + diskLabel + "' bus='" + diskBus.toString() + "'/>" + "<alias name='virtio-disk0'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x08' function='0x0'/>" + "</disk>" + "<disk type='file' device='cdrom'>" + "<driver name='qemu' type='raw' cache='none'/>" + "<source file='/opt/cosmic/agent/vms/systemvm.iso'/>" + "<target dev='hdc' bus='ide'/>" + "<readonly/>" + "<alias name='ide0-1-0'/>" + "<address type='drive' controller='0' bus='1' target='0' unit='0'/>" + "</disk>" + "<controller type='usb' index='0'>" + "<alias name='usb0'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x2'/>" + "</controller>" + "<controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'>" + "<alias name='pci0'/>" + "</controller>" + "<controller type='ide' index='0'>" + "<alias name='ide0'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>" + "</controller>" + "<controller type='virtio-serial' index='0'>" + "<alias name='virtio-serial0'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x07' function='0x0'/>" + "</controller>" + "<interface type='" + ifType.toString() + "'>" + "<mac address='0e:00:a9:fe:02:00'/>" + "<source bridge='cloud0'/>" + "<target dev='vnet0'/>" + "<model type='" + ifModel.toString() + "'/>" + "<alias name='net0'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>" + "</interface>" + "<interface type='" + ifType.toString() + "'>" + "<mac address='06:c5:94:00:05:65'/>" + "<source bridge='cloudbr1'/>" + "<target dev='vnet1'/>" + "<model type='" + ifModel.toString() + "'/>" + "<alias name='net1'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>" + "</interface>" + "<interface type='" + ifType.toString() + "'>" + "<mac address='06:c9:f4:00:04:40'/>" + "<source bridge='cloudbr0'/>" + "<target dev='vnet2'/>" + "<model type='" + ifModel.toString() + "'/>" + "<alias name='net2'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>" + "</interface>" + "<interface type='" + ifType.toString() + "'>" + "<mac address='06:7e:c6:00:05:68'/>" + "<source bridge='cloudbr1'/>" + "<target dev='vnet3'/>" + "<model type='" + ifModel.toString() + "'/>" + "<alias name='net3'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x06' function='0x0'/>" + "</interface>" + "<serial type='pty'>" + "<source path='/dev/pts/3'/>" + "<target port='0'/>" + "<alias name='serial0'/>" + "</serial>" + "<console type='pty' tty='/dev/pts/3'>" + "<source path='/dev/pts/3'/>" + "<target type='serial' port='0'/>" + "<alias name='serial0'/>" + "</console>" + "<channel type='unix'>" + "<source mode='bind' path='/var/lib/libvirt/qemu/s-2970-VM.agent'/>" + "<target type='virtio' name='s-2970-VM.vport'/>" + "<alias name='channel0'/>" + "<address type='virtio-serial' controller='0' bus='0' port='1'/>" + "</channel>" + "<input type='tablet' bus='usb'>" + "<alias name='input0'/>" + "</input>" + "<input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>" + "<graphics type='vnc' port='" + vncPort + "' autoport='yes' listen=''>" + "<listen type='address' address=''/>" + "</graphics>" + "<video>" + "<model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>" + "<alias name='video0'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>" + "</video>" + "<memballoon model='virtio'>" + "<alias name='balloon0'/>" + "<address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x09' function='0x0'/>" + "</memballoon>" + "<rng model='virtio'>" + "<backend model='random'>/dev/random</backend>" + "</rng>" + "<watchdog model='i6300esb' action='reset'/>" + "<watchdog model='ib700' action='poweroff'/>" + "</devices>" + "<seclabel type='none'/>" + "</domain>";
final LibvirtDomainXmlParser parser = new LibvirtDomainXmlParser();
assertEquals(vncPort - 5900, (int) parser.getVncPort());
final List<LibvirtDiskDef> disks = parser.getDisks();
/* Disk 0 is the first disk, the QCOW2 file backed virto disk */
final int diskId = 0;
assertEquals(diskLabel, disks.get(diskId).getDiskLabel());
assertEquals(diskPath, disks.get(diskId).getDiskPath());
assertEquals(diskCache, disks.get(diskId).getCacheMode());
assertEquals(diskBus, disks.get(diskId).getBusType());
assertEquals(diskType, disks.get(diskId).getDiskType());
assertEquals(deviceType, disks.get(diskId).getDeviceType());
assertEquals(imageFormat, disks.get(diskId).getDiskFormatType());
final List<InterfaceDef> ifs = parser.getInterfaces();
for (int i = 0; i < ifs.size(); i++) {
assertEquals(ifModel, ifs.get(i).getModel());
assertEquals(ifType, ifs.get(i).getNetType());
final List<RngDef> rngs = parser.getRngs();
assertEquals("/dev/random", rngs.get(0).getPath());
assertEquals(RngBackendModel.RANDOM, rngs.get(0).getRngBackendModel());
final List<WatchDogDef> watchDogs = parser.getWatchDogs();
assertEquals(WatchDogModel.I6300ESB, watchDogs.get(0).getModel());
assertEquals(WatchDogAction.RESET, watchDogs.get(0).getAction());
assertEquals(WatchDogModel.IB700, watchDogs.get(1).getModel());
assertEquals(WatchDogAction.POWEROFF, watchDogs.get(1).getAction());