use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class Upgrade30xBase method addDefaultVRProvider.
protected void addDefaultVRProvider(Connection conn, long physicalNetworkId, long zoneId) {
PreparedStatement pstmtUpdate = null, pstmt2 = null;
try {
// add physical network service provider - VirtualRouter
s_logger.debug("Adding PhysicalNetworkServiceProvider VirtualRouter");
String insertPNSP = "INSERT INTO `cloud`.`physical_network_service_providers` (`uuid`, `physical_network_id` , `provider_name`, `state` ," + "`destination_physical_network_id`, `vpn_service_provided`, `dhcp_service_provided`, `dns_service_provided`, `gateway_service_provided`," + "`firewall_service_provided`, `source_nat_service_provided`, `load_balance_service_provided`, `static_nat_service_provided`," + "`port_forwarding_service_provided`, `user_data_service_provided`, `security_group_service_provided`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0)";
String routerUUID = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
pstmtUpdate = conn.prepareStatement(insertPNSP);
pstmtUpdate.setString(1, routerUUID);
pstmtUpdate.setLong(2, physicalNetworkId);
pstmtUpdate.setString(3, "VirtualRouter");
pstmtUpdate.setString(4, "Enabled");
// add virtual_router_element
String fetchNSPid = "SELECT id from `cloud`.`physical_network_service_providers` where physical_network_id=" + physicalNetworkId + " AND provider_name = 'VirtualRouter' AND uuid = ?";
pstmt2 = conn.prepareStatement(fetchNSPid);
pstmt2.setString(1, routerUUID);
ResultSet rsNSPid = pstmt2.executeQuery();;
long nspId = rsNSPid.getLong(1);
String insertRouter = "INSERT INTO `cloud`.`virtual_router_providers` (`nsp_id`, `uuid` , `type` , `enabled`) " + "VALUES (?,?,?,?)";
pstmtUpdate = conn.prepareStatement(insertRouter);
pstmtUpdate.setLong(1, nspId);
pstmtUpdate.setString(2, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
pstmtUpdate.setString(3, "VirtualRouter");
pstmtUpdate.setInt(4, 1);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Exception while adding PhysicalNetworks", e);
} finally {
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class Upgrade40to41 method updateRegionEntries.
private void updateRegionEntries(Connection conn) {
final Properties dbProps = DbProperties.getDbProperties();
int region_id = 1;
String regionId = dbProps.getProperty("");
if (regionId != null) {
region_id = Integer.parseInt(regionId);
try (PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("update `cloud`.`region` set id = ?")) {
//Update regionId in region table
s_logger.debug("Updating region table with Id: " + region_id);
pstmt.setInt(1, region_id);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Error while updating region entries", e);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class Upgrade40to41 method upgradeEgressFirewallRules.
private void upgradeEgressFirewallRules(Connection conn) {
// update the existing ingress rules traffic type
try (PreparedStatement updateNwpstmt = conn.prepareStatement("update `cloud`.`firewall_rules` set traffic_type='Ingress' where purpose='Firewall' and ip_address_id is " + "not null and traffic_type is null")) {
s_logger.debug("Updating firewall Ingress rule traffic type: " + updateNwpstmt);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to update ingress firewall rules ", e);
try (PreparedStatement vrNwpstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select network_id FROM `cloud`.`ntwk_service_map` where service='Firewall' and provider='VirtualRouter' ");
ResultSet vrNwsRs = vrNwpstmt.executeQuery()) {
while ( {
long netId = vrNwsRs.getLong(1);
//after this. So checking for Isolated OR Virtual
try (PreparedStatement NwAcctDomIdpstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select account_id, domain_id FROM `cloud`.`networks` where (guest_type='Isolated' OR " + "guest_type='Virtual') and traffic_type='Guest' and vpc_id is NULL and " + "(state='implemented' OR state='Shutdown') and id=? ")) {
NwAcctDomIdpstmt.setLong(1, netId);
try (ResultSet NwAcctDomIdps = NwAcctDomIdpstmt.executeQuery()) {
s_logger.debug("Getting account_id, domain_id from networks table: " + NwAcctDomIdpstmt);
if ( {
long accountId = NwAcctDomIdps.getLong(1);
long domainId = NwAcctDomIdps.getLong(2);
//Add new rule for the existing networks
s_logger.debug("Adding default egress firewall rule for network " + netId);
try (PreparedStatement fwRulespstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO firewall_rules " + " (uuid, state, protocol, purpose, account_id, domain_id, network_id, xid, created," + " traffic_type) VALUES (?, 'Active', 'all', 'Firewall', ?, ?, ?, ?, now(), " + "'Egress')")) {
fwRulespstmt.setString(1, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
fwRulespstmt.setLong(2, accountId);
fwRulespstmt.setLong(3, domainId);
fwRulespstmt.setLong(4, netId);
fwRulespstmt.setString(5, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
s_logger.debug("Inserting default egress firewall rule " + fwRulespstmt);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("failed to insert default egress firewall rule ", e);
try (PreparedStatement protoAllpstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select id from firewall_rules where protocol='all' and network_id=?")) {
protoAllpstmt.setLong(1, netId);
try (ResultSet protoAllRs = protoAllpstmt.executeQuery()) {
long firewallRuleId;
if ( {
firewallRuleId = protoAllRs.getLong(1);
try (PreparedStatement fwCidrsPstmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into firewall_rules_cidrs (firewall_rule_id,source_cidr) values (?, '')")) {
fwCidrsPstmt.setLong(1, firewallRuleId);
s_logger.debug("Inserting rule for cidr for the new Firewall rule id=" + firewallRuleId + " with statement " + fwCidrsPstmt);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to set egress firewall rules ", e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to set egress firewall rules ", e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to set egress firewall rules ", e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable execute update query ", e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to get account id domainid of networks ", e);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to set egress firewall rules ", e);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class Upgrade305to306 method upgradeEIPNetworkOfferings.
