use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class NiciraNvpElement method implement.
public boolean implement(Network network, NetworkOffering offering, DeployDestination dest, ReservationContext context) throws ConcurrentOperationException, ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException {
s_logger.debug("entering NiciraNvpElement implement function for network " + network.getDisplayText() + " (state " + network.getState() + ")");
if (!canHandle(network, Service.Connectivity)) {
return false;
if (network.getBroadcastUri() == null) {
s_logger.error("Nic has no broadcast Uri with the LSwitch Uuid");
return false;
List<NiciraNvpDeviceVO> devices = niciraNvpDao.listByPhysicalNetwork(network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
if (devices.isEmpty()) {
s_logger.error("No NiciraNvp Controller on physical network " + network.getPhysicalNetworkId());
return false;
NiciraNvpDeviceVO niciraNvpDevice = devices.get(0);
HostVO niciraNvpHost = hostDao.findById(niciraNvpDevice.getHostId());
Account owner = context.getAccount();
if (network.getGuestType().equals(GuestType.Shared)) {
//Support Shared Networks
String lSwitchUuid = BroadcastDomainType.getValue(network.getBroadcastUri());
String ownerName = context.getDomain().getName() + "-" + context.getAccount().getAccountName();
return sharedNetworkSupport(network, lSwitchUuid, ownerName, niciraNvpHost);
} else if (network.getGuestType().equals(GuestType.Isolated) && networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(network.getId(), Service.SourceNat, Provider.NiciraNvp)) {
// Implement SourceNat immediately as we have al the info already
s_logger.debug("Apparently we are supposed to provide SourceNat on this network");
PublicIp sourceNatIp = ipAddrMgr.assignSourceNatIpAddressToGuestNetwork(owner, network);
String publicCidr = sourceNatIp.getAddress().addr() + "/" + NetUtils.getCidrSize(sourceNatIp.getVlanNetmask());
String internalCidr = network.getGateway() + "/" + network.getCidr().split("/")[1];
// assuming a vlan:
String vtag = sourceNatIp.getVlanTag();
BroadcastDomainType tiep = null;
try {
tiep = BroadcastDomainType.getTypeOf(vtag);
} catch (URISyntaxException use) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("vlantag for sourceNatIp is not valid: " + vtag, use);
if (tiep == BroadcastDomainType.Vlan) {
vtag = BroadcastDomainType.Vlan.getValueFrom(BroadcastDomainType.fromString(vtag));
} else if (!(tiep == BroadcastDomainType.UnDecided || tiep == BroadcastDomainType.Native)) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("only vlans are supported for sourceNatIp, at this moment: " + vtag);
long vlanid = (Vlan.UNTAGGED.equals(vtag)) ? 0 : Long.parseLong(vtag);
CreateLogicalRouterCommand cmd = new CreateLogicalRouterCommand(niciraNvpHost.getDetail("l3gatewayserviceuuid"), vlanid, BroadcastDomainType.getValue(network.getBroadcastUri()), "router-" + network.getDisplayText(), publicCidr, sourceNatIp.getGateway(), internalCidr, context.getDomain().getName() + "-" + context.getAccount().getAccountName());
CreateLogicalRouterAnswer answer = (CreateLogicalRouterAnswer) agentMgr.easySend(niciraNvpHost.getId(), cmd);
if (answer.getResult() == false) {
s_logger.error("Failed to create Logical Router for network " + network.getDisplayText());
return false;
NiciraNvpRouterMappingVO routermapping = new NiciraNvpRouterMappingVO(answer.getLogicalRouterUuid(), network.getId());
return true;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class PrivateNetworkGuru method design.
public Network design(NetworkOffering offering, DeploymentPlan plan, Network userSpecified, Account owner) {
DataCenter dc = _entityMgr.findById(DataCenter.class, plan.getDataCenterId());
if (!canHandle(offering, dc)) {
return null;
BroadcastDomainType broadcastType;
if (userSpecified != null) {
broadcastType = userSpecified.getBroadcastDomainType();
} else {
broadcastType = BroadcastDomainType.Vlan;
NetworkVO network = new NetworkVO(offering.getTrafficType(), Mode.Static, broadcastType, offering.getId(), State.Allocated, plan.getDataCenterId(), plan.getPhysicalNetworkId(), offering.getRedundantRouter());
if (userSpecified != null) {
if ((userSpecified.getCidr() == null && userSpecified.getGateway() != null) || (userSpecified.getCidr() != null && userSpecified.getGateway() == null)) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("cidr and gateway must be specified together.");
if (userSpecified.getCidr() != null) {
} else {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Can't design network " + network + "; netmask/gateway must be passed in");
if (offering.getSpecifyVlan()) {
} else {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Can't design network " + network + "; netmask/gateway must be passed in");
return network;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class NetworksTest method otherTypesTest.
