use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class NetscalerResource method bindServiceToMonitor.
private void bindServiceToMonitor(final String nsServiceName, final String nsMonitorName) throws ExecutionException {
try {
com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.resource.config.basic.service serviceObject = new com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.resource.config.basic.service();
serviceObject = com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.resource.config.basic.service.get(_netscalerService, nsServiceName);
if (serviceObject != null) {
final com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.resource.config.basic.service_lbmonitor_binding serviceMonitor = new com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.resource.config.basic.service_lbmonitor_binding();
s_logger.debug("Trying to bind the monitor :" + nsMonitorName + " to the service :" + nsServiceName);
com.citrix.netscaler.nitro.resource.config.basic.service_lbmonitor_binding.add(_netscalerService, serviceMonitor);
s_logger.debug("Successfully binded the monitor :" + nsMonitorName + " to the service :" + nsServiceName);
} catch (final nitro_exception e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create new monitor :" + nsMonitorName + " due to " + e.getMessage());
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create new monitor :" + nsMonitorName + " due to " + e.getMessage());
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class PaloAltoResource method execute.
private Answer execute(IpAssocCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
String[] results = new String[cmd.getIpAddresses().length];
int i = 0;
try {
IpAddressTO ip;
if (cmd.getIpAddresses().length != 1) {
throw new ExecutionException("Received an invalid number of guest IPs to associate.");
} else {
ip = cmd.getIpAddresses()[0];
String sourceNatIpAddress = null;
GuestNetworkType type = GuestNetworkType.INTERFACE_NAT;
if (ip.isSourceNat()) {
type = GuestNetworkType.SOURCE_NAT;
if (ip.getPublicIp() == null) {
throw new ExecutionException("Source NAT IP address must not be null.");
} else {
sourceNatIpAddress = ip.getPublicIp();
long guestVlanTag = Long.parseLong(cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_VLAN_TAG));
String guestVlanGateway = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_NETWORK_GATEWAY);
String cidr = cmd.getAccessDetail(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_NETWORK_CIDR);
long cidrSize = NetUtils.cidrToLong(cidr)[1];
String guestVlanSubnet = NetUtils.getCidrSubNet(guestVlanGateway, cidrSize);
Long publicVlanTag = null;
if (ip.getBroadcastUri() != null) {
String parsedVlanTag = parsePublicVlanTag(ip.getBroadcastUri());
if (!parsedVlanTag.equals("untagged")) {
try {
publicVlanTag = Long.parseLong(parsedVlanTag);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new ExecutionException("Could not parse public VLAN tag: " + parsedVlanTag);
ArrayList<IPaloAltoCommand> commandList = new ArrayList<IPaloAltoCommand>();
if (ip.isAdd()) {
// Implement the guest network for this VLAN
implementGuestNetwork(commandList, type, publicVlanTag, sourceNatIpAddress, guestVlanTag, guestVlanGateway, guestVlanSubnet, cidrSize);
} else {
// Remove the guest network:
shutdownGuestNetwork(commandList, type, publicVlanTag, sourceNatIpAddress, guestVlanTag, guestVlanGateway, guestVlanSubnet, cidrSize);
boolean status = requestWithCommit(commandList);
results[i++] = ip.getPublicIp() + " - success";
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
if (numRetries > 0 && refreshPaloAltoConnection()) {
int numRetriesRemaining = numRetries - 1;
s_logger.debug("Retrying IPAssocCommand. Number of retries remaining: " + numRetriesRemaining);
return execute(cmd, numRetriesRemaining);
} else {
results[i++] = IpAssocAnswer.errorResult;
return new IpAssocAnswer(cmd, results);
use of in project CloudStack-archive by CloudStack-extras.
the class StartVMCmd method execute.