private void upgradeEIPNetworkOfferings(Connection conn) {
try (PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select id, elastic_ip_service from `cloud`.`network_offerings` where traffic_type='Guest'");
PreparedStatement pstmt1 = conn.prepareStatement("UPDATE `cloud`.`network_offerings` set eip_associate_public_ip=? where id=?");
ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery()) {
while ( {
long id = rs.getLong(1);
// check if elastic IP service is enabled for network offering
if (rs.getLong(2) != 0) {
//update network offering with eip_associate_public_ip set to true
pstmt1.setBoolean(1, true);
pstmt1.setLong(2, id);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to set eip_associate_public_ip for network offerings with EIP service enabled.", e);
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class Upgrade305to306 method upgradeEgressFirewallRules.
private void upgradeEgressFirewallRules(Connection conn) {
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
ResultSet rsId = null;
ResultSet rsNw = null;
try {
// update the existing ingress rules traffic type
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("update `cloud`.`firewall_rules`" + " set traffic_type='Ingress' where purpose='Firewall' and ip_address_id is not null and traffic_type is null");
s_logger.debug("Updating firewall Ingress rule traffic type: " + pstmt);
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select network_id FROM `cloud`.`ntwk_service_map` where service='Firewall' and provider='VirtualRouter' ");
rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
while ( {
long netId = rs.getLong(1);
//When upgraded from 2.2.14 to 3.0.6 guest_type is updated to Isolated in the 2214to30 clean up sql. clean up executes
//after this. So checking for Isolated OR Virtual
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select account_id, domain_id FROM `cloud`.`networks` where (guest_type='Isolated' OR guest_type='" + "Virtual') and traffic_type='Guest' and vpc_id is NULL and (state='implemented' OR state='Shutdown') and id=? ");
pstmt.setLong(1, netId);
s_logger.debug("Getting account_id, domain_id from networks table: " + pstmt);
rsNw = pstmt.executeQuery();
if ( {
long accountId = rsNw.getLong(1);
long domainId = rsNw.getLong(2);
//Add new rule for the existing networks
s_logger.debug("Adding default egress firewall rule for network " + netId);
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("INSERT INTO firewall_rules (uuid, state, protocol, purpose, account_id, domain_id, network_id, xid, created, traffic_type) VALUES (?, 'Active', 'all', 'Firewall', ?, ?, ?, ?, now(), 'Egress')");
pstmt.setString(1, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
pstmt.setLong(2, accountId);
pstmt.setLong(3, domainId);
pstmt.setLong(4, netId);
pstmt.setString(5, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
s_logger.debug("Inserting default egress firewall rule " + pstmt);
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("select id from firewall_rules where protocol='all' and network_id=?");
pstmt.setLong(1, netId);
rsId = pstmt.executeQuery();
long firewallRuleId;
if ( {
firewallRuleId = rsId.getLong(1);
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement("insert into firewall_rules_cidrs (firewall_rule_id,source_cidr) values (?, '')");
pstmt.setLong(1, firewallRuleId);
s_logger.debug("Inserting rule for cidr for the new Firewall rule id=" + firewallRuleId + " with statement " + pstmt);
} catch (SQLException e) {
throw new CloudRuntimeException("Unable to set egress firewall rules ", e);
} finally {