public void otherTypesTest() throws URISyntaxException {
String bogeyUri = "lswitch://0";
String uri1 = "lswitch:1";
String uri2 = "mido://2";
BroadcastDomainType type = BroadcastDomainType.getTypeOf(bogeyUri);
String id = BroadcastDomainType.getValue(bogeyUri);
Assert.assertEquals("uri0 should be of broadcasttype vlan", BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch, type);
Assert.assertEquals("id0 should be \"//0\"", "//0", id);
type = BroadcastDomainType.getTypeOf(uri1);
id = BroadcastDomainType.getValue(uri1);
Assert.assertEquals("uri1 should be of broadcasttype vlan", BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch, type);
Assert.assertEquals("id1 should be \"1\"", "1", id);
type = BroadcastDomainType.getTypeOf(uri2);
id = BroadcastDomainType.getValue(uri2);
Assert.assertEquals("uri2 should be of broadcasttype vlan", BroadcastDomainType.Mido, type);
Assert.assertEquals("id2 should be \"2\"", "2", id);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class NetworksTest method vlanValueTest.
public void vlanValueTest() throws URISyntaxException {
String uri1 = "vlan://1";
String uri2 = "1";
String vtag = BroadcastDomainType.Vlan.getValueFrom(BroadcastDomainType.fromString(uri1));
Assert.assertEquals("vtag should be \"1\"", "1", vtag);
BroadcastDomainType tiep1 = BroadcastDomainType.getTypeOf(uri1);
Assert.assertEquals("the type of uri1 should be 'Vlan'", BroadcastDomainType.Vlan, tiep1);
BroadcastDomainType tiep2 = BroadcastDomainType.getTypeOf(uri2);
Assert.assertEquals("the type of uri1 should be 'Undecided'", BroadcastDomainType.UnDecided, tiep2);
BroadcastDomainType tiep3 = BroadcastDomainType.getTypeOf(Vlan.UNTAGGED);
Assert.assertEquals("the type of uri1 should be 'vlan'", BroadcastDomainType.Native, tiep3);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class CitrixResourceBase method getNetwork.
public Network getNetwork(final Connection conn, final NicTO nic) throws XenAPIException, XmlRpcException {
final String name = nic.getName();
final XsLocalNetwork network = getNativeNetworkForTraffic(conn, nic.getType(), name);
if (network == null) {
s_logger.error("Network is not configured on the backend for nic " + nic.toString());
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Network for the backend is not configured correctly for network broadcast domain: " + nic.getBroadcastUri());
final URI uri = nic.getBroadcastUri();
final BroadcastDomainType type = nic.getBroadcastType();
if (uri != null && uri.toString().contains("untagged")) {
return network.getNetwork();
} else if (uri != null && type == BroadcastDomainType.Vlan) {
assert BroadcastDomainType.getSchemeValue(uri) == BroadcastDomainType.Vlan;
final long vlan = Long.parseLong(BroadcastDomainType.getValue(uri));
return enableVlanNetwork(conn, vlan, network);
} else if (type == BroadcastDomainType.Native || type == BroadcastDomainType.LinkLocal || type == BroadcastDomainType.Vsp) {
return network.getNetwork();
} else if (uri != null && type == BroadcastDomainType.Vswitch) {
final String header = uri.toString().substring(Networks.BroadcastDomainType.Vswitch.scheme().length() + "://".length());
if (header.startsWith("vlan")) {
_isOvs = true;
return setupvSwitchNetwork(conn);
} else {
return findOrCreateTunnelNetwork(conn, getOvsTunnelNetworkName(uri.getAuthority()));
} else if (type == BroadcastDomainType.Storage) {
if (uri == null) {
return network.getNetwork();
} else {
final long vlan = Long.parseLong(BroadcastDomainType.getValue(uri));
return enableVlanNetwork(conn, vlan, network);
} else if (type == BroadcastDomainType.Lswitch) {
// Nicira Logical Switch
return network.getNetwork();
} else if (uri != null && type == BroadcastDomainType.Pvlan) {
assert BroadcastDomainType.getSchemeValue(uri) == BroadcastDomainType.Pvlan;
// should we consider moving this NetUtils method to
// BroadcastDomainType?
final long vlan = Long.parseLong(NetUtils.getPrimaryPvlanFromUri(uri));
return enableVlanNetwork(conn, vlan, network);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to support this type of network broadcast domain: " + nic.getBroadcastUri());