public void execute() throws ResourceUnavailableException, InsufficientCapacityException, ResourceAllocationException {
try {
UserContext.current().setEventDetails("Vm Id: " + getId());
UserVm result;
if (_userVmService.getHypervisorTypeOfUserVM(getId()) == HypervisorType.BareMetal) {
result = _bareMetalVmService.startVirtualMachine(this);
} else {
result = _userVmService.startVirtualMachine(this);
if (result != null) {
UserVmResponse response = _responseGenerator.createUserVmResponse("virtualmachine", result).get(0);
} else {
throw new ServerApiException(BaseCmd.INTERNAL_ERROR, "Failed to start a vm");
} catch (ConcurrentOperationException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
throw new ServerApiException(BaseCmd.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
} catch (StorageUnavailableException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
throw new ServerApiException(BaseCmd.RESOURCE_UNAVAILABLE_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
} catch (ExecutionException ex) {
s_logger.warn("Exception: ", ex);
throw new ServerApiException(BaseCmd.INTERNAL_ERROR, ex.getMessage());
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class CiscoVnmcResource method execute.
private Answer execute(SetStaticNatRulesCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
String vlanId = cmd.getContextParam(NetworkElementCommand.GUEST_VLAN_TAG);
String tenant = "vlan-" + vlanId;
StaticNatRuleTO[] rules = cmd.getRules();
Map<String, List<StaticNatRuleTO>> publicIpRulesMap = new HashMap<String, List<StaticNatRuleTO>>();
for (StaticNatRuleTO rule : rules) {
String publicIp = rule.getSrcIp();
if (!publicIpRulesMap.containsKey(publicIp)) {
List<StaticNatRuleTO> publicIpRulesList = new ArrayList<StaticNatRuleTO>();
publicIpRulesMap.put(publicIp, publicIpRulesList);
try {
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCNatPolicySet(tenant)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, true)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicySet(tenant, false)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
for (String publicIp : publicIpRulesMap.keySet()) {
String policyIdentifier = publicIp.replace('.', '-');
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate DNAT policy with NAT policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicy(tenant, policyIdentifier)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create ACL policy in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, true)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL ingress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCAclPolicyRef(tenant, policyIdentifier, false)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ACL policy with ACL egress policy set in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
for (StaticNatRuleTO rule : publicIpRulesMap.get(publicIp)) {
if (rule.revoked()) {
if (!_connection.deleteTenantVDCDNatRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to delete DNAT rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
} else {
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatIpPool(tenant, Long.toString(rule.getId()), rule.getDstIp())) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT ip pool in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
if (!_connection.createTenantVDCDNatRule(tenant, rule.getId(), policyIdentifier, rule.getSrcIp())) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to create DNAT rule in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
if (!_connection.associateAclPolicySet(tenant)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate source NAT policy set with edge security profile in VNMC for guest network with vlan " + vlanId);
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
String msg = "SetStaticNatRulesCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage();
s_logger.error(msg, e);
return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success");
use of in project cloudstack by apache.
the class CiscoVnmcResource method execute.
private Answer execute(AssociateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand cmd, int numRetries) {
String tenant = "vlan-" + cmd.getVlanId();
try {
Map<String, String> availableAsaAppliances = _connection.listUnAssocAsa1000v();
if (availableAsaAppliances.isEmpty()) {
throw new ExecutionException("No ASA 1000v available to associate with logical edge firewall for guest vlan " + cmd.getVlanId());
String asaInstanceDn = availableAsaAppliances.get(cmd.getAsaMgmtIp());
if (asaInstanceDn == null) {
throw new ExecutionException("Requested ASA 1000v (" + cmd.getAsaMgmtIp() + ") is not available");
if (!_connection.assignAsa1000v(tenant, asaInstanceDn)) {
throw new ExecutionException("Failed to associate ASA 1000v (" + cmd.getAsaMgmtIp() + ") with logical edge firewall for guest vlan " + cmd.getVlanId());
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
String msg = "AssociateAsaWithLogicalEdgeFirewallCommand failed due to " + e.getMessage();
s_logger.error(msg, e);
return new Answer(cmd, false, msg);
return new Answer(cmd, true, "Success");