use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class LoadBalancingRulesManagerImpl method genericValidator.
private boolean genericValidator(CreateLBStickinessPolicyCmd cmd) throws InvalidParameterValueException {
LoadBalancerVO loadBalancer = _lbDao.findById(cmd.getLbRuleId());
/* Validation : check for valid Method name and params */
List<LbStickinessMethod> stickinessMethodList = getStickinessMethods(loadBalancer.getNetworkId());
boolean methodMatch = false;
if (stickinessMethodList == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed: No Stickiness method available for LB rule:" + cmd.getLbRuleId());
for (LbStickinessMethod method : stickinessMethodList) {
if (method.getMethodName().equalsIgnoreCase(cmd.getStickinessMethodName())) {
methodMatch = true;
Map apiParamList = cmd.getparamList();
List<LbStickinessMethodParam> methodParamList = method.getParamList();
Map<String, String> tempParamList = new HashMap<String, String>();
* validation-1: check for any extra params that are not
* required by the policymethod(capability), FIXME: make the
* below loop simple without using raw data type
if (apiParamList != null) {
Collection userGroupCollection = apiParamList.values();
Iterator iter = userGroupCollection.iterator();
while (iter.hasNext()) {
HashMap<String, String> paramKVpair = (HashMap);
String paramName = paramKVpair.get("name");
String paramValue = paramKVpair.get("value");
tempParamList.put(paramName, paramValue);
Boolean found = false;
for (LbStickinessMethodParam param : methodParamList) {
if (param.getParamName().equalsIgnoreCase(paramName)) {
if ((param.getIsflag() == false) && (paramValue == null)) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed : Value expected for the Param :" + param.getParamName());
found = true;
if (!found) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed : Stickiness policy does not support param name :" + paramName);
/* validation-2: check for mandatory params */
for (LbStickinessMethodParam param : methodParamList) {
if (param.getRequired()) {
if (tempParamList.get(param.getParamName()) == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed : Missing Manadatory Param :" + param.getParamName());
/* Successfully completed the Validation */
if (methodMatch == false) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed to match Stickiness method name for LB rule:" + cmd.getLbRuleId());
/* Validation : check for the multiple policies to the rule id */
List<LBStickinessPolicyVO> stickinessPolicies = _lb2stickinesspoliciesDao.listByLoadBalancerId(cmd.getLbRuleId(), false);
if (stickinessPolicies.size() > 1) {
throw new InvalidParameterValueException("Failed to create Stickiness policy: Already two policies attached " + cmd.getLbRuleId());
return true;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class LoadBalancingRulesManagerImpl method applyLBHealthCheckPolicy.
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_LB_HEALTHCHECKPOLICY_CREATE, eventDescription = "Apply HealthCheckPolicy to load balancer ", async = true)
public boolean applyLBHealthCheckPolicy(CreateLBHealthCheckPolicyCmd cmd) {
boolean success = true;
LoadBalancerVO loadBalancer = _lbDao.findById(cmd.getLbRuleId());
if (loadBalancer == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("Invalid Load balancer Id:" + cmd.getLbRuleId());
FirewallRule.State backupState = loadBalancer.getState();
try {
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to apply healthcheck policy to the lb rule: " + cmd.getLbRuleId() + " because resource is unavaliable:", e);
if (isRollBackAllowedForProvider(loadBalancer)) {
s_logger.debug("LB Rollback rule id: " + loadBalancer.getId() + " lb state rolback while creating healthcheck policy");
deleteLBHealthCheckPolicy(cmd.getEntityId(), false);
success = false;
return success;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class LoadBalancingRulesManagerImpl method deleteLoadBalancerRule.
public boolean deleteLoadBalancerRule(final long loadBalancerId, boolean apply, Account caller, long callerUserId, boolean rollBack) {
final LoadBalancerVO lb = _lbDao.findById(loadBalancerId);
FirewallRule.State backupState = lb.getState();
// remove any ssl certs associated with this LB rule before trying to delete it.
LoadBalancerCertMapVO lbCertMap = _lbCertMapDao.findByLbRuleId(loadBalancerId);
if (lbCertMap != null) {
boolean removeResult = removeCertFromLoadBalancer(loadBalancerId);
if (!removeResult) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to remove certificate from load balancer rule " + loadBalancerId);
List<LoadBalancerVMMapVO> backupMaps = Transaction.execute(new TransactionCallback<List<LoadBalancerVMMapVO>>() {
public List<LoadBalancerVMMapVO> doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) {
boolean generateUsageEvent = false;
if (lb.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Staged) {
if (s_logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
s_logger.debug("Found a rule that is still in stage state so just removing it: " + lb);
generateUsageEvent = true;
} else if (lb.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Add || lb.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Active) {
generateUsageEvent = true;
List<LoadBalancerVMMapVO> backupMaps = _lb2VmMapDao.listByLoadBalancerId(loadBalancerId);
List<LoadBalancerVMMapVO> maps = _lb2VmMapDao.listByLoadBalancerId(loadBalancerId);
if (maps != null) {
for (LoadBalancerVMMapVO map : maps) {
s_logger.debug("Set load balancer rule for revoke: rule id " + loadBalancerId + ", vmId " + map.getInstanceId());
List<LBHealthCheckPolicyVO> hcPolicies = _lb2healthcheckDao.listByLoadBalancerIdAndDisplayFlag(loadBalancerId, null);
for (LBHealthCheckPolicyVO lbHealthCheck : hcPolicies) {
if (generateUsageEvent) {
// Generate usage event right after all rules were marked for revoke
Network network = _networkModel.getNetwork(lb.getNetworkId());
UsageEventUtils.publishUsageEvent(EventTypes.EVENT_LOAD_BALANCER_DELETE, lb.getAccountId(), network.getDataCenterId(), lb.getId(), null, LoadBalancingRule.class.getName(), lb.getUuid());
return backupMaps;
// gather external network usage stats for this lb rule
NetworkVO network = _networkDao.findById(lb.getNetworkId());
if (network != null) {
if (_networkModel.networkIsConfiguredForExternalNetworking(network.getDataCenterId(), network.getId())) {
if (apply) {
try {
if (!applyLoadBalancerConfig(loadBalancerId)) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to apply the load balancer config");
return false;
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
if (rollBack && isRollBackAllowedForProvider(lb)) {
if (backupMaps != null) {
for (LoadBalancerVMMapVO map : backupMaps) {
s_logger.debug("LB Rollback rule id: " + loadBalancerId + ", vmId " + map.getInstanceId());
s_logger.debug("LB Rollback rule id: " + loadBalancerId + " while deleting LB rule.");
} else {
s_logger.warn("Unable to apply the load balancer config because resource is unavaliable.", e);
return false;
FirewallRuleVO relatedRule = _firewallDao.findByRelatedId(lb.getId());
if (relatedRule != null) {
s_logger.warn("Unable to remove firewall rule id=" + lb.getId() + " as it has related firewall rule id=" + relatedRule.getId() + "; leaving it in Revoke state");
return false;
} else {
// FIXME: breaking the dependency on ELB manager. This breaks
// functionality of ELB using virtual router
// Bug CS-15411 opened to document this
// _elbMgr.handleDeleteLoadBalancerRule(lb, callerUserId, caller);
s_logger.debug("Load balancer with id " + lb.getId() + " is removed successfully");
return true;
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class LoadBalancingRulesManagerImpl method applyLoadBalancerConfig.
public boolean applyLoadBalancerConfig(long lbRuleId) throws ResourceUnavailableException {
LoadBalancerVO lb = _lbDao.findById(lbRuleId);
List<LoadBalancerVO> lbs;
if (isRollBackAllowedForProvider(lb)) {
// this is for Netscalar type of devices. if their is failure the db
// entries will be rollbacked.
lbs = Arrays.asList(lb);
} else {
boolean onlyRulesInTransitionState = true;
for (LoadBalancingServiceProvider lbElement : _lbProviders) {
Provider provider = lbElement.getProvider();
boolean isLbProvider = _networkModel.isProviderSupportServiceInNetwork(lb.getNetworkId(), Service.Lb, provider);
if (!isLbProvider) {
onlyRulesInTransitionState = lbElement.handlesOnlyRulesInTransitionState();
// get all rules in transition state
if (onlyRulesInTransitionState) {
lbs = _lbDao.listInTransitionStateByNetworkIdAndScheme(lb.getNetworkId(), lb.getScheme());
} else {
lbs = _lbDao.listByNetworkIdAndScheme(lb.getNetworkId(), lb.getScheme());
return applyLoadBalancerRules(lbs, true);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class LoadBalancingRulesManagerImpl method deleteLBStickinessPolicy.
@ActionEvent(eventType = EventTypes.EVENT_LB_STICKINESSPOLICY_DELETE, eventDescription = "revoking LB Stickiness policy ", async = true)
public boolean deleteLBStickinessPolicy(long stickinessPolicyId, boolean apply) {
boolean success = true;
CallContext caller = CallContext.current();
LBStickinessPolicyVO stickinessPolicy = _lb2stickinesspoliciesDao.findById(stickinessPolicyId);
if (stickinessPolicy == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("Invalid Stickiness policy id value: " + stickinessPolicyId);
LoadBalancerVO loadBalancer = _lbDao.findById(Long.valueOf(stickinessPolicy.getLoadBalancerId()));
if (loadBalancer == null) {
throw new InvalidParameterException("Invalid Load balancer : " + stickinessPolicy.getLoadBalancerId() + " for Stickiness policy id: " + stickinessPolicyId);
long loadBalancerId = loadBalancer.getId();
FirewallRule.State backupState = loadBalancer.getState();
_accountMgr.checkAccess(caller.getCallingAccount(), null, true, loadBalancer);
if (apply) {
if (loadBalancer.getState() == FirewallRule.State.Active) {
boolean backupStickyState = stickinessPolicy.isRevoke();
s_logger.debug("Set load balancer rule for revoke: rule id " + loadBalancerId + ", stickinesspolicyID " + stickinessPolicyId);
try {
if (!applyLoadBalancerConfig(loadBalancerId)) {
s_logger.warn("Failed to remove load balancer rule id " + loadBalancerId + " for stickinesspolicyID " + stickinessPolicyId);
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Failed to remove load balancer rule id " + loadBalancerId + " for stickinesspolicyID " + stickinessPolicyId);
} catch (ResourceUnavailableException e) {
if (isRollBackAllowedForProvider(loadBalancer)) {
s_logger.debug("LB Rollback rule id: " + loadBalancer.getId() + " while deleting sticky policy: " + stickinessPolicyId);
s_logger.warn("Unable to apply the load balancer config because resource is unavaliable.", e);
success = false;
} else {
return success;